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Group living is associated with costs but also with potential benefits, such as a decrease in predation risk through, for example, higher defence efficiency. Mobbing is among the most specialised forms of anti-predator strategies involving group defence and has mainly been investigated in passerine birds and some mammals. Variation in the mobbing response has been found in several species according to phenotypic variation such as sex or age. This suggests that there are differential benefits between mobbers, which may have promoted individual specialisation in mobbing behaviour. We studied mobbing behaviour in a communal roosting raptor, the Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), which shows active group defence. Our study population exhibits extreme colour polymorphism, with two colour morphs in males, as well as sexual dichromatism and colour variation with age. We used different decoys, placed at different distances from the roost, to manipulate experimentally the perceived predation risk and to elicit mobbing behaviour. Using the experimental design that maximised mobbing response in harriers, we then focused on the sequence and the specific behaviours involved in recruitment of mobbers, and whether individual investment in terms of defence was associated with phenotypic characteristics of individuals (i.e. sex, age and colour morph). We found that the main behaviour involved in successfully attracting mobbers was alarm calling. We also detected differential individual investment in relation to sex and age, but more importantly, we provide the first evidence for specialised male phenotypic roles during mobbing events, signalled by colour polymorphism: grey males tended not to be involved in mobbing and almost never behaved as recruiters or mobbers, while brown males behaved mainly as recruiter birds. These findings suggest that colour morph may signal the individual’s anti-predatory abilities through different behavioural strategies between males.  相似文献   

The species and number of birds attracted to playbacks of mobbing calls and song of the black-capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus, were compared. The chickadee vocalizations were played at abandoned chickadee nests, and the numbers and species of other birds that approached the speaker were tallied. Few non-chickadees were observed in the area when the song was played. That significantly more birds approached the speaker and displayed mobbing behavior during the mobbing call playback suggests that black-capped chickadee mobbing vocalizations carry meaning for at least ten other avian species. This finding supports the idea that species subjected to the same predators in an area may benefit by recognizing each others’ predator calls. This recognition may be facilitated by the similar structure of different species’ mobbing calls and also a learned association of another species’ call with the presence of a predator. Received: 23 March 1995 /Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

We assessed whether colonial breeding allows individuals to decrease their investment in predator defence, by presenting decoys of owls, foxes and crows to Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus. Decoy detection increased with colony size, as did the number of individuals mobbing the decoy. The number of mobbers was greater for predators potentially risky for the adults (owl or fox) than for non-dangerous predators (crow). Recruits (breeding neighbours, fledglings and non-breeders) were present a lower percentage of the time, and attacked and alarm called less frequently than tested individuals. Nevertheless, the overall attack rate on the predator increased with the number of mobbers. When the size of the mobbing group increased, individuals were more likely to attack predators that represented a risk for adults, but did so less intensively and with a lower frequency of close dives. Thus, coloniality decreased the individual costs of defence in terms of risk taken, whilst enhancing defence efficacy. Birds alarm called more intensively when presented with dangerous predators than with the crow. The number of recruits significantly increased with increasing alarm rate of the tested individuals, even when taking colony size into account. Furthermore, the alarm rate of the tested birds also had a significant effect on the proportion of recruits that engaged in attacks against dangerous predators but not against the crow. The higher recruitment and attack rates for dangerous predators were thus apparently modulated through alarm calling. We discuss whether tested birds may manipulate recruits' behaviour to lessen their own risk.  相似文献   

Seabird populations contain large numbers of immatures––in some instances comprising >50% of the fully grown adults in the population. These birds are significant components of marine food webs and may contribute to compensatory recruitment and dispersal, but remain severely understudied. Here, we use GPS-PTTs, radio-tracking and analysis of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to investigate the movements and foraging ecology of immature seabirds. Our study focussed on immature northern gannets Morus bassanus aged 2–4 attending non-breeding aggregations alongside a large breeding colony. GPS-PTT tracking of five birds revealed that immatures have the ability to disperse widely during the breeding season, with some individuals potentially prospecting at other colonies. Overall, however, immatures were faithful to the colony of capture. During returns to the focal colony, immatures acted as central place foragers, conducted looping and commuting flights, and analysis of the variance in first-passage time revealed evidence of area-restricted search (ARS) behaviour. In addition, stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analyses indicate that immatures were isotopically segregated from breeders. Our findings provide insights into the foraging, prospecting and dispersal behaviour of immature seabirds, which may have important implications for understanding seabird ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

Protandry, the earlier arrival of males than females to breeding areas, is widespread in birds, but its underlying mechanisms are far from well understood. The two, not mutually exclusive most highly supported hypotheses to explain avian protandry postulate that it has evolved from intrasexual male competition to acquire the best territories (“rank advantage” hypothesis) and/or to maximize the number of mates (“mate opportunity” hypothesis). We studied for two consecutive years the relative importance of both hypotheses in a population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), a territorial songbird with a mixed mating strategy. We measured territory quality using a long-term dataset on nest occupation and breeding output, and we used molecular techniques to assess male fitness across the range of social and genetic mating options. Territory quality was unrelated to breeding date and had no influence on extra-pair paternity or social polygynous events. However, males breeding early increased their chances of becoming socially polygynous and/or of attaining extra-pair paternity and, as a consequence, increased their total reproductive success. These results support the “mate opportunity” hypothesis, suggesting that sexual selection is the main mechanism driving protandry in this population.  相似文献   

Social nesting behaviour is commonly associated with high prevalence and intensity of parasites in intraspecific comparisons. Little is known about the effects of interspecific host breeding density for parasite intensity in generalist host–parasite systems. Darwin’s small tree finch (Camarhynchus parvulus) on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos Islands, nests in both heterospecific aggregations and at solitary sites. All Darwin finch species on Santa Cruz Island are infested with larvae of the invasive blood-sucking fly Philornis downsi. In this study, we test the prediction that total P. downsi intensity (the number of parasites per nest) is higher for nests in heterospecific aggregations than at solitary nests. We also examine variation in P. downsi intensity in relation to three predictor variables: (1) nest size, (2) nest bottom thickness and (3) host adult body mass, both within and across finch species. The results show that (1) total P. downsi intensity was significantly higher for small tree finch nests with many close neighbours; (2) finches with increased adult body mass built larger nests (inter- and intraspecific comparison); (3) parasite intensity increased significantly with nest size across species and in the small tree finch alone; and (4) nest bottom thickness did not vary with nest size or parasite intensity. These results provide evidence for an interaction between social nesting behaviour, nest characteristics and host mass that influences the distribution and potential impact of mobile ectoparasites in birds.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in animal signalling behaviour has been well documented and has contributed much to our understanding of male signals. In contrast, we know little about seasonal variation in female signals or signals produced jointly by males and females, such as the vocal duets of birds. Here, we examine how singing behaviour changes in relation to time of year and breeding stage in rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus), neotropical songbirds where both males and females sing and where breeding partners coordinate songs to produce vocal duets. We recorded a colour-marked population of birds over an extended time period encompassing multiple breeding stages. Across all time frames and breeding stages, males sang at higher rates than females and male solos were more common than duets or female solos. Males and females showed divergent seasonal patterns of singing. Females sang more often early in the year, during the pre-breeding season, and female song tapered off as the breeding season progressed. Duetting followed a parallel pattern, which resulted from females showing less duet responsiveness to their partner’s songs later in the year. Male independent song rate peaked at the onset of the rainy season – a time when females become fertile – and males showed the highest level of duet responsiveness during this period. Our results suggest that early in the year, duets appear to be cooperative displays, functioning in joint territory defence and/or the coordination of breeding activities. When females are fertile, however, increased duet responsiveness by males is consistent with mate or paternity guarding.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, there will often be a conflict between investment in current versus future reproduction. If a predator appears during breeding, parents must make a compromise between ensuring the growth and survival of offspring (nest defence, feeding and brooding of young), and reducing the risk of predation to ensure their own survival. We model three hypotheses for the outcome of this conflict which are particularly relevant for altricial birds. They are not mutually exclusive, but focus on different costs and benefits. (1) Parental investment is determined by the parents’ own risk of predation. This hypothesis predicts that a lone parent should take smaller risks than a parent that has a mate. (2) Parental investment is related to the reproductive value of the offspring: Parents are predicted to take greater risks for larger broods, larger-sized or older offspring. (3) Finally, we present the new hypothesis that parental investment is related to the harm that offspring would suffer during a period of no parental care (incubation, brooding, feeding). This hypothesis predicts that parents should take greater risks for younger offspring, or for offspring in poorer condition, because the marginal benefit of parental care is largest in such cases. Hence, one may also expect that lone parents should take greater risks than two parents because their offspring are more in need of care. We tested these hypotheses on the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) by presenting a stuffed predator of the parents (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus) close to the nest when parents were feeding the young. Risk taking was measured as the time that elapsed until the first visit to the nest. Most support was found for the ‘‘harm to offspring’’ hypothesis. Previous studies have usually measured the intensity of nest defence against typical nest predators, and have found evidence for the ‘‘reproductive value of offspring’’ hypothesis. However, our model predicts that the importance of the reproductive value of the offspring should decrease relative to the harm that offspring would suffer if they were not cared for when the predator type changes from a nest predator to a predator of adults, and when conditions for breeding turn from good to bad. Received: 13 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 March 1996  相似文献   

Early androgen exposure is known to have long-lasting effects on phenotype, behaviour and even fitness, but difficulties in measuring the exposure hinders the study of its importance in evolutionary context. Digit ratios have been highlighted as a potential easy-to-measure indicator of early steroid exposure, as they have been suggested to reflect steroid, mainly testosterone levels during prenatal development. However, evidence for digit ratios reflecting early steroid levels is weak, as experimental studies, especially in wild populations, are scarce. We studied the association between maternally derived yolk androgens and digit ratios (2D:4D, 2D:3D and 3D:4D) using both correlative data and a rather high level of experimental elevation of yolk androgens in a passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We also examined whether digit ratios have indicator value in an evolutionary context by studying correlations between digit ratios and reproductive traits, secondary sexual traits and exploratory behaviour. We did not find any association between digit ratios and yolk androgen level either in correlative or experimental data. Digit ratios were neither related to any of the reproductive and secondary sexual traits or exploratory behaviour measured. There was, however, a sex difference in 2D:3D and 3D:4D of adult birds (due to second and fourth digits being shorter in females), which was not apparent in fledglings or captivity-raised juveniles. This suggests that either the sex difference may develop as late as during the sexual maturation for breeding. These results indicate that, in this species, digit ratios are not reliable markers of maternally derived yolk androgen exposure and that they bear little relevance as correlates of the adaptive traits we measured.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity and male characteristics in the pied flycatcher   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is sexually dichromatic with extreme variation in male plumage coloration. The benefit for males of having black plumage is controversial, and few studies have found evidence for a sexual selection benefit of being black rather than brown. However, blacker males may be better able to achieve extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), which may be an important component of sexual selection. We studied the role of EPFs in sexual selection in the pied flycatcher by establishing a set-up where two males with different back coloration (blacker vs browner) bred simultaneously near each other. DNA fingerprinting analysis revealed that 11% of offspring resulted from EPFs, and that 22% of broods included extra-pair young (EPY) among 36 nests containing 223 nestlings. We found no evidence that browner males suffered more often from EPFs than blacker males. There was no correlation of male or female morphology or age with EPF frequency. However, breeding pairs with low genetic similarity had EPY in their nests significantly more often. Thus we argue that females paired with genetically dissimilar males may try to avoid the effects of extreme outbreeding by seeking extra-pair copulations (EPCs). Alternatively, incompatibility between genetically dissimilar mates may simply expose females to more extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

Migrating animals face numerous mortality risks, such as novel predators with which they may not be accustomed. Most animals can recognize predators innately; however, additional predator information can be collected to enhance familiarity. Because migrating birds rarely participate in mobs, they may seek alternative information sources such as cues provided by other birds that can provide information on predator location, identity, and degree of threat. We predicted that Nearctic–Neotropical migrants (hereafter, “migrants”) would react to vocal antipredator cues (e.g., mob-calls) of species residing in areas through which they migrate. To test this, we conducted experiments in Belize during spring migration, using playbacks of mob-calls of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and blue-gray tanagers (Thraupis episcopus); tanagers are familiar to all birds in Belize; chickadees are novel to residents but familiar to migrants. This also allowed us to assess response to novel and out-of-context antipredator signals. Resident birds did not respond to novel chickadee mob-calls, but did respond to familiar tanager calls. Birds overwintering south of our study area, which were migrating during our study, responded most strongly to chickadee playbacks. Conversely, individuals of species that include our study area in their winter range did not respond to either playback. This is the first evidence that birds react to vocal antipredator cues during migration, which may be a strategy used by migrants to learn about predators. Although residents failed to recognize a foreign cue, migrating birds responded most strongly to the out-of-context chickadee cue, associated with breeding grounds >2,000 km northward. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Both food abundance and predation risk may influence habitat use decisions. However, studies of habitat use by birds in marine environments have focused only on food abundance. I investigated the possible influences of food abundance and predation risk from tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) on habitat use by pied cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius) over two spatial scales and on cormorant group size. Cormorants were usually solitary, but group size was highest in shallow habitats during months when shark density was low. Regardless of season, cormorant density within shallow habitats was higher over seagrass than sand, and cormorants were distributed between these two microhabitats proportional to prey density. Therefore, cormorants appear to respond to prey abundance at a relatively narrow spatial scale (i.e., tens of meters). At the habitat-patch scale (~1 km), the density of cormorants and their prey (teleosts) was higher in shallow habitats than in deep ones, but the density of cormorants was influenced by an interaction between water temperature (i.e., season) and habitat. There was decreased use of shallow habitats as water temperature, and the density of tiger sharks, increased. When shark density was low, cormorants were distributed across habitats roughly in proportion to the abundance of fish, suggesting that cormorants respond to food abundance at the scale of habitat patches. However, as shark abundance increased, the relative density of cormorants dropped in the dangerous shallow habitats such that there was a greater density of cormorants relative to their food in deep habitats when sharks were abundant. This suggests that pied cormorants trade-off food and risk by accepting lower energetic returns to forage in safer habitats. This study provides the first evidence that marine habitat selection by birds may be influenced by such a trade-off, and provides further evidence that tiger sharks are important in determining habitat use of their prey and mediating indirect interactions within Shark Bay.Communicated by P. W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Age,experience, and enemy recognition by wild song sparrows   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Older female Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) breeding on Mandarte Island, B.C., Canada, are more often parasitized by a brood parasite, the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater), than yearling females breeding for the first time. This may be explained if older Song Sparrows behave differently than yearlings towards searching female cowbirds, and are thus more readily recognized as potential hosts. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the responses of Song Sparrows to a stuffed mount of a female cowbird in 1982, when no cowbirds frequented the island. This mount, and a control (a female junco) were presented near the nests of wild female sparrows of known age. As predicted, adult female sparrows behaved differently towards the cowbird model from yearlings (Table 1). They did not differ in their responses to the junco. Adult males also responded differently to the cowbird and junco (Table 2), but adult males did not differ significantly from yearlings in their response to either model. When birds that responded weakly as yearlings in the absence of cowbirds were retested as 2-year-olds after the recolonization of the island by cowbirds, they responded strongly to cowbird models. Two-year-old birds not exposed to cowbirds as yearlings, were parasitized at a rate intermediate between the rate for experienced adults and that for yearlings. Yearling females were parasitized less often at the beginning of the period of breeding activity by cowbirds than at the end. All these results are consistent with our hypothesis that age-selective parasitism results from differences among age classes in the mobbing responses of Song Sparrows to cowbirds. The greater response of adult sparrows to cowbirds seems non-adaptive, because it apparently results in a loss of reproductive output through selective parasitism. We suggest that this paradox can be resolved if the response to cowbirds near the nest is an instance of a more general acquired response to all potential enemies that approach a nest.  相似文献   

Prebreeding Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) frequently act as helpers on their natal territory, aiding in territory defence, predator mobbing, nestbuilding, incubation (only females) and feeding dependent young of their parents. In some cases helpers could attain breeding status (e.g. by joint-nesting) in their natal group and become co-breeders. Comparisons of group size and reproductive success on a given quality territory suggest that the presence of alloparents (helpers and cobreeders) significantly affects the reproductive success of their parents. The influence of alloparents on reproductive success was examined by removing alloparents from breeding units and comparing the success of natural-sized and artificially reduced groups. Removal experiments, controlled for territory quality, group size and breeder age, showed that the presence of one alloparent significantly improved the reproductive success of its parents. Analysis strongly suggests that this was entirely due to helping behaviour (i.e. providing care to offspring of their parents), thereby improving the helper's inclusive fitness benefits from staying at home. However, these experiments showed also that the presence of two or more alloparents in medium-quality territories significantly decreased reproductive success, compared with groups with one alloparent. Several lines of evidence suggest that this may have been due to the joint-nesting and reproductive competition that could occur in breeding groups, or simply to resource depression when a large number of previous offspring remained on their natal territory.  相似文献   

Neighbor–stranger discrimination (NSD) occurs when animals respond with more aggression to strangers than to territorial neighbors. NSD has been reported in many species that defend multi-purpose territories for breeding and foraging, but it is rare among species that defend other types of territories. For birds that defend only their nest sites, there is no experimental evidence for NSD, and observational studies have provided mixed results. In a colony of Audubon's shearwaters (Puffinus l. lherminieri), I played back the calls of a neighbor and a stranger to males defending nest sites. Subjects responded with longer calls to playbacks of strangers than to those of neighbors. In shearwater colonies, strangers are often birds looking for future breeding sites. In contrast, there is no evidence that established breeders compete with their neighbors for any resources. Shearwaters should benefit from NSD because strangers represent a “real enemy” and established neighbors do not.  相似文献   

Summary The mating system of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedi) in Parque Nacional Corcovado, Costa Rica was studied and used to develop a model to interpret the evolution of seasonal sexual dimorphism in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.). Adult male body weights in captivity and the wild may increase more than 20%, beginning approximately two months prior to and continuing through the annual two month, breeding season. Female inter-troop transfer was common in the study population, but male troop residence was stable. Instances of agression among adult males in the troop, even in sexual contexts, were rare. Reproductively mature males enlarged to varying degrees by the start of the breeding season and cooperated in mobbing females to olfactorily evaluate female, estrous condition. Female mate preference corresponded to a ranking based on relative male enlargement. The largest male obtained 70% of the copulations observed in the 1984 breeding season. Little evidence exists that females typically mate with more than one male during the period of peak receptivity. Seasonal enlargement in males is suggested to be the result, of both male intrasexual competition and female choice.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure of flocks of dunlin, Calidris alpina, and starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, was studied while birds were in transit between feeding, loafing and roosting sites. A technique was developed that uses standard photogrammetric methods to determine the three-coordinate position of birds in flocks from stereoscopic pairs of simultaneously exposed photographs. A comparison of nearest neighbour distances indicates that dunlin have a tighter, more compact flock structure than do starlings (Fig. 2; Table 2). Analysis of interbird angles in both the vertical and horizontal planes indicates that each dunlin's nearest neighbour is most likely to be behind and below it. This spatial structure results in areas in which few nearest neighbours occur (e.g., immediately in front and below) (Fig. 3). Flight speeds during transit flights are also presented (Table 4). The spatial structure and behaviour of dunlin and starling flocks appear to be very similar to the structure and behaviour of schools of fish.  相似文献   

Individuals of many taxa gather social information in order to make informed decisions with lowered unpredictability. Social information may show temporal periods of higher information value during certain events. However, the value of information is expected to decrease with time since the event and individuals accessing this information are expected to do so quickly. In birds, prospectors visit the nests of other individuals to gather information about reproductive decisions and breeding success. Individuals are known to prospect even during their own breeding to access this information. We investigated prospecting behavior of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) at conspecific nests within a short time period following a simulated predator visit. We performed predator and control presentations at flycatcher nests, and recorded all prospectors (foreign conspecific individuals) visiting these nests within 45-min periods before and after the presentations. We found a significant increase in conspecific prospectors visiting focal nests after the presentation of a predator near the nest. The prospectors in our data comprised mainly pied flycatchers actively breeding in the neighborhood of the focal nest. We also found that the increase in prospecting at these nests is of short-duration, and that prospecting rates decreased back to background prospecting levels relatively quickly. Our results find support for the prediction that individuals may respond to temporally peaking value of information after certain observable events. This result suggests that prospecting may be especially aimed at specific periods of high information value.  相似文献   

Biodiversity declines and ecosystem decay follow forest fragmentation; initially, abundant species may become rare or be extirpated. Underlying mechanisms behind delayed extirpation of certain species following forest fragmentation are unknown. Species declines may be attributed to an inadequate number of breeding adults required to replace the population or decreased juvenile survival rate due to reduced recruitment or increased nest predation pressures. We used 10 years of avian banding data, 5 years before and 4 years after fragment isolation, from the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, carried out near Manaus, Brazil, to investigate the breeding activity hypothesis that there is less breeding activity and fewer young after relative to before fragment isolation. We compared the capture rates of active breeding and young birds in 3 forest types (primary forest, fragment before isolation, and fragment after isolation) and the proportion of active breeding and young birds with all birds in each unique fragment type before and after isolation. We grouped all bird species by diet (insectivore or frugivore) and nesting strategy (open cup, cavity, or enclosed) to allow further comparisons among forest types. We found support for the breeding activity hypothesis in insectivorous and frugivorous birds (effect sizes 0.45 and 0.53, respectively) and in birds with open-cup and enclosed nesting strategies (effect sizes 0.56 and 0.44, respectively) such that on average there were more breeding birds in fragments before isolation relative to after isolation. A larger proportion of birds in the community were actively breeding before fragment isolation (72%) than after fragment isolation (11%). Unexpectedly, there was no significant decrease in the number of young birds after fragment isolation, although sample sizes for young were small (n = 43). This may have been due to sustained immigration of young birds to fragments after isolation. Together, our results provide some of the strongest evidence to date that avian breeding activity decreases in response to fragment isolation, which could be a fundamental mechanism contributing to ecosystem decay.  相似文献   

The dawn chorus is a striking feature of spring mornings and a characteristic behaviour of many bird species, particularly the passerines. Dawn singing has been considered a reliable signal of male quality for mate and rival assessment. Singing is presumed to be relatively costly at dawn both because air temperatures are relatively low and because birds have not fed overnight. Models of optimal daily routine predict the existence of a “dusk chorus” in nocturnal birds, although this prediction has received little empirical attention. Nocturnal birds at dusk may be energy-limited because of a lack of daytime feeding, and singing at dusk may thus ensure signal reliability. Here, we used an observational and experimental approach to study vocal behaviour at dusk and dawn in a nocturnal raptor, the little owl Athene noctua. We assess whether male little owls adjust their vocal behaviour according to feeding stage (i.e. period of the night), ambient air temperature and territorial context (i.e. spontaneous calling behaviour vs elicited calling by intrusion). Across different temperatures, we find that both spontaneous vocal activity and inter-individual variability in call duration increased at dusk, clearly indicating a dusk chorus phenomenon. Results from playback presentations suggest that food, rather than air temperature, is likely to be more constraining at dusk. We discuss how comparing dusk and dawn choruses in nocturnal and diurnal species can provide insights into both mechanistic and functional aspects of signalling behaviour.  相似文献   

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