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Summary. Several species of Longitarsus take up, metabolize and store pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from their host plants. In feeding experiments using radioactively labeled PAs of different types we examined the time course of the sequestration process in L. jacobaeae and L. aeruginosus. We found that adapted species efficiently store PAs for at least two weeks without major losses. During that time, there is virtually no change in the ratio of tertiary alkaloids to stored non-toxic N-oxides, regardless of chemical form fed to the beetles. This implies a transient N-oxidation process where the alkaloids are only temporarily accessible to the enzyme. A dissection experiment with L. aeruginosus six days after uptake of labeled PAs showed that the tertiary alkaloids are not found in the hemolymph but are stored in the elytra and other body compartments. This conforms with earlier experiments that localized the enzymes site of action in the hemolymph. Furthermore we show that different total alkaloid doses in the diet of L. jacobaeae and the potentially less adapted L. succineus do not affect the ratio of recovered N-oxides to tertiary molecules. Thus, the efficiency of the N-oxidizing enzyme is not dependent on the concentration of alkaloids offered.  相似文献   

We examine vigilance within a mixed-species troop of saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and moustached (S. mystax) tamarins over a complete year. Saddleback tamarins were consistently more vigilant than moustached tamarins. This may be linked to their preference for lower strata. In accordance with previous studies of other primates, vigilant tamarins of both species were significantly further away from their nearest neighbours, and were also at lower heights in the forest than non-vigilant individuals. There was no observed sex difference in the amount of time spent vigilant. In terms of modes of scanning, the saddleback tamarins looked up significantly more frequently than the moustached tamarins, whereas there was no difference between the species in the frequency of side sweeps. There were no differences between the sexes in the frequencies of either type of vigilant behaviour. The proportion of time spent vigilant was higher than average immediately prior to entering a sleeping site for saddleback tamarins, but not for moustached tamarins. Both species were more vigilant immediately after exiting a sleeping site than at other times of the day. There was significant variation in the amount of time devoted to vigilance over the course of the year. These findings are discussed with respect to the social structure, ecology and main predator threats facing these species.Communicated by D. Watts  相似文献   

Summary. In earlier investigations on host plant discrimination of leaf beetles glucosinolates were described as feeding stimulants for the Brassicaceae specialist Phaedon cochleariae F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). However, since these findings could not be confirmed in later studies offering 2-propenylglucosinolate in concentrations corresponding to those detected in host plant leaf material, the identification of feeding stimulants of this leaf beetle species remained unclear. In order to investigate which compounds of the host plant Sinapis alba (Brassicaceae) are involved in feeding stimulation, leaf extracts of different polarities were tested in bioassays with adults of P. cochleariae. Number of feeding beetles and net consumption rates were highest on pea leaves painted with methanol extracts of S. alba, whereas weak feeding responses were also detectable for hexane extracts. In subsequent bioassay-guided fractionations of methanol extracts with semi-preparative high performance liquid chromatography, two distinct fractions, one containing glucosinolates and another containing flavonoids, were found to stimulate beetles to feed to variable degrees. Other collected fractions had zero activity. The combination of both active fractions evoked significantly higher consumption rates and stimulated more beetles to feed than fractions tested individually. At least one compound of each fraction, among these the main glucosinolate of S. alba, 4-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate, act additively. Effects of two different naturally-occurring ratios of glucosinolates and flavonoids on the strength of feeding responses were investigated by use of extracts of two sets of host plants differently exposed to radiation. One set was outdoors-exposed, whereas the second set was kept in the greenhouse. However, the feeding behaviour of P. cochleariae was not affected by the significantly different relative compositions of both compound classes in the host material. In conclusion, mustard leaf beetles need a combination of distinct plant metabolites acting in concert for feeding stimulation, whereby the mere presence of these stimulants, but probably not the ratio of involved compounds, determines their feeding response.  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence is presented that pyrrolizidine alkaloid acquired by Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) as a larva from Crotalaria foodplants is incorporated in part into the scales of the adult. A single forewing of a male or female moth may contain in the order of 6 to 13 g monocrotaline in its scale cover or about 1 to 2% of the moths systemic monocrotaline content. Based on estimates of the number of scales per forewing, the monocrotaline content of individual scales is calculated to be in the order of 0.1 and 0.2 ng monocrotaline per male and female scale, respectively. This amounts to concentrations of about 1 and 3%, values roughly at a par with the average systemic concentration (0.5-0.6%) previously determined for monocrotaline in Utetheisa. It is argued that the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloid in the moths scale coating could account for the promptness with which adult Utetheisa are rejected by spiders. It is suggested further that chemical impregnation of scales with substances deterrent to predators may be more widespread among insects than generally assumed.  相似文献   

Summary.  The sampling behavior of the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (CPB) involves examination of the surface of potato leaves. It has been suggested that leaf surface compounds (volatiles and cuticular waxes) may be involved in host-plant recognition, acceptance or discrimination. Here we report on the effect of leaf surface extracts of six Polish commercial potato varieties on CPB feeding. We tested the influence of potato leaf surface extracts on CPB adult and larval feeding, then separated the extracts with HPLC, and finally tested the effect of the HPLC-separated fractions on CPB feeding. The bioassays were performed using potato leaf discs deprived of their original surface compounds. Applied to test discs at concentrations ten times higher than natural (10 leaf area equivalent), the extracts deterred CPB adults and larvae from feeding. HPLC-separated fractions composed of alkanes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, wax esters, benzoic acid esters, fatty acid methyl, ethyl, isopropyl and phenylethyl esters, aldehydes, ketones, methyl ketones, fatty acids, primary alcohols, β-amyrin and sterols did not affect adult CPB feeding. Similarly, alkanes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, wax esters, methyl ketones, sesquiterpene alcohols and secondary alcohols had no effect on larval CPB feeding. The sterol fraction (cholesterol, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol) acted as a phagostimulant to CPB larvae. We isolated a fraction demonstrating a phagodeterrent effect on CPB adults and larvae. The qualitative composition of the deterrent fraction was quite similar in all potato extracts, but there were quantitative differences between the varieties. Much further work is needed to identify the compounds that can produce the deterrent effect.  相似文献   

Summary. The occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in Pittocaulon (ex Senecio) praecox (Asteraceae) a species endemic to Mexico was established. The aboveground plant organs contain the 1,2-saturated monoester 7-angeloyl-dihydroxyheliotridane together with a small proportion of its 9-angeloyl isomer as major alkaloid. The monoesters are accompanied by the macrocyclic otonecine derivative senkirkine. Roots contain only related macrocyclic PAs with senecionine, senkirkine and platyphylline as major components; monoesters are absent. The broom-like succulent stems of P. praecox are infested by the scale insect Ceroplastes albolineatus conspicuously visible by its huge wax cover. All life-history stages, i.e. females, eggs, first instar nymphs (crawlers) and the wax cover were found associated with PAs. The measured PA concentrations clearly indicate sequestration. The highest PA concentrations (mg / g dry weight) reached are: mature females, 0.44; eggs, 0.58; crawlers, 0.37; wax cover, 0.08. The host plant as well as in the infesting scale insect contain the PAs exclusively as free bases. As a phloem-feeder C. albolineatus must acquire the PAs with the ingested phloem sap. This appears plausible since in Senecio species PA are transmitted and circulated through the phloem path. It is suggested that PAs may protect particularly the crawlers as the most endangered stage in the life-cycle of the scale insect.  相似文献   

Summary. 22-Acetyl-20-hydroxyecdysone was identified as a major component in the secretion of elytral and pronotal glands of Chrysolina carnifex, at an estimated concentration of 1.5 x 10-1 M. This unexpected high concentration of an ecdysteroid in an exocrine secretion of an insect is discussed in terms of its potential defensive function, and in the light of steroid production in similar glands of closely related leaf beetles.  相似文献   

Mating is essential for sexually reproducing species to pass on their genes. For sexual parasites, this implies a need to switch the host in the search for a mate when potential partners are not available on the same host, although host switching includes risks like starvation and predation. Studies of mate-searching behavior predict that commonly only one sex searches for mating partners while the other remains stationary. In the present work, we experimentally infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with the fish ectoparasite Argulus coregoni and determined whether the sex, age and the presence of mating partners influenced the host switching activity. Our results show that increased host switching by A. coregoni occurred only after the parasite reached the adult stage and a difference between the sexes was also recorded. Host switching by mature males was enhanced when no mating partners were present on the same host, whereas females remained mainly stationary on their host regardless of male presence or absence. Our data therefore support the hypothesis that there is a strategic difference in reproductive behavior between males and females; males invest energy in mate searching while females are rather stationary and invest into body size and hence increased fecundity. Our data also showed that leaving the host to find a mate is potentially costly in terms of predation since a substantial number of free-swimming parasites were eaten by fish.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between more dangerous and less dangerous predators can have serious fitness advantages for fish juveniles. This is especially true for hatchery-reared fish young used for stocking, because their post-release mortality is often much higher than that of wild-born conspecifics. We tested whether two coexisting fish predators and their different diets induce innate behavioral responses in predator-naive Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) young originating from an endangered hatchery-bred population used for re-introductions. We predicted the antipredator responses of charr to be stronger towards chemical cues of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) than towards odorless control water. More pronounced antipredator behavior was predicted in treatments with predators fed on charr than when their diet consisted of another sympatric salmonid, European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), or when they were food-deprived. The Arctic charr young showed strong antipredator responses in all brown trout treatments, whereas odors of the less likely predator pikeperch were avoided with conspecific diet only. Freezing was the most sensitive antipredator behavior, as it was completely absent in control treatments. We found considerable individual variation in the amount and strength of antipredator responses. Although almost half of the charr failed to show antipredator behavior towards the piscivores, those with the innate ability showed highly sensitive recognition of predator odors. Our results indicate that the innate antipredator behavior of the juvenile fish is already finely tuned to respond specifically to chemical cues from different fish predators and even their diets.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

Summary. Sequestration and processing of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) by leaf beetles of the genus Platyphora were investigated. Tracer experiments with labeled alkaloids were performed with P. eucosma feeding on Koanophyllon panamense (Asteraceae, tribe Eupatorieae). P. eucosma catalyzes the same reactions previously demonstrated for P. boucardi specialized to Prestonia portobellensis (Apocynaceae): (i) epimerization of rinderine to intermedine; (ii) esterification of retronecine yielding insect-specific PAs; (iii) efficient transport of the PAs as free bases into the defensive secretions. P. bella feeding on Tournefortia cuspidata (Boraginaceae) shows the same sequestration behavior and ability to synthesize the specific retronecine esters. P. ligata, a species phylogenetically closely related to the PA adapted species and clustering in the same clade, but feeding on a host plant devoid of PAs, feeds easily on PA treated host-plant leaves, but does not sequester or metabolize PAs. P. kollari a species clustering outside the PA clade refused to feed on its food-plant leaves painted with PAs. The results are discussed in relation to host-plant selection of the PA adapted species and the role of PAs in chemical defense. Received 20 September 2002; accepted 18 November 2002.  相似文献   

Summary. Nine compounds identified from captured volatiles of the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, the mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae, and the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis, that elicited antennal responses in males and females of one or more of these species were tested in the field to determine behavioural activity. 1-Octen-3-ol, found in the volatiles of females of all three species decreased the response of male and female coastal and male interior D. pseudotsugae and both sexes of D. ponderosae to their aggregation pheromones. Acetophenone, identified in the volatiles of females of all three species, significantly decreased the response of interior female D. pseudotsugae. trans-Verbenol, a potent aggregation pheromone of D. ponderosae, decreased the response of both sexes of D. pseudotsugae, while 3-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1- one (MCH), the antiaggregation pheromone of D. pseudotsugae and D. rufipennis decreased the response of both sexes of D. ponderosae. While it has been demonstrated that semiochemical mediated interspecific communication occurs among bark beetles infesting the same host, this study demonstrates that beetles can perceive signals emitted by heterospecifics attacking nonhosts and can potentially use them to avoid attacking the wrong species of conifer.  相似文献   

Summary.  Under laboratory conditions, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis is well known as an intraguild predator of other ladybirds. However the real impact of this exotic species on native species was poorly investigated in the field. Because many ladybird species produce alkaloids as defensive compounds, we propose here a new method of intraguild predation monitoring in coccinellids based on alkaloid quantification by GC-MS. In laboratory experiments, adaline was unambiguously detected in fourth instar larvae of H. axyridis having ingested one egg or one first instar larva of Adalia bipunctata. Although prey alkaloids in the predator decreased with time, traces were still detected in pupae, exuviae and imagines of H. axyridis having ingested one prey when they were fourth instar larvae. Analysis of H. axyridis larvae collected in two potato fields shows for the first time in Europe the presence of exogenous alkaloids in 9 out of 28 individuals tested. This new method of intraguild predation detection could be used more widely to follow the interactions between predators and potential chemically defended insect preys.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of chemical nonylphenols (NPs) on the antioxidant system of Microcystis aeruginosa strains. The degradation and sorption of NPs by M. aeruginosa were also evaluated. High concentrations of NPs (1 and 2 mg/l) were found to cause increases in superoxidase dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities and in glutathione (GSH) levels. These results suggest that toxic stress manifested by elevated SOD and GST levels and GSH contents may be responsible for the toxicity of NPs to M. aeruginosa and that the algal cells could improve their antioxidant and detoxification ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and nonenzymatic prevention substances. The observed elevations in GSH levels and GST activities were relatively higher than those in SOD activities, indicating that GSH and GST contributed more in eliminating toxic effects than SOD. Low concentrations of NPs (0.05–0.2 mg/l) enhanced cell growth and decreased GST activity in algal cells of M. aeruginosa, suggesting that NPs may have acted as a protecting factor, such as an antioxidant. The larger portion of the NPs (>60%) disappeared after 12 days of incubation, indicating the strong ability of M. aeruginosa to degrade the moderate persistent NP compounds. The sorption ratio of M. aeruginosa after a 12-day exposure to low nominal concentrations of NPs (0.02–0.5 mg/l) was relatively high (>30%). The fact that M. aeruginosa effectively resisted the toxic effects of NPs and strongly degraded these pollutants indicate that M. aeruginosa cells have a strong ability to adapt to variations in environmental conditions and that low and moderate concentrations of organic compounds may favor its survival. Further studies are needed to provide detailed information on the fate of persistent organic pollutants and the survival of algae and to determine the possible role of organic pollutants in the occurrence of water blooms in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Summary.  Females of both species start their pheromone-releasing activity on the second day after emergence at the beginning of the photophase. During the present work, a peak of calling activity with close to 100% of active Ph. nigrescentella females was registered 1.5 hour after the light had been put on. The high pheromone release behaviour with 50% active females lasted for 3 hours. The calling activity of the group of females was about 6 h/day. The beginning of a photophase under laboratory conditions or an early morning in nature is a common period for sex pheromone release in the genus Phyllonorycter. (8Z,10E)-tetradecadien-1-yl acetate (8Z,10E-14:Ac), (8Z,10E)-tetradecadien-1-ol (8Z,10E-14:OH) and (8E,10Z)-tetradecadien-1-yl acetate (8E,10Z-14:Ac) in the ratio 96:4:traces as well as 8Z,10E-14:Ac and 8Z,10E-14:OH in the ratio 88:12 collected by Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) were found to be specific for the calling periods of virgin Phyllonorycter insignitella and Ph. nigrescentella females respectively. Field trapping experiments demonstrated that all three compounds are important for the attraction of Ph. insignitella males while only 8Z,10E-14:Ac is the essential sex pheromone component for Ph. nigrescentella. The pheromone activity of all three compounds is reported for the first time. Addition of either 8Z,10E-14:OH or 8E,10Z-14:Ac to 8Z,10E-14:Ac did not have a significant effect on the attraction of Ph. nigrescentella males, while the efficiency of the three component blend was 5 times lower as compared to that of 8Z,10E-14:Ac. Our data demonstrate that 8Z,10E-14:OH and 8E,10Z-14:Ac play a dual function, they are minor sex pheromone components of Ph. insignitella essential for attraction of conspecific males and show an allelochemical, antagonistic effect on Ph. nigrescentella males and, thus, ensuring specificity of the mate location signal in two related Phyllonorycter species.  相似文献   

Summary. The major component of the trail pheromone of the myrmicine ant Crematogaster castanea has been identified as (R)-2-dodecanol from the tibial glands of the hind legs. The substance gave activity comparable to the contents of 8 tibial glands at a concentration of 1 pg per 32 cm trail.  相似文献   

Summary. Ophrys flowers mimic the female produced sex pheromone of their pollinator species to attract males for pollination. The males try to copulate with the putative female and thereby pollinate the flower. Using electrophysiological and chemical analyses, floral volatiles released by O. iricolor as well as the female sex pheromone of its pollinator species, Andrena morio are investigated. Overall, 38 peaks comprising 41 chemical compounds, were found to release reactions in the antennae of male A. morio bees. Analyses using coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of alkanes and alkenes with 20 to 29 carbon atoms, aldehydes (C9 to C24) and two esters. Almost all of those compounds were found in similar proportions in both, the floral extracts of O. iricolor and cuticle surface extracts of A. morio females. The pattern of biologically active volatiles described here is very similar to that used by other Ophrys species pollinated by Andrena males.  相似文献   

In bumblebees all species of the subgenus Psithyrus are social parasites in the nests of their Bombus hosts. In the bumblebee B. terrestris we investigated how colony size influences survival rates of nest entering females of the social parasite Psithyrus vestalis. Furthermore, we studied whether the host worker’s dominance status and age are reflected in its individual scent and whether Psithyrus females use volatiles to selectively kill host workers. The survival rate of Psithyrus vestalis females drops from 100%, when entering colonies with five workers, to 0% for colonies containing 50 host workers. Older host workers, born before the nest invasion, were selectively killed when Psithyrus females entered the nest. In contrast, all workers born after the nest invasion survived. The host workers’ dominance status and age are reflected by their individual odours: newly emerged workers produced a significantly lower total amount of secretions than 4-day-old workers. In chemical analyses of female groups we identified saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and unsaturated wax-type esters of fatty acids. In a discriminant function analysis different worker groups were mainly separated by their bouquets of hydrocarbons. Killed workers release significantly more scent and of a different chemical composition, than survivors. Survivors alter scent production and increase it beyond the level of the killed workers within 1 day of the invasion. The Psithyrus female clearly maintains reproductive dominance utilizing these differences in the odour bouquets as criteria for killing workers that compete for reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary.   Rhabdophis tigrinus obtains defensive steroids (bufadienolides) from its diet and sequesters those compounds in specialized structures on its neck known as nuchal glands. Hatchling snakes lacking these steroids must acquire them from toads consumed as prey. Here we show that females provision bufadienolides to their offspring in amounts correlated to the quantity in their own nuchal glands; thus, chemically protected mothers produce defended offspring. Bufadienolides can be provisioned to embryos via deposition in yolk and by transfer across the egg membranes within the oviducts. Maternally provisioned bufadienolides persist in the nuchal glands of juvenile snakes from the time of hatching in late summer until the following spring, when toads of ingestible size become abundant. Therefore, maternal provisioning may provide chemical protection from predators for young R. tigrinus in the absence of dietary sources of bufadienolides.  相似文献   

Behavioural variation is known to occur between individuals of the same population competing for resources. Individuals also vary with respect to their boldness or shyness. An individuals position along the shy-bold axis may be defined as the extent to which it is willing to trade off potentially increased predation risks for possible gains in resources. Similarly, group living may be interpreted as a trade-off between anti-predatory tactics and foraging efficiency. The responses of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were tested across four social contexts to assess relative boldness or shyness and to further examine whether their behaviour would be consistent within and between contexts. Individuals displayed consistent responses within and between the first two contexts: those individuals which resumed foraging rapidly after a simulated aerial predator attack also displayed low shoaling tendencies. Such fish were deemed to be bold, whilst those which displayed the converse behaviour, slow resumption of foraging and a high shoaling tendency, were deemed to be shy. In a third context, bold individuals out-competed shy conspecifics for food. Boldness was also positively correlated with growth over a 6-week period. The position adopted by an individual within a group is usually interpreted as a trade-off between predation risk and foraging efficiency—both are greater at the front of a mobile group. Bold individuals showed significantly stronger tendencies towards front positions than shy conspecifics. The results suggest that, contrary to some previous studies on other animals, bold or shy behaviour in sticklebacks is consistent between contexts.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

In animal species, prey processing and the provisioning of nutrients are subject to several constraints related with finding, ingesting and processing food. In most bird species, these constraints are obvious as a consequence of food morphology. In the case of the bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), in comparison with other species, its behavioural and physiological adaptations apparently allow this vulture to ingest bone remains irrespective of their morphology. Here, by comparing bones delivered to the nest to be consumed (selected) and remains found at an experimental feeding station and at bone-breaking sites or ossuaries (rejected), I tested whether bearded vultures are capable of choosing from among the various anatomical parts of an animal carcass in relation to their fatty acid content (nutrient concentration hypothesis), their size (width-reduction hypothesis) or both. The results suggest that bearded vultures prefer the fatty anatomical parts (with a high percentage of oleic acid) of an animal carcass regardless of bone length, although bone morphology as a consequence of handling efficiency or the ingestion process may also play a secondary role in food selection. The close association between the bones selected and their high fat value implies an optimisation of foraging time and of the increased energy gained from the food. This is in line with selective foraging to redress specific nutritional imbalances (nutrient concentration hypothesis) and, secondarily, the width-reduction hypothesis.  相似文献   

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