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A pot experiment was conducted to study the relationship between distribution of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) and their availability to cole (Brassica campestris L.) grown in the multi-metal contaminated oasis soil in northwest of China. The results showed that Cd and Zn in the unpolluted oasis soil was mainly found in the residual fractionation, however, with increasing contents of Cd and Zn in the oasis soil, the distribution of Cd and Zn changed significantly. The growth of cole could be promoted by low Cd and Zn concentration, but significantly restrained by high concentrations. There was antagonistic e ect among Cd and Zn in the multi-metals contaminated oasis soil. Stepwise regression analysis between fractionations distribution coe cients of the two meals in the soil and their contents in cole showed that both Cd and Zn in the exchangeable fractionation in the oasis soil made the most contribution on the uptake of Cd and Zn in cole. The bio-concentration factor (BCF) of Cd was greater than Zn in cole, and BCFs of the two metals in leaves were greater than those in roots. The translocation factors of the two metals in cole were greater than 1, and the two metals mainly accumulated in the edible parts in cole. Therefore, cole is not a suitable vegetable for the oasis soil because of the plants notable contamination by heavy metals.  相似文献   

A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate whether plant coexistence affects cadmium (Cd) uptake by plant in contaminated soil.Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.var.K326) and Japanese clover (Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl.) were used.Cadmium was applied as 3CdSO 4 ·8H 2 O in solution at three levels (0,1,and 3 mg/kg soil) to simulate an unpolluted soil and soils that were slightly and moderately polluted with Cd.Tobacco (crop),Japanese clover (non-crop),and their combination were grown under each C...  相似文献   

Chinapaddysoilsoccupyalandareaofabout3×107hm2andproduce44%oftotalcerealsofthestatewithalandportionof25%.Managementofpaddysoilscanbetracedbackto7000yearsB.P.andhaveledtoaparticularsoiltypeofanthropogenicwetlandsoilswithenhancedCstorageincomparisonwiththeu…  相似文献   

以甘肃白银市城郊东区农田土壤为研究对象进行剖面取样、对土壤中氟和镉的剖面分布及行为进行研究.结果表明,在长期灌溉与降水渗水流作用下,F和Cd发生不同程度的淋溶迁移,F迁移深度达到80~100cm,Cd迁移深度在40~60cm,迁移程度为F>Cd;元素F和Cd都具有显著的负乘幂迁移规律,同时表现出不同的迁移态势,F 为高剂量时迁移率大,低剂量时迁移率小,但Cd呈现相反的迁移趋势.污水灌溉作为土壤污染物来源之一对土壤F和Cd累积和迁移有一定影响,F元素对当地地下水污染的威胁较大.  相似文献   

芹菜根细胞壁对镉的吸附固定机制及其FTIR表征研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐劼  保积庆 《环境科学学报》2015,35(8):2605-2612
对芹菜根细胞壁Cd的吸附固定机制开展了相关研究.芹菜根细胞壁Cd吸附的动力学实验研究表明,根细胞壁经酯化改性处理后其对Cd的累积吸附量相对降低了42.6%,经氨基甲基化改性处理后其对Cd的累积吸附量相对降低了21.0%,经果胶酶改性处理后其对Cd的累积吸附量相对降低了40.5%.同时,利用傅立叶红外光谱技术表征了芹菜根细胞壁上Cd吸附位点的官能团信息.研究结果表明,Cd主要与细胞壁纤维素、半纤维素和木质素中的羧基官能团发生结合作用,同时,根细胞壁上的蛋白质和果胶质也参与了Cd的结合.  相似文献   

土壤镉暴露对玉米和大豆的生态毒性评估   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以中国东北黑土为培养基,通过室内急性毒性实验,采用Trimmed Spearman-Karber方法计算EC50值(半抑制浓度),并分析作物的生物累积系数(BAF),定量化评估了土壤中镉对玉米和大豆的生态毒性及生物有效性.测量终点为种子发芽率、根长和幼茎长.结果表明,土壤镉暴露给农作物带来一定的负生长效应.种子发芽率不是评估土壤镉生态毒性的敏感因子,根生长是敏感的毒性测量终点.镉在植株体内的累积及迁移与作物种类和土壤镉浓度有关.玉米植株体内累积了较大量的镉,而大豆植株体内镉由根向幼茎的迁移较为显著.  相似文献   

大白菜对铅积累与转运的品种差异研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
采用盆栽试验,研究了15种大白菜对铅(Pb)积累与转运的品种差异,以期筛选具有Pb低积累潜力的大白菜品种.结果表明,15种大白菜地上部Pb含量存在显著品种差异(P0.05),表明大白菜对Pb毒害具有一定的耐受性.根据地上部Pb含量、转运系数和Pb耐性等指标评价,第一春宝可视为具有Pb低积累潜力的大白菜品种.  相似文献   

西北地区戈壁和绿洲风蚀起沙(尘)的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用敦煌地区戈壁和绿洲的观测资料,分析了两种地表下春季的风蚀起沙(尘)情况.研究表明,在自然状态下,由于地表土壤的粒子尺度分布特征、植被覆盖度及地表土壤水分含量等下垫面特征不同,绿洲地表风蚀起沙的临界摩擦速度要大于戈壁地表,其垂直尘粒通量(风蚀起沙率)比戈壁地表小将近一个数量级;但考虑人为的翻耕作用时,绿洲地表风蚀起沙的临界摩擦速度可能会减小一半以上,其垂直尘粒通量也将增加大约一个数量级,甚至比戈壁地表还要大.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to evaluate the reduction of bioavailability of heavy metals including lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in a soil contaminated by mining tailings in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China. Three commercial phosphate (P) fertilizers including phosphate rock (PR), calcium magnesium phosphate (CMP), and single superphosphate (SSP) were applied to the plot at three P application rates, 50, 300, and 500 g/m2 with 9 treatments and control (CK). Plants, water soluble and exchangeable (WE) extra...  相似文献   

万莹  鲍艳宇  周启星 《环境科学》2010,31(12):3050-3055
金霉素已经广泛应用于兽药生产和疾病治疗.由于动物废弃物的土地应用和其它输入来源,重金属与四环素类抗生素往往共存于土壤环境中.基于OECD 106号指导准则,采用批量平衡实验方法,研究了金霉素及其与镉复合后在褐土及去有机质褐土中的吸附和解吸行为.结果表明,在单一和复合污染条件下,金霉素在褐土和去有机质褐土中的吸附和解吸等温线都可以用Freundlich模型进行良好地拟合.在金霉素单一污染和金霉素-镉复合污染条件下,去除有机质能够增加金霉素在褐土中的吸附容量(Kf)和吸附强度(1/n).金霉素在土壤上的解吸过程存在明显的滞后现象,在单一污染物情况下,金霉素在去有机质褐土的解吸滞后现象增强,其HI从0.81增加到1.06;而加镉后这种现象反而有所减弱,其HI从1.11减低到0.84.本研究为建立更加完善的模型以预测金霉素环境浓度或评价其环境风险,提供了可利用的数据和参数.  相似文献   

The potential of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) for phytoremediation of lead (Pb) on sand tailings was investigated.A pot experiment employing factorial design with two main effects of fertilizer and lead was conducted in a nursery using sand tailings from an ex-tin mine as the growing medium.Results showed that Pb was found in the root,stem,and seed capsule of kenaf but not in the leaf.Application of organic fertilizer promoted greater biomass yield as well as higher accumulation capacity of Pb.In Pb-spike...  相似文献   

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