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绿色产品创新影响因素的结构方程模型实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前大部分关于绿色产品创新影晌因素的探讨都是定性的,对于各个因素的影响程度,还存在着很大的争议,这在一定程度上阻碍了绿色产品创新的步伐.通过由20位制造企业的总经理与技术经理参加的焦点小组访谈,形成了绿色产品创新影响因素的初步问卷.然后对220家制造企业进行了调查,共获得有效问卷209份.用SPSS13.0进行因子分析,得出了7个绿色产品创新的影响因子,分别是企业、国家法规、消费者意识、政府资助、消费者收入、市场和知识产权.在此基础上,建立了7个因子间相互作用的结构方程模型,并运用AMOS7.0检验了相关因子间的作用路径.结果表明,市场因子与国家法规因子对企业的绿色产品创新作用显著,消费者收入因子和知识产权因子则是通过市场因子间接地对企业的绿色产品创新产生作用,而政府资助因子与消费者意识因子对企业绿色产品创新的作用则不显著.  相似文献   

“生态银行”以特有的“分散-集中”理念、三方主体和“资源-资产-资本”三级交易流程为实现生态资源价值转化迈出创新之步,在符合保护优先原则的基础上,未超出立法边界,具备规范化的制度支撑。目前中国“生态银行”的发展总体上停留于地区之间的交流,多元化的试点运作模式致使称谓略显杂乱,依托于政策支持的试点推广方式导致其在制度与实施层面的规范性欠缺。尤其是模糊的法律定位为“生态银行”的规范化带来前提性障碍,在其影响下法律表达不清、法律依据不足、保障措施不力的三方面困境阻碍了这项有益经验的制度建构。“生态银行”不仅承载着利益衡平的使命,是在环境公平和环境效率有机结合下实现可持续发展的适宜制度,还符合环境立法体系化、精细化的阶段性要求,是以适应性立法实现环境法规范性与功能性动态平衡的理性选择。故应在正确认识“生态银行”法律属性的前提下,将“生态银行”优先纳入市场化生态保护补偿制度,在有条件的地方归入生态产品价值实现制度予以特色规定,作为一项制度化生态环境保护机制与政策性绿色金融机构予以区分。在此基础上,“生态银行”的制度建构应采用“整体思路+路径展开”的方式,遵循“生态补偿-生态产品价值实现-生态银行...  相似文献   

消费问题是环境问题的核心,受消费欲望驱使的非理性消费行为是造成生态环境危机的深层次原因。强调在资源投入、生产制造、产品选择及回收利用过程中贯彻绿色消费理念并构建绿色消费法律制度予以保障,无疑是改变非理性消费行为并进而摆脱环境问题困扰的必然选择。但消费与环境的辩证关系决定了绿色消费法律制度的建构绝不可脱离环境治理模式而孤立存在。作为现代环境治理模式转型的重要方向,环境共治在依靠行政主导型或市场自决型的治理模式难以有效解决环境问题的背景下应运而生,其强调和谐善治、统一法治及多元共治等价值理念,并涵盖治理主体多元性、治理方式协作性、治理规则开放性、治理成果共享性等内涵特征,为绿色消费法律制度建构提供了理论机制。当前绿色消费法律制度运行与发展面临诸多问题,如法律价值标准的一致性不足、法律规范的协同性不高、政策与法律的融洽性不强、法律治理结构的均衡性不够等,不仅整体影响了规范绿色消费的效果,也削弱了法律制度的支撑功能。为破解绿色消费法律制度建构困境,应遵循环境共治模式,明确绿色消费法律制度建构的规范取向,即以系统化法律安排为主线,逐步实现法律价值标准的协调一致、法律规范的协同发展、政策与法律的和...  相似文献   

客观分析政策工具组合对不同类型地区的异质性生态产品价值实现的差异化影响,有针对性地优化政策工具组合,对探索可行的生态产品价值实现路径具有重要价值。以“十三五”期间中国31个省份为研究对象,应用模糊集定性比较分析方法,在区域禀赋和生态产品属性双重异质性视角下,基于公共产品理论,探究公共性生态产品和经营性生态产品分别在生态经济协调发展地区、生态发展滞后地区、经济发展滞后地区、生态经济发展双重滞后地区的价值实现路径。结果表明:①单一条件变量不构成生态产品价值实现的必要条件,多元政策工具组合是生态产品价值实现的有力保障。②组态分析的中间解显示,存在6条公共性生态产品价值实现路径,7条经营性生态产品价值实现路径。③区域禀赋的差异会导致生态产品价值实现路径的差异。④政府与社会资本合作、生态资源权益交易是生态产品价值实现的核心条件,属于实践中重要的政策工具。为加快生态产品价值实现,政策制定要考虑区域所处的实际发展阶段,加快推动生态数字化发展,实现对生态产品的精准识别和动态监测,完善生态产品市场交易体系,鼓励和支持多元主体参与,培育高质量发展绿色增长点,保障生态产品供需精准对接,促进绿色发展与共同富裕协同增效。  相似文献   

我国湿地保护的法律思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
湿地是一种不同于陆地和海洋的特殊生态系统,具有重大的经济、生态和教育价值。长期以来,我国对湿地的价值认识不足,对湿地过度地开发利用,也未进行有效的保护,使之遭到了前所未有的破坏。我国对湿地保护的法律规范多散见于其他相关的法律法规之中。没有一部专门的法律规范对其进行调整,与我国严峻的湿地保护形势不相适应。本文针对我国湿地保护法律制度中存在的问题,提出了完善我国湿地保护的若干法律构想。  相似文献   

法律政策文本是国家治理目标、价值、内容和影响的集中体现,其中,工具-过程-主体是三个重要的变量。湿地在中国具有独特的生态价值和生态地位,现有研究尚未对湿地法律政策文本和工具做出全面、立体和深入的研究。因此,该研究借助法律政策文本的内容分析和Nvivo12研究工具,构建“工具-过程-主体”三维框架模型,对国家层面颁布施行的100个湿地保护法律政策文本进行计量分析。研究发现,中国湿地法律政策经历了启蒙、发展可持续、可持续发展和绿色发展全面展开四个变迁阶段。根据三维框架和历时性分析得出,中国湿地法律政策呈现的稳定的知识结构在于:工具选择与多元共治模式均表现出依赖政府主导的特征,整体呈现出对更深层次的矛盾关注不足、湿地系统治理监管的全局性不够等问题。针对当前存在的问题,结合中国湿地保护实践和制度嵌入理论,提出了湿地保护工具策略组合和治理结构改善建议:(1)遵循湿地法律政策演变规律,通过推进自然资源确权、完善生态补偿机制和细化绿色金融工具制度设计,进一步优化湿地绿色发展市场机制;(2)均衡湿地工具使用,在坚持命令控制型工具主导的前提下,注重新型经济激励工具和社区共建型公众参与工具的运用,迈向多方...  相似文献   

在技术接受模型基础上,加入计划行为理论,以303个上海居民样本的抽样调查问卷数据为基础,搭建影响居民绿色技术产品支付意愿的整合模型,利用AMOS结构方程进行路径分析。结果表明:影响居民绿色技术产品支付意愿的因素主要有技术接受因素(信息交流、感知有用性)和计划行为因素(使用态度、行为倾向)两类;行为倾向和感知有用性是居民产生并提高绿色技术产品支付意愿的重要因素;居民对绿色技术产品的使用态度无法促使其进一步提高支付意愿,居民间信息交流对其使用态度的影响并不显著。最后,提出相关政策建议:架构绿色技术产品的信息交流渠道,催生城市居民绿色行动力;切实夯实绿色发展观的社会基础,沟通绿色战略与民生民心民意相通;提高居民绿色认知和绿色认同水平,强化居民绿色支付意愿的内动力。  相似文献   

三峡库区环境安全保护法律实施机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继长江截流之后,三峡库区首期蓄水,举世瞩目的三峡工程正在兴建。结合充分的社会调查和区域经济、环境管理等相关理论,详细论述了三峡库区环境安全保护现行法律及其实施机制,深入剖析了现行实施机制包括法的遵守、法的执行、法的适用和法律监督等方面的弊端,提出了完善库区环境安全法律实施机制的建议:给守法主体提供环保教育和技术援助,完善公众参与机制,积极获取公众支持,以完善库区法的遵守;建立科学、高效、统一的库区环境安全管理体制,明确三峡库区各行政执法机关的职责,建立行政执法公示制,健全执法主体的服务机制,建立绿色信息网等以完善库区法的执行;推广环境群体诉讼,扩大环境诉讼被诉对象,改革环境诉讼费用预付方式等以完善库区法的适用。  相似文献   

绿色科技:振兴中国传统产业的必由之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 绿色科技体现可持续发展的理念绿色科技的产生与兴起 ,是建立在传统工业文明观批判和反思基础之上。绿色科技反映了人类的理性精神 ,体现了可持续发展理念 ,它的发展将使人类步入与自然友好、协调的技术时代。正如美国物理学家弗里曼·戴森所言 ,绿色技术将迅速被人们所关注 ,将在今后 5 0年内成为居支配地位的技术。绿色技术是指其技术、产品、服务用于防治环境污染、改善生态环境、保护资源 ,促进环境与经济协调发展技术或是产业。绿色科技对于环境是友善的 ,均要求技术、产品、服务等符合环保规范 ,这既有利于整治污染、改善环境 ,又…  相似文献   

关于我国自然资源保护法律体系的评价及立法取向   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了保护我国的自然资源,克服资源危机,我国已初步建立了自然资源保护法律体系框架,但该框架在体系结构、法律制度和监督管理机制上还存有缺陷。因此,有必要完善自然资源保护法的体系,充实自然资源保护法的内容  相似文献   

This online experiment explored how contextual information embedded in new media channels such as YouTube may serve as normative social cues to users. Specifically, we examined whether the number of views listed under a YouTube video about climate change would elicit inferences regarding how “others” feel about the climate issue and, consequently, might influence perceptions of issue salience. Participants in this experiment were exposed to a YouTube video about climate change using two experimental conditions, one providing a small number of views under the video and the second listing a large number of views. Results suggest that the “number of views” cue did, indeed, influence participant perceptions of the importance assigned by other Americans to the issue of climate change. Further, compared to low self-monitoring participants, high self-monitoring participants registered an increase in their own judgment of issue importance.  相似文献   

Previous academic research into how consumers evaluate advocacy advertising identified many possible paths involving potentially reflexive effects on how people perceive an advocacy advertising sponsor, the advocated issue and themselves. This paper has examined one possible scenario within this complicated phenomenon: that of advertising advocating a specific environmental consumer action, recycling. In the specific context of this study, structural equation modelling demonstrated clear causal relationships among consumer perceptions of the recycling advertisements’ sponsoring organization, consumer self-efficacy and perceived consumer effectiveness of complying with the advocated issue (recycling behaviour). These factors were shown to impact specific advocacy advertising goals (termed message effectiveness in this study) such as behavioural intention toward the advocated recycling issue and perceived changes in how consumers evaluate the sponsoring organization.  相似文献   

Although there is increasing public awareness of global warming, there is a gap between such perception and relevant actions to combat the problem. In order to develop effective strategies for facilitating public actions, in this paper we draw upon framing theory and a dual processing model. Based on an experiment involving 261 participants from a large public university in Taiwan, this study found that by framing global warming as a local issue, communication messages can trigger both analytic (issue relevance) and affective (negative emotions) appraisals, which, in turn, will increase people's intentions to take actions. This study provides important insights for government and environmental groups when designing communication campaigns on this issue.  相似文献   


This editorial sets the scene for a special issue on climate governance entrepreneurship at the local and regional levels. To make climate governance work, much policy activity is needed at the local and regional levels. Entrepreneurs are actors who aim to affect change by using their agency. They target policy decisions at the local and regional levels, which might subsequently turn to other governance levels to expand their influence. The scientific discussion about governance entrepreneurs is characterized by a lack of conceptual clarity, by methodological challenges, and by several research gaps. Regarding the latter, at present, it is especially unclear when and why entrepreneurs become active, which factors they take into account when they select their strategies, and what explains the effects of entrepreneurial activity on the emergence of innovations in climate governance. All contributions to this special issue engage with one or several of these conceptual, methodological, and empirical challenges, thus advancing the state of art in the field. Highlights from the special issue include the development of a simple conceptual frame that connects actors, contexts, strategies, and outcomes in a systematic way. Some promising methodological avenues are described, since the special issue contains not only some qualitative case studies but also some studies that take a long-term perspective by following policy development for decades, and a study that proposes a census approach. Empirically, the contributions in this special issue shed light on a range of factors explaining levels of entrepreneurial activity, and they carefully trace impacts over time. We conclude by sketching an agenda for further work in this realm.


走向更为积极的气候变化政策与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前应对气候变化的策略表现为:将气候变化政策视为可持续发展政策的一部分;在参与全球气候变化的国际协议方面有着鲜明立场;重视气候变化方面的科学研究;把气候变化问题作为环境外交的重要部分;努力吸引公众参与等方面。但在政策的制定和执行中仍缺乏应有的积极性、主动性和前瞳性。我国的气候变化治理结构存在的问题主要包括:缺乏明确的决策机构和执行机构。科学研究对政策制定的支持能力不足,公众参与薄弱.企业减缓气候变化的动力不足。针对这些问题.提出了以“走向更为积极的气候变化政策与管理”为核心的改进治理结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

气候变化问题已被公认为是全球范围内可持续发展面临的最大威胁,碳泄漏问题是目前气候变化领域的一个热点问题.欧盟等以存在碳泄漏为由欲对非减排国家征收碳关税.在此背景下,本文对碳泄漏问题进行理论分析和实证研究.理论分析认为,碳泄漏有三个主要渠道:化石能源的国际贸易、碳密集型产品的国际贸易和能源密集型产业的国际转移,其中,碳密集型产品的国际贸易一直是争论的核心.在此基础上,本文从碳密集型产品的国际贸易角度对中国与欧盟之间碳泄漏问题进行了实证研究.本文选取钢铁、有色金属、水泥、化肥、玻璃和玻璃制品、纸张和纸制品六个碳密集型产业为研究对象,以中国与欧盟碳密集型产品的进出口比率作为指标,考察欧盟实施温室气体减排措施(1992年)以来该指标的变化趋势,以确定中国与欧盟之间是否发生了碳泄漏以及程度如何.研究结果表明,中国与欧盟之间可能并未发生碳泄漏,或者即使发生了碳泄漏,其程度也很微弱,不足以成为欧盟征收碳关税的理由.  相似文献   

Although the power of elite issue frames to shape public attitudes toward different policies is well established, the relative influence of different types of frames in competitive framing environments remains uncertain. For example, we do not fully understand the relative influence of economic versus normative frames on the public's policy attitudes, despite the common use of both types of frames to promote the same policy in many settings. Using data from a 2010 national Internet survey, this paper investigates the relative influence of economic versus normative frames on public attitudes toward the contentious policy issue of biofuels. The results indicate the importance of normative frames in shaping public attitudes on this issue, suggesting the relevance of normative frames more generally in shaping public opinion beyond the narrow confines of typical “morality” policies such as abortion or gambling.  相似文献   

Climate change is treated in China as an issue related closely to the national strategy for sustainable development as well as an issue in international collaboration in environment. The duality of the issue makes the climate change policy often waver between domestic and international emphases. In the past one and a half decades, the central government emphasized mostly on responding to international pressure by participating in negotiations in international treaties. However, the nation, as well as the world, will probably benefit more by taking a more proactive attitude towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change. This paper described the current governance structure for climate change management in China and made concrete recommendations for its improvement. The most urgent recommendation is to improve the cooperation of current National Coordination Committee on Climate Change with authority for policy-making and to oversee climate change.  相似文献   

作为中国现代化特有的一个基本属性,中国农民问题根本不是也不可能是“被解决”的。而只能在中国特色的现代化模式创制中“失去意义”。正是这种创制.使得中国农民问题的变化和转型有机会成为可持续发展是否可能的典型实验。其基本含义和特点,在于如何建设和维护人和地球共同构成的这个自组织系统运行的涵养机制,以及如何把握适度发展的分寸。  相似文献   


Understanding different publics for science communication is more important than ever before. The articles in this special issue lay important groundwork for our field to develop a better understanding of how audience segments differ or overlap across issues, cultural contexts, stages of the issue cycle, and different analytic and methodological approaches. The long-term goal of this work should be to enable more effective communication with publics whose demographic, socio-structural, or value-based characteristics position them squarely outside of the proverbial choir that science communication is often preaching to.  相似文献   

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