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Despite several decades of research on the effects of fragmentation and habitat change on biodiversity, there remain strong biases in the geographical regions and taxonomic species studied. The knowledge gaps resulting from these biases are of particular concern if the forests most threatened with modification are also those for which the effects of such change are most poorly understood. To quantify the nature and magnitude of such biases, we conducted a systematic review of the published literature on forest fragmentation in the tropics for the period 1980–2012. Studies included focused on any type of response of single species, communities, or assemblages of any taxonomic group to tropical forest fragmentation and on fragmentation‐related changes to forests. Of the 853 studies we found in the SCOPUS database, 64% were conducted in the Neotropics, 13% in Asia, 10% in the Afrotropics, and 5% in Australasia. Thus, although the Afrotropics is subject to the highest rates of deforestation globally, it was the most disproportionately poorly studied biome. Significant taxonomic biases were identified. Of the taxonomic groups considered, herpetofauna was the least studied in the tropics, particularly in Africa. Research examining patterns of species distribution was by far the most common type (72%), and work focused on ecological processes (28%) was rare in all biomes, but particularly in the Afrotropics and for fauna. We suggest research efforts be directed toward less‐studied biogeographic regions, particularly where the threat of forest fragmentation continues to be high. Increased research investment in the Afrotropics will be important to build knowledge of threats and inform responses in a region where almost no efforts to restore its fragmented landscapes have yet begun and forest protection is arguably most tenuous. Sesgos Biogeográficos y Taxonómicos en la Investigación de la Fragmentación de Bosques Tropicales  相似文献   

Abstract. Small tropical forest fragments in the Eastern Usambara Mountains have lost understory bird species following forest fragmentation. The local extinction of these species is documented through a comparison of species number on nine smaller fores t fragments with species number on a tenth larger control forest site. The number of species captured in the control forest site is significantly larger than the number captured in eight of the nine smaller forest fragments under an equivalent capture effort. Forest-dependent understory species vary greatly in their vulnerability to forest fragmentation. Relatively rare species and forest interior species are the avifauna most adversely affected by forest fragmentation. A concerted effort should be made to protect the existing corridors of native forest that link established forest reserves in the Eastern Usambara Mountains.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity, population differentiation, and temporal variation in outcrossing rates were examined for Pithecellobium elegans , a Neotropical rain forest canopy tree. Several forest fragments and a large reserve (1500 ha) were compared for several population genetic parameters. For eight populations sampled on the Atlantic coastal plain of Costa Rica, allozyme heterozygosity (0.13), polymorphism (35%), and effective number of alleles (1.24) were similar to values reported for other tropical tree species that occur at similar densities of less than one individual per hectare. These measures of genetic variation were lowest in populations of the smallest size, farthest from the reserve, and more isolated from other populations. Differentiation among samples collected in small forest fragments and the reserve population accounted for 10% of the total genetic variation observed. There was a positive relationship between the level of differentiation of populations from the reserve population and their distance from the reserve. Though predominantly an annually flowering species, the number of trees in flower at any one time varied from 80% of observed trees to only 6%. Outcrossing rates did not differ for two episodes in which the proportions of flowering trees were 33% and 80%. But periods of low density of flowering adults resulted in poor seed crops or failure to set fruit for many individuals. Population size at many sites will be effectively decreased because of the variation in flowering. Fragmentation of what was once a large, continuous forested area is resulting in genetic erosion of small, isolated populations of Pithecellobium elegans .  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that nearshore oceanographic conditions can have important effects on the structure of benthic communities. On Santa Cruz Island (SCI), CA, USA there is a persistent difference in mean annual sea surface temperature (SST) around the island due to its location at the confluence of opposing cold and warm ocean current systems. Over the course of a 4-year study (1997–2001) seawater nutrient and chl-a concentrations, algal tissue C:N ratios, recruitment and growth of filter-feeders (barnacles and mussels), and intertidal community structure were measured at six intertidal sites around the island. There were strong associations between remotely sensed SST and patterns of community structure. Macrophyte abundance was highest at sites with persistently low SST, while recruitment, abundance, and growth of filter-feeding invertebrates were strongly, positively correlated with SST. The cold-water sites were associated with higher nutrient concentrations and lower algal C:N ratios, particularly in the winter months. Values of chl-a were generally low and variable among sites, and were not correlated with the predominant SST gradient. Recruitment of barnacles and mussels was positively correlated with adult abundance across all sites. While detailed experimental studies are needed to further evaluate the mechanisms underlying community dynamics, these results indicate that the confluence of cold- and warm-water masses around SCI may determine the contrasting patterns of intertidal community structure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A major challenge facing pest-eradication efforts is determining when eradication has been achieved. When the pest can no longer be detected, managers have to decide whether the pest has actually been eliminated and hence to decide when to terminate the eradication program. For most eradication programs, this decision entails considerable risk and is the largest single issue facing managers of such programs. We addressed this issue for an eradication program of feral pigs ( Sus scrofa ) from Santa Cruz Island, California. Using a Bayesian approach, we estimated the degree of confidence in the success of the eradication program at the point when monitoring failed to detect any more pigs. Catch-effort modeling of the hunting effort required to dispatch pigs during the eradication program was used to determine the relationship between detection probability and searching effort for different hunting methods. We then used these relationships to estimate the amount of monitoring effort required to declare eradication successful with criteria that either set a threshold for the probability that pigs remained undetected (type I error) or minimized the net expected costs of the eradication program (cost of type I and II errors). For aerial and ground-based monitoring techniques, the amount of search effort required to declare eradication successful on the basis of either criterion was highly dependent on the prior belief in the success of the program unless monitoring intensities exceeded 30 km of searching effort per square kilometer of search area for aerial monitoring and, equivalently, 38 km for ground monitoring. Calculation of these criteria to gauge the success of eradication should form an essential component of any eradication program as it allows for a transparent assessment of the risks inherent in the decision to terminate the program.  相似文献   

Lemurs and the Regeneration of Dry Deciduous Forest in Madagascar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: We sought to assess the role of lemurs for seed dispersal in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar and the possible consequences of the demise of lemurs for forest regeneration. Forest regeneration was studied in eight plots in two large blocks of primary forest and in seven fragments of primary forest (1 plot per fragment). In 4 of the 15 study plots, the abundance of saplings was negatively and significantly correlated ( p < 0.05) with the abundance of mature individuals of the same tree species. In another 10 study plots there were negative correlations, although these were not significant on the community level. Second-order statistics were significant with p < 0.001 and indicated that seed dispersal away from the parent trees was important for successful establishment of saplings. Apart from possibly the bush pig ( Potamochoerus larvatus ), only one vertebrate species of the dry forest, the brown lemur ( Eulemur fulvus ), ingested seeds> 11 mm long and passed them through its digestive tract unharmed. These results for lemurs were based on direct observations and fecal analyses. To evaluate the role of E. fulvus , we compared regeneration in forest plots with and without E. fulvus . In forest fragments without E. fulvus , fewer lemur-dispersed tree species regenerated than would be expected based on the presence of mature tree species that are lemur-dispersed ( p < 0.05). No such effect was seen in primary forests with E. fulvus or for trees whose seeds can also be dispersed by other vertebrates. Thus, regeneration of the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar with the complete set of primary forest tree species seems to depend upon the presence of E. fulvus .  相似文献   

Comaparé conteos puntuales en censos de localidades de bosque secundario alto y bajo con conteos tomados en bosque desciduo, tropical, cercano y no alter- en las costas de Jalisco, Méxoco. Cada una de las localdades de bosque secundario difirió significativamente de las localidades no alteradas en cuanto a su composición de pájaros Gran parte del cambio puede ser atribuída al mejoramiento de las condiciones para algunas especies parte grupos ecológicos (ej, los comedores de semillas) y la eliminateón de condiciones adecuadas para otras (ej, los forrajeadores de troncos, los comedores de-frutas). Sin embargo, existió una diferencia signiyicativa en el efecto sobre especies migrantes versus especies residentes independientemente de sus grupos ecológicos alimenticios; las especies migratorias de largas distancias tuvieron mayor probabilidad de incrementar su abundancia significatiuemente como resultado de la alteración que las especies resdentes. Por lo tanto, muchas especies migratorias en el oeste de México podrían beneficiarse de la creación por humanos de habitats del tipo sucesional-medio. Es importante notar sin embargo que esta conclusión posiblemente no se aplique a los habitats alteradas más intensamente y que no concieme a todas especies migratorias En adición sin información sobre el habitat y la distribution geográfica de migrantes en el invierno, e índices de mortalidad dependientes del habitats, no podremaos generar conclusiones sobre 10s efectos más amplios en las especies que mostraron cambios poblacioanules en respuesta a la alteración del habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Amazon basin is experiencing rapid forest loss and fragmentation. Fragmented forests are more prone than intact forests to periodic damage from El Niño–Southern Oscillation ( ENSO) droughts, which cause elevated tree mortality, increased litterfall, shifts in plant phenology, and other ecological changes, especially near forest edges. Moreover, positive feedbacks among forest loss, fragmentation, fire, and regional climate change appear increasingly likely. Deforestation reduces plant evapotranspiration, which in turn constrains regional rainfall, increasing the vulnerability of forests to fire. Forest fragments are especially vulnerable because they have dry, fire-prone edges, are logged frequently, and often are adjoined by cattle pastures, which are burned regularly. The net result is that there may be a critical "deforestation threshold" above which Amazonian rainforests can no longer be sustained, particularly in relatively seasonal areas of the basin. Global warming could exacerbate this problem if it promotes drier climates or stronger ENSO droughts. Synergisms among many simultaneous environmental changes are posing unprecedented threats to Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

Abstract: Forest fragmentation leads to a dramatic increase in forest edge, and these edges may function as traps and concentrators for wind-borne nutrients and pollutants. We assessed the influence of forest edges on atmospheric deposition and subsequent inputs to the forest floor in deciduous-forest fragments in the eastern United States. To quantify these inputs, we collected throughfall—water that has passed through the forest canopy—from edge and interior zones of forests adjacent to open fields. During the 1995 growing season, atmospheric input (wet and dry deposition) of sulfur to forest edge zones was elevated compared with input to forest interiors. Throughfall fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and calcium were also greater at edges than interiors. The mean edge increases ranged from 17% to 56% for the nutrients and pollutants we measured. When we manipulated the structure of forest edges by removing all vegetation below half the canopy height, throughfall flux in the edge zone declined sharply and was less than that of the respective interior zone. Changing the vegetation structure of the edge also shifted the zone of highest throughfall flux farther into the interior of the forest. Our data suggest that forest edges can function both as significant traps for airborne nutrients and pollutants from adjoining agricultural or urban landscapes and effective concentrators of below-canopy chemical fluxes. These enhanced fluxes may have cascading effects on soil-nutrient cycling, microbial activity, seedling dominance, and other ecological processes near forest edges.  相似文献   

Forest Fragmentation Increases Nest Predation in the Eurasian Treecreeper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  We used long-term breeding data to monitor the influences of fragmentation and habitat composition at different spatial scales on the reproductive success of Eurasian Treecreepers ( Certhia familiaris ) breeding in nest boxes. We collected data from the same forest patches (2.7–65.1 ha in size) during seven breeding seasons. Nest predation varied considerably over the years and was the primary cause of nesting failure (mean annual rate of 21.6 ± 12.8%). Nest predation explained most of the variation in fledgling production during the study period. Landscape-level fragmentation (radius of 500 m from territory center) affected nest predation more than did fragmentation on the territory scale (radius of 200 m from territory center). In general, nest loss due to predation in fragmented landscapes (32.4%) was almost threefold that of less fragmented (12.0%) landscapes. Of the habitat variables, predation rate correlated positively with the density of edges between forest and open land and with the proportion of sapling stands on the spatial scale of 500 m around a nest. In the core area of a territory (radius of 30 m from territory center), a high density of trees increased the frequency of nest predation. Further, a high proportion of agricultural land close to a nest site increased nest losses of treecreepers, probably because of a high degree of mustelid predation. Our results showed that the spatial scale on which we examined nest predation is important and that even within moderately fragmented landscapes it is possible to detect fragmentation-related nest predation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat loss and subsistence hunting are two of the main activities that affect wildlife in frontier areas. We compared subsistence hunting patterns in four villages with different ethnic composition and degree of habitat disturbance in the vicinity of Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. We also compared differences between some of these villages in harvest composition and prey availability to determine hunting preferences. We used a Landsat TM satellite image to analyze the degree of disturbance around the villages. We conducted periodic surveys of subsistence hunting and prey availability. Wildlife availability was assessed monthly on nine transects (3000 m) established in the vicinity of three villages. The relative amount of disturbed habitat was smaller in an indigenous Maya village ( IV ) and larger in a mestizo village ( MV ). The two mixed-composition villages ( MCVs) had intermediate levels of disturbance. Ten species, four large and six small, of birds and mammals accounted for 97% of the hunting records. Hunting was more intense in IV and less intense in MCV1. The three village types had different hunting preferences. The habitat-mosaic composition in the vicinity of the villages influenced prey availability and subsistence-hunting preferences. Changes in the habitat mosaic were caused by the size of the holding and by ethnic composition. In spite of longer settlement time, the habitat mosaic in the vicinity of IV was less transformed than that of the other sites. Their larger holding size and greater diversity of economic activities may explain why the Mayas at IV have transformed the landscape less than the other groups and can hunt more and larger prey.  相似文献   

Abstract: The growing prevalence of fragmentation and fire in tropical forests makes it imperative to quantify changes in these disturbances and to understand the ways in which they interact across the landscape. I used a multitemporal series of Landsat images to study the incidence and coincidence of fire and fragmentation in two areas of Pará state in the eastern Brazilian Amazon: Tailândia and Paragominase. In both areas, deforestation and forest fires were quantified for time series of 6–10 years. The Tailândia study area typifies a landscape with the herringbone pattern of government-settled colonists, and the Paragominas area is dominated by large cattle ranches. In both areas, over 90% of the forests affected by fire were associated with forest edges. Although most burned forest occurred within 500 m of forest edges, some fires occurred in deep forest, several kilometers from any edge. The obvious synergism between forest fragmentation and fire poses serious risks to tropical ecosystems and has important implications for land management.  相似文献   

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