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Shrimp trawling is common throughout the southeastern and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the USA and is the primary contributor to fisheries discards in these regions. Tens of thousands of nearshore seabirds nest near shrimp trawling grounds in the USA, but to date, there has been no assessment of the relationship between seabirds and shrimp trawlers. We examined the taxonomic composition of bycatch, rate at which seabirds scavenged bycatch, and energy density of discarded bycatch in a nearshore commercial shrimp fishery. Bycatch was primarily comprised of demersal fish that are not typically accessible to the plunge-diving and surface-feeding seabirds that occur in the area. Hence, seabird diets in the region appear to be broadened taxonomically by the availability of discards. Results from discard experiments indicated that 70% of the nearly 5,500 items discarded by hand were scavenged by seabirds and that the fate of a discarded item was most strongly predicted by its taxonomic order. Laughing gulls scavenged the greatest proportion of discards, although brown pelicans were the only species to scavenge more discards than predicted based upon their abundance. Because this is the first such study in the region, it is difficult to ascertain the extent or intensity of the impact that discards have on nearshore seabirds. Nonetheless, our results suggest that it will be difficult for managers to clearly understand fluctuations in local seabird population dynamics without first understanding the extent to which these species rely upon discards. This may be especially problematic in situations where seabird populations are recovering following natural or anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophris) disperse over the Argentinean Continental Shelf and neighboring waters during their non-breeding season. It is one of the most frequent seabirds attending fishing vessels and also the most common Procellariform in the bycatch of longliners and trawlers in the area. Understanding the use of fishery discards by this species is an important issue when assessing the potential effect of strategic discard management in decreasing the abundance, interactions, and mitigating mortality. In the present study, we analyzed carbon and nitrogen stable isotope compositions in the blood of Black-browed albatrosses to assess the relative contribution of discards from different fisheries to the diet of this species in winter. Samples were obtained in winter 2011 from fishing vessels operating between 41–43°S and 57–59°W. No sex differences in δ13C and δ15N were observed. Results indicate that during their non-breeding season, isotopic signatures of Black-browed albatrosses are closer to discards and offal generated by fisheries and in particular by trawlers. The large fishing effort of trawl fisheries in Argentina highlights the urgency of an exhaustive analysis to find practical and effective ways to reduce the number of seabirds attending trawlers.  相似文献   

The availability of food resources has been suggested as a major factor in the substantial increase in reproductive output, survival, recruitment and, ultimately, population growth rates in most organisms. In fact, the artificial increase in food availability resulting from human activities has been suggested as a factor in the substantial increase in population size of several seabirds in recent decades. In the present study, our primary aim was to estimate the importance of the main natural prey and two alternative feeding resources, fishery discards and the invasive American crayfish Procambarus clarkii, for an opportunistic seabird, the Audouin’s gull Larus audouinii. We also assessed the influence of age and sex in the use of those three types of food. For this purpose, we compared the analyses of δ15N and δ13C in blood of male and female adults of known age and chicks with those in their potential prey. Our results reveal sex-related and age-related differences in the consumption of fish discards, small pelagic fish and American crayfish. Differences in the diet of males and females and also between adults and chicks could be related to different nutritional requirements. Age differences were probably related to their different foraging proficiency and the tendency of young breeders to opportunistically exploit anthropogenically derived food. This study illustrates the importance of considering the age and sex of individuals to obtain feasible dietary information and to understand how the exploitation of food of human origin could affect population growth.  相似文献   

Pelagic seabirds obtain food from oceans where the availability of their prey changes rapidly both seasonally and spatially. Here, we investigated changes in the trophic habits of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) through the breeding season and tested for dietary differences between sexes and age classes. We analysed δ15N and δ13C values in blood of adults during the pre-incubation, incubation and chick-rearing periods and of their chicks. Using a two-isotope mixing model, we estimated dietary contributions based on isotope values from potential prey species which included small pelagic species available naturally and demersal fish species available only from trawling discards. Balearic shearwaters showed clear isotopic and dietary variation through the breeding season. During pre-incubation, breeding adults appeared to exploit demersal fish, whereas during the incubation and chick-rearing period, they fed mainly on pelagic anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) and pilchards (Sardina pilchardus). Similarly, chicks were fed mainly with anchovies, a resource with a high energetic value. This variation in the dietary habits of adult shearwaters during the breeding season was probably related to both natural and fishery-induced seasonal changes in the availability of potential prey species within their main feeding grounds. However, changes in the nutritional requirements of the shearwaters could also play an important role. Indeed, diet differed between sexes during pre-incubation: females fed less on trawling discards and more on small pelagic fish than males. This sexual segregation in diet could be the consequence of higher nutritional requirements of females during this period. Our study reveals the differential importance of both trawling discards and small pelagic fish species for a pelagic seabird depending on the breeding period and illustrates the importance of considering the entire breeding season when making inferences about the importance of specific prey in seabird dietary studies.  相似文献   

Investigations of factors affecting feeding success in fish larvae require knowledge of the scales of variability of the feeding process itself and the indices used to assess this variability. In this study, we measured short-term (diel) variability in feeding rates of wild haddock (Melanogrammus aeglifinus) larvae four times per day during a 10-d cruise in the northern North Sea. Feeding activity was evaluated using indices of gut fullness, prey digestive state and biochemical measurements (tryptic enzyme activity). The gut fullness and the enzyme activity indices indicated moderate to high rates of food consumption throughout the cruise. Time series analysis of the three indices showed significant diel variability in all indices and enabled identification of significant lags between food uptake and peak digestive enzyme activity. The typical pattern of food consumption and digestion was characterized by maximal ingestion of prey early in the evening (19:00 hrs) and peak digestive enzyme activity at 01:00  hrs. The time scale over which enzyme activities reacted to prey ingestion was ca. 6 h, and is consistent with expectations from controlled laboratory experiments with other larval fish species. Significant diel variability in tryptic enzyme activity suggests that attempts to relate this measure of feeding success to other variables (e.g. food concentrations) should take care to accommodate natural cycles in feeding activity before making statistical comparisons. Received: 29 October 1998 / Accepted: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

The diet of the emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri in the western Ross Sea during spring was investigated by analysis of stomach contents sampled at three different localities. At Cape Washington, emperor penguins feeding chicks consistently preyed on fishes (89 to 95% by mass) and crustaceans (5 to 11%) over the four spring seasons examined. By far the commonest prey was the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum (89% of the fish prey); the remainder of fish prey were mainly unidentified juveniles of different species of channichthyid fishes. Three species dominated the crustacean part of the diet, i.e. the gammarid amphipods Abyssorchomene rossi/plebs (30% of the crustacean prey) and Eusirus microps (22%), together with the euphausiid Euphausia crystallorophias (24%). At Coulman Island and Cape Roget, fishes, mainly P. antarcticum, formed the bulk of the food (88 and 93% by mass, respectively), crustaceans were minor prey (2.5 and 0.4%), and the squid Psychroteuthis glacialis accounted for a small but significant part of the food (3.5 and 0.8%). This study emphasizes the importance of the small, shoaling pelagic fish Pleuragramma antarcticum as a key link between zooplankton and top predators, including seabirds, in the food web and marine ecosystem of the Ross Sea. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

Two populations of Marenzelleria spp. from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea that had already been characterized by allozyme electrophoresis and found genetically different in 1994 were again examined in 1997. The genetic identity (I = 1.0) examined in 1994 and 1997 shows that the structures of the populations of genetic Type I in the North Sea (Ringkobing Fjord) and genetic Type II in the Baltic Sea (Darss–Zingst Bodden chain) are stable. Three diagnostic gene loci that were determined additionally (citrate synthase, one locus; alanine aminotransferase, two loci) support the hypothesis of the existence of two sibling species of the genus Marenzelleria in Europe. In addition, the activities of ten electrophoretically separated enzyme systems were measured in the worms immediately after removal from their habitat and after they had been kept in the laboratory for 2 months. Under both conditions four enzymes showed significant differences between genetic types. The higher activity of the alanine aminotransferase of the North Sea worms (Type I) is discussed in the context of the different preferred salinities of the two Marenzelleria sibling species. Received: 21 January 1999 / Accepted: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

The endogenous rhythm of oxygen consumption in juvenile spotted sea bass (Lateolabrax sp.) was measured to test the effects of sudden changes in salinity on the metabolic activity. Mean oxygen consumption rates of this euryhaline fish decreased by 13.5 to 16.0% and 25.3 to 36.4% when they were transferred from 31.5 to 15‰ seawater and to fresh water (0‰), respectively. The maximum rate of oxygen consumption was observed between 18:00 and 19:00 hrs local time, 1 to 2 h before sunset, even though they were kept in constant darkness. The peaks of oxygen consumption occurred in 23.2- and 23.3-h intervals, which correspond with a circadian rhythm, as revealed by maximum entropy spectral analysis. A markedly weakened rhythm in oxygen consumption occurred from 8 to 10 d after onset of the experiments. This study indicates that spotted sea bass can withstand sudden drops in salinity from 31.5‰ to fresh water, and yet maintain a regular though somewhat dampened endogenous rhythm of oxygen consumption. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

The massive expansion in breeding numbers and range of the northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis over the last two centuries is generally attributed to an increased availability of fish offal and discarded fishes from commercial fisheries. This implies that discards should be a major component in fulmar diets in the more recently colonised areas in the south of their range. This paper examines the contemporary diet of the northern fulmar at three major breeding sites, Fair Isle (Shetland, UK), Iceland and Disko Fjord (western Greenland). At Fair Isle, 89% of regurgitates contained fishes, with sandeels (Ammodytidae) recorded in 37%; 32% contained crustaceans (mainly decapods); 8% contained squid. There was also a temporal trend; sandeels declining and crustaceans increasing in the diet from July to August. In Iceland, fishes were also the main prey (47 to 93% of wet mass), with sandeels common in the south and west, and capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the north and east. Other fish species were mainly discards, and together with discarded decapods and fish offal formed 5 to 72% of the diet, depending on the sector. Euphausiids, amphipods and copepods constituted 3 to 13% of the diet. At Disko, 39% of samples contained fishes, 64% contained crustaceans (mainly amphipods), 22% contained squid, and 16% contained pteropods. There was a clear temporal trend, with the bulk of the samples made up of crustaceans in mid-June, capelin from late June to late July, and crustaceans and pteropods from late July to late August. An extensive review of published studies was also carried out. The general pattern was for birds in more southerly populations to consume more discarded fishes, fish offal and benthic invertebrates. However, a considerable proportion of their diet also consisted of juvenile gadids, sandeels, capelin and pelagic zooplankton, which fulmars catch for themselves, and we suggest that breeding adults in the south are less dependent on fishing waste than is generally assumed. Received: 25 September 1998 / Accepted: 7 May 1999  相似文献   

Young (0-group) gadoid fish, which have been observed sheltering beneath jellyfish (Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) umbrellas, may find refugia from predation by retreating among medusan tentacles. The survival of juvenile gadoids may therefore be improved by high abundances of medusae. Jellyfish (including Cyanea lamarckii and C. capillata) were caught in the North Sea during routine sampling for 0-group gadoids (cod Gadus morhua, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii and whiting Merlangius merlangus) between 1971 and 1986, and considerable overlaps have been shown between the spatial distributions of these fish and medusae. Here correlations are made between the abundance of medusae in the North Sea and the residual survival of 0-group fish, as quantified by the deviation in 1-group recruitment from the expected Ricker modelled estimate. Significant positive correlations between the residual survival of whiting and medusa abundance are evident for each individual Cyanea sp. and for the combined Cyanea spp. ln(maximum) abundance (all R ≥ 0.60, P < 0.01, N = 15). The abundance of jellyfish may thus be an important factor influencing the mortality of whiting in the North Sea, and as such should be considered in the development of ‘ecosystem-based’ management of whiting stocks.  相似文献   

Functional response diversity is defined as the diversity of responses to environmental change among species that contribute to the same ecosystem function. Because different ecological processes dominate on different spatial and temporal scales, response diversity is likely to be scale dependent. Using three extensive data sets on seabirds, pelagic fish, and zooplankton, we investigate the strength and diversity in the response of seabirds to prey in the North Sea over three scales of ecological organization. Two-stage analyses were used to partition the variance in the abundance of predators and prey among the different scales of investigation: variation from year to year, variation among habitats, and variation on the local patch scale. On the year-to-year scale, we found a strong and synchronous response of seabirds to the abundance of prey, resulting in low response diversity. Conversely, as different seabird species were found in habitats dominated by different prey species, we found a high diversity in the response of seabirds to prey on the habitat scale. Finally, on the local patch scale, seabirds were organized in multispecies patches. These patches were weakly associated with patches of prey, resulting in a weak response strength and a low response diversity. We suggest that ecological similarities among seabird species resulted in low response diversity on the year-to-year scale. On the habitat scale, we suggest that high response diversity was due to interspecific competition and niche segregation among seabird species. On the local patch scale, we suggest that facilitation with respect to the detection and accessibility of prey patches resulted in overlapping distribution of seabirds but weak associations with prey. The observed scale dependencies in response strength and diversity have implications for how the seabird community will respond to different environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Samples of the squid Martialia hyadesi were collected aboard two Japanese squid-jigging vessels carrying out commercial fishing trials at the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, north Scotia Sea, in February 1989. The dissected stomachs of 61 specimens were classified according to fullness and the contents were examined visually. Identifiable food items included fish sagittal otoliths, crustacean eyes, the lappets on euphausiid first antennule segments and cephalopod sucker rings. The most frequent items in the squid's diet were the myctophid fishes Krefftichthys anderssoni and Electrona carlsbergi, the euphausiid Euphausia superba and a hyperiid amphipod, probably Themisto gaudichaudi. A small proportion of the sample had been feeding cannibalistically. Total lengths of the fish prey were estimated from sagittal otolith size using published relationships. All fish were relatively small; 7 to 35% of squid mantle-length. However, it is possible that some heads of larger fish are discarded by the squid and so are not represented by otoliths in the stomach contents. Over the size range of squid in the sample there was no relationship between size of fish prey and size of squid. Similarly, when the squid sample was divided into groups according to prey categories: crustaceans, crustaceans+fish, fish, cephalopod, there was no evidence that dietary preference was related to squid size. The prevalence of copepod-feeding myctophids in the diet of this squid, which is itself a major prey item of some higher predators in the Scotia Sea, suggests that a previously unrecognised food chain: copepod-myctophid-M. hyadesi-higher predator, may be an important component of the Antarctic oceanic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between North Sea and Baltic Sea Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Polychaeta: Nereididae) populations was studied by allozyme electrophoresis on starch gel. Thirteen loci were analyzed in eight populations. The level of genetic variation was very low (mean H o = 0.000 to 0.015). Differentiation between H. diversicolor populations is quite high (F ST = 0.892) and reflected by three enzyme loci (MDH-I*, MDH-II*, IDH-I*). The reduced gene flow (N m<1) may be explained by the limited dispersal capacity of the species. Regardless of whether found in the North Sea or Baltic Sea, there appear to be two different genetic types which are parapatric or sympatric in some places. The two types hybridize at three localities, but no signs of hybridization have been found at one (Tallinn). Received: 26 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

We evaluated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in a 910 bp region of the cytochrome b gene of the storm petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus. Samples from birds collected from five populations in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea were investigated. Genetic differentiation within the Mediterranean basin was low but high in the Atlantic. Strong differences were noted between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean populations, confirming the distinction of the subspecies H. p. pelagicus and H. p. melitensis for the Atlantic and Mediterranean seabirds, respectively. Divergence between the two subspecies probably resulted from paleogeographic changes in the Strait of Gibraltar, which was likely the route used by H. pelagicus to invade the Mediterranean Sea. Current and past demography and ecology of the storm petrel is regarded as an explanation for the level of differentiation observed within each oceanic basin. We compare the phylogeographic pattern of the storm petrel to other seabirds that breed in the same regions.Communicated by S. A. Poulet, RoscoffC.C. and L.B. contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

North Sea and Baltic Sea populations of the introduced polychaete Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873) reproduce at different times (spring and autumn, respectively). Enzyme separation by starch gel electrophoresis revealed major differences between specimens from the Baltic Sea and those from the North Sea (collected in 1992 and 1993) but a high degree of homogeneity among populations from the same sea. Three enzyme loci, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI-A, GPI-B) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH), were fixed to 100% by different alleles in the North and Baltic Sea populations, respectively. Different alleles are dominant for mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (mAAT) with allele frequencies of ca. 0.97 in all sampled populations from the North Sea and Baltic Sea, respectively, but heterozygotes were found in all populations. These genetic differences could be due to environmentally induced selection or genetically different origins of the populations, suggesting that populations of the genus Marenzelleria in the North and Baltic Seas may be two different species.  相似文献   

We examined site differences in the elemental composition of the primordium and ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths of fish from Australia and New Zealand and, as an out-group, the North Atlantic. Differences among sites in primordium composition are slight, but significant for all five elements assayed (Sr, Pb, Cu, Zn and Hg), but principally reflect differences between the North Atlantic and SW Pacific specimens, do not replicate for independent samples in the SW Pacific and constitute a poor “natural tag” in roughy, with <25% of fish successfully assigned to source location. However, mean Sr weight-fractions at the primordium showed similar latitudinal variation across sites in Australia, New Zealand and the Tasman Sea, indicating both spatially structured populations and a common structuring process across the region. Comparisons of ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths from juveniles and young adults within and between sites in the SW Pacific strongly support the hypothesis that variability in this element is site-specific and environmentally sensitive, although the environmental factors involved are not obvious. The otolith analysis confirms previous suggestions that juvenile and adult Hoplostethus atlanticus are relatively sedentary, but also indicates that the population sub-structuring by age within sites is more complex and there are likely to be more spawning areas in Australian waters than previously thought. More broadly, although single point analysis of otolith composition at the primordium resolves a population structure in roughy, alone it is not precise enough to test hypotheses about the processes causing this structure. Ontogenetic variability in Sr provides better resolution of spatial structure, even in a relatively homogenous marine environment like the deep ocean, and also provides insight into behavioural and ecological factors. Ontogenetic analyses of Sr in otoliths are expensive to obtain, require more effort in specimen preparation than single point analyses, and are difficult to compare statistically, but the increased information they yield warrants their broader consideration in marine species.  相似文献   

Depth-stratified samples, collected during a period where the water column was vertically mixed (March 2000) and a period of thermal stratification (September 2000), were analyzed in order to investigate the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and composition of mesozooplankton, especially copepod species assemblages, in a pelagic (Ionian Sea) and a coastal area (Patraikos Gulf) of the eastern Mediterranean. Total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass were significantly lower in the highly oligotrophic offshore waters of the Ionian Sea when compared to the semi-enclosed Patraikos Gulf during both seasons. Small-sized copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community. An ‘offshore’ and a ‘coastal’ copepod assemblage were defined in the surface layer (0–50 m) only during March when differences in environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, salinity and fluorescence) were strong between the two areas. Copepod vertical community structure in offshore waters differed between sampling months. In March one assemblage (0–200 m) was mainly identified, while in September three distinct assemblages (0–50, 50–100 and 100–200 m) were observed, related to different vertical distribution patterns of the various copepod species. A pronounced seasonal change of the dominant copepods was evident in the surface layer, where strong differences in hydrological properties were observed from March to September. Below this layer, the copepod community was relatively stable showing decreasing seasonal differences with increasing depth.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among South-East Asian populations of the scad mackerels Decapterus macarellus, D. macrosoma and D. russelli (Pisces: Carangidae) were investigated. In 1995 and 1996, 216 fish were sampled in seven localities spanning the seas of Indonesia and were examined for restriction-site polymorphisms using ten restriction enzymes for the mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region, amplified by the polymerase chain-reaction. The inferred phylogeny of haplotypes led to the recognition of three distinct mitochondrial lineages or phylads consistent with the distinctions of current taxonomy. All 15 mtDNA haplotypes found in D. macarellus and all 9 haplotypes found in D. macrosoma were arranged as star-like clusters, suggesting recent evolutionary history. In contrast, the phylad formed by 6 haplotypes in D. russelli from the Sulawesi Sea exhibited diffuse topology, suggesting that ancestral lineages of this species have been retained to the present. Average nucleotide-divergence estimates between haplotypes of different phylads were between 0.042 and 0.135, suggesting ancient separation, in consistency with published allozyme data. High levels of haplotype diversity, but no geographical heterogeneity, was detected within D. macarellus from the Molucca Sea and the Banda Sea. Populations of D. macrosoma exhibited both significant differences between adjacent regions (Sunda Strait and Java Sea), and broadscale genetic homogeneity from the South China Sea to the Sulawesi Sea via the Java Sea and Makassar Strait. The geographic isolation of the D. macrosoma population sampled in the Sunda Strait suggests that this region constitute a sharp transition zone between the Indian Ocean and the Sunda Shelf. Near-monomorphism of haplotypes and low nucleotide diversity (d X) were observed in the samples of D. macrosoma from the continental shelf (haplotype-diversity estimates, h, = 0.00 to 0.25 ± 0.08 and d X = 0.000 to 0.002). This was in contrast to the comparatively high haplotype and nucleotide diversities observed in other pelagic fish species including D. macarellus (h = 0.82 ± 0.05, d X = 0.012 to 0.015) and D. russelli (h = 0.63 ± 0.12, d X = 0.016), and in the oceanic D. macrosoma population sampled in the Sunda Strait (h = 0.67 ± 0.31, d X = 0.005). We hypothesise that this may be the consequence of recent and perhaps repeated bottleneck events that have affected the D. macrosoma population sampled on the continental shelf. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 September 1999  相似文献   

Most seabirds die outside the breeding season, but understanding the key factors involved is hampered by limited knowledge of nonbreeding distributions. We used miniature geolocating loggers to examine the movements between breeding seasons of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica from a major North Sea colony where numbers have declined in recent years, apparently due to increased overwinter mortality. The most intensively used region was the northwestern North Sea but most puffins also made excursions into the east Atlantic in the early winter. Ringing recoveries previously indicated that adults from British east coast colonies remained within the North Sea and hence were spatially segregated from those breeding on the west throughout the year. Updated analyses of ringing recoveries support results from geolocators suggesting that usage of Atlantic waters is a recent phenomenon. We propose that the increased adult mortality is related to changes in distribution during the nonbreeding period and reflects worsening conditions in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Total mercury (T-Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations have been measured in the muscle tissue of 16 fish species consumed in the Mojana region of Colombia. T-Hg analysis was performed by cold-vapor atomic-absorption spectroscopy (CV-ASS) and MeHg analysis by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. Higher T-Hg and MeHg concentrations were detected in carnivorous species (T-Hg = 0.371 ± 0.172 (μg g−1 fresh wt, MeHg = 0.346 ± 0.171 μg g−1 fresh wt) than in non-carnivorous fish (T-Hg = 0.155 ± 0.108 μg g−1 fresh wt, MeHg = 0.146 ± 0.102 μg g−1 fresh wt). In the different species mercury was present almost completely as the methylated form, with percentages between 80.5 and 98.1% (mean 92.0 ± 3.4%). In 13.5% of fish-tissue samples T-Hg concentrations exceeded the maximum level recommended by the World Health Organization for human consumption (Hg = 0.5 μg g−1 fresh wt). Although mean T-Hg concentrations in all fish samples (0.269 ± 0.181 μg g−1 fresh wt) did not exceed this limit, risk assessment suggested that the consumption of 0.12 kg fish day−1 could increase the risk of mercury poisoning of the inhabitants of this region.  相似文献   

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