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The aim of these trials was to study the distribution of dieldrin in soil and its translocation to roots and the aerial parts of vegetable crops grown in greenhouses and fields. The main objectives were to characterize dieldrin accumulation in plant tissues in relation to the levels of soil contamination; uptake capability among plants belonging to different species, varieties and cultivars. The presence of the contaminant was quantified by gas chromatography-electron capture detector (GC-ECD) and confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results showed a translocation of residues in cucurbitaceous fruits and flowers confirming that zucchini, cucumber and melon are crops with high uptake capability. The maximum level of dieldrin residue at 0.01 mg/kg was found to be a threshold value to safeguard the quality production of cucurbits. Tomato, lettuce and celery were identified as substitute crops to grow in contaminated fields.  相似文献   

Urbanization has appropriated millions of hectares of cropland, and this trend will persist as cities continue to expand. We estimate the impact of this conversion as the amount of land needed elsewhere to give the same yield potential as determined by differences in climate and soil properties. Robust spatial upscaling techniques, well-validated crop simulation models, and soil, climate, and cropping system databases are employed with a focus on populous countries with high rates of land conversion. We find that converted cropland is 30–40% more productive than new cropland, which means that projection of food production potential must account for expected cropland loss to urbanization. Policies that protect existing farmland from urbanization would help relieve pressure on expansion of agriculture into natural ecosystems.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01674-z.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury, selenium and a suite of organochlorine compounds were measured in eggs of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) collected on Prince Leopold Island in Lancaster Sound, Nunavut, Canada, between 1975 and 1998. Mercury levels in thick-billed murre and northern fulmar eggs increased significantly during this period while selenium concentrations decreased significantly in northern fulmar eggs. Mercury and selenium concentrations in black-legged kittiwake eggs exhibited no significant temporal trends. Concentrations of sigma PCB, sigma DDT and total chlorobenzenes decreased over time for all three species and there was a shift in the PCB congener pattern as the hexachlorobiphenyl fraction of sigma PCB increased and the lower chlorinated biphenyl fraction decreased. Total chlordane, dieldrin and mirex concentrations decreased in kittiwake eggs while no significant trends were observed for the other two species. Increases in sigma HCH levels were detected in thick-billed murre eggs but not in northern fulmar and black-legged kittiwake eggs. Levels of the beta-HCH isomer, however, increased significantly in murres and fulmars. Stable-nitrogen isotope analyses (delta 15N) indicate that the temporal trends observed for contaminant concentrations in eggs were not the result of shifts in trophic level. Changing deposition patterns of xenobiotic compounds over the summer and winter ranges of these birds provide a likely explanation for differing exposures through time.  相似文献   

Here we review mechanisms and factors influencing contaminant exposure among terrestrial vertebrate wildlife. There exists a complex mixture of biotic and abiotic factors that dictate potential for contaminant exposure among terrestrial and semi-terrestrial vertebrates. Chemical fate and transport in the environment determine contaminant bioaccessibility. Species-specific natural history characteristics and behavioral traits then play significant roles in the likelihood that exposure pathways, from source to receptor, are complete. Detailed knowledge of natural history traits of receptors considered in conjunction with the knowledge of contaminant behavior and distribution on a site are critical when assessing and quantifying exposure. We review limitations in our understanding of elements of exposure and the unique aspects of exposure associated with terrestrial and semi-terrestrial taxa. We provide insight on taxa-specific traits that contribute, or limit exposure to, transport phenomenon that influence exposure throughout terrestrial systems, novel contaminants, bioavailability, exposure data analysis, and uncertainty associated with exposure in wildlife risk assessments. Lastly, we identify areas related to exposure among terrestrial and semi-terrestrial organisms that warrant additional research.  相似文献   

Mamy L  Barriuso E 《Chemosphere》2005,61(6):844-855
Use of glyphosate resistant crops was helpful in addressing observed increases in environmental contamination by herbicides. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide, and its behaviour-as well as that of other herbicides-in soils is an important consideration for the overall environmental evaluation of genetically resistant crop introduction. However, few data have been published comparing glyphosate behaviour in soil to that of the herbicides that would be replaced by introduction of glyphosate resistant crops. This work compares glyphosate adsorption in soil with that of other herbicides frequently used in rape (trifluralin and metazachlor), sugarbeet (metamitron) and corn (sulcotrione). Herbicide adsorption was characterised in surface soils and in the complete soils profiles through kinetics and isotherms using batch equilibration methods. Pedological and molecular structure factors controlling the adsorption of all five herbicides were investigated. Glyphosate was the most strongly adsorbed herbicide, thus having the weakest potential for mobility in soils. Glyphosate adsorption was dependent on its ionisable structure in relation to soil pH, and on soil copper, amorphous iron and phosphate content. Trifluralin adsorption was almost equivalent to glyphosate adsorption, whereas metazachlor, metamitron and sulcotrione adsorption were lower. Trifluralin, metazachlor and metamitron adsorption increased with soil organic carbon content. Sulcotrione was the least adsorbed herbicide in alkaline soils, but its adsorption increased when pH decreased. Ranking the adsorption properties among the five herbicides, glyphosate and trifluralin have the lowest availability and mobility in soils, but the former has the broadest spectrum for weed control.  相似文献   

Consumption of food crops contaminated with heavy metals is a major food chain route for human exposure. We studied the health risks of heavy metals in contaminated food crops irrigated with wastewater. Results indicate that there is a substantial buildup of heavy metals in wastewater-irrigated soils, collected from Beijing, China. Heavy metal concentrations in plants grown in wastewater-irrigated soils were significantly higher (P相似文献   

Eggs of glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus), black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) and black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) were collected from several sites throughout the Canadian Arctic. Samples were analyzed for organochlorines as well as mercury and selenium. Glaucous gulls breeding at sites in the High Arctic showed higher levels of organochlorine contamination than those in the western Low Arctic. This was likely due to dietary differences among colonies as suggested by stable isotope data, although different overwintering areas may also play a role. Levels of sigmaPCB, sigmaDDT, sigmaCHLOR, sigmaCBz and dieldrin were significantly lower in thick-billed murres from Prince Leopold Island in the High Arctic compared with colonies in the eastcrn Low Arctic. This difference was likely due to the combined effects of different atmospheric deposition patterns in the High and Low Arctic and different overwintering areas since murres from Prince Leopold Island may winter farther north than murres from the other colonies sampled. Eggs from colonies at higher latitudes generally contained higher concentrations of mercury. The trophic and dietary differences/similarities suggested by stable-nitrogen and carbon isotope data in this study were useful in explaining the spatial patterns of contaminant concentrations observed among colonies of seabirds such as the glaucous gull and the black-legged kittiwake where variation in latitudinal atmospheric deposition patterns and different overwintering grounds did not appear to be confounding factors.  相似文献   

Appropriate pH-related permissible soil-limit concentrations for cadmium in sewage sludge-treated agricultural soils were estimated from the proportional changes in concentrations of cadmium in potatoes, oats and ryegrass grown on two sludge-amended soils and at different pH values. Implications for potential human dietary intake of cadmium were also assessed. Yields of crops increased with increasing soil pH, probably in response to decreasing uptake of zinc as soil pH value was raised. In general, cadmium concentrations in peeled potato tubers, potato peelings, oat straw and ryegrass decreased as simple linear functions of increasing soil pH over the range of pH values measured (pH 3.9-7.6). Cadmium concentrations in potato peel were particularly sensitive to changing pH conditions, whereas cadmium levels in oat grain were independent of soil pH. On the basis that a highly precautionary approach is adopted in setting soil standards for heavy metals, appropriate permissible concentrations of cadmium in sludge-treated agricultural soil which protect the human food chain were determined as 2.0 and 2.5 mg Cd Kg(-1) for banded pH ranges of 5.0-5.5 and 5.5-6.0, respectively.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (PAHs and PCBs) in soil samples from seven sites across the Seine basin were analysed. Samples were taken from industrialized, urban, suburban and remote sites. Results showed spatial differences, in terms of concentrations and congener profiles. PAH (Sigma14 PAHs) and PCB (Sigma 7 PCBs) concentrations ranged from 450 to 5650 microg kg(-1) and 0.09 to 150 microg kg(-1), respectively. A clear gradient from industrial to remote sites was highlighted, with a ratio of up to one order of magnitude for PAHs and two orders of magnitude for PCBs. Fluoranthene and pyrene were predominant, while the carcinogenic PAHs represented 15-46% of the total PAH content. Using hierarchical cluster analysis, soil samples profiles were compared and the influence of site location and potential sources were identified: automobile traffic, domestic heating, and industrial emissions were the prevalent PAHs sources in the Seine basin. PCB profiles suggested different transport patterns among congeners. For remote sites, the congener fingerprint showed a relatively higher proportion of the most volatile congeners, which were attributed to increased atmospheric residence times. Thus, PAH and PCB distributions in soils provided information on sources and evidence for short-range transport, and profiles of compounds reflected differences between regional and local emissions. This study demonstrates that soil sampling can be used to investigate spatial differences in atmospheric inputs of persistent organic pollutants based on differences in the mixtures of compounds, reflecting differences in regional and local atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of the correlation between hydraulic conductivity (K) and degradation rate constant (k) during the transport of reactive contaminants in heterogeneous aquifers. We simulated reactive transport in an ensemble of two-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers. Two sets of transport simulations were conducted: one in which a perfect positive correlation was assumed between ln(K) and ln(k), and one in which a perfect negative correlation was assumed. We found that the sign of the correlation has important consequences for the contaminant transport. Qualitatively, a negative correlation leads to significantly more pronounced "fingering" of the contaminant plume than does a positive correlation, with potentially important consequences for downgradient receptors. Quantitatively, the expected behavior (as quantified by the contaminant mass remaining in the aquifer) is statistically different between the positive and negative cases: on average, more contaminant mass persists when K and k are negatively correlated. Also, the negative correlation leads to more variability between realizations of the ensemble, whereas a positive correlation induces relatively little variability between realizations. We discuss the implications of these findings for the management of contaminated aquifers.  相似文献   

Sludges containing high concentrations of zinc, copper or nickel and an uncontaminated sludge were added to two sandy loams (pH 6.5 and 7.1), a heavy clay (pH 6.3) and a calcareous clay (pH 7.8) to give ten sludge treatments for each soil. The mixtures were incubated fallow, cropped continuously with clover, or cropped with barley and red beet in rotation for 21 months. The quantity of added metal either in the soil solution or extracted by 0.1m CaCl(2) depended on the metal loading, pH and soil cation exchange capacity, and changed with time after mixing soils and sludges. Crop metal concentrations, and the occurrence of metal-induced yield reductions, also depended on soil properties as well as metal loading. The best chemical extractant for predicting plant metal concentrations was 0.1m CaCl(2).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey the alluvial plains of the Sea Scheldt river in Belgium for the presence of old sediment-derived soils, and to appraise the heavy metal contamination at these sites. Historically, sediments of periodical dredging operations have been disposed in the alluvial plain without concern for the potential presence of contaminants. Up to 96% of the areas that were affected by sediment disposal (ca. 120 ha) was found to be polluted by at least one of the metals Cd, Cr, Zn or Pb. Concentrations of Cd, Cr and Zn were, in 10% of the cases, higher than 14, 1400 and 2200 mg/kg DM, respectively. Based on the Flemish decree on soil sanitation, Cu and Ni concentrations were of less environmental concern on any site. The pollution in the Sea Scheldt alluvial plain nevertheless is lower than for the Upper Scheldt alluvial plain. The sediment-derived soils in the most upstream part near Ghent were used for disposal of sediments from dredging operations elsewhere. Metal concentrations were explored and both spatial and temporal trend were analysed. The pollution levels encountered warrant caution as most of the soils affected by historical dredged sediment disposal are currently in use for pasture.  相似文献   

Rodríguez L  Macías F 《Chemosphere》2006,63(9):1598-1609
We calculated the sensitivity of Galician forest soils to eutrophication caused by atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds, using the Simple Mass Balance (SMB) method as described by [Posch, M., de Vries, W., Hettelingh, J.-P., 1995. Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen. In: Posch, M., de Smet, P.A.M., Hettelingh, J.-P., Downing, R.J. Calculation and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe. Status Report 1995, Coordination Center for Effects, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, pp. 31-42]. Deposition values were used to calculate critical loads exceedance. Galician natural forest ecosystems can support nitrogen deposition loads of more than 10 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1). The lowest critical loads (approximately 10 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1)) mainly occurred in forest stands in the interior zone, while highest critical load values (approximately 68 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1)) were observed in eucalyptus stands at low altitudes in the littoral area. Exceedances based on N deposition levels, calculated from data recorded in 2001, occurred in 40% of the forest soils, showing the need to control N emissions in these areas to prevent possible eutrophication of soils and waters. Analysis of rainfall bulk composition revealed that ammonium, probably derived from agricultural and cattle activities, was the main compound responsible for N deposition in Galicia.  相似文献   

Sampling for nitrogen and sulfur dioxides was initiated at several National Air Sampling Network stations in 1959 using a sampler developed for that purpose. In 1961 the Gas Sampling Network was expanded to its maximum of 49 stations. Sampling equipment and collecting solutions are supplied and chemical analyses performed by the network laboratories. Sampling and analysis procedures are described briefly. Average and maximum 24-hour concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide observed at 48 stations during 1961-1963 are presented.  相似文献   

In the past several years the use of cattle feeding lots for preparing cattle for market has developed into a large industry. These installations extend over much of the United States. Our lot, just outside of Memphis, Tennessee, is at present the only one in the area, but we feel that there will be others soon.

The control of odor in the cattle feeder industry is necessary if the operator does not wish to become the target of a nuisance or injunction suit. In one recent trip extending to Texas, then to California and back, numerous lots were inspected and this paper will present various types of odor control measures which were observed. The problem is one which can be controlled, but it is primarily dependent upon the willingness on the part of management to make the effort.

As a by-product of the cattle feeder lot, large quantities of manure are obtained and unless measures are taken to properly store this material, considerable odor can result. We believe that the use of dehydration in connection with the feeder lot will become more and more necessary, and it is our experience that this type of operation requires: 1. Good design of the dehydrating unit, 2. Careful control of the product flow, 3. An understanding of the proper method for storing the manure prior to its dehydration, and 4. Use of odor control methods to keep down those odors which would constitute nuisance to those living nearby. Various methods of odor control will be discussed.  相似文献   

《Environmental Forensics》2013,14(4):305-312
The distribution of metal contaminants between different size fractions of marine sediments is well known. However, the use of size normalization techniques may alter the ability or usefulness in identifying potential sources in complex environments. In a reassessment of metal data from the shelf area of Sydney, Australia, the mud and sand fractions were investigated separately by PCA and PLS methodologies. The analyses were able to produce clear distinctions between industrial/urban sources when based on a suite of metals rather than individual (single-element) concentrations. Signature analysis by PLS with copper, lead, zinc, manganese, chromium, cobalt, nickel, and cadmium demonstrated the dispersion of the fine-grained contaminated material to the south in the East Australian Current. However, due to the commonality between many of the metals, a subset of four metals was used to define the signature. This significantly improved separation, showing clear plumes extending ~30 km from the source rivers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In November 2016, the total metal concentrations in nine representative locations in lead (Pb)-zinc (Zn) mining areas, located in Guangdong Province,...  相似文献   

Collins CD  Bell JN  Crews C 《Chemosphere》2000,40(1):109-114
In this study apple, blackberry and cucumber crops were exposed to elevated levels of benzene under controlled conditions. Benzene was retained in fruits of all crops, but only accumulated in leaves of blackberries and apples. The retention by cucumber fruits is suggested to result from the longer pathway for the desorption of benzene as a consequence of their increased tissue depth compared to leaves. The process of accumulation in blackberry and apple leaves is unknown. The ingestion of benzene via the food-chain pathway on the basis of this study is concluded not to be significant.  相似文献   

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