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Phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow varies with spatial distribution of soil P, management, and hydrological pathways. The effect of flow time, flowpath length, and manure position on P loss in overland flow from two central Pennsylvania soils packed in boxes of varying length (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.75, and 4.0 m long x 15 cm wide x 5 cm deep) were examined by collecting flow samples at 5-min intervals for 30 min (50 mm h(-1) rainfall) without and with 75 kg P ha(-1) applied as swine (Sus scrofa) manure over 0.5 m of the box slope length at distances of 0 to 3.5 m from the downslope collection point. Dissolved reactive P concentration was more closely related to the proportion of clay in sediment of overland flow before (r = 0.98) than after (r = 0.56) manure application. This was attributed to the transport of larger, low-density particles after applying manure. The concentration of dissolved and particulate P fractions decreased with increasing flowpath length, due to dilution rather than sorption of P by surface soil during overland flow. Total P loss (mainly as particulate P) from the Watson channery silt loam (fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Fragiudult) was more than from Berks channery silt loam (loamy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Dystrudept), even with manure applied. Thus, while P loss in overland flow is affected by where manure is applied relative to flowpath length, initial soil P concentration should not be discounted when looking at areas of potential P loss within a watershed.  相似文献   

Surface-applied biosolids, the option most often used on range-lands, can increase the concentration of macronutrients and trace elements in the runoff water and can potentially produce eutrophication or contamination of surface waters. In this study, the effects of postapplication age of biosolids (18, 12, 6, and 0.5 mo) and rate of application (0, 7, 18, 34, and 90 Mg ha(-1)) on the quality of runoff water from shrubland and grassland soils were assessed. Between July and October 1996 simulated rainfall was applied to 0.50-m2 plots for 30 min at a rate of 160 mm h(-1). All of the runoff water was collected. The concentration of NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, PO4(3-)-P, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Cu, and Mn in the runoff water increased with rate of biosolids application and decreased with time of postapplication on the two soils. The highest PO4(3-)-P and NH4+ -N concentrations, 4.96 and 97 mg L(-1), respectively, were recorded in the grassland soil treated with 90 Mg ha(-1) of biosolids 0.5 mo postapplication. For the same soil, rate, and postapplication age of biosolids, Cu exceeded the upper limit (0.50 mg L(-1) in drinking water for livestock. Ammonium N and PO4(3-)-P should be the main compounds considered when surface-applying biosolids. Ammonium N at concentrations found in all biosolids-treated plots may affect the quality of livestock drinking water by causing taste and smell problems. Orthophosphate can contribute to eutrophication if the runoff from biosolids-treated areas enter surface waters.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the transport of dissolved nutrients at the field scale under natural rainfall conditions. Hysteresis between dissolved nutrients and discharge behavior can complicate such assessments and this effect has only been examined qualitatively. In this study, we investigated factors contributing to short-term variations of dissolved cation (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and anion (soluble reactive phosphorus [SRP], NO3, and SO4) concentrations in runoff water and developed a quantitative method to study their hysteretic behavior. Within-storm variations of dissolved nutrient concentrations were determined in two agricultural fields during four natural rainfall events along with discharge, sediment, antecedent soil water conditions, and nutrient contents. For each event, nutrient loads were plotted against discharge during the rising and falling limb of the runoff hydrograph. The resulting hysteresis curves were characterized by an index H, which is the ratio between the integrated areas under the rising and falling curves of the hydrograph. Results showed that nutrient concentrations increased with time during each event. Counterclockwise (H < 1) hysteresis, occurring when the falling limb had larger loads, was found when soils were initially dry whereas clockwise hysteresis (H > 1) was associated with prior wet soil conditions. Two hypotheses are suggested to explain these variations. First, suspended sediments could have acted as a sink for dissolved nutrients and the sensitivity of nutrients to hydrological conditions was determined by their preferential sorption on these sediments. Second, movement of nutrients into runoff occurred more readily as soils became wetter during an event.  相似文献   

Soil chemical constituents influence soil structure and erosion potential. We investigated manure and inorganic fertilizer applications on soil chemistry (carbon [C] quality and exchangeable cations), aggregation, and phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow. Surface samples (0-5 cm) of a Hagerstown (fine, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludalf) soil, to which either dairy or poultry manure or triple superphosphate had been applied (0-200 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) for 5 yr), were packed in boxes (1 m long, 0.15 m wide, and 0.10 m deep) to field bulk density (1.2 g cm(-3)). Rainfall was applied (65 mm h(-1)), overland flow collected, and sediment and P loss determined. All amendments increased Mehlich 3-extractable P (19-177 mg kg(-1)) and exchangeable Ca (4.2-11.5 cmol kg(-1)) compared with untreated soil. For all treatments, sediment transport was inversely related to the degree of soil aggregation (determined as ratio of dispersed and undispersed clay; r = 0.51), exchangeable Ca (r = 0.59), and hydrolyzable carbohydrate (r = 0.62). The loss of particulate P and total P in overland flow from soil treated with up to 50 kg P ha(-1) dairy manure (9.9 mg particulate phosphorus [PPI, 15.1 mg total phosphorus [TP]) was lower than untreated soil (13.3 mg PP, 18.1 mg TP), due to increased aggregation and decreased surface soil slaking attributed to added C in manure. Manure application at low rates (<50 kg P ha(-1)) imparts physical benefits to surface soil, which decrease P loss potential. However, at greater application rates, P transport is appreciably greater (26.9 mg PP, 29.5 mg TP) than from untreated soil (13.3 mg PP, 18.1 mg TP).  相似文献   

There is growing interest in evaluating the effects of corn silage harvesting methods on erosion control. Increasing the silage cutting height will increase residue cover and could conceivably minimize off-site migration of sediments compared with conventional silage harvesting. The effects of residue level and manure application timing on runoff and sediment losses from no-till corn were examined. Treatments included conventional corn grain (G) and silage (SL) and nonconventional, high-cut (60-65 cm) silage (SH). Corn harvesting treatments were subjected to different manure application regimes: no manure (N) or surface application in fall (F) or spring (S). Simulated rainfall (76 mm/h; 1 h) was applied in spring and fall for two years (2002-2003), runoff from 2.0- x 1.5-m plots collected, and a subsample analyzed for sediment concentration and aggregate size distribution. Runoff volume was inversely related to residue cover. Manure addition to silage plots reduced spring runoff by 71 to 88%, attributable to an increase in soil organic matter content, compared with SH-N and SL-N. Differences in sediment concentration between SH and SL were not significant. For silage plots, spring-applied manure had the greatest influence on sediment export reducing it by 84 to 93% in spring runoff compared with corresponding N plots. Sediment loads were also 85 to 97% lower from SH-S compared with SL-N in all four seasons. Except for spring 2003, sediment export was lower from G compared with SL. The combination of manure and higher residue associated with high-cut silage often lowered sediment export compared with low-cut silage. Nearly identical aggregate size distributions were observed in sediments from SH and SL plots. High residue levels combined with spring-applied manure led to enrichment in the clay-sized fraction of runoff sediment. Recently applied manure and higher residue levels achieved by high-cutting silage can substantially lower sediment losses in spring runoff when soil is most susceptible to erosion.  相似文献   

Growing interest in corn (Zea mays L.) silage utilization on Wisconsin dairy farms may have implications for nutrient losses from agricultural lands. Increasing the silage cutting height will increase residue cover and could reduce off-site migration of sediments and associated constituents compared with conventional silage harvesting. We examined the effects of residue level and manure application timing on phosphorus (P) losses in runoff from no-till corn. Treatments included conventional corn grain (G) and silage (SL; 10- to 15-cm cutting height) and nonconventional, high-cut (60-65 cm) silage (SH) subjected to different manure application regimes: no manure (N) or surface application in fall (F) or spring (S). Simulated rainfall (76 mm h(-1); 1 h) was applied in spring and fall for two years (2002-2003), runoff from 2.0- x 1.5-m plots was collected, and subsamples were analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total phosphorus (TP), and P mass distribution in four particle size classes. Total P and DRP loads were inversely related to percent residue cover, but both TP and DRP concentrations were unaffected by residue level. Manure application increased DRP concentrations in spring runoff by two to five times but did not significantly affect DRP loads, since higher concentrations were offset by lower runoff volumes. Spring manure application reduced TP loads in spring runoff by 77 to 90% compared with plots receiving no manure, with the extent of reductions being greatest at the lower residue levels (<24%). The TP concentration in sediments increased as particle size decreased. Manure application increased the TP concentration of the 0- to 2-microm fraction by 79 to 125%, but elevated the 2- to 10- and 10- to 50-microm fractions to a lesser extent. Recent manure additions were most influential in enriching transported sediments with P. By itself, higher residue cover achieved by high-cutting silage was often insufficient to lower P losses; however, the combination of manure application and higher residue levels significantly reduced P losses from corn fields harvested for silage.  相似文献   

Response of turf and quality of water runoff to manure and fertilizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manure applications can benefit turfgrass production and unused nutrients in manure residues can be exported through sod harvests. Yet, nutrients near the soil surface could be transported in surface runoff. Our research objective was to evaluate responses of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. Guymon] turf and volumes and P and N concentrations of surface runoff after fertilizer or composted manure applications. Three replications of five treatments were established on a Boonville fine sandy loam (fine, smectitic, thermic Vertic Albaqualf) that was excavated to create an 8.5% slope. Manure rates of 50 and 100 kg P ha(-1) at the start of two monitoring periods were compared with P fertilizer rates of 25 and 50 kg ha(-1) and an unfertilized control. Compared with initial soil tests, nitrate concentrations decreased and P concentrations increased after two manure or fertilizer applications and eight rain events over the two monitoring periods. The fertilizer sources of P and N produced 19% more dry weight and 21% larger N concentrations in grass clippings than manure sources. Yet, runoff volumes were similar between manure and fertilizer sources of P. Dissolved P concentration (30 mg L(-1)) in runoff during a rain event 3 d after application of 50 kg P ha(-1) was five times greater for fertilizer than for manure P. Observations during both monitoring periods indicated that total P and N losses in runoff were no greater for composted manure than for fertilizer sources of P at relatively large P rates on a steep slope of turfgrass.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural management can minimize NO3-N leaching, but then the time needed to improve ground water quality is uncertain. A study was conducted in two first-order watersheds (30 and 34 ha) in Iowa's Loess Hills. Both were managed in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) from 1964 through 1995 with similar N fertilizer applications (average 178 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)), except one received applications averaging 446 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) between 1969 and 1974. This study determined if NO3-N from these large applications could persist in ground water and baseflow, and affect comparison between new crop rotations implemented in 1996. Piezometer nests were installed and deep cores collected in 1996, then ground water levels and NO3-N concentrations were monitored. Tritium and stable isotopes (2H, 18O) were determined on 33 water samples in 2001. Baseflow from the heavily N-fertilized watershed had larger average NO3-N concentrations, by 8 mg L(-1). Time-of-travel calculations and tritium data showed ground water resides in these watersheds for decades. "Bomb-peak" precipitation (1963-1980) most influenced tritium concentrations near lower slope positions, while deep ground water was dominantly pre-1953 precipitation. Near the stream, greater recharge and mixed-age ground water was suggested by stable isotope and tritium data, respectively. Using sediment-core data collected from the deep unsaturated zone between 1972 and 1996, the increasing depth of a NO3-N pulse was related to cumulative baseflow (r2 = 0.98), suggesting slow downward movement of NO3-N since the first experiment. Management changes implemented in 1996 will take years to fully influence ground water NO3-N. Determining ground water quality responses to new agricultural practices may take decades in some watersheds.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulation experiments are widely used to study erosion and contaminant transport in overland flow. We investigated the use of two rainfall simulators designed to rain on 2-m-long (2-m2) and 10.7-m-long (32.6-m2) plots to estimate overland flow and phosphorus (P) transport in comparison with watershed-scale data. Simulated rainfall (75 mm h(-1)) generated more overland flow from 2-m-long (20 L m2) than from 10.7-m-long (10 L m2) plots established in grass, no-till corn (Zea mays L.), and recently tilled fields, because a relatively greater area of the smaller plots became saturated (>75% of area) during rainfall compared with large plots (<75% area). Although average concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in overland flow were greater from 2-m-long (0.50 mg L(-1)) than 10.7-m-long (0.35 mg L(-1)) plots, the relationship between DRP and Mehlich-3 soil P (as defined by regression slope) was similar for both plots and for published watershed data (0.0022 for grassed, 0.0036 for no-till, and 0.0112 for tilled sites). Conversely, sediment, particulate phosphorus (PP), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and selective transport of soil fines (<2 microm) were significantly lower from 2- than 10.7-m-long plots. However, slopes of the logarithmic regression between P enrichment ratio and sediment discharge were similar (0.281-0.301) for 2- and 10.7-m-long plots, and published watershed data. While concentrations and loads of P change with plot scales, processes governing DRP and PP transport in overland flow are consistent, supporting the limited use of small plots and rainfall simulators to assess the relationship between soil P and overland flow P as a function of soil type and management.  相似文献   

Slurry application with methods such as trailing shoe (TS) results in reduced emissions of ammonia (NH3) compared with broadcast application using splashplate (SP). Timing the application during cool and wet weather conditions also contributes to low NH3 emissions. From this perspective, we investigated whether reduced NH3 emissions due to improved slurry application method and timing results in an increase in the nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV). The effects of application timing (June vs. April) and application method (TS vs. SP) on the apparent N recovery (ANR) and NFRV from cattle slurry applied to grassland were examined on three sites over 3 yr in randomized block experiments. The NFRV was calculated using two methods: (i) NFRV(N) based on the ANR of slurry N relative to mineral N fertilizer; and (ii) NFRV(DM) based on DM yield. The TS method increased the ANR, NFRV(N), and NFRV(DM) compared with SP in the 40- to 50-d period following slurry application by 0.09, 0.10, and 0.10 kg kg(-1), respectively. These values were reduced to 0.07, 0.06, and 0.05 kg kg(-1), respectively, when residual harvests during the rest of the year were included. The highest NFRV(DM) for the first harvest period was with application in April using STS (0.30 kg kg(-1)), while application in June with SP had the Slowest (0.12 kg kg(-1)). The highest NFRV(DM) for the cumulative harvest period was with application in April using TS (0.38 kg kg(-1)), while application in June with SP had the lowest (0.17 kg kg(-1)). Improved management of application method, by using TS instead of SP, and timing, by applying slurry in April rather than June, offer potential to increase the NFRV(DM) of cattle slurry applied to grassland.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in runoff from pastures amended with poultry litter may be a significant contributor to eutrophication of lakes and streams in Georgia and other areas in the southeastern United States. The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of litter application rate and initial runoff timing on the long-term loss of P in runoff from surface-applied poultry litter and to develop equations that predict P loss in runoff under these conditions. Litter application rates of 2, 7, and 13 Mg ha(-1), and three rainfall scenarios applied to 1- x 2-m plots in a 3 x 3 randomized complete block design with three replications. The rainfall scenarios included (i) sufficient rainfall to produce runoff immediately after litter application; (ii) no rainfall for 30 d after litter application; and (iii) small rainfall events every 7 d (5 min at 75 mm h(-1)) for 30 d. Phosphorus loss was greatest from the high litter rate and immediate runoff treatments. Nonlinear regression equations based on the small plot study produced fairly accurate (r(2) = 0.52-0.62) prediction of P concentrations in runoff water from larger (0.75 ha) fields over a 2-yr period. Predicted P concentrations were closest to observed values for events that occurred shortly after litter application, and the relative error in predictions increased with time after litter application. In addition, previously developed equations relating soil test P levels to runoff P concentrations were ineffective in the presence of surface-applied litter.  相似文献   

The National Phosphorus Project rainfall simulator was used to quantify overland flow and P transport from nine sites distributed throughout the watershed of a New York City Watershed Agriculture Program collaborating dairy farm. Observed concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) were low (0.007-0.12 mg L(-1)) in flow from deciduous forest, extensively managed pasture, and hillside seeps; moderate (0.18-0.64 mg L(-1)) in flow from intensively managed pastures, a hayfield, and a cow path; and extremely high (11.6 mg L(-1)) in flow from a manured barnyard. Concentrations of TDP from sites without fresh manure were strongly correlated with soil test P (TDP [mg L(-1)] = 0.0056 + 0.0180 x Morgan's soil test phosphorus [STP, mg kg(-1)]; R2 = 84%). Observed concentrations of suspended solids were low (16-137 mg L(-1)) in flow from vegetated sites, but were higher (375-615 mg L(-1)) in flow from sites with little ground cover (barnyard, cow path, plowed field). Under dry summer conditions the time to observed overland flow was shorter (<18 min) for nonfield areas (seeps, barnyard, cow path) than for field and forest areas (27-93 min), indicating that hydrologically active nonfield areas of minor spatial extent but with high soil P (e.g., cow paths and barnyards) can play a significant role in summertime P loading. When soils started from field capacity (second-day) time to overland flow was uniformly less than 23 min, indicating that under wet watershed conditions low-P source areas can dilute overland flow from concentrated sources.  相似文献   

Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in northwestern Ohio river water has declined over the past 20 yr in response to decreased applications of fertilizer P. Our objective was to evaluate changes in soluble P (Bray-1 P) levels in the soil over time as influenced by fertilizer P management, cultivation practice, soil properties, and landscape factors. Because soil is the intermediary between added P and SRP measured in river water, we examined the relationship between fertilizer P, soluble soil P, and SRP. Using historical soil survey sample sites as a baseline for original soluble P concentrations (Por), we resampled Ap horizons to establish current levels of soluble P (Pcu). The Por baseline extended from 1953-1982 and Pcu from 1996-1998. Thirty percent of the Pcu values and 17% of the Por values were > or = 40 mg kg(-1). Log-transformed means for Pcu were significantly higher than for Por. The principal determining factors for Por were physiography, soil texture, and soil series. Current P is affected by present tillage practice and drainage class. Change in soluble P in the soil is not as responsive to fertilizer P sales as is SRP in river water. This suggests that as fertilizer P sales decline, a declining percentage of P added as fertilizer is annually dissolved and transported into the drainage system. Soluble P in soil is governed by a combination of fertilizer and tillage management, soil properties, and landscape factors interacting over time.  相似文献   

Wetlands are one of the most important watershed microtopographic features that affect hydrologic processes (e.g., routing) and the fate and transport of constituents (e.g., sediment and nutrients). Efforts to conserve existing wetlands and/or to restore lost wetlands require that watershed-level effects of wetlands on water quantity and water quality be quantified. Because monitoring approaches are usually cost or logistics prohibitive at watershed scale, distributed watershed models such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), enhanced by the hydrologic equivalent wetland (HEW) concept developed by Wang [Wang, X., Yang, W., Melesse, A.M., 2008. Using hydrologic equivalent wetland concept within SWAT to estimate streamflow in watersheds with numerous wetlands. Trans. ASABE 51 (1), 55–72.], can be a best resort. However, there is a serious lack of information about simulated effects using this kind of integrated modeling approach. The objective of this study was to use the HEW concept in SWAT to assess effects of wetland restoration within the Broughton's Creek watershed located in southwestern Manitoba, and of wetland conservation within the upper portion of the Otter Tail River watershed located in northwestern Minnesota. The results indicated that the HEW concept allows the nonlinear functional relations between watershed processes and wetland characteristics (e.g., size and morphology) to be accurately represented in the models. The loss of the first 10–20% of the wetlands in the Minnesota study area would drastically increase the peak discharge and loadings of sediment, total phosphorus (TP), and total nitrogen (TN). On the other hand, the justifiable reductions of the peak discharge and loadings of sediment, TP, and TN in the Manitoba study area may require that 50–80% of the lost wetlands be restored. Further, the comparison between the predicted restoration and conservation effects revealed that wetland conservation seems to deserve a higher priority while both wetland conservation and restoration may be equally important.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the impact on water quality of urbanization using disaggregate data from Wake County, North Carolina. We use a unique panel data set tracing the conversion of individual residentially zoned land parcels to relate the density of residential development and the change in residential land use to three measures of water quality. Using a spatial econometrics model, we relate spatially and temporally referenced monitoring station readings to our measures of residential land use while controlling for other factors affecting water quality. We find that both the density of residential land use and the rate of land conversion have a negative impact on water quality. The impacts of these non-point sources are found to be larger in magnitude than those from urban point sources.  相似文献   

Assessment of cumulative impacts on wetlands can benefit by recognizing three fundamental wetland categories: basin, riverine, and fringe. The geomorphological settings of these categories have relevance for water quality.Basin, or depressional, wetlands are located in headwater areas, and capture runoff from small areas. Thus, they are normally sources of water with low elemental concentration. Although basin wetlands normally possess a high capacity for assimilating nutrients, there may be little opportunity for this to happen if the catchment area is small and little water flows through them.Riverine wetlands, in contrast, interface extensively with uplands. It has been demonstrated that both the capacity and the opportunity for altering water quality are high in riverine wetlands.Fringe wetlands are very small in comparison with the large bodies of water that flush them. Biogeochemical influences tend to be local, rather than having a measurable effect on the larger body of water. Consequently, the function of these wetlands for critical habitat may warrant protection from high nutrient levels and toxins, rather than expecting them to assume an assimilatory role.The relative proportion of these wetland types within a watershed, and their status relative to past impacts can be used to develop strategies for wetland protection. Past impacts on wetlands, however, are not likely to be clearly revealed in water quality records from monitoring studies, either because records are too short or because too many variables other than wetland impacts affect water quality. It is suggested that hydrologic records be used to reconstruct historical hydroperiods in wetlands for comparison with current, altered conditions. Changes in hydroperiod imply changes in wetland function, especially for biogeochemical processes in sediments. Hydroperiod is potentially a more sensitive index of wetland function than surface areas obtained from aerial photographs. Identification of forested wetlands through photointerpretation relies on vegetation that may remain intact for decades after drainage. Finally, the depositional environment of wetlands is a landscape characteristic that has not been carefully evaluated nor fully appreciated. Impacts that reverse depositional tendencies also may accelerate rates of change, causing wetlands to be large net exporters rather than modest net importers. Increases in rates as well as direction can cause stocks of materials, accumulated over centuries in wetland sediments, to be lost within decades, resulting in nutrient loading to downstream aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Almost half (354) of all fish kills (805) in South Carolina, USA, between 1978 and 1988 occurred in the coastal zone. These kills were analyzed for causative, spatial, and temporal associations as a distinct data set and as one integrated with ambient water quality monitoring data. Estuarine kills as a result of natural causes accounted for 42.8% followed by man-induced (35.1%) and undetermined causes (22.1%). Although general pesticide usage was responsible for 53.9% of man-induced kills, weed control activities around resorts and municipal areas accounted for slightly more kills (20.9%) than did agricultural (19.8%) or vector control (13.2%) uses. A dramatic decline in agricultural-related kills has been observed since 1986 as the integrated pest management approach was adopted by many farmers. When taken with the few kills (12.0%) resulting from wastewaters, this suggests that these two land-use activities have been successfully managed via existing programs (IPM and NPDES, respectively) to minimize their contributions to estuarine fish kills. Ambient trend monitoring data demonstrated no coastal-wide dispersion of pesticide pollution. These data confirmed the nature of fish kills to be site-specific, near-field events most closely associated with the contiguous land-use practices and intensities. Typically, fish kill data are considered as event-specific data limited to the bounds of that event only. Our analysis has shown, however, that a long-term data set, when integrated with ambient water quality data, can assist in regulatory and resource management decisions for both short- and long-term planning and protection applications.  相似文献   

The prediction accuracy of agricultural nonpoint source pollution models such as Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) depends on how well model input spatial parameters describe the characteristics of the watershed. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of different soil data resolutions on stream flow, sediment and nutrient predictions when used as input for SWAT. SWAT model predictions were compared for the two US Department of Agriculture soil databases with different resolution, namely the State Soil Geographic database (STATSGO) and the Soil Survey Geographic database (SSURGO). Same number of sub-basins was used in the watershed delineation. However, the number of HRUs generated when STATSGO and SSURGO soil data were used is 261 and 1301, respectively. SSURGO, with the highest spatial resolution, has 51 unique soil types in the watershed distributed in 1301 HRUs, while STATSGO has only three distributed in 261 HRUS. As a result of low resolution STATSGO assigns a single classification to areas that may have different soil types if SSURGO were used. SSURGO included Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) with soil types that were generalized to one soil group in STATSGO. The difference in the number and size of HRUs also has an effect on sediment yield parameters (slope and slope length). Thus, as a result of the discrepancies in soil type and size of HRUs stream flow predicted was higher when SSURGO was used compared to STATSGO. SSURGO predicted less stream loading than STATSGO in terms of sediment and sediment-attached nutrients components, and vice versa for dissolved nutrients. When compared to mean daily measured flow, STATSGO performed better relative to SSURGO before calibration. SSURGO provided better results after calibration as evaluated by R(2) value (0.74 compared to 0.61 for STATSGO) and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency (NSE) values (0.70 and 0.61 for SSURGO and STATSGO, respectively) although both are in the same satisfactory range. Modelers need to weigh the benefits before selecting the type of data resolution they are going to use depending on the watershed size and level of accuracy required because more effort is required to prepare and calibrate the model when a fine resolution soil data is used.  相似文献   

This study examined bacteria and nutrient quality in tile drainage and shallow ground water resulting from a fall land application of liquid municipal biosolids (LMB), at field application rates of 93,500 L ha(-1), to silt-clay loam agricultural field plots using two different land application approaches. The land application methods were a one-pass AerWay SSD approach (A), and surface spreading plus subsequent incorporation (SS). For both treatments, it took between 3 and 39 min for LMB to reach tile drains after land application. The A treatment significantly (p < 0.1) reduced application-induced LMB contamination of tile drains relative to the SS treatment, as shown by mass loads of total Kjeldahl N (TKN), NH(4)-N, Total P (TP), PO(4)-P, E. coli., and Clostridium perfringens. E. coli contamination resulting from application occurred to at least 2.0-m depth in ground water, but was more notable in ground water immediately beneath tile depth (1.2 m). Treatment ground water concentrations of selected nutrients and bacteria for the study period ( approximately 46 d) at 1.2-m depth were significantly higher in the treatment plots, relative to control plots. The TKN and TP ground water concentrations at 1.2-m depth were significantly (p < 0.1) higher for the SS treatment, relative to the A treatment, but there were no significant (p > 0.1) treatment differences for the bacteria. For the macroporous field conditions observed, pre-tillage by equipment such as the AerWay SSD, will reduce LMB-induced tile and shallow ground water contamination compared to surface spreading over non-tilled soil, followed by incorporation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) added to soil from fertilizer or manure application could pose a threat to water quality due to its role in eutrophication of fresh water resources. Incorporating such amendments into the soil is an established best management practice (BMP) for reducing soluble P losses in runoff water, but could also lead to higher erosion. The objective of this study was to test whether incorporation of manure or fertilizer 24 h before an intense rain could also reduce sediment-bound and total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. A rainfall simulation study was conducted on field plots (sandy loam with 6-7% slope, little surface residue, recently cultivated) that received two application rates of liquid swine manure or liquid ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer, using either surface-broadcast or incorporated methods of application. Incorporation increased the total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in runoff but mass losses were not affected. Incorporation also reduced flow-weighted concentrations and losses of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and TP by as much as 30 to 60% depending on source (fertilizer vs. manure) and application rate. Phosphorus is moved below the mixing zone of interaction on incorporation, and thus the effect of the amount and availability of P in this zone is more important than cultivation on subsequent P losses in runoff. Incorporating manure or fertilizer in areas of intense erosive rain, recent extensive tillage, and with little or no surface residue is therefore a best management practice that should be adhered to in order to minimize contamination of surface water. Results also show comparatively lower P losses from manure than fertilizer.  相似文献   

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