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低温等离子体技术及其治理工业废气的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用低温等离子体技术对低浓度、高流速、大风量的含挥发性有机污染物和含硫类污染物等工业废气进行处理,实验室结果为介质阻挡放电产生的低温等离子体分解污染物效果好。在化纤厂对含硫工业废气做了实际应用的示范工程,中试装置已连续稳定运行1000h以上。  相似文献   

本论文指出了本溪调频汽车排放物的日变化和特征,以及污染物浓度与汽车流量的相关性。环境空气质量标准对本溪市道路空气质量进行了评价。  相似文献   

As part of their commitment under the Rio Convention,1 nations are required to report annual calculated emissions of greenhouse gases. The fluorine containing members of this group, which are generally potent greenhouse gases with high Global Warming Potentials, are mainly used in refrigeration and air conditioning. They are emitted only slowly from such systems; hence long term containment is an important engineering and environmental issue. European legislation is designed to effect improvements in containment and a simple way to monitor this would be desirable.The reports submitted by European countries have been examined to determine the extent to which containment (expressed as the rate of emission from the bank remaining in equipment) has changed with time. Although there is a wide variation between countries, the annual emission rates of most of the gases used in refrigeration have improved significantly over the past 10 years and now represent between 5 and 10% of the bank still contained in equipment. This implies that it would take between 10 and 20 years for the original mass of refrigerant charged into a system to be released into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Microbial spheres: a novel cyanobacterial–diatom symbiosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cyanobacteria, algae and bacteria are widespread inhabitants of North Sea microbial mats. Our studies of these populations showed uncommon modes of living and extraordinary structures, which have not been described before. The structures are spherical objects covering a community of cyanobacteria, diatoms and bacteria. The cultivation of these communities in the laboratory and intensive observations of their exceptional movement has led to some spectacular findings. The sphere formations go through different phases with variation in the dominance of different microorganisms. The role of the bacteria is the most important in the first phase, and can be increased by the addition of signal substances. Spheres surrounded by envelopes of unknown composition and permeability appear, with numerous bacteria and sporadic diatoms inside. Then the cyanobacteria penetrate the spheres and arrange themselves at the surface. The communities proliferate over some weeks and are finally released. Laboratory expositions of the microbial communities to different parameters pinpoint the limits of sphere formation. The metabolic products of the sphere communities are concentrated in the spheres and lead to a different kind of compound compared with the surrounding environment. In this way, the microbial communities strongly influence the structure of the sediments. Uncommon circular structures, which develop into spheres between 0.08 and 3 mm in size were found in subcultures of non-axenic filamentous cyanobacteria enrichments from North Sea microbial mats. These filamentous cyanobacteria (Phormidium sp.) together with associated benthic diatoms of the genus Navicula and associated heterotrophic bacteria were held as reproducible synergistic cultures. Phormidium sp. filaments tightly intertwined with each other, formed the surface of the spheres, trapping diatoms inside. The formation of "spheres" was the result of radial and synchronous movements of the cyanobacteria. In old cultures, the direction of the cyanobacterial movement has turned in the opposite direction, away from the sphere. The integrity of large "spheres" was influenced by chemotactic phenomena and maintained by some type of trichome-trichome interaction. This suggests the presence of metabolic secondary products, which attract cyanobacteria and influence their movement in a form of chemotactic response.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the urban areas in the city of Riyadh—the capital of Saudi Arabia—were increasing at an exceptionally high rate through a series of development plans. The major plans had been completed by the end of 1982. Some other big utility projects were started and completed during 1987. As a consequence, the air quality has deteriorated markedly and air pollution episodes recorded during these activities showed that particulates were present in the atmosphere at high concentrations. Later in January 1991 the Gulf war started and the firing of the oil fields in Kuwait soon followed. It was estimated that soot particulates were emitted at a rate of 600 ton d−1 along with high rates of other gases. This event has led to significant air quality and visibility problems.Direct normal solar radiation has been measured during the summer months of July and August which were characterized by very dry and cloudless weather for the period between 1982 and 1992. A year-to-year trend of the transmittance of direct normal solar irradiance was then determined.The atmospheric fine aerosol (<2 μm diameter) loading data during the same period were used to establish a correlation between the aerosol concentration and the extinction coefficient.The total horizontal and direct normal solar radiation measurements during some days when the dark smoke emitted from the oil field fires in Kuwait were passing over Riyadh are presented. The reduction in solar irradiation reflects the intensity of dark smoke at a distance of 500 km from Kuwait.  相似文献   

During reproductive migration the electroreceptive African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Siluriformes), preys mainly on a weakly electric fish, the bulldog Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Mormyridae; Merron 1993). This is puzzling because the electric organ discharges of known Marcusenius species are pulses of a duration (<1 ms) too short for being detected by the catfishes' low-frequency electroreceptive system (optimum sensitivity, 10–30 Hz; Peters and Bretschneider 1981). On the recent discovery that M. macrolepidotus males emit discharges lasting approximately ten times longer than those of females (Kramer 1997a) we determined behavioral thresholds for discharges of both sexes, using synthetic playbacks of field-recorded discharges. C. gariepinus detected M. macrolepidotus male discharges down to a field gradient of 103 μVpeak-peak/cm and up to a distance of 1.5 m at natural field conditions. In contrast, thresholds for female discharges were not reached with our setup, and we presume the bulldogs eaten by catfish are predominantly male. Received: 7 October 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

提出一套完整的温室气体与大气污染物协同控制效应评估与规划方法:首先,采用排放因子法分别计算减排措施(减排主体)对各类温室气体(全球污染物)和局地大气污染物减排量;其次,以《中华人民共和国环境保护税法》规定的污染物当量值、税额,以及碳排放权交易价格、IPCC发布的温室气体全球增温潜势(GWP)值等参数为依据,将全球和局地两类污染物归并为综合大气污染物排放量(QIAP),或将2类污染物减排量归并为综合大气污染物协同减排量(ICER),二者皆以综合大气污染物当量(IAPeq)计量;最后,采用协同控制效应坐标系、协同控制交叉弹性、单位污染物减排成本等评估指标和方法开展协同控制效应评估,绘制并依据边际减排成本曲线进一步开展协同控制成本-效果优化规划.应用此方法体系开展的钢铁、交通、电力等行业协同控制评估,城市协同控制规划,以及城市协同控制绩效评估的结果表明,该方法体系具有科学性、简明性和可操作性.  相似文献   

利用CAMx(区域空气质量模型)中的PSAT(颗粒物源示踪技术),分析了重污染天气下分区域、分行业的污染物排放对京津冀地区PM2.5的贡献,设计了分行业排放的环境影响效率系数(EESCR)计算方法,并对“电能替代”(以电力行业产能替代民用能源消耗)情景方案下的排放进行模拟分析. 结果表明:在重污染天气背景下,电力行业排放对京津冀地区ρ(PM2.5)的贡献率较低,各地均低于10%,并且区域排放的贡献次序为京津冀以外地区>京津冀其他城市>当地,这与电力行业高架源排放的特征有关,而工业和民用行业对区域排放的贡献次序相反. PM2.5主要组分和前体物的分行业EESCR计算结果表明,电力行业ESSCR值均在y=1/2x趋势线之下,远低于其他行业,因此优先控制其他行业排放才是改善京津冀地区空气质量的关键.电能替代的情景模拟结果表明,电能替代是有效降低京津冀地区ρ(PM2.5)的可行方式. 研究显示,充分利用电力行业高架源排放的特点和便于集中处理的行业优势,尽力降低因产能增长带来的排放增量,实施电能替代可成为改善区域空气质量的有效途径之一.   相似文献   

印染污泥焚烧烟气污染控制案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广东省某两家印染厂的印染污泥焚烧项目为主要研究对象,从污泥处理技术路线、焚烧设备及烟气处理流程等各方面入手,对各厂印染污泥与煤混烧烟气中颗粒物、NOx、SO2、酸性气体(HF、HCl)和重金属等污染物的进行采样分析,并对各厂现有烟气污染物控制设施的运行效果进行调研,结果表明,布袋除尘的效果较为理想,除尘效率可达99%以上;使用印染废水作为吸收液的湿法脱硫技术对SO2及酸性气体的去除效果不理想;SNCR对NOx具有一定的去除效果,是一种较为经济、高效的脱硝技术;焚烧后,大部分重金属最终以飞灰的形式被除尘器去除,但仍有部分重金属如Hg在出口烟气中的浓度仍然很高,需要采取必要的措施控制烟气中的重金属. 此外,基于印染污泥焚烧实例分析,提出适于印染污泥与煤混烧烟气处理工艺流程.  相似文献   

随着城市垃圾填埋量的增加,填埋气体造成的环境问题被愈加重视,国内外对填埋气的产生和排放也进行了大量研究,以温室气体和挥发性有机物为主要研究对象。综述了最近几年国内外学者针对填埋场垃圾和填埋气中3种重要温室气体和挥发性有机物(VOCs)的产生模型、产量估计及其监测方法优劣、减排和资源化利用等领域进行的研究成果,指出后续对填埋气间的相关性和由此产生的次生污染物进行适当研究的必要性,与填埋气产生排放相关的气象条件监测也应加强,旨在为填埋气体的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

近43年来“三江源”地区气候变化趋势及其突变研究   总被引:65,自引:9,他引:56  
利用“三江源”地区14个气象台站1962-2004年气温、降水量资料,分析了该地区气候变化趋势及其突变情况。研究表明:近43年来,“三江源”地区气温普遍升高,年及夏、秋季降水量的变化呈微弱减少趋势,而冬、春季降水量呈现出显著增加趋势,气候暖湿变化表现出不同季性,四季及年蒸发量变化呈逐年增大趋势;气候变化具有显著的区域性差异;年平均气温在1987年出现了由冷到暖的突变,冬、春季降水量均在20世纪70年代中期和80年代出现了由少向多的突变,年蒸发量在1986-1988年间发生由少到多突变。全球升温并由此引起的海洋蒸发和陆地上的蒸散加强,地气水分循环加快,是“三江源”地区气候出现暖湿变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

1992—2008年我国工业废水排放变化效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业废水排放使我国水环境受到严重威胁,为剖析工业废水排放变化驱动机制,应用LMDI(对数平均迪氏指数)法将其分解为规模、结构和技术3种效应. 结果表明:1992—2008年我国工业废水排放整体上呈先降后升的二次抛物线趋势. 其中,1992—2002年工业废水减排498583×104t,由工业规模效应、结构效应和技术效应产生的贡献值分别为1829988×104、206807×104和-2535378×104t;2002—2008年工业废水排放增加了333826×104t,相应地,3种效应的贡献值分别为1470045×104、-66094×104、-1070126×104t. 规模效应是造成工业废水排放增加的主要原因,技术效应是工业废水排放减少的关键因素,结构效应多表现为绝对值较小的负值,表明工业经济结构调整倾向于减小污染但贡献不大. 规模效应的主要影响行业是化工原料及化学制品制造业,造纸及纸制品业和食品、烟草及饮料制造业,为减少这些部门的废水排放,可通过政策减缓经济规模的扩张趋势;结构效应的主要影响行业是电气、煤气及水的生产供应业,黑色金属冶炼及延压业和非金属矿物制造业,可通过鼓励重组促使产业结构升级,达到减排工业废水的目标;技术效应的主要影响行业是皮革、毛皮、羽绒及其制品业,为实现工业废水减排,应加大技术投入、提高生产水平.   相似文献   

随着纯电动公交车在城市公共交通中应用越来越广泛,需要对纯电动公交车和传统柴油公交车进行全生命周期评估,并分析推广纯电动公交的可行性.通过美国阿贡实验室开发的GREET(greenhouse gases,regulated emissions,and energy use in transportation model)软件,充分考虑油井-油泵、公交车运行、车身系统制造、液体系统制造、ADR(装配、报废和回收质量)以及电池制造等6个阶段能耗,结合公交车车型信息和路况信息,构建公交模型,并对公交模型进行能耗模拟、排放物模拟和经济效益评估.结果表明,若车身长度为12 m,车身质量为18 t时,纯电动公交车运行过程能耗仅占其总能耗的31.1%.相较于传统公交车,纯电动公交车全生命周期能耗减少29.1%,全生命周期内VOC、CO、NOx等污染物排放量分别减少8.7%、36.7%、50.2%,温室气体CO2的排放量减少19.7%.若公交车队规模为20辆,纯电动公交车使用年限为8 a,则纯电动公交车比例需超过12.7%才能实现盈利,单辆纯电动公交车若实现盈利至少需要3 a.   相似文献   

城市交通隧道汽车废气排放环境影响的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用风洞物理模拟手段,对处于城市街区的交通隧道风井塔和峒口排放污气的环境影响作了实验研究,并基于射流理论和现场实测,建立峒口污染物散布的预测模式,该模式用于模型区环境影响评价,研究表明.1.隧道峒口污气排放有可能造成短时局地比较严重的污染影响,废气浓度可能超标,但影响范围不大,并且与周围建筑物,环境,气温和车辆运行状况等密切相关;2.建筑物的空气动力学效应对污染物扩散有明显影响。  相似文献   

还原性硫气体是重要的痕量生源气体,对全球硫循环和大气化学具有重要作用。湿地是还原性硫气体的重要排放源,二甲基硫(DMS)、硫化氢(H2S)、羰基硫(COS)和二硫化碳(CS2)是湿地系统释放明显的还原性硫气体。开展湿地生态系统还原性硫气体自然释放的研究,可在全球尺度上估算还原性硫气体对大气循环的具体贡献提供基础数据。DMS、H2S和CS2的日变化规律表现为昼释放率大于夜释放率,COS释放速率表现为夜大于昼,在季节变化上都呈现生长季释放率大于非生长季;空间释放规律上也有较大差异性,水稻田硫气体释放量较为明显。温度通过影响酶活性进而影响硫气体释放,土壤、植被和潮周期等也是影响湿地生态系统还原性硫气体释放的重要因素。在探讨目前该研究领域存在不足的同时,对未来的研究工作进行了展望,以期对湿地生态系统还原性硫气体释放取得更深入的探究。  相似文献   

MonitoringofPotentialcarcinogenicpolycyclicaromaticcompoundsintheemissionfromcoalcombustionCuiWenxuan,YaoWeixi,XuXiaobai(Rese...  相似文献   

Increasing energy consumption in the transportation sector results in challenging greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental problems. This paper involved integrated assessments on GHG emissions and emergy of the life cycle for the internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric automobiles in the USA over the entire assumed fifteen-year lifetime. The hotspots of GHG emissions as well as emergy indices for the major processes of automobile life cycle within the defined system boundaries have been investigated. The potential strategies for reducing GHG emissions and emergy in the life cycle of both ICE and electric automobiles were further proposed. Based on the current results, the total GHG emissions from the life cycle of ICE automobiles are 4.48E + 07 kg CO2-e which is 320 times higher than that of the electric automobiles. The hotspot area of the GHG emissions from ICE and electric automobiles are operation phase and manufacturing process, respectively. Interesting results were observed that comparable total emergy of the ICE automobiles and electric automobiles have been calculated which were 1.54E + 17 and 2.20E + 17 sej, respectively. Analysis on emergy index evidenced a better environmental sustainability of electric automobiles than ICE automobiles over the life cycle due to its higher ESI. To the authors’ knowledge, it is the first time to integrate the analysis of GHG emissions together with emergy in industrial area of automobile engineering. It is expected that the integration of emergy and GHG emissions analysis may provide a comprehensive perspective on eco-industrial sustainability of automobile engineering.  相似文献   

从生命周期的角度出发,以1m2房屋每日的供热量为基准,对散煤采暖,电锅炉,低温空气源热泵,燃气壁挂炉,热电联产集中供热,燃气锅炉集中供热,洁净型煤等7种采暖方式的生命周期污染物排放和能源利用效率进行对比分析.结果发现:相比散煤取暖,清洁采暖方式可有效地降低大气污染物排放量,尤其是PM10和PM2.5.其中,以天然气为热源的燃气锅炉集中供热和燃气壁挂炉最为清洁,可减排SO2和NOx 85%左右,减排PM10和PM2.5 99%左右;洁净型煤和电锅炉的减排效率相对较低.低温空气源热泵和热电联产集中供热对能源利用效率最高,可达到80%以上,而电锅炉仅30%左右.此外,改善建筑围护结构保温性能可有效降低农村地区采暖的大气污染物排放.  相似文献   

We present the diurnal and seasonal variability of ambient NH3, NO, NO2 and SO2 over Delhi, India. Ambient NH3, NO and NO2 were measured continuously during winter, summer and autumn seasons using NH3- and NOx-analyzer, which operates by chemiluminescence method with a higher estimation e ciency (> 90%) than the chemical trap method (reproducibility 4.7%). Prominent diurnal, day-to-day and seasonal variations of ambient mixing ratio of NH3, NO, NO2 and SO2 were observed during the study period. Seasonal variation with higher mixing ratio in winter was observed for all measured trace gases except NO. Day-night variation of all measured trace gases observed was higher in winter in comparison with summer. Late morning increase in NO2 mixing ratio might be attributed to conversion of NO to NO2 with the interaction of O3.  相似文献   

中国西南纵向岭谷地区可降水量的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用NCEP/NCAR 1948~2002年月平均比湿、风场以及高度场等再分析资料,对纵向岭谷及周围地区的多年平均气柱可降水量及其月、季节变化以及年际和年代际变化特征进行了分析。结果表明,纵向岭谷地区可降水量具有明显的月际、季节、年际和年代际变化。在纵向岭谷地区,气柱平均可降水量季节变化明显。四季都为南湿北干的分布,夏季可降水量含量最大,冬季最小,云南大气含水量的分布在整体上大致为西北东南向的"凹"字形。纵向岭谷可降水量的月际变化反映了纵向岭谷地区南北向通道作用和东西向阻隔作用。夏季可降水量在25°N附近、98.5°E附近以及106°E附近地区发生了明显变化。夏季、冬季纵向岭谷区的可降水量变化具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征。纵向岭谷区夏季可降水量在20世纪70年代初发生了年代际变化;冬季可降水量在20世纪50年代中期、60年代后期以及80年代初期发生了年代际变化。  相似文献   

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