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杨淑兰  张强 《新疆环境保护》2001,23(2):38-38,45
我国北方城市冬季的大气污染 ,主要是煤烟型污染 ,冬季分散的采暖锅炉是主要污染源 ,许多中小型城市尚未能实行集中供暖。欲改善大气环境质量就必须加大环保执法力度 ,采取强有力的措施 ,拆除能耗高、污染严重的采暖锅炉 ,积极推行集中供暖。哈密市是一座老城市 ,一进入冬季 ,市区许多单位和部门仍延用传统的分散供暖方式。前几年未能实施集中供热时 ,各单位负责各单位的供暖 ,一个单位一座锅炉房 ,一楼一炉的情况十分普遍 ,一些单位修建楼房为要符合城市建设要求。近几年哈密市修建的安居工程 ,象丽园小区、阿牙小区、胜利小区都实行了连片…  相似文献   

以乌鲁木齐市供采暖系统为背景,用清洁生产的思维方式发现和解决采暖过程中热能的浪费。通过对可发性聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板的保温性能和目前民用墙体保温技术发展状况、发展方向及其经济、环境效益的分析,提出大力推广外墙保温技术、实现建筑节能是必然的发展趋势;同时实行分户供暖、计量收费更是推行节能建筑的重要保障。  相似文献   

<正>未来,核能供热将以其良好的可拓展性和市场推广价值,成为我国清洁供热的主流模式之一,在满足人们对美好生活的向往的同时,让天更蓝、水更绿、冬天更温暖。采暖是居民在冬季的基本生活需求。20世纪50年代,由于资源相对匮乏和受经济发展水平限制,我国以秦岭、淮河为界设置了“南北供暖线”,划定北方为集中供暖区,南方不集中供暖。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国北方农村地区冬季供暖主要以一次能源特别是煤炭燃烧为主,已经引发了环境污染、能源浪费等诸多问题。利用浅层地热能供暖可以有效提升农民生活品质、减少建设开发投资、降低供暖成本、促进节能减排,对于变革北方农村地区生活方式、推动供暖能源转型、建设美丽乡村具有重要意义。开发利用浅层地热能已经成为解决我国北方农村地区冬季供暖问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

“双碳”目标下,清洁能源替代化石能源采暖具有重要意义,消耗少量高品位电能的热泵从环境中吸取低品位热能并传输给高温热源,无疑是一种极佳的清洁采暖方式。热泵产品品类繁杂,进行寒冷地区住宅经济高效热泵设计方案对比研究十分必要。对分体热风机与户式空气源热泵采暖进行实验和仿真分析,得出:随着环境温度的降低,热风机、空气源热泵采暖-20℃较2℃外环COP同比下降29.67%、41.06%,低温运行时热风机较二次换热的户式水机更具节能优势;仿真分析表明:0℃工况房间最大得热量下热风机室温较暖气片散热高3.92℃;0℃工况维持室温20℃时热风机室内温度场较暖气片更均匀,仿真与实测结果吻合度较高。  相似文献   

电热膜--绿色供暖系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、电热膜供暖系统低温辐射电热膜供暖系统又称“嵌入式供暖系统”,简称电热膜,是世界上先进的供暖方式之一,它是一种以电力为能源,通过红外线辐射进行传热的新型供暖方式。低温辐射电热膜供暖系统的主体是电热膜,它是一种通电后能发热的半透明聚酯薄膜。由可导电的特制油墨、金属载流条经印刷、热压在两层绝缘聚酯薄膜间制成的一种特殊的加热元件。目前市场上的电热膜大体可分为两类:以导电油墨为发热体的油墨膜和以合金为发热体的金属膜,两种膜的性能指标大致相同,只是在一些特殊性能上,如耐老化性及正温度特性等方面,金属膜拥有一定优势…  相似文献   

为研究西安环境空气中二噁英类物质的浓度变化特征,选择西安市采暖季和非采暖季开展持续22周监测工作,并使用高分辨气相色谱高分辨质谱法对样品进行分析研究。结果显示:该市采暖季和非采暖季二噁英浓度均低于国内其他城市;采暖季期间化石能源燃烧是二噁英毒性当量质量浓度升高的主要原因;17种二噁英同类物浓度在时间与空间上分布特征基本相同。在采暖季期间,二噁英主要存在于细颗粒物中;在非采暖季,低氯代二噁英及呋喃主要存在于气相中,高氯代二噁英及呋喃主要存在于颗粒物中。采暖季期间,可通过采用非化石能源燃烧和佩戴PM2.5口罩减少二噁英对人体的危害。  相似文献   

承德市隆化县茅荆坝地热资源丰富,受断裂构造控制,属隐伏基岩裂隙、松散岩孔隙型热储,水温最高可达90℃,地温可达30~40℃,水量充足,水中含有多种医用保健化学成分,但在开发利用中存在着项目单一、利用率不高、资源浪费等问题。地热综合利用和地热梯级利用的开发利用模式,即多目的利用、按不同温度逐级利用,加强科学管理,采取限量打井,限制开采。  相似文献   

由清华大学、山东海阳市富尔达热工程有限公司开发、山东省环保局推荐的富尔达节能冷暖机,主要用于住宅、宾馆、办公楼及其它公共建筑供暖与制冷,亦可用于干燥、蒸发、种植、养殖等工农业生产。  主要技术内容  一、基本原理  本项技术遵循热力学定律,利用逆卡诺循环原理,通过地下热量采集、热量转换和房间取暖能量利用,将地下土壤低温热源中的热量提取出来,送入房间进行冬季室内供暖或者进行夏季送凉,是一种新型节能冷暖设备,该设备节能效果明显,环保作用突出。开辟了一条能源利用新途径。热量输出与输入之比大于3∶1,1kW…  相似文献   

北京市政管委最近通过《北京市居民住宅清洁能源分户自采暖补贴暂行办法》,按照规定,采用清洁能源自采暖的居民每采暖季可以领到15元/平方米的补贴,比2003年的旧规定提高了7元/平方米。  相似文献   

长庆油田矿区服务事业部各生活小区锅炉90%的能源用于小区采暖供热,锅炉供热能耗大,效率低。为降低供热能耗,2012年1月对庆城基地锅炉系统中的SZL14--1.0/95/70型号锅炉使用固硫节煤剂的应用效果进行了现场试验对比。试验证明:通过添加新型固硫节煤剂能改善炉膛燃烧氛围、促进燃烧完全,降低炉渣含碳量,提高热效率7%,节煤率12%。同时,固硫效果明显,烟尘排放CO、SO2明显减少。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种温控器性能和寿命测试方案,本方案采用感应加热和导热介质冷却的控制方式,有效的解决了传统寿命测试方式热惯量大,机械振动和温度不确定度大等影响测试结果的问题,保证了温控器在测试过程中的动作温度、温度梯度和环境应力可控,同时在用作温控器性能测试时,温度的波动度小于0.2K,该装置能够完全满足GB14536.10-2008标准规定的II型温控器的性能和寿命测试要求。  相似文献   

Earth air tunnel heat exchanger (EATHE) is a promising passive technique to provide thermal comfort condition in buildings. EATHE system uses undisturbed temperature of the ground for heating/cooling of air. Despite the several advantages, this technique has not become much popular owing to its high capital cost (mainly pipe cost and trench excavation cost) and large land area requirements. The primary objective of this study is to present a comprehensive review of different EATHE pipe layouts, pipe properties and positioning of the pipe with their advantages and limitations. It is observed that the ring pipe layout is the most cost-effective pipe-layout for small size EATHE system because it saves excavation cost by using a trench of the existing foundation of the building. However, Grid pipe-layout is an ideal layout for a large size EATHE system. Multi-layer pipe layouts should be used to reduce the land area requirement significantly. Moreover, EATHE system can be installed beneath the building (under building foot-print) to eliminate extra land area requirement for the installation of EATHE system. This review article shows that the Initial capital cost and land area requirement for the EATHE system can be substantially reduced by using appropriate pipe layout. It can be concluded that if EATHE system is installed with proper design strategies, it will be a clean and cost-effective method for building heating/cooling with significant power savings.  相似文献   

基于GIS的数字化水文过程模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统水文模型中,一般只能通过降水、蒸发、下渗、气温的输入模拟流量的变化,流域下垫面因素对径流的影响在径流模型中视为“灰箱”。地理信息系统技术的引入。把地面空间特性数字化。利用地形图。土壤分布图、土地利用图、土湿等资料模拟下垫面的地质地貌,把河道、流域的土壤植被等地理因素数字化应用到产汇流理论中。“灰箱”变为“白箱”。为流域研究提供了一种新的思维方法。  相似文献   

采用TG研究溶剂型聚氨酯涂料废物在不同升温速率、N2气氛影响下的热解特性规律。升温速率取5,10,20,30℃/min;气氛取N2气氛(50 m L/min);实验温度范围为20~800℃。研究表明,随着升温速率的增大,涂料废物热解反应各阶段起始温度、终止温度、最大失重速率温度均向高温方向移动。在500℃时,涂料废物的热分解已基本完成。运用Kissinger法和Flynn-Wall-Ozawa法进行热解动力学分析,得到溶剂型聚氨酯涂料废物热解阶段的表观活化能为196.053 3 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

A double-acting traveling-wave thermoacoustic engine with liquid-water piston (DTTELP) was proposed by the authors. This article conducted numerical simulation on its performance for the cases of with and without acoustical loads. The effects of mean working pressure and water-piston mass on its non-load performance were firstly discussed. Then, the output performance of this novel thermoacoustic engine under fixed heating temperature was analyzed. Also, influences of different heating temperatures on the performance of this engine were discussed. According to the simulation, the novel double-acting thermoacoustic heat engine (TTHE) is very efficient and a maximum thermal efficiency can reach about 51% when the heating temperature is 1500 K.  相似文献   

This article presents a heat dynamic model for prediction of the indoor temperature in an office building. The model has been used in several flexible load applications, where the indoor temperature is allowed to vary around a given reference to provide power system services by shifting the heating of the building in time. This way the thermal mass of the building can be used to absorb energy from renewable energy source when available and postpone heating in periods with lack of renewable energy generation. The model is used in a model predictive controller to ensure the residential comfort over a given prediction horizon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in managing cold water streams in the Midwest is understanding how stream temperature is controlled by the complex interactions among meteorologic processes, channel geometry, and ground water inflow. Inflow of cold ground water, shade provided by riparian vegetation, and channel width are the most important factors controlling summer stream temperatures. A simple screening model was used to quantitatively evaluate the importance of these factors and guide management decisions. The model uses an analytical solution to the heat transport equation to predict steady‐state temperature throughout a stream reach. The model matches field data from four streams in southwestern Wisconsin quite well (typically within 1°C) and helps explain the observed warming and cooling trends along each stream reach. The distribution of ground water inflow throughout a stream reach has an important influence on stream temperature, and springs are especially effective at providing thermal refuge for fish. Although simple, this model provides insight into the importance of ground water and the impact different management strategies, such as planting trees to increase shade, may have on summer stream temperature.  相似文献   

Turkey has a drastic potential in terms of biomass energy and it would be of utmost importance for our energy mix if this huge amount of energy is to be utilized. Thermochemical conversion is the most dominant one among the energy conversion processes. The carbonization process is the key point in determining the kinetic parameters of the fuels utilized. Thereafter, the kinetic parameters obtained from carbonization would be utilized in designing the thermochemical conversion equipments. In this study, the thermal decomposition behavior of hazelnut shells was investigated via dynamical thermogravimetry (TG) under N2 atmosphere. In order to determine the effects of heating rate and gas flow rate, the experiments were performed in four different heating rates of 5, 20, 50, and 100 K/min and two different nitrogen flow rates of 50 and 100 cm3/min. As the heating rate was increased, peak temperature was increased, maximum temperature shifted to the right (higher T zones) and the maximum rate of weight loss was increased. In addition, lignin decomposition temperature interval was decreased whereas; cellulose decomposition temperature interval was increased. Increasing the heating rate from 5 to 20 K/min, hemicellulose decomposition temperature interval was increased. Total weight loss was slightly increased by the increase of gas flow rate. Kinetic parameters were calculated according to Coats Redfern method. It was found that activation energies of thermal decomposition reactions of hazelnut shell varied between 1.30 and 32.19 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

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