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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Downstream water pollution resulting from anthropogenic pressures on upstream water can cause conflicts, especially in transboundary rivers basins. This...  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability assessments provide a measure of the sensitivity of groundwater quality to an imposed contaminant load and are globally recognized as an essential element of all aquifer management and protection plans. In this paper, the vulnerability of groundwaters underlying the Yinchuan Plain of Northwest China is determined using OREADIC, a GIS-based assessment tool that incorporates the key characteristics of the universally popular DRASTIC approach to vulnerability assessment but has been modified to consider important additional hydrogeological factors that are specific to the region. The results show that areas of high vulnerability are distributed mainly around Qingtongxia City, Wuzhong City, Lingwu City, and Yongning County and are associated with high rates of aquifer recharge, shallow depths to the water table, and highly permeable aquifer materials. The presence of elevated NO3 in the high vulnerability areas endorses the OREADIC approach. The vulnerability maps developed in this study have become valuable tools for environmental planning in the region and will be used for predictive management of the groundwater resource.  相似文献   

Delineating areas susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources form an important component of sustainable management of groundwater resources. The present research aims at estimating vulnerability of groundwater by application of DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC models in the southern part of the Gangetic plains in the state of Bihar. The DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC models have considered seven parameters viz. depth to water level, net recharge, aquifer material, soil material, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. A third model, Pesticide DRASTIC LU has been adopted by adding land use as an additional parameter, to assess its impact on vulnerability zonation. The DRASTIC model indicated two vulnerable categories, moderate and high, while the Pesticide DRASTIC model revealed moderate, high and very high vulnerable categories. Out of the parameters used, depth to water level affected the vulnerability most. The parameter caused least impact was topography in DRASTIC, while in case of Pesticide DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC LU models, the parameter was hydraulic conductivity. A linear regression between groundwater NO3 concentrations and the vulnerability zonation revealed better correlation for Pesticide DRASTIC model, emphasising the effectiveness of the model in assessing groundwater vulnerability in the study region. Considering all three models, the most vulnerable areas were found to be concentrated mainly in two zones, (i) in the south-western part along Ekangarsarai-Islampur patch and (ii) around Biharsharif-Nagarnausa area in the central part. Both zones were characterised by intensive vegetable cultivation with urban areas in between.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess the groundwater quality near a landfill site using the modified water quality index. A total of 128 groundwater samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total organic carbon (TOC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, and Hg. The analytical results have showed a decreasing trend in concentration for TOC, Cd, Pb, Hg, and Cu and an increasing one for pH, EC, and PAH. The modified water quality index, which was called landfill water pollution index (LWPI), was calculated to quantify the overall water quality near the landfill site. The analysis reveals that groundwater in piezometers close to the landfill is under a strong landfill impact. The LWPI in piezometers ranged from 0.52 to 98.25 with a mean value of 7.99. The LWPI in groundwater from the nearest house wells varied from 0.59 to 0.92. A LWPI value below 1 proves that analyzed water is not affected by the landfill. Results have shown that LWPI is an efficient method for assessing and communicating the information on the groundwater quality near the landfill.  相似文献   

The coastal water quality of Mumbai is deteriorating due to various point and non-point wastewater sources. Hence, it is desirable to monitor coastal water quality for various water-related activities like bathing, contact water sports, recreation, and commercial fishing. The objective of this paper is to assess the seasonal water quality on the basis of seawater standards. Based on water-quality analysis of 17 seafronts and beaches, most of the parameters were exceeding the standards. The statistical cluster analysis was carried out for evaluating impact of wastewater and sewage discharges. The hierarchical cluster analysis resulted into three clustered groups, namely less polluted, moderately polluted, and highly polluted sites with similar characteristics of water quality. Mahim was found to be worst-affected beach due to incoming organic load from the Mithi river in comparison to other seafronts and beaches. Unaccounted sources of sewage and wastewater should be identified and rerouted through sewerage system by improving collection efficiency, treatment, and proper disposal for achieving designated receiving water quality standards.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to develop a Water Quality Index (WQI) for the coastal water of Visakhapatnam, India from multiple measured water quality parameters using different multivariate statistical techniques. Cluster analysis was used to classify the data set into three major groups based on similar water quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis was used to generate a discriminant function for developing a WQI. Discriminant analysis gave the best result for analyzing the seasonal variation of water quality. It helped in data reduction and found the most discriminant parameters responsible for seasonal variation of water quality. Coastal water was classified into good, average, and poor quality considering WQI and the nutrient load. The predictive capacity of WQI was proved with random samples taken from coastal areas. High concentration of ammonia in surface water during winter was attributed to nitrogen fixation by the phytoplankton bloom which resulted due to East India Coastal Current. This study brings out the fact that water quality in the coastal region not only depends on the discharge from different pollution sources but also on the presence of different current patterns. It also illustrates the usefulness of WQI for analyzing the complex nutrient data for assessing the coastal water and identifying different pollution sources, considering reasons for seasonal variation of water quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the risk for caries and fluorosis in a desertification area, applying the calcium/fluoride concentration ratio of underground water and the quality of water in a selected geographical region. This study was performed in the municipality of São João do Rio do Peixe, located in the tropical semiarid lands of Brazil. A total of 111 groundwater samples were collected. Fluoride concentration varied from 0.11 to 9.33 mg/L. Thirty percent of all samples analyzed showed values above 1.5 mg/L, while 64 % were above the ideal limit of 0.7 mg/L. Mean calcium concentration was 47.6 mg/L, and 14.4 % of all samples presented values above the WHO acceptable limits. The proportional value of calcium/fluoride in water showed that only 12 % of the samples were suitable for dental caries prevention with minimal risk for dental fluorosis. Mapping of the fluoride distribution indicated that approximately 2,465 people could be affected by dental fluorosis and 1,057 people might be affected by skeletal fluorosis. It can be concluded that, in addition to fluoride, many water parameters were not suitable for the drinking water. Mapping out calcium/fluoride ratio may indicate areas of water suitability for caries control, whereas the fluoride concentration solely can indicate the areas with the risk for fluorosis. This approach can be relevant for health authorities for identifying communities where dental caries or dental fluorosis is prevalent.  相似文献   

通过水文地质调查和地下水监测孔观测资料,运用DRASTIC模型与GIS软件的区叠加功能,对研究区地下水脆弱性作评价,以及对地下水防污性能进行分区。结果表明:地下水防污性能较高区主要分布在西北部台地区及其附近,防污性能中等区主要分布于二级阶地,防污性能较低区主要沿河流及其分支河道的漫滩、一级阶地等地带呈条带状分布。总体来看,该区域地下水防污性能较好。  相似文献   

The MAREL Iroise data buoy provides physico-chemical measurements acquired in surface marine water in continuous and autonomous mode. The water is pumped 1.5 m from below the surface through a sampling pipe and flows through the measuring cell located in the floating structure. Technological innovations implemented inside the measuring cell atop the buoy allow a continuous cleaning of the sensor, while injection of chloride ions into the circuit prevents biological fouling. Specific sensors for temperature, salinity, oxygen and fluorescence investigated in this paper have been evaluated to guarantee measurement precision over a 3 month period. A bi-directional link under Internet TCP-IP protocols is used for data, alarms and remote-control transmissions with the land-based data centre. Herein, we present a 29 month record for 4 parameters measured using a MAREL buoy moored in a coastal environment (Iroise Sea, Brest, France). The accuracy of the data provided by the buoy is assessed by comparison with measurements of sea water weekly sampled at the same site as part of SOMLIT (Service d'Observation du Milieu LIToral), the French network for monitoring of the coastal environment. Some particular events (impact of intensive fresh water discharges, dynamics of a fast phytoplankton bloom) are also presented, demonstrating the worth of monitoring a highly variable environment with a high frequency continuous reliable system.  相似文献   

The exploration, exploitation, and unscientific management of groundwater resources in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, India have posed a serious threat of reduction in quantity and deterioration of quality. The objective of the study is to determine the groundwater quality and to assess the risk of groundwater pollution at Najafgarh, NCT of Delhi. The groundwater quality parameters were analyzed from the existing wells of the Najafgarh and the thematic maps were generated using geostatistical concepts. Ordinary kriging and indicator kriging methods were used as geostatistical approach for preparation of thematic maps of the groundwater quality parameters such as bicarbonate, calcium, chloride, electrical conductivity (EC), magnesium, nitrate, sodium, and sulphate with concentrations equal or greater than their respective groundwater pollution cutoff value. Experimental semivariogram values were fitted well in spherical model for the water quality parameters, such as bicarbonate, chloride, EC, magnesium, sodium, and sulphate and in exponential model for calcium and nitrate. The thematic maps of all the groundwater quality parameters exhibited an increasing trend of pollution from the northern and western part of the study area towards the southern and eastern part. The concentration was highest at the southernmost part of the study area but it could not reflect correctly the groundwater pollution status. The indicator kriging method is useful to assess the risk of groundwater pollution by giving the conditional probability of concentrations of different chemical parameters exceeding their cutoff values. Thus, risk assessment of groundwater pollution is useful for proper management of groundwater resources and minimizing the pollution threat.  相似文献   

Flood spreading is a suitable strategy for controlling and benefiting from floods. Selecting suitable areas for flood spreading and directing the floodwater into permeable formations are amongst the most effective strategies in flood spreading projects. Having combined geographic information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analysis approaches, the present study sought to locate the most suitable areas for flood spreading operation in the Garabaygan Basin of Iran. To this end, the data layers relating to the eight effective factors were prepared in GIS environment. This stage was followed by elimination of the exclusionary areas for flood spreading while determining the potentially suitable ones. Having closely examined the potentially suitable areas using the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) II and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methods, the land suitability map for flood spreading was produced. The PROMETHEE II and AHP were used for ranking all the alternatives and weighting the criteria involved, respectively. The results of the study showed that most suitable areas for the artificial groundwater recharge are located in Quaternary Qg and Qgsc geologic units and in geomorphological units of pediment and Alluvial fans with slopes not exceeding 3 %. Furthermore, significant correspondence between the produced map and the control areas, where the flood spreading projects were successfully performed, provided further evidence for the acceptable efficiency of the integrated PROMETHEE II-AHP method in locating suitable flood spreading areas.  相似文献   

Groundwater resource forms a significant component of the urban water supply. Declining groundwater levels in Bangalore Urban District is generally due to continuous overexploitation during the last two decades or more. There is a tremendous increase in demand in the city for good quality groundwater resource. The present study monitors the groundwater quality using geographic information system (GIS) techniques for a part of Bangalore metropolis. Thematic maps for the study area are prepared by visual interpretation of SOI toposheets on 1:50,000 scale using MapInfo software. Physicochemical analysis data of the groundwater samples collected at predetermined locations form the attribute database for the study, based on which spatial distribution maps of major water quality parameters are prepared using MapInfo GIS software. Water quality index was then calculated by considering the following water quality parameters--pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, alkalinity, chloride, nitrate and sulphate to find the suitability of water for drinking purpose. The water quality index for these samples ranged from 49 to 502. The high value of water quality index reveals that most of the study area is highly contaminated due to excessive concentration of one or more water quality parameters and that the groundwater needs pretreatment before consumption.  相似文献   

Evaluation of groundwater quality represents significant input for the development and utilization of water resources. Increasing exploitation of groundwater and man-made pollution has seriously affected the groundwater quality of the North China Plain, such as in the Xuzhou region which is the target of this investigation. The assessment of the groundwater quality and sources in the region was based on analyses of water chemistry and 222Rn activity in samples collected from wells penetrating unconfined and confined aquifers. The results indicate that most of the untreated groundwater in the region is not suitable for the long-term drinking based on permissible limits of the Chinese Environmental Agency and the World Health Organization. However, the groundwater can be used as healthy source of drinking water when they can pass the biological test and softening water treatment. Most of the groundwater is suitable for irrigation. Excessive amounts of SO42? and NO3? are attributed to mainly influence of wastewater, irrigation, and dissolution of sulfate minerals in local coal strata. The major source of the groundwater is meteoric recharge with addition from irrigation and wastewater discharges. Variability of the water quality seems to be also reflecting the type of aquifers where the highest concentration of HCO3? occurs in water of the carbonate fractured aquifer, while the highest Cl? concentration in the unconfined aquifer. Source of 222Rn activity is mainly related to the rock-water interaction with possible addition from the agricultural fertilizers. Protection of groundwater is vital to maintain sustainable drinking quality through reducing infiltration of irrigation water and wastewater.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples are collected from 30 observation wells in the study area to analyze the hydrochemical quality for determining the seawater encroachment in the part of Central Godavari Delta, Bay of Bengal, India. In order to establish the baseline hydrochemical conditions and processes determining the groundwater quality, an integrated investigation coupled with multivariate statistical analysis and hydrochemical methods are used to identify and interpret the groundwater chemistry of the aquifer system. The major land use is irrigated agriculture and aquaculture in the study area. The ground waters affected by the seawater intrusion featured high levels of sodium (Na+), chloride (Ca+), and TDS, which are the simplest common indicators for seawater influence. The elevated levels of NO3–N at some monitoring wells indicate nitrate pollution of groundwater due to anthropogenic origin such as septic effluents or chemical fertilizers. Besides the major chemical compositions, it was also demonstrated that ionic ratios would be useful to delineate seawater intrusion and they include Na+/Ca2+, Mg2+/Ca2+, SO4 2?/Ca2+, Na+/(Na+?+?Cl?), and Ca?/sum of anions. This paper demonstrates the variations in hydrochemical quality of groundwater and its evolution processes in two different seasons in the coastal aquifer alluvial settings  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to investigate the metal contents of sediments of several creeks that discharged into coastal waters using the Risk index. This study was carried out in eight creeks in Mahshahr coastal waters in the Northwest of Persian Gulf from October 2005 to November 2006. Superficial sediments were collected seasonally by Peterson grab, and the concentrations of heavy metals were measured by using a voltammetric polarographic method. The range and the mean concentrations obtained in ppm were 15.03–35.16 (27.01) for Cu, 65.57–171.41 (102.67) for Ni, 4.63–20.06 (13.22) for Co, 0.093–0.78 (0.22) for Hg, 65.07–379 (113.70) for Zn, 0.27–1.00 (0.56) for Cd and 7.09–29.72 (14.66) for Pb. To evaluate the levels of sediment contamination, the background values of the different heavy metals were calculated, and the contamination factor for each metal and the degree of contamination for each creek were determined as well. The results show that some elements such as Hg, Zn, and Ni are at risk level, and all of the studied creeks are classified as undergoing a moderate degree of pollution except for Ghannam that showed a considerable degree of contamination. According to the Risk index values, based on sedimentological toxic factors (St) of each metal and the BIO Production Index (BPI) in the studied area, the creeks were classified as considerable and with a very high level of ecological risk.  相似文献   

Considering that water is becoming progressively scarce, monitoring water quality of rivers is a subject of ongoing concern and research. It is very intricate to accurately express water quality as water quantity due to the various variables influencing it. A water quality index which integrates several variables in a specific value may be used as a management tool in water quality assessment. Moreover, this index may facilitate communication with the public and decision makers. The main objectives of this research project are to evaluate the water quality index along a recreational section of a relatively small Mediterranean river in Southern Lebanon and to characterize the spatial and temporal variability. Accordingly, an assessment was conducted at the end of the dry season for a period of 5 years from 2005 to 2009. The estimated water quality index classified the average water quality over a 5-year period at the various sites as good. Results revealed that water quality of the Damour River is generally affected by the anthropogenic activities taking place along its watershed. The best quality was found in the upper sites and the worst at the estuary. The presence of fecal coliform bacteria in very high levels may indicate potential health risks to swimmers. This study can be used to support the evaluation of management, regulatory, and monitoring decisions.  相似文献   

Deforestation and fragmentation are important concerns in managing and conserving tropical forests and have global significance. In the Indian context, in the last one century, the forests have undergone significant changes due to several policies undertaken by government as well as increased population pressure. The present study has brought out spatiotemporal changes in forest cover and variation in forest type in the state of Odisha (Orissa), India, during the last 75 years period. The mapping for the period of 1924–1935, 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2010 indicates that the forest cover accounts for 81,785.6 km2 (52.5 %), 56,661.1 km2 (36.4 %), 51,642.3 km2 (33.2 %), 49,773 km2 (32 %) and 48,669.4 km2 (31.3 %) of the study area, respectively. The study found the net forest cover decline as 40.5 % of the total forest and mean annual rate of deforestation as 0.69 %?year?1 during 1935 to 2010. There is a decline in annual rate of deforestation during 1995 to 2010 which was estimated as 0.15 %. Forest type-wise quantitative loss of forest cover reveals large scale deforestation of dry deciduous forests. The landscape analysis shows that the number of forest patches (per 1,000) are 2.463 in 1935, 10.390 in 1975, 11.899 in 1985, 12.193 in 1995 and 15.102 in 2010, which indicates high anthropogenic pressure on the forests. The mean patch size (km2) of forest decreased from 33.2 in 1935 to 5.5 in 1975 and reached to 3.2 by 2010. The study demonstrated that monitoring of long term forest changes, quantitative loss of forest types and landscape metrics provides critical inputs for management of forest resources.  相似文献   

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