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W. E. Krumbein H. Buchholz P. Franke D. Giani C. Giele K. Wonneberger 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1979,66(8):381-389
The coexistence of O2 and H2S in recent microbial mats is demonstrated. Oxygen and H2S are not only coexisting in considerable concentrations within recent stromatolites but high concentrations of the respective gases occur in alternating laminae. This “sandwich structure” is produced by alternating populations of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobaeteria. The finding of such conditions may explain the alternation of oxidized and reduced iron minerals in Precambrian stromatolites and possibly also in the banded iron formations (BIFs). 相似文献
环境污染源排放的氟化氢气体具有腐蚀性强,环境危害性大,排放浓度低的特点。为了实现污染源中排放量低,污染严重的氟化氢气体痕量检测,研制了一种基于光声光谱(PAS)检测原理的污染源氟化氢气体检测仪。通过研究氟化氢气体的特征性吸收波段为1.3μm,并采用谐振环的光谱优化技术实现仪器对氟化氢的选择性吸收。同时通过研究品质因子,共振频率,声压大小及共振腔长的关系和光声池材料的选择,完成了光声池的结构设计。实验结果表明,该仪器的光声信号和气体浓度成良好的线性关系,且灵敏度达到0.08μL/L,系统重复性为1.14%,系统稳定性为4%,同时也表明选用耐腐蚀性强的ZnSe玻璃作为光声池材料使得该检测仪具有抗干扰能力强的特点,能广泛应用于环境中气体污染源的监测。 相似文献
J. L. Culhane 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1979,66(9):433-437
The identification of extended sources of X-ray emission associated with clusters of galaxies has been one of the major achievements of X-ray astronomy. In this paper the present situation regarding the identification of X-ray clusters is reviewed and the relationship between X-ray and optical cluster properties is briefly discussed. Measurements of X-ray extent have been made for a small number of clusters and the status of these observations is described. The nature of the X-ray emission process and the observations which have led to our present understanding of cluster X-ray production are examined in some detail. Observations at other wavelengths that are relevant to this problem are also discussed. The available evidence suggests that the X-ray emission is due to bremsstrahlung from high-temperature (T>2·107 K) gas that is present in the space between cluster galaxies. Current models of the origin of this gas and of its likely heating mechanism are presented. 相似文献
Lin YK 《Die Naturwissenschaften》2002,89(5):187-200
A brief introduction is first given of the history of the technical field of random vibration, tracing back to the works of physicists since the beginning of the twentieth century. This is then followed by an account of more recent developments, with emphasis on nonlinear and quasi-nonlinear systems, and on analytical solutions for the associated Fokker-Planck equation and the generalized Pontryagin equation. The governing equation of a quasi-nonlinear system is linear, but with one or more randomly varying coefficients. The techniques for finding exact probability solutions, approximate probability solutions, conditions for motion stability, and the failure probability and statistics of a system are discussed. 相似文献
Peter Vr?ansky Du?an Chorvát Ingo Fritzsche Miroslav Hain Robert ?ev?ík 《Die Naturwissenschaften》2012,99(9):739-749
Bioluminescence is a common feature of the communication and defence of marine organisms, but this phenomenon is highly restricted in the terrestrial biota. Here, we present a geographical distribution of only the third order of luminescent insects—luminescent cockroaches, with all 13 known and/or herein reported new living species (based on deposited specimens). We show that, for the first time, photo-characteristics of three examined species are nearly identical with those of toxic luminescent click beetles, which they mimic. These observations are the evidence for the mimicry by light—a new type of defensive, Batesian and interordinal mimicry. Our analysis surprisingly reveals an evolutionary novelty of all living luminescent insects, while in the sea (and possibly in the soil) luminescence is present also phylogenetically in very primitive organisms. 相似文献
环境应急能力提升在即 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用“一波未平,一波又起”来形容2005年的重特大环境污染事故,毫不为过.国家环保总局有关负责人曾指出,当前,一些地方盲目发展给保障环境安全带来了巨大压力,中国已进入环境污染事故高发期,形势十分严峻. 相似文献
在经过5年的推动之后,广东清洁生产开始进人纵深发展阶段。2001年,以由广东省环保局、经贸委、科技厅联合出台《广东省清洁生产联合行动实施意见》为标志,广东清洁生产正式启动。 相似文献
作为拓垦过程和人地交互作用显著的代表性区域,对台湾省历史耕地时空变化重建的研究,有利于深化对海峡两岸历史土地变化过程特征、差异和规律的认识。基于历史文献和统计年鉴,以历史人口数据为代用资料,分析了耕地和人口记录特征后,综合采用引用替代、线性内插、隐匿系数修正法、人均耕地系数法和余粮规模检验等方法,估算和订正了近300年来中国台湾省历史耕地的时空变化。结果表明:(1)台湾省耕地总量,由荷据时期的0.91×104 hm2增长到当前的79.30×104 hm2,增加了近86.60倍,阶段特征大体呈先增加后持续减少的态势,清前中期呈平稳低速增长,日据时期呈快速波动增长,国民党治台后中前期呈波动缓慢增长,中后期呈逐步降低态势。(2)百年尺度下,台湾省水田和旱田变化规律存在明显差异;水田规模呈先增加再波动后逐步减少的态势,旱田呈先增加再减少而后逐步增加的态势;1931年以前,旱田比例均高于水田,峰值期高了3%~5%;之后,水田比例超过旱地,居于优势地位,1936—1965年水田比例平均高于旱田22.23%。(3)台湾省的土地垦殖过程具有空间拓展性和区域不平衡性,土地开垦经历了由点到面、由南到北、由西往东的发展过程;台南地区是最先被开垦的区域,其后依次是台中和台北,台东地区是最后才被垦殖的区域;台南地区的垦殖强度一直高于其他地区,最高时达36.71%。(4)HYDE数据集与本文结果均呈逐步上升态势,但两者耕地规模和变化过程差异显著,国际数据集并不能反映近300年来台湾省耕地变化的客观史实。 相似文献
Liesbeth Vossaert Imen Chakchouk Roni Zemet Ignatia B. Van den Veyver 《黑龙江环境通报》2021,41(10):1202-1214
Investigators have long been interested in the natural phenomenon of fetal and placental cell trafficking into the maternal circulation. The scarcity of these circulating cells makes their detection and isolation technically challenging. However, as a DNA source of fetal origin not mixed with maternal DNA, they have the potential of considerable benefit over circulating cell-free DNA-based noninvasive prenatal genetic testing (NIPT). Endocervical trophoblasts, which are less rare but more challenging to recover are also being investigated as an approach for cell-based NIPT. We review published studies from around the world describing both forms of cell-based NIPT and highlight the different approaches’ advantages and drawbacks. We also offer guidance for developing a sound cell-based NIPT protocol. 相似文献