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作为国内知名的安防企业,天津市亚安科技电子有限公司于2005年5月11日在新加坡证券交易所正式挂牌交易,成为中国安防产业第一家在海外成功融资上市的民营企业。  相似文献   

<正>日前,随着中国大陆第一条海底隧道——厦门翔安海底隧道的建成通车,亚安充氮智能高速球型摄像机也正式开始执行其坚守隧道的重要任务。作为国家"863"计划专题项目的重点工程,厦门翔安隧道全长8.695公里,是世界断面最大的海底  相似文献   

深圳英飞拓科技股份有限公司人民币普通股股票于2010年12月24日在深圳证券交易所上市。(证券简称为"英飞拓",证券代码为"002528"。)英飞拓的成功上市标志着公司迈进新的起点。相信,英飞拓的上市会带给更多安防企业鼓励和示范,也对中国安防经济的发展起到了重大推动。  相似文献   

深圳英飞拓科技股份有限公司人民币普通股股票于2010年12月24日在深圳证券交易所上市。(证券简称为英飞拓,证券代码为002528。)英飞拓的成功上市标志着公司迈进新的起点。相信,英飞拓的上市会带给更多安防企业鼓励和示范,也对中国安防经济的发展起到了重大推动。  相似文献   

2004年2月9日,中国安全防范产品行业协会组织中国著名的防盗安全门、保险柜企业在北京集中研讨、撰写申请进入中国名牌目录的报告。参与研讨、起草报告的有:辽宁盼盼集团、重庆美心集团有限公司、浙江王力集团和浙江永发集团有限公司、四川永亨有限公司的负责人和企业代表。  相似文献   

9月11日,国家质检总局在人民大会堂举行“2007年中国名牌产品暨中国世界名牌产品表彰大会“安防行业楼宇对讲企业位列其中.……  相似文献   

由中国安全防范产品行业协会主办、承办的2006中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会定于2006年10月30日至11月2日在北京中国国际展览中心举办.  相似文献   

由中国安全防范产品行业协会主办、承办的2006中国国际社会公共安全产品博览会定于2006年10月30日至11月2日在北京中国国际展览中心举办。 本届博览会将占用中国国际展览中心的1、8、9、10四个展馆,展览总面积达42126平方米,共2435个展位,参展商达610家。与上一届(2004年博览会)相比,增加了1000多个展位,将成为亚洲第一大安防展。  相似文献   

The Singapore process industry is mainly made up of chemical and energy companies such as Mitsui Chemicals, Clariant, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Sumitomo, Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore and Infineum. Majority of these companies are located on Jurong Island, southwest of Singapore. Jurong Island houses nearly 100 leading petroleum, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals companies and the total investment is about S$42 billion in total. With a land surface area of only 716 km2 and a high concentration of process plants, the Singapore government places strong emphasis on safety and risk management. In this paper, four process industry veterans from the government, academic and private sectors were interviewed. Through the interviews, the authors sought to understand the veterans’ perspectives on lessons that the Singapore process industry should learn from the Bhopal disaster. The veterans expanded their thoughts beyond the Bhopal disaster and provided many insights and suggestions critical to process safety management in Singapore and other countries. A systemic model of process safety management was derived from the interviews and key elements of operational process safety management were identified. In addition, a research agenda was identified based on the inputs from the veterans.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership theory was examined in 89 schools in Singapore using a split sample technique (N = 846 teachers). The study sought to examine the influence of transformational leader behavior by school principals as it related to organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, teacher satisfaction with leader, and student academic performance. Attitudinal and behavioral data were collected from both teachers and principals; student academic performance was collected from school records. School level analyses showed that transformational leadership had significant add-on effects to transactional leadership in the prediction of organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and teacher satisfaction. Moreover, transformational leadership was found to have indirect effects on student academic achievement. Finally, it was found that transactional leadership had little add-on effect on transformational leadership in predicting outcomes. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

华晨 《安防科技》2003,(6):13-13
跨入21世纪,高科技日新月异,安全防范似乎成了大众日常生活中的焦点话题。配以这种心态,安防行业的老板们很高兴看到其产品的潜在市场和其潜能的充分发挥。但生产商们却同时发现,对于其经过数月甚至数年研发而生产出来的完美产品,终端用户仅使用其软件中部分的功能。因为终端用户们感到:只要使用某些常用功能和在某些时段使用,远比什么也不用安全的多。这确有可能。但却要提醒终端用户们的是:这样做的结果会使他们失去增加收益的好处和浪费资金。  相似文献   

曾经有这样一个案例:某事主家里被盗,为了防止类似事件的再次发生,他经多方了解,找到了一家出售安全报警器的商店,花300元钱买了一种只有烟盒大小的防盗器.回到家后,他将买来的两只防盗器用双面胶分别贴到了门两侧和阳台旁边,设备安装完毕后,事主将遥控器随身携带.  相似文献   

郭艳  董姣 《中国安防》2004,(5):17-20
就世界范围看,日本、英国和新加坡分别代表了三种比较典型的安防立法模式.但有意思的是,安防业却不起源于其中的任何一国,而是发端于美国.十九世纪中叶,美国西部开发时期,Pinkerton公司以警戒和搜查列车强盗为主要业务,首开保安业发展之先河.  相似文献   

中国安防装备市场每年的需求量将达到500到1000亿元人民币,这是记者从1月11日至12日在上海张江集电港召开的"中国上海安全防护装备市场国际研讨会暨易派壹佰安全防护港推介会"上获得的消息。此次会议由上海市安全生产监督管  相似文献   

Despite recent major chemical process accidents in Japan, the top management teams of firms still avoid taking costly risk reduction measures because of their low perceived impact on firm performance. The disclosure of information on accident risks might motivate managers to enhance workplace safety because of the subsequent evaluation of firms by investors in stock markets. If the disclosed risk information is newly available for investors, firms with a high risk of accidents would receive a poor evaluation by stock markets and thus managers would take risk reduction measures to prevent stock prices from declining. In this study, we conduct an event study analysis to examine whether accident risk information is already reflected in stock prices, using data on the Japanese chemical industry. The results of our event study show that the estimated cumulative average abnormal returns of firms' stocks are significantly negative after severe accidents actually occurred. This finding implies that risk information is not already reflected in the stock prices of Japanese chemical firms and that the disclosure of accident risk information has the potential to motivate the top management teams of firms to reduce their firms’ accident risk.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,要求企业更规范、更有效、更安全地进行生产。目前,我国的安全生产工作还面临着十分严峻的形势。所以,加强企业的安全管理,提高安全生产水平是大势所趋。分析了当前企业安全管理工作中面临的问题,对如何强化企业的安全管理提出了一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

2003年7月16-18日,由云南省公安厅主办,云南环宇博览贸易发展有限公司协办的国际性专业会议--昆明国际社会公共安全产品和警用装备博览会在昆明市国贸中心拉开序幕.  相似文献   

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