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In the work described here the technical and economic feasibilities of three Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been studied: Conductive-Diamond Electrochemical Oxidation (CDEO), Ozonation and Fenton oxidation. The comparison was made by assessing the three technologies with synthetic wastewaters polluted with different types of organic compounds and also with actual wastes (from olive oil mills and from a fine-chemical manufacturing plant). All three technologies were able to treat the wastes, but very different results were obtained in terms of efficiency and mineralization. Only CDEO could achieve complete mineralization of the pollutants for all the wastes. However, the efficiencies were found to depend on the concentration of pollutant (mass transfer control of the oxidation rate). Results obtained in the oxidation with ozone (at pH 12) or by Fenton's reagent were found to depend on the nature of the pollutants, and significant concentrations of oxidation-refractory compounds were usually accumulated during the treatment. Within the discharge limits that all of the technologies can reach, the economic analysis shows that the operating cost of Fenton oxidation is lower than either CDEO or ozonation, although CD\EO can compete satisfactorily with the Fenton process in the treatment of several kinds of wastes. Likewise, the investment cost for the ozonation process seems to be higher than either CDEO or Fenton oxidation, regardless of the pollutant treated.  相似文献   

乳化液废水含有大量表面活性剂,化学性质稳定,给处理带来很大难度。为解决乳化液处理困难的问题,我们以某电子制造商产生的乳化液废水为研究对象,采取加热酸化-Fenton氧化开展处理研究,意在解决实际工程中乳化液废水处理困难的问题,同时为乳化液废水处理在技术上提供新的思路。在加热酸化-Fenton氧化处理中,由于乳化液稳定性极好,传统酸化破乳效果不理想,将加热用于酸化破乳,油水分离效果明显,在加酸量1.0 mL 98%H2SO4/100mL乳化液、加热温度95℃、加热时间1h条件下,加热酸化破乳使初始COD20万mg/L,浊度8000 NTU的乳化液废水COD降到46592mg/L,浊度降到20 NTU以下,COD和浊度的去除率分别达90.7%和97.5%以上;由于破乳后的废水仍具有很高的COD浓度,因此采取Fenton氧化进一步处理,在ρFe2+/ρH2O2=1∶30、ρH2O2/ρCOD=1.4、初始pH=4的条件下,经处理后的出水COD可降到18600 mg/L,去除率达61.4%,其B/C可由破乳后的0.11提高到0.3,废水的可生化性大大提高,为后续进一步处理提供可能。  相似文献   

Fenton treatment (Fe2+/H2O2) and different ozone-based Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) (O3, O3/OH and O3/H2O2) were evaluated as pre-treatment of a mature landfill leachate, in order to improve the biodegradability of its recalcitrant organic matter for subsequent biological treatment. With a two-fold diluted leachate, at optimised experimental conditions (initial pH 3, H2O2 to Fe2+ molar ratio of 3, Fe2+ dosage of 4 mmol L−1, and reaction time of 40 min) Fenton treatment removed about 46% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and increased the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) to COD ratio (BOD5/COD) from 0.01 to 0.15. The highest removal efficiency and biodegradability was achieved by ozone at higher pH values, solely or combined with H2O2. These results confirm the enhanced production of hydroxyl radical under such conditions. After the application for 60 min of ozone at 5.6 g O3 h−1, initial pH 7, and 400 mg L−1 of hydrogen peroxide, COD removal efficiency was 72% and BOD5/COD increased from 0.01 to 0.24. An estimation of the operating costs of the AOPs processes investigated revealed that Fe2+/H2O2 was the most economical system (8.2 € m−3 g−1 of COD removed) to treat the landfill leachate. This economic study, however, should be treated with caution since it does not consider the initial investment, prices at plant scale, maintenance and labour costs.  相似文献   

为了研究车载巡回处理装置对小城镇垃圾渗滤液的处理效果,采用自制的UV-Fenton试验装置研究了pH值、FeSO_4剂量、反应时间等因素对处理效果的影响,结果表明:最佳pH值为4.0,进水中COD为825 mg/L时,FeSO_4和H_2O_2的投加量分别为0.008 mol/L和0.08 mol/L,此时COD去除率72.22%,出水COD为216 mg/L;随着FeSO_4投加量缓慢增加到一定程度后转而下降,FeSO_4最佳投加量为0.008 mol/L;不同H_2O_2和Fe~(2+)配比对COD去除效果具有影响,(10:1)时为最佳配比。经过氨吹脱和混凝沉淀预处理的渗滤液采用UV/Fenton处理工艺,出水中COD可以达到《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889-1997)中二级标准。  相似文献   

甲基橙是一种较难降解的有机苯环偶氮染料之一,研究其降解性能对其他染料废水体系的降解研究具有普遍参考价值。通过研究Fenton试剂降解甲基橙过程中的H202浓度、Fe2+浓度、反应时间和反应体系pH值对甲基橙降解的影响,确定其最佳降解工艺条件为:当甲基橙浓度为20mg/L、pH值为3、Fe2+浓度为1.5mmol/L、H2O2为32mmol/L时,降解率达到最大值(98.95%)。  相似文献   

Fenton及电-Fenton处理难降解有机废水技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fenton法与电-Fenton法属于高级氧化技术(Advanced Oxidation Technologjes,AOTs),是由H2O2与催化剂Fe2 所构成的氧化体系.在Fenton体系中,H2O2在Fe2 的催化剂作用下,能产生两种活泼的氢氧自由基(HO2·和·OH),从而引发和传播自由基链反应,加快有机物和还原性物质的氧化.本文简要介绍了Fenton法与电-Fenton反应的机理和应用在催化氧化难降解废水领域中的处理技术及研究进展.  相似文献   

臭氧及联用技术在水处理中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍国内外臭氧氧化法及其联用技术的最新进展及应用前景。  相似文献   

针对风城油田生产废水高盐、高温、高矿化度、可生化性差等水质特性,现场采用“混凝沉降+高级催化氧化”工艺,处理后出水达到《污水综合排放标准》GB8978中二级排放标准。混凝沉降阶段COD去除率为36~49%,挥发酚去除率为11~21%,石油类去除率为42~69%;催化氧化阶段COD去除率为20%~40%,挥发酚去除率为69%~73%,石油类去除率为16%~20%。  相似文献   

氧化法处理水中酚的研究方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前氧化法处理含酚废水的方法有化学氧化法即臭氧氧化法、Fenton试剂氧化法等,酶催化氧化法以及光化学氧化法即光敏化氧化、光催化氧化法等;分析了它们的优势及存在的问题;并提出了今后的研究方向,即臭氧-生物活性炭、臭氧辐射、臭氧-H2O2技术,水溶性酶制剂连接到固体载体上制成固化酶,H2O2-BAC、O3-H2O2-BAC联用技术等。  相似文献   

The olive mill waste (OMW) generated from olive oil extraction process constitutes a major environmental concern owing to its high organic and mineral matters and acidic pH. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a main treatment for reducing the organic matter and toxic substances contained in OMW and generating at the same time, energy in the form of biogas. AD of OMW that contains lignocellulose is limited by the rate of hydrolysis due to their recalcitrant structure. This study is devoted to the effect of Fenton process (FP) pretreatment on olive mill wastewater (OMSW) /olive mill solid waste (OMWW) co-digestion to improve their digestibility and in this way the biogas production. The FP pretreatment was performed in batch mode at 25°C, various H2O2/[Fe2+] ratios (100–1200), catalyst concentration ([Fe2+]) ranging from 0.25 to 2 mM, reaction time varying from 30 to150 min, and different pH (3–11). The best performance was obtained with H2O2/[Fe2+] = 1000, [Fe2+] = 1.5 mM, 120 min, and pH 3. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests conducted in batch wise digester and at mesophilic conditions (37 °C) showed that cumulative biogas and methane production were higher without FP treatment, and correspond to 699 and 416 mL/g VS, respectively. However, pre-treated OMSW results into an increase of 24% of methane yield. After 30 days of AD, the methane yield was 63%, 54%, and 48%, respectively, for OMSW treated without iron precipitation, with iron precipitation and untreated OMSW sample.  相似文献   

Industrialization plays a major role in a nation's growth. However, with an increase in industrial activities, pollution levels are also increasing. Among all industries, the sugar‐processing industry is one that requires large amounts of water to process the sugar, and, consequently, it discharges large amounts of water as effluent. Highly polluted wastewater brings changes to the physicochemical characteristics of the surrounding environment. Iron compounds have had a significant impact when they are used in wastewater treatment in various applications, including when they are used to minimize the pollution levels in sugar industry wastewater (SIWW). To minimize the pollutant levels from SIWW, iron compounds have been key for uses in treatments involving chemical and electro‐oxidation. Two different methodologies of electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation have been used to treat SIWW. In electrocoagulation, an iron plate is used as an electrode material under specific operating conditions. Ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride have been used as chemical coagulants at various pH and mass loading levels. The use of iron metals shows an 82% reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) and an 84% reduction in color at the optimum condition of pH 6, an electrode distance of 20 millimeters, and a current density of 156 square centimeters. As a chemical coagulant, iron salt (ferrous sulfate) provides a reduction of 77% COD and a 91% reduction of color at pH 6 and a 40‐millimole mass loading. Electrochemical treatment using iron was found to be suitable to treat SIWW. The sludge generated after treatment can be burned or composted with the possible recovery of some of the treatment costs.  相似文献   

杨春维  王栋 《环境技术》2005,23(1):29-31
基于噻嗪(Thizaine)类指示剂可以与羟基自由基生成无色加合物的特性,以亚甲基蓝为例,建立了可见分光光度法检测环境模拟水相中羟基自由基的方法。该方法简便灵敏、廉价,适于环境水相高级氧化处理工艺中微量羟基自由基的检测。  相似文献   

胜利油田采油废水污染现状及达标处理技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了油田采油外排污水的污染现状,并对油田主要的采油污水处理技术及其在生产中的应用情况进行了调查、分析与评价。调研结果表明:油田采油污水的外排量较大,处理达标率很低,环境污染严重;目前采用的大部分采油外排污水处理技术已不能适应油田生产的需求,必须研究开发新的采油外排污水处理技术。利用氧化塘技术处理桩西联采油废水和利用生物接触氧化法处理孤岛采油废水的工程实验获得成功,废水最终达标排放。  相似文献   

Sediments have a significant influence on the overlying water, and phosphorus (P) release from sediments is an important source for the lake eutrophication, particularly in shallow ones. In this study, effects of organic matter on P release from sediments in different trophic lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, China, were investigated, and the release kinetics of different P fractions at different temperature were studied. The results show that the release kinetics of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) were similar for the studied sediments, the release rate increased rapidly in the initial hours, and it increased gradually after 10h. The release kinetics of SRP, DOP and DTP followed the Power Function model. SRP was the major fraction among the released DTP, while DOP was an important fraction in the heavily polluted sediments. Organic matter restricted the SRP and DTP release while it promoted the DOP release. Both DOP and SRP release processes were endothermic. The thermodynamic properties in the P release kinetics were calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted into the treatment of effluents produced during manufacturing processes at both a chemicals production facility and a paint manufacturing facility. A comparison of costs of wastewater treatment at both facilities was also performed. The untreated effluents from both facilities were high in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved solids (TDS). In addition, the effluents from the two facilities deviated significantly in dissolved oxygen (DO) content and pH levels. However, both facilities ultimately released treated wastewater with allowable amounts or levels of BOD, COD, TDS, DO, and pH as permitted by the Department of the Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh (DOE). The effluent treatment plants (ETP) at both facilities contained combinations of chemical and biological treatment processes. The treatment processes used at the chemicals production facility and at the paint manufacturing facility were continuous and semi‐batch processes, respectively. The biological treatment section of the ETP at the chemicals production facility has both anaerobic and aerobic units, while the paint manufacturing facility has only an aerobic unit. Annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the chemicals production facility was Bangladeshi Taka (Tk) 1,300,000 ($16,667 US dollars) and Tk 800,000 ($10,257), respectively. The annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the paint manufacturing facility were Tk 3,050,000 ($39,103) and Tk 6,200,000 ($79,488), respectively.  相似文献   

研究一般地下水弱碱性水溶液中,高铁酸钾对低浓度石油烃类污染物的氧化去除率.采用0#柴油模拟石油类污染物试验水样,氧化反应在200mL烧杯中模拟完全混合状态完成.实验分析浓度分别为5.02mg/L、2.05mg/L、1.01mg/L和0.52mg/L4个水样石油类污染物氧化去除率.实验研究显示,石油类污染浓度与高铁酸钾浓...  相似文献   

This study uses data from 46 riparian sites to examine the influence of landscape hydrogeology on patterns of groundwater flux and the buffer width required for effective nitrate removal in humid temperate agricultural regions. There is a considerable imbalance in the research focus on different hydrogeologic settings. More than 40% of the buffers are located in landscapes with surficial sand aquifers, whereas few buffers have been studied in glacial till and weathered bedrock landscapes which cover large areas. Annual groundwater fluxes for 29 of these sites ranged from <20 L/m/day for buffers on flat sand plains and uplands with fine‐textured deposits to 50‐1,200 L/m/day for many sites with upland sand aquifers. Despite a similar range of water fluxes, buffers in gently to moderately sloping landscapes with <4 m depths of sand sediments reached a 90% removal efficiency within 30‐60 m while sites with >4 m depths required a 150‐200 m width. The width for 90% efficiency in buffers with loamy sand and sandy loam sediments also increased from 10‐20 m with <4 m sediment depths to 50‐100 m for >4 m depths. Limited data for buffers with fine‐textured sediments suggest that 90% of the nitrate flux was often depleted in a 10‐20 m width. Groundwater flux did not have a significant relationship with nitrate removal percent per meter buffer width because of the variation in efficiency that occurred in buffers with similar fluxes in different hydrogeologic settings.  相似文献   

硫酸亚铁法与硫化钠法处理络合铜废水的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过硫酸亚铁(FeSO4)法和硫化钠(Na2S)法处理络合铜废水的对比实验研究,探讨了FeSO4和Na2S破络机理、两种药剂的授加量、pH值、絮凝剂(PAM)的加入量对铜去除率的影响,分析两种处理方法的优缺点,以期为线路板厂络合铜废水处理提供参考。  相似文献   

结合紫外法测定水质中总氮空白校正吸光度值易偏高、测定结果准确度低的问题,分别从检测试剂含氮量、选择实验用水、清洗玻璃器皿、改进实验操作、改进消解环境等多个方面分析了各影响因素对总氮测定的影响,相应提出了采用测定含氮量的方法筛选试剂、新制备的去离子水作为总氮实验用水、每次总氮实验使用新刷好的器皿、增加颠倒混匀步骤提高测定结果的准确度和精密度、高压蒸汽灭菌器应定时清洗换水等对策与建议。  相似文献   

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