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滇池典型区域磷与铁的形态分布规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过调查滇池三个湖湾不同深度水层磷与铁的形态分布,研究三个湖湾内源磷的释放规律,结果表明,在海埂湾间隙水中,磷的释放强度远高于另外两个湖湾,根据水体中各种形态磷和铁的关系,推测出在这三个湖湾中,铁结合态磷是湖水悬浮物和沉积物中一种重要的可释放磷。  相似文献   

菹草生长对沉积物间隙水中各形态磷浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过人工构建湖泊生态系统,用湖泊沉积物的上层泥和下层泥分别代表清淤前后的2种基质,研究菹草(Potamogeton crispus)生长对沉积物不同层次间隙水中各形态磷浓度的影响.垂直方向上,将2种基质中的间隙水分为表层、中层和底层3个层次.结果表明,菹草生长能够不同程度地降低各层间隙水中磷浓度,上层泥和下层泥2种基质均表现为表层间隙水溶解性总磷(DTP)和溶解性活性磷(SRP)含量降低幅度最大,DTP含量分别降低68.97%和83.09%,SRP含量分别降低54.57%和96.02%.菹草的吸收作用使得各层间隙水中磷浓度均低于无沉水植物的对照组.试验结束时,2种沉积物中TP含量降低幅度差异不显著,说明疏浚前后种植菹草均可有效控制湖泊内源磷污染.  相似文献   

绿潮藻类暴发对天鹅湖水体和沉积物磷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏权  邵雪琳  高丽 《生态环境》2014,(1):139-144
在荣成天鹅湖藻类暴发区域采集新鲜沉积物和丝状硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha spp.),进行室内模拟试验,监测了生长过程中硬毛藻的生物量、磷富集量以及不同处理水体总磷(TP)和可溶性磷(SRP)质量浓度的变化,并分析了藻类生长对沉积物中各形态磷含量的影响。结果表明,当水体磷含量较高时,硬毛藻生长较快,相对生长速率高达14.88%,之后随着水体磷浓度的下降,生长速率逐渐减小。不同处理间硬毛藻的生物量相差很大,高磷含量处理显著高于低磷处理,最大差值可达26.50 g。随着藻类的生长,水体TP和SRP含量明显降低,其中高磷含量处理的TP质量浓度由0.93 mg·L-1降至0.01 mg·L-1,低磷含量处理水体SRP质量浓度均降至0.006 mg·L-1以下。当水体磷含量降至一定水平,沉积物中磷可向水体释放,其中可还原态磷和铁铝结合态磷的降幅分别为23.98%和12.61%。在高磷含量处理组,藻体中磷的富集量显著升高,且当水体磷含量相同的条件下,有沉积物处理的富集量显著高于无沉积物处理。相关分析表明,藻体生物量与水体TP和SRP的相关性较好,其中高磷含量处理组生物量与水体TP、SRP呈高度负相关,而相对生长速率与之呈显著正相关。结果说明,水体及沉积物中磷均可作为硬毛藻生长的营养来源;另一方面,藻类生长可明显降低水体磷含量,并促进沉积物中磷的释放。  相似文献   

草炭溶解态有机物质与Cu2+、Cd2+络合稳定性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋疆  王果  陈芳育  林亮志 《生态环境》2002,11(2):116-120
研究了由草炭提取的胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)、水溶解态有机物质(WSOM)的基团特征,分子量分布及其与Cu2+、Cd2+两种金属离子之间的络合稳定性。对HA、FA及WSOM的红外光谱研究显示三者的官能团组成相似,只是含量略有不同。固态13C-NMR对HA、FA及WSOM结构特征的描述以及水相凝胶色谱法对三种有机质样品的分子量及分子量分布的测定结果显示HA分子最大且含有大量的长链烷烃,而FA分子小得多,结构以碳水化合物及多糖为主,WSOM的分子量略低于FA,结构与FA相近。离子交换平衡法对三种有机质样品与Cu2+、Cd2+的络合配位数和稳定常数的测定结果显示两种介质条件下络合配位数(x)、络合稳定常数(logk)的次序均为:Cu2+>Cd2+;同一介质条件下,对不同有机质而言均满足:M-HA>M-FA>M-WSOM。  相似文献   

采用大孔树脂D001交换吸附Pd2+、Fe2+并在厌氧条件下以硼氢化钠溶液还原吸附的钯铁离子制备成负载纳米Pd/Fe双金属树脂。利用该树脂对2,2',4,4'-四溴联苯醚(BDE-47)进行脱溴反应,探讨了该法的可行性和特性。结果表明:当大孔树脂D001、氯化钯、硫酸亚铁用量分别为0.75 g、2μg和0.2 g时所制备的双金属树脂脱溴水-乙醇溶液中的BDE-47效果最佳,反应遵循准一级动力学,速率常数k约为0.161 d-1,半减期为1.21 d。负载Pd/Fe的D001连续3次脱溴反应都有较好的效果,水-乙醇溶液中超过90%以上的BDE-47在反应6 d后被降解。负载Pd/Fe双金属的树脂可以重复活化再生,但再生2次后其脱溴效率变差,反应6 d只有47.3%的BDE-47被降解。用气相色谱-质谱联用仪和离子色谱仪跟踪Pd/Fe双金属树脂脱溴BDE-47反应,可知产物包括溴离子、三溴联苯醚、二溴联苯醚、一溴联苯醚和联苯醚。  相似文献   

研究红壤对SO4(2-)和H_2PO(4-)的吸附与竞争吸附机理.实验结果表明,红壤吸附H2PO4-的量远远大于SO4(2-),前者几乎是后者的2倍.在两种阴离子共存体系中,H2PO4-使SO4(2-)吸附量明显减少,在浓度低时甚至出现负吸附;SO4(2-)对H2PO4-吸附量的影响很小.说明土壤对H2PO4-的吸持力较强,为高强度专性吸附,不易于被其它阴离子解吸;土壤对SO4(2-)的吸持力则较弱,为低强度专性吸附或非专性物理吸附,能够被吸持力更强的阴离子完全解吸.  相似文献   

在Pb污染土壤中施用磷肥是降低Pb有效性的有效方法.在低磷或高Pb胁迫下,植物根际的一系列变化将促进植物对磷的吸收或对Pb毒性的降低,但低磷胁迫下植物对土壤Pb有效性的影响研究不多.为探讨Pb污染低磷土壤上施用磷肥对Pb有效性、植物吸收Pb的影响及黑麦草(LoliumperenneL.)对土壤Pb有效性的影响,设置0、500和1000mg·kg-13个Pb用量和0、2729mg·kg-1两个普通过磷酸钙磷肥用量,种植黑麦草,0和1000mg·kg-1Pb下设置不种植植物的对照的盆栽试验,植物生长48d后收获,测定植物地上部和根系产量、长度、Pb浓度及土壤DTPA-Pb含量.结果表明,施用磷肥后植物产量和地上部长度增加、根冠比、根系长度和Pb浓度减小,500mg·kg-1Pb用量时,未施用磷肥和施用磷肥时植物产量分别为0.37和1.70g·pot-1,1000mg·kg-1Pb用量时这两个数值分别为0.24和1.50g·pot-1,500mg·kg-1Pb用量时,植物产量与未施Pb处理(产量为0.75g·pot-1)差异显著(p<0.05);施用磷肥后,地上部吸收的Pb的比例和植物体吸收的Pb数量均增加.1000mg·kg-1Pb用量下,植物产量、地上部长度均小于500mg·kg-1Pb用量处理时的水平,而土壤DTPA-Pb浓度、植物Pb浓度、Pb吸收量均大于500mg·kg-1Pb处理,表明2729mg·kg-1普通过磷酸钙用量并不能完全抵消1000mg·kg-1Pb对植物生长的抑制作用.施用磷肥降低了土壤DTPA-Pb含量,但500mg·kg-1Pb用量时降低效果不显著(p>0.05).0mg·kg-1Pb用量下,种植植物的处理土壤DTPA-Pb含量比未种植植物处理高54.3%;1000mg·kg-1Pb处理时,种植植物处理土壤DTPA-Pb含量比未种植植物平均低18.5%.以上结果表明,在0mg·kg-1Pb用量下,植物生长受到了一定程度的磷胁迫.在磷胁迫下,种植植物提高了土壤Pb有效性,而在1000mg·kg-1Pb用量下,不管是否施用磷肥,种植植物均降低了土壤Pb有效性.本研究结果表明,在低磷和高Pb胁迫下,施用水溶性磷肥可降低土壤Pb有效性,促进黑麦草生长,促进Pb向植物地上部转移;在低磷胁迫且无Pb污染条件下,黑麦草对土壤Pb的有效性表现为促进;在高Pb胁迫下,不管是否施用磷肥,黑麦草均可降低土壤Pb有效性.  相似文献   

利用蜂窝煤灰渣和磷肥结合稳定铅污染贫磷(Olsen-P=2.50mg·kg-1)潮土中铅的可行性.采用盆栽试验,设置0和500mg·kg-1两个Pb用量,灰渣用量分别为干土质量的0%和2%,P:Pb分别为0和4.种植黑麦草,植物生长85d后收获,测定植物产量、土壤DTPA-Pb、Olsen-P含量、pH值和电导率(EC).结果表明,在两个Pb用量及两个P:Pb比例下,加入灰渣后,土壤的DTPA-Pb含量均降低,平均降低5.61%.其中加铅未加磷处理灰渣效果达到0.05的显著水平,各加Pb处理中,同时加入磷肥和灰渣处理土壤的DTPA-Pb含量最低;加入灰渣后处理土壤中的Olsen-P含量均增加,平均增加了2.71mg·kg-1,各处理土壤pH值上升约0.1个单位,加入灰渣也导致各处理土壤的EC增加.各处理条件下加入灰渣后植物产量均减小.在未加磷土壤中加入Pb后,土壤Olsen-P含量显著增加(p<0.05),表明高铅有效性下,植物可能通过根系分泌物增加了土壤磷的有效性.以上结果表明,蜂窝煤灰渣有可能用于降低污染土壤中铅的有效性,但其对植物生长的抑制作用需要克服.  相似文献   

When light (> 370 nm) was allowed to interact with an aqueous solution containing dissolved organic matter (DOM) and Fe(III), removal of aniline (AN) was observed. This was due to the photocatalytic reaction of Fe(III) mediated by DOM. Syringic acid (SYA) and humic acid (HA) were used as DOM in the present study. The 15N‐NMR spectrum of the product mixture from the light irradiation of the SYA/Fe(III) system demonstrated that AN was covalently bound to SYA. The kinetics of AN removal were, therefore, interpreted by assuming covalent binding between DOM and AN. The amounts of covalent binding sites and the apparent second‐order rate constants could be evaluated, and the amounts of covalent binding sites decreased with the increases of the concentration of DOM. This is attributed that the polymerization of DOM by the photo‐oxidation competed with the covalent binding between AN and DOM.  相似文献   

In the present work we study the effect of pH on the complexation of copper with organic matter dissolved in fresh surface waters. Samples collected in rivers of Galicia (NW of Spain) were titrated with copper solution at pH values in the range 5.5–7.5. Copper concentration was measured by DPASV technique. The complexation parameters were obtained from the simple model of 1 : 1 complex formation. The obtained values show a linear increase of the logarithm of the conditional stability constant as the pH increases.  相似文献   

Acid hydrolysis of estuarine water samples for the determination of amino acids (AAs) was tested and found to be effective at high (250 μM) nitrate concentrations when the anti-oxidant, ascorbic acid, was added to the samples. Hydrolysable AA concentrations were then determined in surface sediments collected from low and high salinity regions of the Tamar Estuary (UK) during winter 2003 and 2004, and in overlying water when simulated resuspension of sediment particles was performed. Concentrations of AAs in sediment samples comprised <50% of particulate nitrogen, fitting the paradigm that most sedimentary nitrogen is preserved within an organic matrix. When sediment samples were resuspended in overlying water (salinity 17.5), the rapid, measured increase in dissolved AA concentrations almost equalled the reported nitrate concentration in the lower estuary, with the subsequent decrease in the total dissolved AA levels suggested that bacterial uptake was occurring. Our data concur with previous studies on nitrogen desorption from sediments and suggest that an understanding of organic nitrogen cycling will be an important aspect of future effective estuarine management.  相似文献   

The suitability of the primmorphs system as a good model for biotechnological applications led researchers on primmorphs to look for a medium to stimulate cell proliferation and therefore growth of aggregates. Recent efforts have focused on the use of Fe+3 and Si that, supplemented to cell culture medium, were found to be promising for growth and morphogenesis of the sponge Suberites domuncula. In this work, we analysed the effect of iron and dissolved silica on primmorphs of Petrosia ficiformis, by testing them at different concentrations in successive experiments. The purpose of these experiments was to test their effect on primmorphs and individuate their optimal concentration for this species. Our results suggest a negative effect of iron on primmorphs of P. ficiformis and a positive effect of silica on primmorphs size and spiculogenesis at a concentration of 120 μM.  相似文献   

The suitability of the primmorphs system as a good model for biotechnological applications led researchers on primmorphs to look for a medium to stimulate cell proliferation and therefore growth of aggregates. Recent efforts have focused on the use of Fe+3 and Si that, supplemented to cell culture medium, were found to be promising for growth and morphogenesis of the sponge Suberites domuncula. In this work, we analysed the effect of iron and dissolved silica on primmorphs of Petrosia ficiformis, by testing them at different concentrations in successive experiments. The purpose of these experiments was to test their effect on primmorphs and individuate their optimal concentration for this species. Our results suggest a negative effect of iron on primmorphs of P. ficiformis and a positive effect of silica on primmorphs size and spiculogenesis at a concentration of 120 μM.  相似文献   

Surface waters were collected in the River Adour estuary (south-western France) during different sampling periods from 1998 to 2001 in order to investigate the phase distribution and speciation of methylmercury (MeHg+). Although a high variability is observed, significant higher average concentrations of total MeHg+ (dissolved and particulate) are measured during the warm seasons, at 4.40±8.18 pM and 3.90±1.87 pM for July 1998 and September 1999, compared with the winter seasons, with concentrations at 0.99±2.85 pM and 1.00±1.75 pM for February 1998 and February 2001, respectively (one-tailed t-test, P=0.01). The seasonal variations are explained with enhanced bacterial activity during summer and sedimentation/resuspension phenomena. Additionally, signi-ficant longitudinal variations of the MeHg+ concentrations are observed. The highest levels in both dissolved and particulate fractions are found within the downstream urban estuarine area. This can be explained by the high methylation potential of the sediments, but direct anthropogenic inputs of MeHg+ from specific discharge points cannot be neglected. Biogeochemical factors like phytoplankton biomass and salinity also show a relationship with MeHg+ partitioning in the surface waters of the Adour estuary.  相似文献   

建立了同位素稀释-高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱法(HRGC/HRMS)测定南极土壤、苔藓和地衣样品中23种有机氯农药的分析方法.样品经冷冻干燥、研磨处理后用正己烷∶二氯甲烷(1∶1,V∶V)混合溶剂进行加速溶剂萃取(ASE),萃取液经硅胶-氧化铝层析柱和C18小柱净化后,进HRGC/HRMS检测分析.样品中目标物定量采用平均相对响应因子法,6点标准曲线响应因子的相对标准偏差(RSD)≤20%,方法的线性范围为0.4—800μg·L-1,回收率在62%—101%之间.实际样品分析结果表明,23种OCPs的加标回收率为40%—100%,在土壤、苔藓和地衣样品中的检出限(LODs)分别为0.024—5.01、0.2—12.2、0.020—13.7 pg·g-1,可以满足南极环境样品中有机氯农药的检测分析.  相似文献   

The combination of acid water from mines, industrial effluents and sea water plays a determining role in the evolutionary process of the chemical makeup of the water in the estuary of the Tinto and Odiel rivers. This estuary is in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and is one of the estuarine systems on the northwest coast of the Gulf of Cádiz. From the statistical treatment of data obtained by analyzing samples of water from this system, which is affected by industrial and mining pollution processes, we can see how the sampling points studied form two large groups depending on whether they receive tidal or fluvial influences. Fluvial input contributes acid water with high concentrations of heavy metal, whereas industrial effluents are responsible for the presence of phosphates, silica and other nutrients. The estuarine system of the Tinto and Odiel Rivers can be divided into three areas – the Tinto estuary, the Odiel estuary and the area of confluence – based on the physical – chemical characteristics of the water.  相似文献   

• The early corrosion process in the cast iron pipes was investigated. • The increase of NaOCl (<0.75 mg/L) accelerated the cast iron corrosion. • Biocorrosion caused by IOB could be divided into three stages in the early stage. • Synergistic and antagonistic effects exist between residual chlorine and IOB. Corrosion in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) may lead to pipe failures and water quality deterioration; biocorrosion is the most common type. Chlorine disinfectants are widely used in DWDSs to inhibit microorganism growth, but these also promote electrochemical corrosion to a certain extent. This study explored the independent and synergistic effects of chlorine and microorganisms on pipeline corrosion. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at different concentrations (0, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 mg/L) and iron-oxidizing bacteria (IOB) were added to the reaction system, and a biofilm annular reactor (BAR) was employed to simulate operational water supply pipes and explain the composite effects. The degree of corrosion became severe with increasing NaOCl dosage. IOB accelerated the corrosion rate at an early stage, after which the reaction system gradually stabilized. When NaOCl and IOB existed together in the BAR, both synergistic and antagonistic effects occurred during the corrosion process. The AOC content increased due to the addition of NaOCl, which is conducive to bacterial regrowth. However, biofilm on cast iron coupons was greatly influenced by the disinfectant, leading to a decrease in microbial biomass over time. More research is needed to provide guidelines for pipeline corrosion control.  相似文献   

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