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The twentieth century saw a dramatic increase in the production of urban solid waste, reflecting unprecedented global levels of economic activity. Despite some efforts to reduce and recover the waste, disposal in landfills is still the most usual destination. However, landfill has become more difficult to implement because of its increasing cost, community opposition to landfill siting, and more restrictive environmental regulations regarding the siting and operation of landfills. Moreover, disposal in landfill is the waste destination method with the largest demand for land, while land is a resource whose availability has been decreasing in urban systems. Shortage of land for landfills is a problem frequently cited in the literature as a physical constraint. Nonetheless, the shortage of land for waste disposal has not been fully studied and, in particular, quantified. This paper presents a method to quantify the relationship between the demand and supply of suitable land for waste disposal over time using a geographic information system and modelling techniques. Based on projections of population growth, urban sprawl and waste generation the method can allow policy and decision-makers to measure the dimension of the problem of shortage of land into the future. The procedure can provide information to guide the design and schedule of programs to reduce and recover waste, and can potentially lead to a better use of the land resource. Porto Alegre City, Brazil was used as the case study to illustrate and analyse the approach. By testing different waste management scenarios, the results indicated that the demand for land for waste disposal overcomes the supply of suitable land for this use in the study area before the year 2050.  相似文献   

The roles of community design and parent and child perceptions of walkability to school are tested for associations with walking in three communities: a walkable new urbanist community, a mixed community (standard suburban community where the walk to school traversed part of the new urbanist community), and less walkable standard suburban community. Perceived environmental barriers to walking to school are measured and compared for fifth graders (n = 193) and their parents (n = 177). Results showed that children and parents often agreed on walking barriers, except an interaction showed that — in the less walkable community — parents perceived worse barriers than did their children. Perceptions of barriers increased from walkable, to mixed, to less walkable communities. Students walked more when they attended the school in the walkable community, they lived near school, parents and children perceived fewer barriers to walking, and children had lower BMI scores, net of demographic controls. Thus the walk to school is embedded within multiple types of supports, all of which should be addressed to encourage walking to school.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent and the nature of how the urban planning literature has addressed climate change adaptation. It presents a longitudinal study of 157 peer-reviewed articles published from 2000 to 2013 in the leading urban planning and design journals whose selection considered earlier empirical studies that ranked them these journals. The findings reveal that the years 2006–07 represent a turning point, after which climate change studies appear more prominently and consistently in the urban planning and design literature; however, the majority of these studies address climate change mitigation rather than adaptation. Most adaptation studies deal with governance, social learning, and vulnerability assessments, while paying little attention to physical planning and urban design interventions. This paper identifies four gaps that pertain to the lack of interdisciplinary linkages, the absence of knowledge transfer, the presence of scale conflict, and the dearth of participatory research methods. It then advocates for the advancement of participatory and collaborative action research to meet the multifaceted challenges of climate change.  相似文献   

Land management in urban areas is characterized by the diversity of its goals and its physical expression in the landscape, as well as by the frequency and often rapidity of change. Deliberate or accidental landscape alterations lead to changes in habitat, some of which may be viewed as environmentally beneficial, others as detrimental. Evaluating what is there and how changes may fit into the landscape context is therefore essential if informed land-management decisions are to be made. The method presented here uses a simple ecological evaluation technique, employing a restricted number of evaluation criteria, to gather a spatially complete data set. A geographical information system (GIS) is then used to combine the resulting scores into a habitat value index (HVI). Using examples from Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom, existing real-world data are then applied to land-management scenarios to predict probable landscape ecological consequences of habitat alteration. The method provides an ecologically relevant, spatially complete evaluation of a large, diverse area in a short period of time. This means that contextual effects of land-management decisions can be quickly visualized and remedial or mitigating measures incorporated at an early stage without the requirement for complex modeling and prior to the detailed ecological survey. The strengths of the method lie in providing a detailed information baseline that evaluates all habitats, not just the traditional “quality” habitats, in a manner that is accessible to all potential users—from interested individuals to professional planners.  相似文献   

基于3S达里诺尔自然保护区地理信息系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合RS、GPS技术,以Supermap为开发平台构建达里诺尔国家级自然保护区地理信息系统,实现了对达里诺尔国家级自然保护区信息的管理和分析等基本功能.采用双重控制功能使系统具有良好的可操作性,利用双向查询功能使属性信息与空间信息紧密相关,真正做到了"图文并茂";利用其专题图制作功能有助于对某一现象的现状进行预测、预报以及分析其规律和联系.同时,系统采用分层技术对空间数据进行储存,便于信息的叠加分析和提取.  相似文献   

为了实现对茂县水资源的高效利用,将水资源开发利用评价的知识与地理信息系统结合在一起,设计出一个基于GIS的水资源开发利用评价系统,从而对茂县的水资源合理利用和加大开发提供一个有力支持,以满足对茂县经济社会发展的要求。本文对该系统的需求分析、系统结构、数据、系统各功能、系统实现进行了说明。  相似文献   

A classic research approach is to optimize experimental design and available resources. However, that approach does not guarantee that results will be useful. This article takes the view that research should not be undertaken unless there is assurance that final results will be significant to a level specified before any work is begun. Given that assurance, the relationship between cost and statistical significance is explored, a new approach to optimization s developed, and the use of models in research design is considered.  相似文献   

在蓬勃发展的城市化进程中,一方面,城市交通需求迅速增长,交通运输供给能力不足成为制约区域经济快速发展的瓶颈;另一方面,在城市化进程中突出的景观标志--土地利用的变化包含着城市极其丰富的信息量,城市交通网络设计必然要求将城市土地利用与交通网络设计整合考虑.概述了土地利用与交通网络设计的关系,构建了一个基于GIS的城市土地利用与交通网络设计一体化模型 (LTGIS) ,同时对模型中的系统设计进行了论述,表明城市土地利用与交通网络设计是密切相关的.基于GIS的城市土地利用与交通网络设计一体化模型(LTGIS)的提出具有理论与实践的双重意义.  相似文献   

基于组件式GIS的地价评估与管理信息系统的设计与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合组件式GIS技术,设计和开发了地价评估与管理信息系统。系统利用可视化工具软件Visual Basic6.0和MapX开发和实现了地价的空间信息和属性信息的存储、管理、显示、查询、操作与分析,并阐述了系统的关键技术和主要功能。系统摆脱了以往地价评估及管理信息系统所采用的单纯MIS系统模式,使办公自动化和地理信息系统融为一体,两者相结合形成图文一体化、可视化和生动化的信息系统。  相似文献   

A methodology is developed to relate urban growth studies to distributed hydrological modeling using an integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS. This linkage is possible because both studies share land-use and land-cover data. Landsat Thematic Mapper data are utilized to detect urban land-cover changes. GIS analyses are then conducted to examine the changing spatial patterns of urban growth. The integration of remote sensing and GIS is applied to automate the estimation of surface runoff based on the Soil Conservation Service model. Impacts of urban growth on surface runoff and the rainfall–runoff relationship are examined by linking the two modeling results with spatial analysis techniques. This methodology is applied to the Zhujiang Delta of southern China, where dramatic urban growth has occurred over the past two decades, and the rampant urban growth has created severe problems in water resources management. The results revealed a notably uneven spatial pattern of urban growth and an increase of 8.10 mm in annual runoff depth during the 1989–1997 period. An area that experienced more urban growth had a greater potential for increasing annual surface runoff. Highly urbanized areas were more prone to flooding. Urbanization lowered potential maximum storage, and thus increased runoff coefficient values.  相似文献   

This study investigated how the occurrence and magnitude of first flush events in stormwater may influence the effective management of urban runoff pollution. To facilitate the understanding of the first flush phenomenon on a seasonal scale, the City of San Jose, CA carried out an investigation between May 1997 and April 2000 to characterize concentrations of pollutants in local waterbodies during eight storm events. The purpose of the investigation was twofold: (1) To determine if concentrations of specific constituents in stormwater runoff are elevated during the first substantial storm of the wet season, and (2) To identify the physical and environmental conditions surrounding such events. Concentration data for total and dissolved metals, pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, anions, total suspended solids, total organic carbon, conductivity, gasoline and diesel, and volatile and semi-volatile organics were collected at over 25 sites. Monitoring data analysis focused on identifying physical and environmental conditions yielding increased levels of pollutants during the first substantial storms of the rainy season compared to other storm events. Quantitative analysis focused on metals and anions because most observations for other constituents were below detectable levels. The results suggest that first flush phenomena did not occur consistently throughout most of the stations investigated. The results further suggest that there are specific combinations of site and storm conditions that result in a first flush effect with respect to dissolved metals. Based on the results of this and related investigations, implications for urban runoff management are discussed. For example, if dissolved metals are of principal concern, it may be worthwhile to optimize existing control strategies to minimize pollutant loading from storms that are preceded by an extended dry period.  相似文献   

Outdoor school environments are sites for play and physical activity for many children, and shortcomings within these environments are considered significant factors that contribute to children's inactive lifestyles and high levels of childhood obesity. This study explores the associations between the physical characteristics of schoolyards and the physical activity of third and fourth year students in five Turkish primary schools. Data were collected through multiple methods, including behavior mapping of student activities during recess, physical assessments of schoolyards, and interviews with students, teachers and administrations. The findings show similarities in the landscape features and physical qualities of schoolyards, particularly in the types of play and activities in which students engage. Results indicated that active students who walk to and from schools have lower body mass index (BMI) values than passive students, and students in schools with larger yards have lower BMI values. Most of the students prefer spacious and vegetated yards. A major concern is the crowdedness of the yards during recess that limit children's activity. Schoolyards with advanced landscape features are preferred more, and this in turn affects students’ positive satisfaction. Outdoor school environments have a correlation to health outcomes and should be designed to promote more activity. Improving the physical and landscape qualities of the public schoolyards should be the primary concern of the designers in order to increase awareness of natural environment and more important, increase the health of children.  相似文献   

We assessed environmental and perceptual correlates of walking and walkability for fifth graders from three communities attending two schools: A new urban/LEED-ND pilot community, mixed, and standard suburban community. Irvine-Minnesota Inventory (IMI) walkability audits showed that new urban blocks provided more traffic safety, pleasurability, crime safety, density, and diversity. New urban routes offered greater traffic safety, accessibility, pleasurability, crime safety, and diversity, but suburban routes had greater housing density, net of controls (parental education, rooms in the home, home ownership, parent preference for child to walk to school). Parents and children perceived new urban routes to be more walkable and children walked more when they lived on more walkable routes. The suburban hierarchical street design exposed children to varied traffic safety conditions by funneling their walks from cul-de-sacs to arterials. The new urban routes to a centrally located school passed by pleasant open spaces, suggesting how community organization can create better walking conditions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the various lines of evidence that support the hypothesis that above-ground plant parts remove particulates from the atmosphere. Some scanning electron microscope observations of the particulate burden on leaves of London planetree are discussed. The authors present an outline of the kinds of research required to support or reject the hypothesis that urban woody plants are important air filters.  相似文献   

Urban living environments are known to influence human well-being and health; however, little is known about the multidimensionality of different environmental burdens. The aim of this study is to examine the relations between multiple burdens and self-rated health of city residents in Berlin. A spatial analysis was conducted to determine neighborhood street blocks with high versus low levels of three environmental burdens (traffic noise, air pollution, lack of public green space) as study sites for a cross-sectional household questionnaire. Burden level served as a dichotomous predictor to compare residents' self-reports of neighborhood satisfaction, life satisfaction, health behavior, and psychological and physical health symptoms. Residents from high-burden blocks appraised the environmental conditions more stressful, reported poorer health behavior and were less satisfied with their neighborhood than residents from low-burden blocks. However, they did not differ in regard to more general health symptoms. Three other burdens (behavior-related noise, litter and dirt in public space, lack of urban vegetation), which could not be varied objectively, were assessed by their perceived intensity. Regression analyses of the relations between the perceived levels of all six burdens and outcomes in the total sample revealed the following: Neighborhood satisfaction could be predicted from multiple stressors and resources that co-occur independently, while more general health symptoms were related only to perceived air pollution. The results have implications for both urban planning and public health.  相似文献   

Brazil produces approximately 242,000 t of waste per day, 76% of it being dumped outdoors and only 0.9% recycled, including composting, which is an alternative still little known in Brazil. In search of a better destination for residues produced by domestic activities, composting stands as a feasible alternative. Organic compost from waste may be used for various purposes, among which are soil recovery, commercial production, pastures, lawns and reforestry and agriculture. However, the quality of the compost determines the growth and the development of plants. The effect of compost made from urban waste on corn plant (Zea mays L.) growth was investigated. Two types of compost were used: the selected compost (SC), produced from organic waste selectively collected; and the non-selected compost (NSC), taken from a 15-year-old cell from the Canabrava land-fill, located in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (altitude 51 m, 12°22′–13°08′S, 38°08′–38°47′W). Corn was seeded in polyethylene pots, with soil-compost mixing substrate in the proportion of 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 t ha−1 equivalent doses. Chemical analyses of the compost and growth properties of the plant like chlorophyll content; height and stem diameter; aerial and radicular dry biomasses, were used to evaluate compost quality. Plants cultivated with SC presented a superior gain, being of 52.5% in stem diameter, 71.1 and 81.2% in root and stem biomasses, respectively. Chlorophyl content alterations were observed in plants from treatments using 30 t compost ha−1 dose onwards. Conventional and multivariate statistical methods were used to evaluate these results. The beneficial action of organic compost in plant growth was confirmed with this research.  相似文献   

Soil is one of the main non-renewable natural resources in the world. In the Valencian Community (Mediterranean coast of Spain), it is especially important because agriculture and forest biomass exploitation are two of the main economic activities in the region. More than 44% of the total area is under agriculture and 52% is forested. The frequently arid or semi-arid climate with rainfall concentrated in few events, usually in the autumn and spring, scarcity of vegetation cover, and eroded and shallow soils in several areas lead to soil degradation processes. These processes, mainly water erosion and salinization, can be intense in many locations within the Valencian Community. Evaluation of soil degradation on a regional scale is important because degradation is incompatible with sustainable development. Policy makers involved in land use planning require tools to evaluate soil degradation so they can go on to develop measures aimed at protecting and conserving soils. In this study, a methodology to evaluate physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in a GIS-based approach was developed for the Valencian Community on a 1/200,000 scale. The information used in this study was obtained from two different sources: (i) a soil survey with more than 850 soil profiles sampled within the Valencian Community, and (ii) the environmental information implemented in the Geo-scientific map of the Valencian Community digitised on an Arc/Info GIS. Maps of physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in the Valencian Community on a 1/200,000 scale were obtained using the methodology devised. These maps can be used to make a cost-effective evaluation of soil degradation on a regional scale. Around 29% of the area corresponding to the Valencian Community is affected by high to very high physical soil degradation, 36% by high to very high biological degradation, and 6% by high to very high chemical degradation. It is, therefore, necessary to draw up legislation and to establish the policy framework for actions focused on preventing soil degradation and conserving its productive potential.  相似文献   

于鲁冀  何青  赵晴 《四川环境》2010,29(5):40-45
根据函数单调性特点及模糊识别中最大贴近度原则,分别从距离函数和关联函数两方面对物元可拓法在城市环境可持续发展综合评价过程中存在的不足进行了改进。距离函数改进后,能够真实地反应变量与区间的关系;关联函数改为贴近度函数后,评价结果中不再出现负值,易于级别的判定。采用改进后的物元可拓法建立了城市环境可持续发展综合评价的多级物元模型,对城市环境可持续发展现状进行了综合评价,结果表明该方法更快捷,评价结果能更客观地反映城市环境可持续发展现状。  相似文献   

GIS在琅琊山摩崖石刻及碑刻文物资源保护和管理中,能够支持数字化地图并对文物进行精确定位、文物点的多媒体信息管理、文物时空分布规律研究、文物点周边环境的综合分析以及文物保护和管理的日常办公等。  相似文献   


Participatory GIS (geographic information systems) is designed to use community mapping exercises to produce spatial representations of local knowledge. The ideals of Participatory GIS revolve around the concept of public participation in the use of spatial data leading to increased community involvement in policy-setting and decision-making (Weiner et al., Community participation and geographic information systems, in: Craig et al., Community participation and geographic information systems, London: Taylor & Francis, 2002). This paper reports on findings from two case studies, one relating to assessments of air quality and how Participatory GIS has been used in the UK to improve local government policy, and the second on assessments of noise pollution. It concludes by discussing a caveat on the use of Participatory GIS for environmental governance, which is that, ideally, only issues on which participants are likely to have direct experiential knowledge should be targeted.  相似文献   

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