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近年来,我国建设项目环评工作取得了很大进展,无论在基本建设或技术改造过程中,都日益显示出它的重要意义和作用,在一定程度.上制止了一些项目的盲目建设,对建设项目起到了“参谋”作用。但从高层次的要求来看,我们现行的环评制度由于受计划经济的长期影响,还存在着许多不完善的地方,不能适应市场经济发展的需要,其主要表现在以下几个方面:1.有些建设项目的环评缺乏公正性、客观性,受拟建项目单位或其主管部门的影响和干预较多,“关系环评”、“奉命环评”,唯其意图是从,以求通过审批关,使环评成为上项目的“通行证”。2.…  相似文献   

根据《建设项目环境保护管理办法》规定.建设项目环境影响报告和报告表应当在可行性研究阶段完成,它是项目可行性分析的一部分,其目的:一是为项目优化选址,合理布局提供决策;二是为项目优化设计、制定污染防治对策措施提供科学依据。因此,环境影响评价报告书是具有权威性的技术文献,对项目的实施有举足轻重的影响,甚至对环境上不可行的项目有“一票”否决权。然而,实际工作中却存在着一些环评搞形式走过场的情况,使环评没有起到应有的作用。一、报告书的商品化倾向环评应该是对项目进行客观的、科学的论证,但随着社会主义市场经…  相似文献   

基于MapX的县级土地利用信息系统设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用组件式GIS技术,使用地理信息系统组件Mapx5.0和高级语言VB6.0来开发土地利用管理地理信息系统。介绍了MapX的基本功能和系统的设计开发过程,阐述了该系统的功能、总体结构及系统实现。  相似文献   

回灌型准好氧填埋场渗滤液中COD浓度的预测模型探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖旻昱  刘丹 《四川环境》2006,25(2):26-27,31
基于进行的室内模拟试验,推导了回灌型准好氧填埋场COD浓度计算模型,并通过模拟试验结果确定了模型参数。结果表明,模型的相关系数为0.91,该模型可用于该类填埋场COD浓度的预测。本研究可为回灌型准好氧填埋场的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

杨红薇  刘丹  徐创军 《四川环境》2007,26(3):110-113
卫生填埋场渗滤液处理措施的可行性论证是此类项目环评中的重点和难点,由于现有渗滤液水质指标不能充分反映渗滤液的特点,渗滤液达标处理工艺尚不完善,以及渗滤液的最终去向问题等,使得渗滤液处理措施可行性的论证较为困难。本文就切身的体会,依托已完成的几个垃圾卫生填埋场的环境影响评价工作,针对渗滤液处理措施可行性论证中应注意的几个问题作浅要的论述。  相似文献   

1979年5月.国家计委、建委和原国务院环境保护领导小组转发的《全国环境保护工作会议情况的报告》中提出了我国环境影响评价制度的概念、同年9月在《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行)》中规定了环境影响评价制度。“六五”期间,大中型项目环评编报率达76%,“七五”期间,环评编报率基本达到了100%。环评制度的推行,为有效地减少新污染源和环境破坏起到了很大作用。但是.随着市场经济的发展,环评制度的某些方面已显出一些不适应,并已在一定程度上制约和影响了环评制度的执行。1992年全国建设项目环境影响评价制度执行率为60.4%.199…  相似文献   

本文从应开展规划环境影响评价工作的产业园区类型和规划类型、园区扩区后的规划环评范围、规划环评审查主体和审查权限、规划环评主体责任,以及规划环评与“三线一单”和项目环评联动等方面,系统梳理了当前园区规划环评实际工作中面临的问题和困惑,并分析了这些问题和对园区规划环评工作造成的影响。结合当前规划环评面临的形势和要求,针对当前规划环评管理存在的问题,从管理要求、技术要求和衔接要求等方面逐一提出了相关的对策建议。为推进解决当前规划环评工作面临的主要问题,提出了做实园区规划和规划环评工作、细化园区规划环评相关要求、动态调整“三线一单”成果三个方面的建议。  相似文献   

环评市场面对快速转型的新形势,尚缺乏一个适应过程,由此而产生的能力低下、急功近利、无证经营、人为造假、不正当竞争等很多消极因素,对当今的环评市场乃至整个环评事业的蚕食作用是巨大的。只有通过不断完善环评法规与监管机制,结合我国实际情况修订和完善环评技术导则,把握环保工作新动向,改革不合理的环评制度,才能使环评事业适应新的形势保持健康持续发展。  相似文献   

关于环境影响评价中清洁生产分析的几点看法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境影响评价中纳入清洁生产概念,设置专题章节对建设项目进行清洁生产分析,有利于提高环评质量。但环境影响评价与清洁生产各自有相对成熟的理论体系和方法,使环评中的清洁生产分析存在一定的局限性。笔者根据多年工作实践,着重对其局限性产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了提高清洁生产分析质量的途径。  相似文献   

准好氧填埋技术在城市垃圾处理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
准好氧垃圾填埋技术在近年得到了国内外的广泛应用。其原理是将排气管与渗滤液收集管相通,利用自然通风,使外部空气因填埋场内微生物发酵产生的热量形成的热对流而通过排水管自然进入填埋场内。使填埋场内维持好氧状态,从而加快垃圾的分解,改善渗滤液水质,降低有害气体的发生量,极大的改善了填埋场周围的环境。  相似文献   

旅游专项规划环境影响评价探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
旅游专项规划环境影响评价是我国新颁布的环境影响评价法所规定的一种新的环境影响评价形式。应以生态旅游理论为指导,突出反映规划环境影响评价的特点,引入区域环境影响评价的方法学开展旅游专项规划环境影响评价工作。文中对旅游专项规划环境影响评价的要点及指标体系进行了系统探讨。  相似文献   

我国现行环境影响评价制度面临的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雷  殷建平  刘珩  黄庆  杜建伟 《四川环境》2010,29(3):121-126
环境影响评价制度在我国经过近30年的发展与完善,在有效加强环境管理,从源头上防止环境污染和生态环境破坏方面起到了重要作用。但从现实看,其并未能从根本上遏制我国生态环境的恶化,各级政府的发展观、环境职能部门的独立性和公正性、评价机构的中立性、环境报告编制的技术性缺失和环境影响评价制度的缺憾等问题都严重制约着环境影响评价的作用发挥,只有解决这些问题,通过完善制度、科学评价,公正审批和有效监督才能让环境影响评价真正成为环境的守护神,实现经济社会发展与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

针对垃圾渗滤液的特性及目前处理工艺普遍无法达标的问题,提出应用生物酶催化技术处理垃圾渗滤液的方法,可以高效迅速降解污染物,提高污染物去除效率,减少投资及处理费用,为垃圾渗滤液处理的技术升级与工艺探索提供新思路。  相似文献   

Experiences with environmental impact assessment (EIA) in a number of countries are discussed in the light of both explicit and implicit goals and objectives. Adequate environmental information is not always available to decision makers because of failure to apply EIA to all relevant decisions, the continuing inadequacies of prediction and evaluation techniques, the failure to consider alternatives adequately, and the bias of some EISs. EIA frequently results in changes to proposals and may result in stricter environmental management conditions in some cases, but some people regard it as a failure because it has not stopped development. Generally, EIA leads to better integration of environmental factors into project planning. Open procedures and freedom of information encourage responsiveness to EIA procedures, which can be weakened by discretionary powers and lack of access to the courts by public interest groups. However, legal standing may have side effects that offset its advantages. EIA can encourage cooperation and coordination between agencies but does not ensure them. Similarly, it can have a limited role in coordinating interstate and international policies. In the long term, the success of EIA depends on adequate monitoring, reassessment, and enforcement over the life of the project. EIA has generally opened up new opportunities for public participation, and may help to reduce conflict. EIA procedures need to be integrated with other environmental protection and development control programs, and various means exist for reducing its cost to developers and the public.  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了我国规划环境影响评价(以下简称环评)制度的进展,分析了规划环评制度有效性仍存在的不足及原因,提出了对“十四五”规划环评改革的建议:一是树立“规划科学是最大的效益”理念,进一步明确相关部门在规划环评中的责任和义务;二是通过修订《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》进一步明确规划环评成果落地途径,提高规划环评意见的法律约束力,使得规划环评意见能够纳入规划、并传导到经济社会建设中;三是要构建“三线一单”与规划环评的联动体系,夯实规划环评技术体系,进一步发挥规划环评的有效性。  相似文献   

Despite the use of recyclable materials increasing worldwide, waste disposal to landfill remains the most common method of waste management because it is simple and relatively inexpensive. Although landfill disposal is an effective waste management system, if not managed correctly, a number of potential detrimental environmental impacts have been identified including soil and ground water contamination, leachate generation, and gas emissions. In particular, improper post-closure treatment of landfills or deterioration of the conventional clay landfill capping were shown to result in land degradation which required remediation to secure contaminants within the landfill site.Phytoremediation is an attractive technology for landfill remediation, as it can stabilize soil and simultaneously remediate landfill leachate. In addition, landfill phytoremediation systems can potentially be combined with landfill covers (Phytocapping) for hydrological control of infiltrated rainfall. However, for the successful application of any phytoremediation system, the effective establishment of appropriate, desired vegetation is critical. This is because the typically harsh and sterile nature of landfill capping soil limits the sustainable establishment of vegetation. Therefore, the physicochemical properties of landfill capping soils often need to be improved by incorporating soil amendments. Biosolids are a common soil amendment and will often meet these demanding conditions because they contain a variety of plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, as well as a large proportion of organic matter. Such amendment will also ameliorate the physical properties of the capping soils by increasing porosity, moisture content, and soil aggregation. Contaminants which potentially originate from biosolids will also be remediated by activities congruent with the establishment of plants and bacteria.  相似文献   

Large-scale exploitation of fossil fuels and nuclear power can have an adverse effect on the human and natural environment. That need not be the case, if the effect on the environment is carefully assessed to ensure the development of a sustainable approach. This paper examines the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for coal from an international perspective. The concept of EIA is not new. A formalized process of EIA was introduced in the USA in 1970, and more recently similar legislation has been implemented in other countries. The member states of the European Community are required to adopt EIA regulations, as set out in Directive 85/337/EEC. Elsewhere, in Japan and Australia, there are requirements for EIA and a growing need for the process can be seen in developing countries. A comparison is made of the EIA process for coal in the international arena, and exemplary procedures are highlighted. Potential problems such as delays, modifications and additional costs are analysed, and the benefits of EIA, both to industry and environment, are discussed. A database of coal-related EIA would facilitate an exchange of information on the subject.  相似文献   

Biostabilization can remove considerable amounts of moisture and degradable organic materials from municipal solid waste (MSW), and can therefore be an effective form of pretreatment prior to landfill. The environmental and economic impacts of two combined processes, active stage biostabilization + sanitary landfill (AL), and active and curing stage biostabilization + sanitary landfill (ACL), were compared with sanitary landfill (SL) for MSW with high moisture content. The results indicated that land requirement, leachate generation, and CH(4) emission in the ACL process decreased by 68.6%, 89.1%, and 87.6%, respectively, and the total cost was reduced by 24.1%, compared with SL. This implies that a combined biostabilization and landfill process can be an environmentally friendly and economically feasible alternative to landfill of raw MSW with high moisture content. Sensitivity analysis revealed that treatment capacity and construction costs of biostabilization and the oxidation factor of CH(4) significantly influenced the costs and benefits of the AL and ACL process at an extremely low land price. When the land price was greater than 100 USD m(-2), it became the dominating factor in determining the cost of treatment and disposal, and the total costs of ACL were reduced to less than 40% of those of SL.  相似文献   

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