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The Piratininga Lagoon is a coastal, choked, and brackish ecosystem in SE Brazil, where uncontrolled discharge of domestic sewage led to eutrophication, increasing massive proliferation of benthic macroalgae, and decrease of the lagoon mean depth. In 1992, a dam was constructed by the local Municipality at its tidal channel aiming at stabilising its water level. Main physico-chemical parameters, together with macroalgae biomass, nutrient concentrations in the water column, particulate organic carbon, and chlorophyll a were recorded monthly at 4 sampling stations within the Piratininga lagoon from April 1994 to April 1995. The data, compared with “before-lock” existing studies, show that nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations significantly increased after the lock construction. Based on the functioning of the ecosystem, we propose to harvest the algal mats before their decomposition period in order to partly remove the nutrient stocks from the lagoon and the future ecosystem modelling to predict the impact of natural and anthropogenic eutrophication.  相似文献   

The Piratininga Lagoon is a coastal, choked, and brackish ecosystem in SE Brazil, where uncontrolled discharge of domestic sewage led to eutrophication, increasing massive proliferation of benthic macroalgae, and decrease of the lagoon mean depth. In 1992, a dam was constructed by the local Municipality at its tidal channel aiming at stabilising its water level. Main physico-chemical parameters, together with macroalgae biomass, nutrient concentrations in the water column, particulate organic carbon, and chlorophyll a were recorded monthly at 4 sampling stations within the Piratininga lagoon from April 1994 to April 1995. The data, compared with “before-lock” existing studies, show that nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations significantly increased after the lock construction. Based on the functioning of the ecosystem, we propose to harvest the algal mats before their decomposition period in order to partly remove the nutrient stocks from the lagoon and the future ecosystem modelling to predict the impact of natural and anthropogenic eutrophication.  相似文献   

In order to provide a background picture of the water quality of the Egyptian Red Sea a number of hydrological and chemical parameters have been measured bimonthly in 2000. Few data are available on this area, which is apparently subjected to an increasing human impact due to recreational (swimming and diving), industrial (mainly phosphate shipping and industry) and fishing/harbor activities. The results of the present study indicate that changes in the salinity and pH were not significant with highly oxygenated seawaters. The levels of suspended solids (as total suspended matter, TSM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were generally low and showed an homogeneous distribution in the study region. The ratio of chlorophyll-a to total suspended matter concentrations increased between November and March and decreased from May to September. Chlorophyll-a was significantly correlated with transparency and total suspended matter concentrations in July, September and November. Nitrogen, phosphorus and reactive silicate concentrations were generally low, and allowed classifying the Egyptian Red Sea coastal water as oligotrophic to mesotrophic. The middle region of the study area, which was located between Safaga and Qusair displayed relatively high phosphate contents when compared with other coastal areas. The high values of N:P ratios indicate that PO 4 -P is the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the Red Sea coastal waters, with the possible exception of the middle region. Significant relationships were found between chlorophyll-a concentrations and nutrient levels in different sampling periods. Spatial distribution patterns of the studied variables revealed that productivity of the Red Sea coastal waters is mostly controlled by phosphate concentrations, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on nutrient cycling in two coastal embayments; Strangford Lough and Belfast Lough, in order to classify these coastal waters in compliance with the European Union Urban Waste Water Treatment and Nitrates Directives. Analysis of the data suggests that Strangford Lough is nitrogen-limited throughout much of the growing season with chlorophyll-a levels comparable to the open Irish Sea. In contrast, much of Belfast Lough is never nitrogen-limited and, with chlorophyll-a levels at times exceeding 50 μg/l, is exhibiting symptoms of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present vertical and horizontal patterns of dissolved oxygen and nutrients found during four seasonal surveys (March, June, September and December 2000) in the Southern Adriatic Sea coastal waters. The multivariate technique Principal Component Analysis has been applied to our dataset considering the following parameters: seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate). The resulting plot shows in a self-explanatory way that a seasonal trend was not observable in the investigated period and that no significant differences occur between the stations sampled in the Taranto Gulf and those along the Adriatic coast. Water column stratification persists in all seasons, except in spring, in the shallowest stations. The surface layer is characterized by a low nutrient content. The influence of the Northern Adriatic Surface Water in the Southern Adriatic sub-basin seems to be very low and can be traced by nitrate and silicate only in spring and winter. Regarding deep waters, nitrate distribution shows an increasing gradient moving from the coast to the open sea, having the lowest concentration in the shelf area and the highest in the most offshore stations of the Otranto Strait. In the Otranto Strait area the vertical distributions of physical and chemical parameters show, at middle depths, the inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water, traced by both the maximum of salinity, nitrate and phosphate and the minimum of oxygen. The LIW signal is lost moving northward. The outflow of Adriatic Dense Water is less evident, being traced only in spring by an oxygen increase at the bottom layer in the shelf area. The N:P ratio is highly variable but in the range already observed in the Southern Adriatic, suggesting a P-limitation, which can both contribute to the low primary productivity of the area and support the N:P ratio anomaly of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present vertical and horizontal patterns of dissolved oxygen and nutrients found during four seasonal surveys (March, June, September and December 2000) in the Southern Adriatic Sea coastal waters. The multivariate technique Principal Component Analysis has been applied to our dataset considering the following parameters: seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate). The resulting plot shows in a self-explanatory way that a seasonal trend was not observable in the investigated period and that no significant differences occur between the stations sampled in the Taranto Gulf and those along the Adriatic coast. Water column stratification persists in all seasons, except in spring, in the shallowest stations. The surface layer is characterized by a low nutrient content. The influence of the Northern Adriatic Surface Water in the Southern Adriatic sub-basin seems to be very low and can be traced by nitrate and silicate only in spring and winter. Regarding deep waters, nitrate distribution shows an increasing gradient moving from the coast to the open sea, having the lowest concentration in the shelf area and the highest in the most offshore stations of the Otranto Strait. In the Otranto Strait area the vertical distributions of physical and chemical parameters show, at middle depths, the inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water, traced by both the maximum of salinity, nitrate and phosphate and the minimum of oxygen. The LIW signal is lost moving northward. The outflow of Adriatic Dense Water is less evident, being traced only in spring by an oxygen increase at the bottom layer in the shelf area. The N:P ratio is highly variable but in the range already observed in the Southern Adriatic, suggesting a P-limitation, which can both contribute to the low primary productivity of the area and support the N:P ratio anomaly of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the concentration of nutrients and various organic compounds were studied in the waters surrounding mangroves and in the marshy areas of mangroves. Higher amounts of nutrients and organic compounds were observed during low tide. This is due to the remineralisation of plant detritus in this area. High concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll and phosphate were observed during monsoon, which can be attributed to the leaching of plant detritus as well as the land run-off. During pre-monsoon and post-monsoon high tannin and lignin concentration was noted. A 24-hour sampling was also done to study the tidal impact on the concentrations of various organic compounds and nutrients in this ecosystem. Even though a tidal impact was observed, a clear picture was not reported in this study.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the concentration of nutrients and various organic compounds were studied in the waters surrounding mangroves and in the marshy areas of mangroves. Higher amounts of nutrients and organic compounds were observed during low tide. This is due to the remineralisation of plant detritus in this area. High concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll and phosphate were observed during monsoon, which can be attributed to the leaching of plant detritus as well as the land run-off. During pre-monsoon and post-monsoon high tannin and lignin concentration was noted. A 24-hour sampling was also done to study the tidal impact on the concentrations of various organic compounds and nutrients in this ecosystem. Even though a tidal impact was observed, a clear picture was not reported in this study.  相似文献   

It is expected that the Baltic region becomes a major centre of economic growth and prosperity in Europe already during this decade (Anon. 2000). Therefore, an Agenda 21 for the Baltic region (Baltic 21) was developed to ensure a sustainable development. Especially the coastal ecosystems are subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure e.g. eutrophication, traffic, harbours, tourism or offshore wind parks. Eutrophication remains the main ecological problem in the Baltic Sea and has serious negative social and economical consequences. Inner and outer coastal waters play an important role as buffers and filters for the Baltic proper. Consequently, the utilization and preservation of their self-purification capacity is of great importance. Combined results of our own coastal research and of the international workshop ‘Baltic coastal ecosystems: structure, function and coastal zone management’ (Rostock University, November 2001) are presented here. Conclusions for an improved integrated coastal zone management of Baltic coastal ecosystems will be presented.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥措施对红壤水稻土有机碳和养分含量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
将红壤丘陵地区的荒地开垦为水田不仅可以防治土壤侵蚀,而且能增加土壤肥力,提高农田生产力.本文研究了红壤荒地垦殖为稻田,长期定位施肥15年后不同施肥措施下水稻土的有机碳和养分含量特征.结果表明:不同施肥措施包括不施肥条件下,15年水稻垦殖都提高了土壤肥力.不同施肥措施水稻土的pH提高了0.9~1.3个单位.耕层土壤有机碳含龟达到8.19~1O.13 g·kg-1,全氮含量达到0.89~1.20 g·kg-1,有机碳与全氮含最都有明显提高,且有机碳和全氮含量之间相关性极显著.水稻土耕层全磷含量在0.25~0360 g·kg-1之间,有效磷含量在2.2~20.9 mg·kg-1之间,化学磷肥的培肥效果好于有机肥(猪粪),有机无机磷肥配施能显著提高土壤全磷和有效磷库.土壤全钾还未有明显变化,土壤速效钾含量在40.4~142.5 mg·kg-1之间,不同施肥措施除氮钾肥处理外都造成了土壤速效钾含量下降,秸秆还田到目前为止对于土壤速效钾含量还没有明显作用.  相似文献   

The distribution of three important dissolved forms of nitrogen, viz. nitrate, nitrite and urea in the surface and bottom water samples collected from 27 selected hydrographic profiles, in the Arabian Sea, along the west coast of India is described. Of the three forms, nitrate concentrations were the highest and comparatively higher concentrations were observed in the bottom water. Decomposition of organic matter resulting in the release of the thermodynamically stable nitrogen species, i.e. nitrate, may be the major factor resulting in higher nitrate concentrations at these depths, where the water is also characterized by low values of dissolved oxygen and temperature. The significant positive correlation between A.O.U. and nitrate of the bottom water samples emphasizes the role of oxidative decomposition of organic matter which plays an active role in reducing the oxygen concentrations below the theoretical values since at this depth ( , 200 m) the net production is taken to be zero. This is also evidenced by the negative correlation of nitrate with dissolved oxygen and temperature, for the bottom samples.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Aqaba exhibits a strong seasonality due to convective mixing during winter and stratification during summer. The present study provides a detailed appraisal of summer and winter sea-water characteristics at the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, that is witnessing rapid development and increasing changes in its geomorphological characteristics. Sea-water temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a concentrations were measured biweekly at five coastal and four cross-sectional stations during the periods February to April and July to September 2004. Meteorological conditions were continuously recorded at the Marine Science Station. The coastal study sites included four open coastal stations and a marina with one-way exchange with the open water. The effect of convective mixing was clearly apparent on the sea-water characteristics. Natural seasonal characteristics of higher nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations were recorded during winter at most of the open coastal stations. In the cross-sectional stations, the concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll a were not different between the surface and the bottom during winter, but the bottom waters had generally higher concentrations during summer. Some deviations from the natural seasonal cycle were recorded at the marina and other coastal stations. Here, higher nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations were recorded in summer than in winter. These deviations that are most likely due to anthropogenic effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Aqaba exhibits a strong seasonality due to convective mixing during winter and stratification during summer. The present study provides a detailed appraisal of summer and winter sea-water characteristics at the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, that is witnessing rapid development and increasing changes in its geomorphological characteristics. Sea-water temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a concentrations were measured biweekly at five coastal and four cross-sectional stations during the periods February to April and July to September 2004. Meteorological conditions were continuously recorded at the Marine Science Station. The coastal study sites included four open coastal stations and a marina with one-way exchange with the open water. The effect of convective mixing was clearly apparent on the sea-water characteristics. Natural seasonal characteristics of higher nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations were recorded during winter at most of the open coastal stations. In the cross-sectional stations, the concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll a were not different between the surface and the bottom during winter, but the bottom waters had generally higher concentrations during summer. Some deviations from the natural seasonal cycle were recorded at the marina and other coastal stations. Here, higher nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations were recorded in summer than in winter. These deviations that are most likely due to anthropogenic effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30–50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.  相似文献   

The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30-50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.  相似文献   

During recent decades anthropogenic activities have dramatically impacted the Black Sea ecosystem. High levels of riverine nutrient input during the 1970s and 1980s caused eutrophic conditions including intense algal blooms resulting in hypoxia and the subsequent collapse of benthic habitats on the northwestern shelf. Intense fishing pressure also depleted stocks of many apex predators, contributing to an increase in planktivorous fish that are now the focus of fishing efforts. Additionally, the Black Sea's ecosystem changed even further with the introduction of exotic species. Economic collapse of the surrounding socialist republics in the early 1990s resulted in decreased nutrient loading which has allowed the Black Sea ecosystem to start to recover, but under rapidly changing economic and political conditions, future recovery is uncertain.  相似文献   

● A machine learning model was used to identify lake nutrient pollution sources. ● XGBoost model showed the best performance for lake water quality prediction. ● Model feature size was reduced by screening the key features with the MIC method. ● TN and TP concentrations of Lake Taihu are mainly affected by endogenous sources. ● Next-month lake TN and TP concentrations were predicted accurately. Effective control of lake eutrophication necessitates a full understanding of the complicated nitrogen and phosphorus pollution sources, for which mathematical modeling is commonly adopted. In contrast to the conventional knowledge-based models that usually perform poorly due to insufficient knowledge of pollutant geochemical cycling, we employed an ensemble machine learning (ML) model to identify the key nitrogen and phosphorus sources of lakes. Six ML models were developed based on 13 years of historical data of Lake Taihu’s water quality, environmental input, and meteorological conditions, among which the XGBoost model stood out as the best model for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) prediction. The results suggest that the lake TN is mainly affected by the endogenous load and inflow river water quality, while the lake TP is predominantly from endogenous sources. The prediction of the lake TN and TP concentration changes in response to these key feature variations suggests that endogenous source control is a highly desirable option for lake eutrophication control. Finally, one-month-ahead prediction of lake TN and TP concentrations (R2 of 0.85 and 0.95, respectively) was achieved based on this model with sliding time window lengths of 9 and 6 months, respectively. Our work demonstrates the great potential of using ensemble ML models for lake pollution source tracking and prediction, which may provide valuable references for early warning and rational control of lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

This work describes how a general, process-based mass-balance model (CoastMab) for phosphorus for coastal areas may be used as a tool to estimate realistic values of “natural” or preindustrial reference levels of key bioindicators in coastal science, including the Secchi depth, a standard measure of water clarity, the chlorophyll-a concentration, an operational measure of phytoplankton biomass and the concentration of cyanobacteria, a measure of the concentration of harmful algae. The CoastMab-model is an ecosystem model giving monthly predictions to achieve seasonal variations of basin-wide properties. The selected case-study area, the Gulf of Riga, is sensitive to nutrient loading because of its shallowness and low openness towards the Baltic Proper. The morphometry of any coastal area, as given by the size and form parameters, influences all internal processes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, diffusion in water and from sediments to water, biouptake and retention in biota, stratification, mixing and outflow. There has been no mass-balance modeling for nitrogen (N) in this work because empirical data (from the HELCOM database) clearly indicate that the monthly primary production in the Gulf of Riga is regulated by phosphorus (P) – the mean monthly total-N to total-P ratios are well over 7.2 (the Redfield-ratio) and generally higher than 15 for the data used in this study (from 1992 to 2005). At present anthropogenic loads, the average modeled monthly values for Secchi depth, chlorophyll (Chl), cyanobacteria (CB) and total-P (TP) are 3.2 m, 3.8 μg/l, 78 μg/l and 31.3 μg/l, respectively. If 50% of all anthropogenic sources to the Gulf of Riga via rivers, point sources and diffuse sources were to be removed, these values would be 3.6 m, 3.4 μg Chl/l, 63 μg CB/l and 29.1 μg TP/l. If 60% of the anthropogenic phosphorus fluxes to the Baltic Proper were to be omitted and as well as 75% of all direct anthropogenic sources to the Gulf of Riga, the values would be 4.6 m, 2.7 μg Chl/l, 45 μg CB/l and 25.4 μg TP/l. These values represent the “natural” reference levels and it is not realistic to expect that remedial measures would improve the conditions more than that. Using the CoastWeb-model, similar calculations can be made for any given coastal area and the data necessary for such calculations are discussed in this work.  相似文献   

A new integrated model that includes a hydrodynamic model coupled with a contaminant fate and effect sub-model and an ecological sub-model is presented and validated using data from mesocosm experiments. The experiments were carried out in the Isefjord (Denmark) and include the combined effects of nutrients and pyrene addition on the lower trophic levels of bacteria, zooplankton and phytoplankton. The model was able to correctly represent the main dynamics observed in the mesocosms during the 11 days of the experiment and thereby confirmed that it is possible to represent short-term changes in the system with a simplified food-web model on a small spatial and temporal scale. Finally, the validated model was used to carry out a scenario analysis to investigate the effects of a contaminant pulse at different pyrene concentrations and different release timings. Results showed that the ecosystem's vulnerability to a pyrene pulse depends on the initial condition of the system. Stronger biomass reduction was observed when the pulse was released during the zooplankton bloom. Conversely, when the pulse was added at low biomass and before the bloom, the system showed a tendency to behave non-linearly.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (33-37° N and 11-16° W) in May 1983, and vertical profiles of chemical and physical parameters allowed us to identify the different water masses. A significant difference in salinity and its maximum can be found at different places and depths, as a consequence of the spreading of the Mediterranean Water (MW) from the Strait of Gibraltar. The apparent oxygen utilization shows a correlation with nutrients in North Atlantic Central Water. The relative percentages of water masses were assessed in order to examine the depth of maximum influence of MW as a function of latitude and to apply this knowledge to the black scabbard fish long-line strategy. The long-line fishing depth location was adapted to the specific MW distribution of the different banks with improvements in the mean catch efficiency. The thickness of the MW prevalence layer has a pronounced decrease to the south. MW influence clearly sinks and decrease to south-west. The highest percentage of the MW was found in the Gorringe Bank area and the lowest in the Madeira area.  相似文献   

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