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山东口岸进口再生资源环保项目不合格情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2008年山东口岸进口废塑料、废金属、废纸、纺织品废物等主要再生资源环保项目不合格情况的分析,剖析了出现环保项目不合格的主要原因,归纳了出现环保项目不合格再生资源在来源国家、境外供货企业上的分布特点,有针对性地提出了降低进口再生资源环保项目不合格率的建议.  相似文献   

从2017年出台的进口固体废物政策调控入手,介绍了我国废物原料进口历史与现况,分析了政策调整出台的背景,展望了本次改革后进口废物原料行业的发展前景,并对行业转型升级提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

进口固体废物原料国内收货人注册登记是确保进口废物原料安全的重要工作。就进口固体废物原料国内收货人书面评审、现场评审以及后续监管中存在的问题进行了剖析和探讨,从严格企业准入门槛、开展废物原料流向管理、加强企业分类管理和后续监管工作等方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

有资料介绍,全世界90%的录像带在中国生产,而中国生产的录像带有90%出在广东,这些录像带绝大多数以进口废塑料为原料.广东不产铝,但南海等地以进口废铝材为主要原料生产的铝合金占了全国市场的1/3.得益于地理优势和生产传统,进口废物回收业近年来在广东发展迅速.据统计,1999年广东批准进口废物440万吨,2000年640万吨, 2001年800万吨.  相似文献   

结合进口废物原料检验检疫把关的难。最,探讨了模糊综合评价法在把关中应用的可能性、合议制度在把关中应用的可行性,以及强化检验检疫人员的培训工作和提高废物原料检验检疫工作的科技水平的重要性.  相似文献   

为加强廉政建设、提高办公效率、使废物进口审批工作适应社会主义市场经济的发展,国家环保总局就加强废物进口审批工作监督管理的有关问题通知如下: 一、审批原则 1禁止进口危险废物及有关法律法规禁止进口的废物;限制进口可用作原料的废物; 2对工艺落后,无污染防治设施和能力的企业以及国家明令关停的企业,不得批准进口废物; 3实行总量核准,一次性审批原则。对正常经营的企业,在核定企业年加工利用能力的基础上,每年一次性给予审批;对一次申请进口数量大的,可根据企业的实际情况和要求,予以一次性审批,分批发证。 二、审批权限及程序 1废物进口申请经加工利用利用单位所在地的地(市)级环境保护局、省级环境保护局(厅)两级预审后,报国家环境保护总局(以下简称 " 总局 " )审批;省级环境保护局根据总局授权审批的,审批后需及时报总局备案。 2总局内部实行分类管理、分级审批制度。 ( 1)对环境风险较小的废物,以及延期、换证(包括更换进口单位、更换口岸)的申请,经授权,可由污染控制司审批。 ( 2)除( 1)款外所有进口废物的申请,经处、司两级审核后,报总局主管领导审批。 ( 3) " 国家环境保护总局废物进口审批专用章 " 由污控司专人负责保管。用章必须符合规定的手续。 3《进口废物批准证书》及其申请材料等原始档案由总局废物进口登记管理中心(以下简称 " 登记中心 " )负责存档保管。原始档案保存期为三年。 4登记中心只受理各省级环境保护局(厅)报送的申请材料,不得受理企业和市(地)级环境保护局直接报送的进口废物的申请。 5进口废物环境保护审查登记费(以下简称 " 审查登记费 " )由申请企业按财政部、国家计委规定的收费标准向指定银行账号交费。登记中心不得直接收取现金。 所收取审查登记费必须按规定及时上缴中央金库。 三、监督措施 1废物进口审批实行责任制。下级对上级负责,审批过程中,非主管人员不得干预审批事务。 2废物进口审批实行集体讨论制度。办理所有进口废物申请,首先由经办人提出初审意见,经主管处室讨论通过后方可报上级部门或领导审批。 3建立审批人员轮岗制度。在废物进口审批岗位的司、处级及处以下工作人员,要按干部管理的有关规定实行定期轮岗。 4各级废物进口审批工作人员要依法审批,科学决策,并严格遵守规定的审批时限,不得刁难企业。 5各级环境保护局机关工作人员不得从事进口废物环境风险评价工作。 6各级废物进口审批人员在审批过程中,对进口废物利用单位进行现场核查时,必须同时由二人以上参加。 7发现违反本通知和其他有关廉政建设规定的,任何单位或个人均可投诉或举报。总局举报受理电话:监察部驻总局监察局,电话号: 010- 66111415;各省(区、市)环保局举报部门为纪检组监察室。 8具有废物进口审批职责的地方环境保护局要参照本通知制定废物进口审批工作程序、监督管理措施,并公布于众,接受监督。  相似文献   

进口固体废物原料相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国进口固体废物原料贸易发展迅速,针对进口固体废物原料相关政策体制、环保及贸易方面常见的问题进行分析和探讨,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

目前国内对进口废塑料清洁程度的合格评定,长期以来一直采取感官检验的定性方法,引起了较多争议.以<进口可用作原料的固体废物环境保护控制标准--废塑料>(GB16487.12)为依据,分析了GB16487.12对进口废塑料清洁程度进行规定的原因,并在此基础上探讨了对进口废塑料清洁程度采取定量化的合格评定原理,提出参照<一般工业固体废物贮存、处置场污染控制标准>(GB18599)和<生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准>(GB16889)对进口废塑料清洁程度制定定量化限量要求,并建议尽快修订现行国家标准<进口可用作原料的固体废物环境保护控制标准--废塑料>.  相似文献   

王浩东  李仪 《化工环保》2004,24(Z1):456-458
我国大部分废物处理企业一直都是以规模小为其主要特征,而废物处理的规模化经营具有小型企业所不具有的成本、环保和其它方面的优势.分析了废物处理的现状及废物处理规模化经营的优势,并就实施废物处理规模化经营提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

随着我国经济持续快速发展,各种生产资源需求日益旺盛,在优惠政策的支持下,国外固体废物原料不断进入我国市场,一定程度上弥补了我国生产资源的不足,促进了循环经济的发展.但进口固体废物原料必须符合我国法律规定.我国对固体废物进口的管理非常严格,进口固体废物的管理需要海关、环保、工商、检验检疫等多个部门的密切合作.实际当中,对某些进口物品的固体废物属性需要通过专门的鉴别才能确认,结合一个进口"铅矿砂"的实例,对该物品的固体废物属性进行探讨,提出物品固体废物属性鉴别的基本流程.  相似文献   

Lake sediment cores were analyzedto study the history of mercury (Hg) pollution andparticularly to determine whether recent sedimentconcentrations have declined in response todeclining atmospheric deposition of Hg. Sedimentcores from 6 forest lakes distributed fromsouthern to northern Sweden and 3 northernmountain lakes were analyzed for Hg using CVAAS. A400 cm sediment profile from Måkevatten insouthwest Sweden indicates that the onset of Hgpollution occurred in the 18th century. Anindisputable increase in Hg concentrationsoccurred concurrent with the appearance ofspheroidal carbonaceous flyash particles (SCP)derived from fossil-fuel combustion, in themid-19th century. There is a strong correlationbetween Hg and SCP concentrations in the sedimentcores (r=0.67 to 0.91), which suggests a strongrelationship between historical Hg pollution andfossil fuel burning. In contrast to sediment corestaken in 1979, maximum Hg concentrations are nowobserved below the sediment surface and declinetowards the sediment surface. This study confirmsthat reductions in atmospheric deposition of Hgover Sweden have resulted in a decreased transferof total Hg to aquatic environments as reflectedby lake sediments, and that lake sediment profilesof Hg concentrations reflect relative trends inthe atmospheric deposition of Hg rather thanpost-depositional diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

The deposition patterns of Mn, Fe, Cr, Sb, Zn and As wereinterpreted together with enrichment factor calculations. Samples collected around iron-steel plant had very high concentrations and EF values of Mn, Fe, Cr, Sb and Zn implying that these plants are serious pollution sources in the region. High As concentrations around the settlementareas showed that coal combustion is another important anthropogenic source in the region.  相似文献   

This paper develops a quantitative model which attempts to relate volumetric changes in landfill gas emissions to variations in the surface atmospheric pressure. The model considers gas emissions as the sum of two terms, one constant over a period of weeks, and the other able to vary on a scale of hours. Results from computer simulations are given which indicate that the magnitude of the variable factor is proportional to the rate at which surface pressure is changing, rather than the actual value of the surface pressure.  相似文献   

The research concerns the Wielkopolski National Park (West Poland), which suffered a huge human impact in the 1970s and 1980s owing to the nearby location of an industrial plant. Since then, fundamental technological changes that it introduced into its production of phosphate fertilizers have radically reduced the amount of pollution emitted. A three-year study (2002–2004) of fluorides in precipitation in open terrain and under tree crowns showed their concentrations to range from levels below the detection limit (0.003 mg/l) to 0.560 mg/l. Those registered under tree crowns were several times higher and indicated substantial dry deposition of fluorides on the trees. The highest values were recorded in 2003, with 43% of samples ranging from 0.01 to 0.05 mg/l, and with 51% of throughfall ranging from 0.10 to 0.50 mg/l. A strong connection was shown to exist between fluoride and sulphate concentrations in the precipitation. An analysis was made of the available data on F concentrations in the air and the dust levels around the factory, but these figures did not show an unequivocal effect on F concentrations in precipitation. A great similarity was found to occur between the fluoride content in rainwater in the Wielkopolski National Park and in the centre of the nearby Poznań metropolitan area, which indicates that there are also other F sources besides the local factory.  相似文献   

The SO4–S and NO3–N concentrations and pH in bulk precipitation, throughfall, stemflow and soil water for the 1994–2004 period were studied in pine forests in Latvia (Rucava and Taurene Integrated Monitoring stations). The SO4–S and NO3–N concentrations decreased over the study period, simultaneously with a decrease of acidity in precipitation. The changes were more evident in the western part of Latvia, probably due to declining long-range air pollution from West Europe. The trend of decreasing sulphate concentrations and increasing pH in precipitation were not followed by respective changes in soil water. In the upper soil horizon sulphate ion concentrations and acidity increased in soil water. Over the observation period, nitrate concentrations also showed an increasing trend in soil water at Rucava and Taurene, but these changes were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Developing Asian countries have started to apply the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR) to electronics and electrical equipment waste (e-waste). This policy approach aims to give electronic appliance manufacturers and importers responsibility for the collection and recycling of discarded electronic equipment. China and Thailand have drafted regulations on the recycling of e-waste with common characteristics such as the financial responsibility of producers and subsidies for collection. Although the proposed system is sensible, taking into account the fact that e-waste is a market-traded commodity, there are two major difficulties in implementing EPR in developing countries. First, it may be difficult for governments to collect funds from producers or importers if smuggled, imitation, or small shop-assembled products have a large share in the market. Second, the system creates incentives for collectors and recyclers to over-report the amount of collected e-waste in order to gain extra subsidies from the fund. Other policy measures such as the enforcement of pollution control regulations on informal recyclers, the prevention of smuggling, and the protection of intellectual property rights should accompany EPR policies.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to characterize solid and liquid wastes generated in healthcare institutions and to provide a framework for the safe management of these wastes. The project was carried at three major medical institutions, namely, the Jeetoo Hospital, the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam National (SSRN) Hospital and the Clinic Mauricienne. A waste audit carried out at these sites revealed that approximately 10% of solid wastes was hazardous in nature, consisting mainly of infectious, pathological and chemical wastes. The average amount of hazardous wastes per patient per day was found to be 0.072 kg at Jeetoo hospital, 0.091 kg at SSRN hospital and 0.179 kg at the clinic. The amount of hazardous wastes generated as a function of the number of occupied beds was found to follow a relationship of type y=0.0006x-0.19, where y was the amount of hazardous wastes generated per bed per day and x was the number of occupied beds. The waste quantifying process also revealed that at SSRN Hospital, 0.654 m(3) of water was being consumed per patient per day and the amount of wastewater produced was 500 m(3)/day. Further analysis revealed that the wastewater was polluting with chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD(5)), total suspended solids (TSS) and coliform content well above permissible limits.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to estimate the future projection of computer waste in India and to subsequently analyze their flow at the end of their useful phase. For this purpose, the study utilizes the logistic model-based approach proposed by Yang and Williams to forecast future trends in computer waste. The model estimates future projection of computer penetration rate utilizing their first lifespan distribution and historical sales data. A bounding analysis on the future carrying capacity was simulated using the three parameter logistic curve. The observed obsolete generation quantities from the extrapolated penetration rates are then used to model the disposal phase. The results of the bounding analysis indicate that in the year 2020, around 41–152 million units of computers will become obsolete. The obsolete computer generation quantities are then used to estimate the End-of-Life outflows by utilizing a time-series multiple lifespan model. Even a conservative estimate of the future recycling capacity of PCs will reach upwards of 30 million units during 2025. Apparently, more than 150 million units could be potentially recycled in the upper bound case. However, considering significant future investment in the e-waste recycling sector from all stakeholders in India, we propose a logistic growth in the recycling rate and estimate the requirement of recycling capacity between 60 and 400 million units for the lower and upper bound case during 2025. Finally, we compare the future obsolete PC generation amount of the US and India.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The status of material reuse and recycling in Japan is reviewed with an emphasis on the efforts by the national government. First, the national...  相似文献   

Within the European monitoring network (EMEP, ) several different sampling procedures for measuring the main air components have been applied. This has contributed to systematic concentration differences and a comparability problem. Since 1997 co-located experiments in 15 countries have been carried out to quantify these differences. In addition, three major measurement campaigns were organized by EMEP between 1985 and 1991. Differences among results depend on the concentration level and methods used. The decrease in SO2 concentrations over the last twenty years has placed greater demands on the methodology. Absorbing solutions methods for SO2, (H2O2 and tetrachloromercurate (TCM)) typically have higher detection limits than the reference method, which uses KOH impregnated filters. The TCM method also has problems with negative interference, especially in summertime. UV fluorescence monitors have in a few cases proven to give good results, but interferences, detection limit and poor maintenance can be problems. For NO2, many countries are using the TGS absorption solution method, which has a higher detection limit than the reference method using NaI impregnated glass sinters. The Salzmann method gives unreliable results at concentrations below 1 μgN/m3, and even at higher concentrations the uncertainty is rather unsatisfactory. The chemiluminescence monitor with molybdenum converters tends to systematically overestimate NO2 concentrations, possibly because zero-drift problems and the non-specific response to NO2. Particulate sulphate measurements in general have lower bias and uncertainties than gas and other aerosol measurements.  相似文献   

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