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产业生态系统多尺度能值整合评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
能值分析方法为自然环境资源与人类社会、经济的统一评价提供了新的思路,但面对当今产业生态学发展的实践需求,在多尺度整合分析、动态模型构建等方面仍显薄弱,需要与经济学等其他学科相对成熟的分析方法与模型加以整合。文章以能值综合方法为核心介质,从成本分析与效果分析的整合、能值分析与区域经济分析的整合,以及能值分析表与投入-产出矩阵模型的整合三个方面进行了产业生态学的能值整合研究方法的具体构建,以促进能值理论方法与产业生态学研究需求的进一步耦合。  相似文献   

能值理论研究中存在的几个问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能值理论与研究方法是当前生态经济学研究中的一个热点问题.被认为是连接生态学与经济学的桥梁,具有重大的理论和实践意义.尽管能值分析有效的将自然环境的价值纳入了产品的生产,更能真实地揭示产品的真实价值,从而克服了传统能量分析和经济分析的诸多缺陷.但其在理论和研究方法仍存在一些不足之处.综合国内外有关能值理论与研究方法的相关文献,对当前能值理论研究中能值转化率的计算问题、多产品或复合产品系统的能值流计算问题、能值价值论与市场价值论结合问题、能值与可持续发展研究问题等几个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

北京城市生态系统的能值动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用能值理论与分析方法,对北京市1990~2001年间的能值结构动态进行了分析,并采用人均能值、能值密度、生态功能潜力、人口基本承载力、能值自给率、能值货币比率、环境负载率、输入能值比等重要能值指标对该时期北京市城市生态系统的能值状况作了详细分析。研究表明,北京城市生态系统正处于较高发展水平,已基本跨入发达国家水平的行列;但高强度、快速发展给本市带来了巨大的生态环境压力,未来北京的可持续能力建设已势在必行。文章也提出了北京城市生态系统可持续发展能力建设的基本方向。  相似文献   

城市生态系统代谢的能值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市环境问题的深层原因是城市代谢过程出现了问题.城市代谢研究,是分析城市在人类各种活动影响下,如何将取自生态系统的物质和能量进行转换、利用与处理的过程,成为评价城市可持续发展的重要依据.早在19世纪末,就有有关能量流分析社会代谢的概念;近期最具代表性的是HowardT.Odum.首先从城市代谢研究的兴起和发展出发,然后分环境评价、空间层面、动态模拟三方面,对Odum的能值方法在城市代谢分析中的应用进行了回顾.环境评价方面以生态经济学为理论基础,提出发展具有生物物理基础的能值方法,对城市代谢的生态评估更为恰当;空问层面结合景观生态学,为区域空间规划提供了参考,并指出土地利用变迁与社会代谢间的相关性研究为当前的核心问题;动态层面仍以系统生态学建立整合性系统模型为基础,但空间系统模拟方法的发展仍处于起步阶段.各个学科与方法的整合促进了城市代谢研究的进一步深化.最后,建议未来应用能值研究城市代谢的4个研究方向有:(1)城市代谢与可持续发展之间相互关系的研究;(2)城市代谢与土地利用变迁相互驱动的模型发展;(3)基于代谢过程的城市管理对策研究;(4)全球环境变迁对土地利用和城市代谢的影响.  相似文献   

生态城市是一类具有经济高产生态高效的产业、系统负责社会和谐的文化、结构健康生命力强的景观的行政单元.其建设目标是通过规划、设计、管理和建设生态景观、生态产业和生态文化来实现结构耦合的合理、代谢过程的平衡和功能的可持续性.生态城市是以生态经济学、系统工程学为理论基础,通过改变生产方式、消费行为和决策手段,实现在当地生态系统承载能力范围内可持续的、健康的人类生态过程.体制整合、科技孵化、企业投资、公众参与和政府引导是生态城市发展的基本方法.清洁生产和生态产业是生态城市建设的关键.在搞好技术和管理的同时,怎样在局地和区域生态系统尺度上整合生产、消费和还原功能,建设一类和谐的生态景观,企业的空间和城市尺度应予以充分的重视.  相似文献   

中国的生态城市建设及生态产业方法在其中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态城市是一类具有经济高产生态高效的产业、系统负责社会和谐的文化、结构健康生命力强的景观的行政单元.其建设目标是通过规划、设计、管理和建设生态景观、生态产业和生态文化来实现结构耦合的合理、代谢过程的平衡和功能的可持续性.生态城市是以生态经济学、系统工程学为理论基础,通过改变生产方式、消费行为和决策手段,实现在当地生态系统承载能力范围内可持续的、健康的人类生态过程.体制整合、科技孵化、企业投资、公众参与和政府引导是生态城市发展的基本方法.清洁生产和生态产业是生态城市建设的关键.在搞好技术和管理的同时,怎样在局地和区域生态系统尺度上整合生产、消费和还原功能,建设一类和谐的生态景观,企业的空间和城市尺度应予以充分的重视.  相似文献   

城市生态安全的核心问题是生态系统服务的供需平衡.量化分析生态系统供给服务,有助于掌握区域粮食安全和相关产业绿色化水平.运用能值理论定量分析了雄安新区生态系统物质供给服务供需关系和农田生态系统供给负面服务,同时,结合历史数据分析了不同利用类型土地生态系统能值产出的变化.结果表明:1)为提供畜禽产品的其他用地是生态系统供给...  相似文献   

土地整治对生态系统服务影响研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统服务是人类直接或间接从生态系统获得的各种惠益,构建了人类与自然的桥梁和纽带,将科学与管理决策紧密相连。全面认识和深入理解人类活动对生态环境的影响,对实现区域协调和可持续发展具有重要意义。土地整治已成为中国最大规模改变土地利用方式和影响陆地生态系统的有组织的人类活动之一,深刻影响着区域乃至全国的土地利用格局和生态过程,也对生态系统服务产生了诸多影响。在分析土地整治与生态系统服务关系的基础上,阐明土地整治通过改变土地利用/覆被的类型、结构和格局间接影响生态系统服务;通过分析土地平整和农田水利等工程措施对生态系统供给、调节、支持和文化等服务功能的直接影响,指出其既有正向影响,又有负向影响。论述了土地整治对不同生态系统服务之间关系的影响,认为土地整治能影响其间的协同或者权衡关系。概括了土地整治对生态系统服务影响的尺度效应,指出土地整治对生态系统服务的影响具有较强的尺度依赖性。提出了未来重点研究内容:(1)加强土地整治对生态系统结构和过程影响的研究,构建土地整治对生态过程和功能影响的方法与模型;(2)围绕土地整治影响生态系统结构与功能—生态系统服务—调节调控这一主线,强化土地整治中生态系统服务及其相互关系的研究;(3)加强土地整治的区域生态系统服务集成和优化研究,科学调控土地整治所影响的关键生态系统服务和时空布局;(4)重视土地整治对生态系统服务影响的尺度效应,深入研究土地整治在不同时空尺度上影响生态系统服务的耦合机制。期望完善土地整治对生态系统服务影响的研究,为将生态系统服务评价纳入土地整治的管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

三水市农业生态系统经济能值投入产出分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
进行生态学与经济学系统分析方法的交叉探索,将能值这一全新的生态经济度量尺度引入经济学投入产出分析表,对广东省珠江三角洲三水市农业生态系统经济能值的直接消耗系统和完全消耗系统分析,弥补经济学分析中自然环境投入价值缺失的同时,为复合系统能值分析中各系统间互作分析的量化评价探索了新的途径。分析结果表明:三水市农业生态系统中种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业之间存在经济能值的依存关系,有着直接的相互作用。种植业、渔业和畜牧业子系统间的经济能值交流网络较为发达。在种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业中,渔业对种植业的完全消耗系数最大,达到3.461×10-2,畜牧业对种植业的完全消耗系数也最大,达到了8.423×10-2;种植业对渔业的完全消耗系数最大,达到了7.685×10-2。林业与种植业、渔业、畜牧业互相的完全消耗系数都比较小,林业和其它三个子系统的经济能值交流较弱。种植业子系统是整个三水市农业生态系统的基础,渔业和畜牧业在种植业的基础上发展,对物质和能量的再利用起了重要作用。林业子系统是三水市农业生态系统内部物质能量交流网络的薄弱环节。三水市农业生态系统的内部结构有待进一步调整,以加强各子系统间的互作,提高物质与能量的使用效率。  相似文献   

基于属性理论的长株潭城市群生态系统健康评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊鹰  陈昊林 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1422-1427
城市生态系统是一种高度人工化的自然-社会-经济复合生态系统,其健康状况直接影响到城市的可持续发展。针对城市生态系统健康评价标准的不确定性问题,在构建评价指标体系的基础上,提出了基于属性理论的城市生态系统健康评价模型及评价方法。以长株潭城市群为研究区域,运用该模型和方法对其生态系统健康进行了综合评价。评价结果表明:长株潭城市群的生态系统现状属于一般健康类,其中自然生态子系统对区域整体健康状况有较大影响,评价结果与实际情况大体吻合。通过对各子系统层的健康度分析,识别了健康限制因素,并提出了相应的调控措施。采用属性理论方法开展城市生态系统健康评价,能较好地识别系统层综合健康状况和子系统层的健康状况,具有一定的实用价值,其评价结果为促进城市生态建设,有效实施生态系统健康管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Regarding various energy and materials flowing in the urban ecosystem and the merit of emergy as an embodied energetic equivalent for integrated ecological economic evaluation, an evaluation framework of emergy-based urban ecosystem health indicators (UEHIem) was established in view of five aspects including vigor, structure, resilience, ecosystem service function maintenance and environmental impact to depict the urban ecosystem health states. Further, set pair analysis (SPA) was employed to assess the urban ecosystem health level based on the UEHIem, by which the approximate degree of real index set to the optimal one was defined and evaluated to describe the relative health state of the concerned urban ecosystems. Choosing twenty typical Chinese cities in 2005 as cases, we evaluated and compared their urban ecosystem health levels based on UEHIem and SPA. The results showed that health levels of Xiamen, Qingdao, Shenzhen and Shanghai are pretty well, while those of Wuhan, Harbin, Yinchuan, Beijing and Urumchi are relatively weak. Moreover, the relative health levels were analyzed by SPA to discern the influences of the mentioned five aspects on the UEHIem. It is concluded that emergy synthesis combined with SPA can serve as an effective relative-measure to compare different ecosystem health levels of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to measure and evaluate the ecosystem health levels of 31 Chinese capital cities in 2004 through an emergy synthesis framework. A system of indicators was developed corresponding to the four factors of urban ecosystem health including efficiency, structure, impact and flux. Furthermore, combined with individual indices, an emergy-based urban ecosystem health index (EUEHI) was proposed to measure and evaluate the health levels among various typical cities in China, which offers an integrated evaluation tool in view of urban production, trade and consumption. The results showed that there are intrinsic differences among six clusters associated with driving mechanisms distinguishing the rankings of urban health levels. After lining the cities of similar health levels with cluster map, the spatial distribution of the urban health is found to be arch-shaped, increasing initially and then decreasing from coast to inner land. This kind of spatial hierarchy is per se compatible and consistent with the hierarchical theory of emergy synthesis. The results also revealed double restrictions of urban health between economy and environment. Moreover, the interaction analysis was used for mirroring the driving mechanism of urban ecosystem health. Three conclusions were arrived at. Firstly, environmental health is inversely related to the economic health in China, indicating that cities cannot achieve win–win between environment and economy in the current urban development mode. Secondly, based on economy-driven mode, four quadrants were divided in the city division map, wherein 43.33% of the concerned cities developed in high economy-restriction mode, which means low economic level is still an important limiting factor for the major cities of China. Finally, based on environment-driven mode, two sections were divided, of which weak environmental dominance mode expounds the special characteristics of urban environment with obvious fragility. 23.33% of the 30 cities were in the intermediate state, which means a few correspondingly unhealthy cities should develop concrete polices for the urban ecosystem restoration.  相似文献   

小城镇复合生态系统能值整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用能值理论和方法,以湖北省小城镇(大悟县)为案例,对其复合生态系统进行研究,以了解系统的能流结构和特点,为系统持续发展提供科学指导。研究结果表明,该系统能值自给率68.42%,对外界依赖性低,经济安全性高;但人均能值用量和能值密度较低,系统经济不发达。不可更新资源占能值总用量63.51%,属于资源消耗型的经济模式,环境压力较大,不利于区域可持续发展,今后应增加可更新资源的利用,提高不可更新资源的利用效率,增加科技投入,促进该区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

Emergy analysis of the urban metabolism of Beijing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cities can be modeled as if they were superorganisms with a range of metabolic processes. Research on this urban metabolism can contribute to solving urban environmental problems by revealing details of the metabolic throughput of the system. A key issue is how to find a common basis for measuring the environmental and economic values. By providing a single unified unit, emergy theory integrates the natural and socioeconomic systems and thoroughly evaluates a system's metabolism. We analyzed Beijing's urban metabolic system using emergy synthesis to evaluate its environmental resources, economy, and environmental and economic relations with the regions outside the city during 14 years of development. We compared Beijing's emergy indices with those of five other Chinese cities and of China as a whole to assess Beijing's relative development status. These indices are the emergy self-support ratio (metabolic dependence), the environmental load ratio (metabolic loading), empower density (metabolic pressure), emergy used per person (metabolic intensity per capita), and the monetary equivalent of emergy (emdollars; metabolic intensity). Based on our emergy analysis, Beijing's socioeconomic system is not self-sufficient, and depends greatly on external environmental resources. Its GDP is supported by a high percentage of emergy purchased from outside the city. During the study period, Beijing's urban system showed an increasing dependence on external resources for its economic development. Beijing's loading and pressure on the ecological environment is continuously increasing, accompanied by continuously increasing human emergy consumption. In the future, it will become increasingly necessary to improve Beijing's metabolic efficiency.  相似文献   

A generic input-state-output scheme has been used to represent ecosystem dynamics. Systemic approaches to ecosystems use functions that are based either on inputs, state or outputs of the system. Some examples of approaches that use a combination of functions have been recently proposed. For example the use of eco-exergy to emergy flow can be seen as a mixed input-state approach; more recently, to connect the state to the output of the ecosystem, the relation of eco-exergy and ecosystems services has been proposed. This paper studies the link between the useful output of an ecosystems and its input through the relation between ecosystem services and emergy flow, in a kind of grey/black box scheme (i.e., without considering the state and the structure of the ecosystem). No direct connection between the two concepts can be determined, but identifying and quantifying the emergy flows feeding an ecosystem and the services to humans coming from them facilitate the sustainable conservation of Nature and its functions. Furthermore, this input-output relation can be established in general by calculating the ratio of the value of the ecosystem services to the emergy flow that supports the system. In particular, the ratio of the world ecosystem services to the emergy flow supporting the entire biosphere has been calculated showing that, at least at the global level, Nature is more efficacious in producing “money” (in form of ecosystem services) than economic systems (e.g., national economies and their GDP).  相似文献   

邢开成  龚宇  王璞 《生态环境》2007,16(2):592-597
从能值的角度出发,以华北平原代表区域——河北省沧州地区2003年统计数据和调查数据为基础,对该地区种植业生态经济系统的能值投入和产出进行首次分析。结果显示:该地区不可更新的工业辅助能占总能值投入的78.5%,可更新的能值投入仅占21.4%(可更新环境资源8.79%、可更新有机12.68%),说明农业生产过渡依赖于外源不可更新辅助能的投入;此外,高系统太阳能值转换率、低净能值产出率和高环境负荷率的特点,表明该地区种植业的科技发展水平比较高,对环境的压力相当大。综合结果说明种植业系统对环境资源的过度利用必然会引起生态环境的破坏。基于此,提出华北平原集约农区种植业生态经济系统可持续发展对策:以优化施肥为基础,合理减少化肥投入为代表,适当降低工业辅助能投入;调整农业增产投入战略,努力解决该地区以水资源短缺为主的作物增产限制因子;改变农业生产中有机能值与无机能值的投入比例,降低系统环境负荷率。  相似文献   

Urban ecological risks stemming from urbanization are increasing and limiting the capability of China to effectuate sustainable urban development. Therefore, addressing urban ecological risks is an urgent need. Numerous factors are involved in urban ecological risks, including air, water, and soil. Additionally, risk sources and risk receptors are complex and diverse. In this study, urban ecological risks are defined as adverse effects and possibility of impacts on urban ecosystem services resulting from urbanization. Urbanization is recognized as the risk source, and the urban ecosystem is considered the risk receptor. Based on this understanding, the components of urban ecological risks are defined, and the relationships between the components of urban ecological risks are illuminated by establishing an indicator system. Based on previous studies on urban ecological risks, an explicit framework for identification, assessment, and management of urban ecological risks is proposed. For purposes of identification, there are three types of risk sources: population growth, industrial development, and the expansion of built land. Stressors include the accumulation of contaminants, consumption of resources, and occupation of space. Assessment endpoints are divided into provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. In response to urban ecological risks having multiple stressors and multiple assessment endpoints, we assessed risks both with a single stressor/single endpoint and comprehensive ecological risks. In our framework, the physical or material assessment of ecosystem services is adopted as the core method for the analysis of urban ecological risk, because it is believed that the analysis of urban ecological risk should be based on the physical or material assessment of ecosystem services instead of the value assessment of ecosystem services. The results of the single value assessment of urban ecosystem services will cause the deviation from the purpose of urban ecosystem services assessment. The purpose of urban ecosystem services assessment is to maintain and/or improve the capability of urban ecosystems of providing physical or material services, and further to reduce or avoid the occurrence risks of unsustainable cities. Additionally, a multi-level characterization method was adopted for the results of urban ecological risk assessment. In this study, we established a platform to manage urban ecological risks based on landscape ecology and environmental internet of things technologies, and to effectuate online urban ecological risk identification, assessment, and management via this platform.  相似文献   

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