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Current European Union regulation regarding polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) in food and feed is based on Toxic Equivalent Quotient (TEQ) concept. For confirmatory purpose, the isotope-dilution method associated to a measurement by gas chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry is usually the method of choice for precisely measuring the 29 target congeners in three separated fractions. Time and cost related to these analyses are very significant. Various kinds of screening concepts can be considered. In the present study, we elaborated and validated a prediction model for the 2005 World Health Organization TEQ in fish, based on the measurement of 4 PCDD/F and 2 non-ortho dl-PCB congeners, potentially analyzable in a single extracted fraction by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Large independent datasets have been used for model elaboration (n = 108) and validation (n = 363, n = 357 and n = 6).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study firstly aimed to investigate the potential of simultaneous metal (loid) removal from metal (oid) solution through adsorption on iron-peat,...  相似文献   

Synthesis of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish is a widely recognized effect for estrogenic pollutants in temperate environments, while similar investigations are still lacking for Antarctic organisms. In this study, a preliminary characterization of vitellogenin gene expression was performed by RT-PCR in the key species Trematomus bernacchii sampled in different phases of reproductive cycle and food availability. Females exhibited the highest gene expression during the spawning period, but VTG mRNA was always detected also in males; a significant increase of gene expression was observed both in males and females at the end of the feeding season. These results were not fully supported by a differential exposure to phyto- or anthropogenic estrogens during the planctonic cycle; on the other side, the endocrine properties of cadmium, naturally elevated in Terra Nova Bay and increasing during algal bloom, would explain both the presence of VTG mRNA in males and the seasonal changes of gene induction. Laboratory exposures did not reveal short-term estrogenic effects of cadmium while an elevated responsiveness of T. bernacchii was observed toward a classical estrogenic receptor agonist (17beta-estradiol). Different hypotheses were considered to suggest delayed endocrine effects of cadmium, including the early interaction with other cellular detoxification systems or alterations at multiple levels of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad-liver axis. Although molecular mechanisms of VTG gene expression in males of T. bernacchii remain unclear, obtained results provide interesting insights on this species which should stimulate future research activities.  相似文献   

Levels of eight PCB congeners and thirteen organochlorine pesticides were measured in eggs sampled at four yellow-legged gull colonies from the Aegean Sea (NorthEastern Mediterranean) in 1997. There were no significant differences among colony areas in the median concentrations in any of the pollutants whereas cluster analyses did not generally reveal reasonable pollution patterns. The maximum concentrations of four congeners were found at Kinaros colony and of nine compounds were found at Lipsos colony. Fingerprints in both groups were similar in all areas. Of PCBs, congener 28, 118, 138, 180 and of pesticides beta-BHC and 2,4'-DDD were prominently dominant suggesting a particular pollution pattern in this region. Statistically significant correlations were found between most of the higher PCBs in all areas studied. The DDT metabolites correlated mostly with other OCs. We suggest that regional pollution by both groups is not adequately reflected in the eggs of this gull probably due to its extensive scavenging habits and, though information is needed from more colonies, it seems to be a poor biomonitor for organochlorines in this region.  相似文献   

Part II presents a comprehensive evaluation of CMAQ for August of 2002 on twenty-one sensitivity simulations (detailed in Part I) in MM5 to investigate the model performance for O3 SIPs (State Implementation Plans) in the complex terrain. CMAQ performance was quite consistent with the results of MM5, meaning that accurate meteorological fields predicted in MM5 as an input resulted in good model performance of CMAQ. In this study, PBL scheme plays a more important role than its land surface models (LSMs) for the model performance of CMAQ. Our results have shown that the outputs of CMAQ on eighteen sensitivity simulations using two different nudging coefficients for winds (2.5 and 4.5 × 10?4 s?1, respectively) tend to under predict daily maximum 8-h ozone concentrations at valley areas except the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations (ETA M-Y PBL scheme with Noah LSMs and 5-layer soil model and Gayno-Seaman PBL) using 6.0 × 10?4 s?1 with positive MB (Mean Bias). At mountain areas, none of the sensitivity simulations has presented over predictions for 8-h O3, due to relatively poor meteorological model performance. When comparing 12-km and 4-km grid resolutions for the PX simulation in CMAQ statistics analysis, the CMAQ results at 12-km grid resolution consistently show under predictions of 8-h O3 at both of valley and mountain areas and particularly, it shows relatively poor model performance with a 15.1% of NMB (Normalized Mean Bias). Based on our sensitivity simulations, the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations using a maximum value (6 × 10?4) among other sensitivity simulations yielded better model performance of CMAQ at all areas in the complex terrain. As a result, the sensitivity of RRFs to the PBL scheme may be considerably significant with about 1–3 ppb in difference in determining whether the attainment test is passed or failed. Furthermore, we found that the result of CMAQ model performance depending on meteorological variations is affected on estimating RRFs for attainment demonstration, indicating that it is necessary to improve model performance. Overall, G_c (Gayo-Seaman PBL scheme) using the coefficient for winds, 6 × 10?4 s?1, sensitivity simulation predicts daily maximum 8-h ozone concentration closer to observations during a typical summer period from May to September and provides generally low future design values (DVFs) at valley and mountain areas compared to other simulations.  相似文献   

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