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Concentrations of total arsenic (As) and individual compounds were determined in green and hawksbill turtles from Ishigaki Island, Japan. In both species, total As concentrations were highest in muscle among the tissues. Arsenobetaine was a major compound in most tissues of both turtles. High concentrations of trimethylarsine oxide were detected in hawksbill turtles. A significant negative correlation between standard carapace length (SCL), an indicator of age, and total As levels in green turtles was found. In contrast, the levels increased with SCL of hawksbill turtles. Shifts in feeding habitats with growth may account for such a growth-dependent accumulation of As. Although concentrations of As in marine sponges, the major food of hawksbill turtles are not high compared to those in algae eaten by green turtles, As concentrations in hawksbill turtles were higher than those in green turtles, indicating that hawksbill turtles may have a specific accumulation mechanism for As.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) were determined in the liver, kidney and muscle of 29 loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, from the South Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean). No significant differences (p>0.05) were detected between males and females. Trace element concentrations were not influenced by the size of the specimen except Se in the liver, which was negatively correlated with the curved carapace length (p<0.001). Muscles generally displayed the lowest trace element burdens, with the exception of Zn which contained concentrations as high as 176 microgg-1dwt. Kidneys displayed the highest Cd and Se mean concentrations (57.2+/-34.6 and 15.5+/-9.1 microgg-1dwt, respectively), while liver exhibited the highest Cu and Hg levels (37.3+/-8.7 and 1.1+/-1.7 microgg-1dwt, respectively). Whichever tissue is considered, the toxic elements had elevated coefficients of variation (i.e. from 60% to 177%) compared to those of the essential ones (i.e. from 14% to 65%), which is a consequence of homeostatic processes for Cu, Se and Zn. Globally, the concentrations of Hg remained low in all the considered tissues, possibly the result of low trophic level in sea turtles. In contrast, the diet of loggerhead turtles would result in a significant exposure to Cd. Highly significant correlations between Cd and Cu and Zn in the liver and kidney suggest that efficient detoxification processes involving MT occur which prevent Cd toxicity in loggerhead turtles.  相似文献   

Concentrations of trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Se) in different organs and tissues (liver, kidney, muscle tissue, spleen, heart, lung, and fat tissue) of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta from eastern Mediterranean Sea were determined. The highest levels of mercury and cadmium were found in liver (Hg: 0.43 microg g(-1) wet weight; Cd: 3.36 microg g(-1) wet weight) and kidney (Hg: 0.16 microg g(-1) wet weight; Cd: 8.35 microg g(-1) wet weight). For lead the overall concentrations were low and often below the limit of detection. Copper and selenium tended to be higher in liver than in other tissues and organs, while for zinc the concentrations were quite homogenous in the different organs and tissues, except fat tissue (64.7 microg g(-1) wet weight) which showed a higher accumulation of this element. For iron the greatest concentrations were observed in liver (409 microg g(-1) wet weight) and spleen (221 microg g(-1) wet weight).  相似文献   

Soil and Vitis vinifera L. (coarse and fine roots, leaves, berries) concentration and geochemical partitioning of Cu, Pb and Zn were determined in a contaminated calcareous Champagne plot to assess their mobility and transfer. Accumulation ratios in roots remained low (0.1-0.4 for Cu and Zn, <0.05 for Pb). Differences between elements resulted from vegetation uptake strategy and soil partitioning. Copper, significantly associated with the oxidisable fraction (27.8%), and Zn with the acid soluble fraction (33.3%), could be mobilised by rhizosphere acidification and oxidisation, unlike Pb, essentially contained in the reducible fraction (72.4%). Roots should not be considered as a whole since the more reactive fine roots showed higher accumulation ratios than coarse ones. More sensitive response of fine roots, lack of correlation between chemical extraction results and vegetation concentrations, and very limited translocation to aerial parts showed that fine root concentrations should be used when assessing bioavailability.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Toxic trace elements from both, natural and anthropogenic origin, pose a threat to aquatic environments and marine wildlife due to their long-range...  相似文献   

Association of selected essential (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn) and nonessential (Cd, Pb) trace elements with cytosolic proteins of different molecular masses was described for the liver of European chub (Squalius cephalus) from weakly contaminated Sutla River in Croatia. The principal aim was to establish basic trace element distributions among protein fractions characteristic for the fish living in the conditions of low metal exposure in the water. The fractionation of chub hepatic cytosols was carried out by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC; Superdex? 200 10/300 GL column), and measurements were performed by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR ICP-MS). Elution profiles of essential elements were mostly characterized by broad peaks covering wide range of molecular masses, as a sign of incorporation of essential elements in various proteins within hepatic cytosol. Exceptions were Cu and Fe, with elution profiles characterized by sharp, narrow peaks indicating their probable association with specific proteins, metallothionein (MT), and ferritin, respectively. The main feature of the elution profile of nonessential metal Cd was also single sharp, narrow peak, coinciding with MT elution time, and indicating almost complete Cd detoxification by MT under the conditions of weak metal exposure in the water (dissolved Cd concentration ≤0.3 μg L?1). Contrary, nonessential metal Pb was observed to bind to wide spectrum of proteins, mostly of medium molecular masses (30–100 kDa), after exposure to dissolved Pb concentration of ~1 μg L?1. The obtained information within this study presents the starting point for identification and characterization of specific metal/metalloid-binding proteins in chub hepatic cytosol, which could be further used as markers of metal/metalloid exposure or effect on fish.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the muscle, gill and liver of six fish species (Sparus auratus, Atherina hepsetus, Mugil cephalus, Trigla cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and Scomberesox saurus) from the northeast Mediterranean Sea were measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated by linear regression analysis. Metal concentrations (as microg/g d.w.) were highest in the liver, except for iron in the gill of Scomberesox sauris and lowest in the muscle of all the fish species. Highest concentrations of Cd (4.50), Cr (17.1) and Pb (41.2) were measured in liver tissues of T. cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and A. hepsetus, respectively. The liver of M. cephalus showed strikingly high Cu concentrations (202.8). The gill of Scomberesox saurus was the only tissue that showed highest (885.5) iron concentrations. Results of linear regression analysis showed that, except in a few cases, significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative. Highly significant (P<0.001) negative relationships were found between fish length and Cr concentrations in the liver of A. hepsetus and M. cephalus, and Cr concentrations in the gill of T. cuculus. Cr and Pb concentrations in the liver and Cu concentrations in all the tissues of Scomberesox saurus also showed very significant (P<0.001) negative relationships. Negative relationships found here were discussed.  相似文献   

Fritioff A  Greger M 《Chemosphere》2006,63(2):220-227
A better understanding of metal uptake and translocation by aquatic plants can be used to enhance the performance of constructed wetland systems for stormwater treatment. Specifically, this study examines whether the uptake of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb by Potamogeton natans is via the leaves, stems, or roots, and whether there is translocation from organs of uptake to other plant parts. Competition between the metals at uptake and at the level of the cell wall-bound part of the metals accumulated in stem and leaf tissue was also examined. The results show that Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb were taken up by the leaves, stems, and roots, with the highest accumulation found in the roots. At the elevated metal concentrations common in stormwater the uptake of Cu, but not of Zn, Cd, or Pb, by the roots was somewhat limited at uptake due to competition with other metals. Between 24% and 59% of the metal content was bound to the cell walls of the plant. Except in the case of Pb, the cell wall-bound fraction was generally smaller in stems than in leaves. No translocation of the metals to other parts of the plant was found, except for Cd which was translocated from leaf to stem and vice versa. Dispersion of metals from sediment to water through P. natans is therefore unlikely.  相似文献   

To examine the Cd, Hg, Ag, and Zn accumulation in the green mussel Perna viridis affected by previous exposure to Cu, Ag, or Zn, the dietary metal assimilation efficiency (AE) and the uptake rate from the dissolved phase were quantified. The mussel's filtration rate, metallothionein (MT) concentration, and metal tissue burden as well as the metal subcellular partitioning were also determined to illustrate the potential mechanisms underlying the influences caused by one metal pre-exposure on the bioaccumulation of the other metals. The green mussels were pre-exposed to Cu, Ag, or Zn for different periods (1-5 weeks) and the bioaccumulation of Cd, Hg, Ag, and Zn were concurrently determined. Pre-exposure to the three metals did not result in any significant increase in MT concentration in the green mussels. Ag concentration in the insoluble fraction increased with increasing Ag exposure period and Ag ambient concentration. Our data indicated that Cd assimilation were not influenced by the mussel's pre-exposure to the three metals (Cu, Ag, and Zn), but its dissolved uptake was depressed by Ag and Zn exposure. Although Hg assimilation from food was not affected by the metal pre-exposure, its influx rate from solution was generally inhibited by the exposure to Cu, Ag, and Zn. Ag bioaccumulation was affected the most obviously, in which its AE increased with increasing Ag tissue concentration, and its dissolved uptake decreased with increasing tissue concentrations of Ag and Cu. As an essential metal, Zn bioaccumulation remained relatively stable following the metal pre-exposure, suggesting the regulatory ability of Zn uptake in the mussels. Zn AE was not affected by metal pre-exposure, but its dissolved uptake was depressed by Ag and Zn pre-exposure. All these results indicated that the influences of one metal pre-exposure on the bioaccumulation of other metals were metal-specific due to the differential binding and toxicity of metals to the mussels. Such factors should be considered in using metal concentrations in mussel's soft tissues to evaluate the metal pollution in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Yang J  Kunito T  Anan Y  Tanabe S  Miyazaki N 《Chemosphere》2008,70(7):1203-1210
Total and subcellular renal Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, V, Hg, Cd and Ag were determined by a mother-fetus pair of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli). All element concentrations in the maternal individual were higher than those in the fetal individual. Most of total renal elements studied were present in the cytosol of both animals. In maternal cytosol, Mn, Hg and Ag were present in high molecular weight substances (HMW); Se was in low molecular weight substances (LMW); Zn, Cu, and Cd were in metallothionein (MT), mostly; and the distribution of V in percentage among the three renal cytosolic fractions was similar. In fetal cytosol, Zn, Mn, Hg, V, Cd, and Ag were present in HMW, Cu was present in MT, mostly. In contrast, Se was observed mostly in both LMW and HMW. MT isoforms were characterized. Three obvious peaks in retention time were found in either the maternal or fetal MT. The highest elemental ion intensities were in the 7.8min peak for the mother, and in the 4.3min peak for the fetus, respectively, implying that different MT isoforms may be closely associated with elemental accumulation between maternal and fetal renal cytosols.  相似文献   

污泥土地利用是目前国内外污泥处置的主要方式和鼓励方向,在中国西北黄土地区更有前景和意义.污泥富含有机质和营养元素可弥补黄土的贫瘠缺陷,改善黄土肥力、增加植物产量.污泥施入黄土后,灌溉水对污泥重金属的淋滤迁移和污染风险是值得研究的课题之一.研究旨在了解重金属Cu、Zn、Cd在黄土层中的淋滤迁移特征,为黄土地区污泥的土地利用及重金属污染控制提供实验依据.实验选择污泥中含量或毒性大的Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属作为研究对象,通过室内模拟土柱对表层堆肥污泥中2种源强的重金属进行1年灌溉用水量的淋滤对比实验,测定淋滤前后土柱中和渗出液的Cu、Zn、Cd总量、有机质及pH值,以期分析重金属在黄土中的淋滤、迁移特征.结果表明,淋滤作用可使堆肥污泥Cu、Zn、Cd发生少量迁移并富集于土柱中、上部,大部分或绝大部分重金属仍滞留于耕作层(0~20 cm);淋滤使堆肥污泥Cd与Cu向下迁移约30 cm,Zn向下迁移约20 cm;渗出液呈弱碱性,其中Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属的浓度较入渗水均有增多,但随渗出液从黄土柱中溶出的重金属量极少.实验表明,耕作层重金属源强对Cu、Zn、Cd在土柱剖面中的淋滤、迁移和滞留作用以及溶出量均有不同程度的影响,堆肥污泥土地利用可以明显改善黄土肥力,灌溉对耕作层污泥有机质的淋滤损失量较小.并得出,堆肥污泥在黄土地区的土地利用是可行的.  相似文献   

During the egg-laying process, oviductal fluid was collected using a non-invasive procedure from the cloacal vent of the green turtles. Forty-two independent isolates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from 11 genera were obtained from 20 turtles during nesting. The dominant isolate was Citrobacter (52.4%), followed by Pseudomonas, Proteus, Enterobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Edwardsiella, Morganella, Providencia and Arcomobacter. Most of the isolates were resistant to ampicillin. Ampicillin-resistant isolates showed variations in their resistance for the following classes of β-lactamases: extended-spectrum β-lactamases (EBSLs), AmpC type β-lactamases C (AmpC), and screen-positive β-lactamase. None of the isolates produced metallo β-lactamase. Some ampicillin-resistant genes were detected by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) only. Inhibitor based test (IBT) categorized some isolates as AmpC β-lactamase producers. β-Lactamase genes were detected from a few strains. The sequencing of those genes revealed the presence of cephamycinase (CMY) and AmpC β-lactamases. The oviductal fluid was used in this study as a source of bacterial antibiotic-resistant determinants for biomonitoring marine turtles exposed to contaminated effluents. This data can be of value in understanding the decline of this endangered species as a result of exposure to marine pollution which is threatening their survival.  相似文献   



Biochar derived from waste biomass is now gaining much attention for its function as a biosorbent for environmental remediation. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of biochar as a sorbent in removing Cd, Cu, and Zn from aqueous solutions.


Biochar was produced from dairy manure (DM) at two temperatures: 200°C and 350°C, referred to as DM200 and DM350, respectively. The obtained biochars were then equilibrated with 0–5 mM Cu, Zn or Cd in 0.01 M NaNO3 solution for 10 h. The changes in solution metal concentrations after sorption were evaluated for sorption capacity using isotherm modeling and chemical speciation Visual MINTEQ modeling, while the solid was collected for species characterization using infrared spectroscopy and X-ray elemental dot mapping techniques.


The isotherms of Cu, Zn, and Cd sorption by DM200 were better fitted to Langmuir model, whereas Freundlich model well described the sorption of the three metals by DM350. The DM350 were more effective in sorbing all three metals than DM200 with both biochars had the highest affinity for Cu, followed by Zn and Cd. The maximum sorption capacities of Cu, Zn, and Cd by DM200 were 48.4, 31.6, and 31.9 mg g?1, respectively, and those of Cu, Zn, and Cd by DM350 were 54.4, 32.8, and 51.4 mg g?1, respectively. Sorption of the metals by the biochar was mainly attributed to their precipitation with PO 4 3? or CO 3 2? originating in biochar, with less to the surface complexation through –OH groups or delocalized π electrons. At the initial metal concentration of 5 mM, 80–100 % of Cu, Zn, and Cd retention by DM200 resulted from the precipitation, with less than 20 % from surface adsorption through phenonic –OH complexation. Among the precipitation, 20–30 % of the precipitation occurred as metal phosphate and 70–80 % as metal carbonate. For DM350, 75–100 % of Cu, Zn, and Cd retention were due to the precipitation, with less than 25 % to surface adsorption through complexation of heavy metal by phenonic –OH site or delocalized π electrons. Among the precipitation, only less than 10 % of the precipitation was present as metal phosphate and more than 90 % as metal carbonate.


Results indicated that dairy manure waste can be converted into value-added biochar as a sorbent for sorption of heavy metals, and the mineral components originated in the biochar play an important role in the biochar's high sorption capacity.  相似文献   



Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and PCB congeners accumulation profile were measured in the liver of two torpedinid species (Torpedo nobiliana and Torpedo marmorata) from the Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea) in order to investigate the relative toxicological impact of these highly toxic PCBs in the organisms in question.  相似文献   

Simulation modelling with CHUM-AM was carried out to investigate the accumulation and release of atmospherically-deposited heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in six moorland catchments, five with organic-rich soils, one with calcareous brown earths, in the Pennine chain of northern England. The model considers two soil layers and a third layer of weathering mineral matter, and operates on a yearly timestep, driven by deposition scenarios covering the period 1400-2010. The principal processes controlling heavy metals are competitive solid-solution partitioning of solutes, chemical interactions in solution, and chemical weathering. Agreement between observed and simulated soil metal pools and surface water concentrations for recent years was generally satisfactory, the results confirming that most contemporary soil metal is from atmospheric pollution. Metals in catchments with organic-rich soils show some mobility, especially under more acid conditions, but the calcareous mineral soils have retained nearly all anthropogenic metal inputs. Complexation by dissolved organic matter and co-transport accounts for up to 80% of the Cu in surface waters.  相似文献   

The Lot-Garonne fluvial system is known for its historic heavy metal pollution resulting from mining and smelting activities since the late 19th century. Here, we report 137Cs activities and heavy metal (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and V) concentration-depth profiles from sediment cores retrieved in 2001 from three reservoirs in the Lot River. High mean sedimentation rates of 2.4-2.8 cm a(-1) are indicated by 137Cs dating. The reservoir sediments have recorded the heavy metal deposition and thus allow establishing a connection between the temporal evolution of the heavy metal pollution and historical changes in smelting and waste-treatment proceedings. Based on heavy metal concentrations in sediments upstream of the anthropogenic inputs and bottom-sediments of the furthest downstream core (interpreted as old soil or riverbed), concentrations of approximately 17, approximately 82, approximately 0.33 and approximately 28 mg kg(-1) for Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, respectively, are proposed as natural background values for the Lot fluvial system. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo [Müller, G., 1979. Schwermetalle in den Sedimenten des Rheins-Ver?nderungen seit. Umschav 79, 133-149.]) revealed that the Lot River sediments must be considered as "severely polluted" in Cd and Zn. Moreover, despite remediation efforts undertaken in the former smelting site, the Lot River is still "severely" (Igeo approximately 4) and "moderately to severely" (Igeo>2) impacted by Cd and Zn inputs, respectively.  相似文献   

Gusiatin ZM  Klimiuk E 《Chemosphere》2012,86(4):383-391
The influence of multiple saponin washing on copper, cadmium and zinc removal and stability in three types of soils (loamy sand, loam, silty clay) was investigated. Distribution of metals and their mobility measured as the ratio of exchangeable form to the sum of all fractions in soils was differential. After single washing the highest efficiency of metal removal was obtained in loamy sand (82-90%) and loam (67-88%), whereas the lowest in silty clay (39-62%). In loamy sand and loam metals had higher mobility factors (44-61% Cu, 60-76% Cd, and 68-84% Zn) compared to silty clay (9% Cu, 28% Cd and 36% Zn). Triplicate washing led to increase both efficiency of metal removal and percentage content of their stable forms.In consequence, fractional patterns for metals before and after treatment changed visibly as a result of their redistribution. Based on the redistribution index, the most stable metal (mainly in residual and organic fractions) after triplicate washing was Cu in loamy sand and loam. For silty clay contaminated with Cd, effective metal removal and its stabilization required a higher number of washings.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved and particulate Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were determined in samples collected in summer 1998 from the lower reaches of six major Eurasian arctic rivers: the Onega, Severnaya Dvina, Mezen, Pechora, Ob and Yenisey. These data comprise some of the earliest measurements of trace metals in Eurasian arctic rivers above the estuaries using recognized clean techniques. Significant (α = 0.05) differences were observed among mean concentrations of particulate metals in the individual rivers (F ≤ 0.006), with highest levels overall observed in the Severnaya Dvina and Yenisey. No significant differences were observed among mean concentrations of dissolved metals in the individual rivers (F = 0.10-0.84). Contributions from anthropogenic sources are suggested by comparison of trace metal ratios in the samples to crustal abundances. These results establish a baseline for assessing future responses of Eurasian arctic river systems to climate-related environmental changes and shifting patterns of pollutant discharge.  相似文献   

This work presents the concentrations of twenty PCB congeners, p,p'-DDT, and its two main metabolites, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-TDE, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn found in common chameleon eggs from nine different nests located in Southwest Spain. Of the heavy metals and arsenic, Zn and Cu exhibited the highest concentrations in egg contents (ranging from 10100 to 12950 and from 567 to 706 ng g(-1) wet weight basis [w.w.], respectively) and eggshells (ranging from 5605 to 13290 ng g(-1)w.w. for Zn and from 1487 to 4361 ng g(-1)w.w. for Cu). Total PCB concentrations in egg contents ranged from 32 to 52 ng g(-1)w.w. and were higher than total dichlorodiphenylethanes concentrations (ranging from 0.67 to 1.9 ng g(-1)w.w., calculated as the sum of p,p'-DDT plus p,p'-DDE and p,p'-TDE). Comparison of the data from the present study with the data from a study conducted in 1997 revealed a large decrease in Pb concentration and a twofold increase in PCB concentrations. Taking into account all the pollutants investigated, the contamination level found in common chameleon eggs from Southwest Spain was generally lower than has been reported in the literature for eggs of different reptile species. However, it should be borne in mind that most of the data found in the literature refer to highly polluted areas.  相似文献   

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