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We present a simple dynamic model to get some key insights about the substitution of renewable for nonrenewable resources and the consequences for sustainability. We highlight the role of the elasticity of substitution (technological component) to determine the adjustment of production as a response to scarcity and growing ability of resources (environmental component). In some cases, the model predicts a smooth substitution of renewable for nonrenewable resources, but this process could work in the opposite direction if renewable resources are temporarily beyond their maximum sustainable yield, so that their marginal natural growth is negative. If substitution possibilities are high enough, it may be optimal to suspend the extraction of a resource to allow the biomass to regenerate. A production process is more likely to be sustainable the more heavily it depends on renewable, rather than nonrenewable resources.  相似文献   

Biodiesel has emerged as one of the most promising renewable energy to substitute existing petroleum-derived diesel fuel being used in transportation sectors. Among the various feedstocks reported for biodiesel production, Moringa oleifera oil is becoming a promising replacement for conventional diesel fuel. Therefore, this work provides a comprehensive overview of the recent progress in biodiesel production from Moringa oleifera oil. The physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition of oil and methyl esters, oil extraction methods, esterification, and transesterification process, and purification methods employed in the biodiesel production have been discussed.  相似文献   

Bioeconomy solutions potentially reduce the utilization demand of natural resources, and therefore, represent steps towards circular economy, but are not per se equivalent to sustainability. Thus, production may remain to be achieved against losses in natural resources or at other environmental costs, and materials produced by bioeconomy are not necessarily biodegradable. As a consequence, the assumption that emerging bioeconomy by itself provides an environmentally sustainable economy is not justified, as technologies do not necessarily become sustainable merely through their conversion to using renewable resources for their production. A source of the above assumption is that the utility of bioeconomy is mostly assessed in interaction between technology developers and economists, resulting in biased assessment with private commercial technology benefits being included, but environmental costs, especially longer term ones, not being sufficiently considered in the economic models. A possible solution to this conceptual contradiction may come from bioethics, as a strong concept in environmental ethics is that no technological intervention can be imposed on nature beyond its receptive capacity. To achieve a better balanced analysis of bioeconomy, environmental and ecological, as well as non-economic social aspects, need to be included in the overall assessment.  相似文献   

The oil industry is one of the main productive activities in Mexico and has a huge infrastructure, including a wide pipeline network that crosses urban, industrial, agricultural and natural areas. The threat of crude oil spills is greatest in those regions with a high concentration of oil extraction and refining activities, as in the case of the Coatzacoalcos and Tonalá Rivers Low Basin. This study ranked the geosystems of the basin in terms of vulnerability to pipeline crude oil spills. Very high vulnerability (level I) was assigned to the water bodies (lakes and rivers) and their margins of influence, including surfaces that flood during normal hydraulic load. High vulnerability areas (level II) comprised surfaces that can flood during extraordinary hydraulic load related with extreme hydrometeorological events. The remaining three vulnerability levels were defined for areas with low or negligible flooding potential, these were ranked according to physical (slope, relief and permeability), biological (richness, singularity and integrity) and socio-economic (social marginalization index and economic activities index) conditions. These results are presented on a map for better visualization and interpretation. This study will be useful to establish preventive and effective emergency management actions in order to reduce remediation costs and adverse effects on wild species. It also can help local and national authorities, oil industry and civil protection corps to better protect ecosystems, natural resources and human activities and goods.  相似文献   

Comparison of data on world energy consumption for 1986, 1987 and 1988 indicates that the consumption of all forms of energy increased during the period, but the demand for oil increased at a lesser rate than that of other energy sources. Although the pattern varies between countries, the overall picture is one of increased use of natural gas, coal, nuclear and hydropower as an energy source. Part of the reason for the low growth in oil demand is the oil conservation measures put in place when oil was much more expensive, but may partly be due to the scepticism of many people about the future movement of oil prices. The likely continuation of a low growth market for oil has led some oil exporting countries to move downstream in an effort to secure a dependable market for their oil and oil products.  相似文献   

This study involves a meta-analytical review of several articles, using the closest assumptions for the independent variable (renewable energy consumption), to determine the relationship with its environmental impacts. Furthermore, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in 2015 pays attention to related problems in both developing and developed countries. The effects of carbon emissions, natural resources, renewable energy consumption, and non-renewable energy on the environment are also reviewed. Following the separation of studies, the closest assumption was observed for the independent variable (energy source applications) of renewable energy. The meta-analysis was obtained using OpenMEE and JASP, and the results show the observed outcome, which was expressed in percentage. Based on the analysis, the Renewable Energy model has a value of 0.15, with the largest forest plots of 0.73, 0.69, and 0.80, recorded for studies 13, 19, and 23, respectively, while the least forest plots were recorded for studies 6, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 28. Therefore, renewable energy consumption, specifically in the mining industry, has the capacity to influence global warming. The respective industry has a unique influence on the processes that require renewable energy, for instance, the coal mining industry produces a smaller forest plot value, compared to oil and gas, or other mineral industries.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methods used to evaluate the potential for achieving sustainable energy development in six Chinese villages included in the Sustainable Users' Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios (SUCCESS) Project by examining energy efficiency potential and local renewable energy prospects. The approaches needed to obtain and analyse information on possible energy efficiency measures and renewable energy resources are summarised. Results are presented in terms of cumulative net savings in primary energy consumption, as an indicator of energy resource depletion, and associated carbon dioxide emissions, as an indicator of global climate change. Options for sustainable energy development are ranked in order of likely implementation and practical actions which could be considered in each village are identified.  相似文献   

The United Republic of Tanzania is currently facing energy problems that have seriously affected its socio-economic development and environment. To solve these problems, the country is striving to exploit its renewable energy potential, among other efforts. This publication highlights the prevailing energy situation in Tanzania and provides a short review of potential energy resources. It then discusses current institutional efforts and capabilities in research, development, diffusion and commercialization of renewable energy technologies. The paper also identifies some barriers to promotion of renewable energy technologies. Finally, it outlines the energy policy of Tanzania and actions taken by the government of Tanzania to promote renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

Sudan is an agricultural country with fertile land, plenty of water resources, livestock, forestry resources, and agricultural residues. An overview of the energy situation in Sudan is introduced with reference to the end uses and regional distribution. Energy sources are divided into two main types; conventional energy (biomass, petroleum products, and electricity); and non-conventional energy (solar, wind, hydro-electricity, etc.). Sudan possesses a relatively high abundance of solar radiation, and moderate wind speeds, hydro, and biomass energy resources. The application of the new and renewable sources of energy available in Sudan is now a major issue in future energy strategic planning and for an alternative to fossil conventional energy. Sudan is an important case study in the context of renewable energy. It has a long history of meeting its energy needs through renewables. Sudan's renewables' portfolio is broad and diverse, due in part to the country's wide range of climates and landscapes. Like many of the African leaders in renewable energy utilization, Sudan has a well-defined commitment to continue research, development, and implementation of new technologies. Sustainable low-carbon energy scenarios for the new century emphasize the untapped potential of renewable resources. Rural areas of Sudan can benefit from this transition. The increased availability of reliable and efficient energy services stimulates new development alternatives. It is concluded that renewable, environmentally friendly, energy must be encouraged, promoted, invested, implemented, and demonstrated by full-scale plants, especially for use in the remote rural areas of Sudan.  相似文献   

Sustainable economic development requires detailed knowledge of the natural resources of any nation. Acquiring the needed information by conventional means may require a large investment in time, personnel, and therefore, in cost. A viable alternative is space-age technology which provides the necessary tools to conduct surveys of natural resources in a timely manner. Such technologies can obtain the required data by means of digital sensors, radar imaging systems and stereo cameras. These data can be utilized to map structures that may contain oil and gas deposits, recognize high concentrations of economic minerals, and discover regions with fertile soils and good potential for groundwater. Those applications warrant greater use of remote sensing methods and techniques by the international scientific community, particularly for the development of natural resources in the Third World. This paper represents a general review of the available, and easily interpretable, space-borne data that are useful in the mapping of natural resources.  相似文献   

金沙江中游地区山茶属植物资源及其应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金沙江中游地区山茶属植物资源非常丰富,种类25种1变种,多度、频度都较大、所产种子富含油脂,油质好、无污染,是理想的食用油和工业用油,精提的山茶油是极好的护肤、护发用品,并发现了很有价值的优良育种材料,如开白花的四倍体山茶。  相似文献   

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with a very low per capita income. The increasing poverty and instability in the political front led to degradation of the environment and natural resources in the country. The present article reviews the current use of natural resources in Bangladesh and the emerging issues in sustainable management of those scarce resources. The paper shows that developments in one sector have adversely affected resources in related sectors and calls for an integrated approach to management of the environment and natural resources in a sustainable manner. The development of strong institutional mechanisms is necessary to facilitate the sustainable management of resources and to prevent further deterioration of the environment.  相似文献   

生物质能发展现状及前景分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物质能源作为惟一可再生、可替代化石能源转化成气态、液态和固态燃料以及其它化工原料或者产品的碳资源,随着化石能源的枯竭和人类对全球性环境问题的关注,其替代化石能源利用的研究和开发,已成为科学研究和社会关注的热点。本文对生物质能的资源分类和利用方式进行了分析和研究,提出了生物质能在中国的发展现状、存在的瓶颈以及前景和方向。  相似文献   

Industrial nations have based their economic and social development on the use of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas). This trend is being followed by many developing countries which have neither the natural resources nor the manpower to adopt this path. As a result one finds in many of these countries 'islands of prosperity' (based on consumption patterns copied from industrial nations) surrounded by a 'sea of poverty.' The problems resulting from this dual social structure are obvious in many parts of the world. It is argued here that renewable energy sources are a natural basis for the development of the poorer countries and that intelligent use of hydropower, biomass and direct solar energy can shortcut many of the problems faced today by industrial nations. The case of Brazil is analyzed as one of the countries in which these solutions are being tried.  相似文献   

Many of today's most urgent environmental problems arise from increasing volumes of worldwide production and consumption and the associated use of natural resources, including renewable and non-renewable raw materials, energy, water and land. Solid indicators to measure different dimensions of anthropogenic resource use are essential for designing appropriate policy measures for a sustainable management of these resources. Based on a brief review of the current state of the art of resource use indicators, this paper suggests a new set of complementary resource use indicators, combining existing measures for resource use. The suggested indicator set covers the core resource input categories of materials, water and land area and includes the output category of greenhouse gas emissions. This set can be applied consistently from the micro level of products and companies up to the macro level of countries and world regions. All suggested indicators take a life-cycle wide perspective on production and consumption activities. This set of indicators deals with the issue of the overall scale of the human production and consumption system. It can be regarded as the general indicator framework, based on which more specific indicators, for example, on different environmental impacts related to natural resource use, can be calculated.  相似文献   

Australia is a sparsely populated country that is well endowed with energy resources, and the size of coal, natural gas, and uranium reserves relative to domestic demand has given Australia the opportunity to become a major exporter of these fuels. This paper assesses Australian supply potential of these three fuels, together with crude oil, through to the early years of the next century. With the exception of crude oil, supply potential appears adequate to meet projected domestic and export demand. However, crude oil supplies are unlikely to meet domestic requirements, and to the shortfall may be considerable.  相似文献   

目前,世界人口政策所面临的突出问题是人口的增长与土地、淡水、动物、植物等自然资源和环境等方面的不平衡。人口的急剧增长加重了自然资源的压力,削弱了可再生资源的生产能力,在很大程度上使自然资源遭到严重的破坏。本文分析了人口增长与土地利用、森林资源、水资源、生物资源、能源和海洋资源的相互关系,指出确保人口增长与自然资源的产量和物种保护协调一致的唯一出路是严格控制人口数量增长。从另一个方面,反映了自然资源开发与保护的重要意义。  相似文献   

Almost all the issues of sustainable development in China relate to natural resources. Sustainable development as one of the most important strategies has been incorporated into all the actions related to the planning and management of natural resources in China. This paper gives an overview of the contributions of natural resources and the challenges facing the natural resource sectors. It contributes a series of proposals on the planning and management of natural resources. It also outlines the general framework of the planning system for natural resources and summarizes the Great Survey of Natural Resources Program that the Ministry of Land and Resources is implementing.  相似文献   

Although most of jet fuels are currently made from petroleum, nonfood oilseeds such as flax and canola seeds may be an alternative for renewable jet fuel production in the near future. Vegetable oils produced from those oilseeds can be upgraded to liquid hydrocarbons to produce renewable jet fuels. The production efficiency and cost are heavily relied on the vegetable oil fatty acid profile (FAP). Previous research indicated that vegetable oil FAP is affected by oilseed species and oil extraction conditions. Cold press oil extractions from flax and canola seeds were conducted. The effect of the frequency controlling the screw rotating speed on the oil extraction efficiency and quality was discussed. Characterization of the vegetable oils produced, including density, pH value, viscosity, moisture, element component, heating value and FAP, was carried out. The residual oil contents left in the cold press meals were also determined. The results show that the oil extraction efficiency of oilseeds increased when the frequency decreased. For flax and canola seeds, their highest oil extraction efficiency was the same (81.0%), which was both obtained at 15 Hz. The cold press frequency had a minor influence on the FAPs of flax oils. However, the FAPs of canola oils produced at 15 Hz were different from those produced at 20 Hz and 25 Hz to some extent. The main fatty acid in flax and canola oils was linolenic acid and erucic acid, respectively.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(2):148-150
Malaysia, with its wealth of natural resources, is one of the fastest growing economies in the ASEAN region. The country provides 41% of world supplies of natural rubber, 39% of hardwoods, 37% of palm oil and 32% of tin. In 1971, the government developed a New Economic Policy (NEP) which, it was hoped, would bring about a sound and wide base for economic growth. This report aims to describe the basis of NEP and to analyse the development potential of the Malaysian economy.  相似文献   

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