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The Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, has breeding colonies in the island of Chikly (in the lake of Tunis) and in Thyna saltpans (in the gulf of Gabès), two important Tunisian wetlands that are strongly affected by anthropogenic activity. Here, we used E. garzetta chick feathers for environmental monitoring of breeding grounds of this species. Since trophic ecology is fundamental when interpreting contamination levels, our approach combined both trace-element (Hg, Pb, Cd, and Se) and stable-isotope analysis of ??13C, ??15N, and ??34S. Hg, Se, and ??15N levels were higher in specimens collected on Chikly than in Thyna. These observations highlight the degree of eutrophication of the lake of Tunis. Yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) breeding in the same areas also feeds in the lake and attains similar concentrations of Hg and Se. In Thyna, egrets and gulls exploit distinct foraging habitats, as demonstrated by stable isotope analysis. The highest Hg and Se concentrations were found in Thyna. This result is consistent with greater exploitation of marine resources from the gulf of Gabès.  相似文献   

Palaemonetes australis is a euryhaline shrimp found in southwestern Australian estuaries. To determine if P. australis is a suitable bioindicator species for monitoring the health of estuarine biota, they were exposed to measured concentrations of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) at 0.01, 0.1, or 1?ppm for 14?days under laboratory conditions. At the end of exposure the shrimp were sacrificed for biomarker [ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD), 8-oxo-dG concentration, and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activity] analyses. Gender did not appear to influence biomarker responses of the shrimp in this study. ECOD activity was induced in the treatment groups in a linear fashion from three (0.01?ppm) times to 12 (1?ppm) times the negative controls. 8-oxo-dG concentration was reduced three times in treatment groups below the controls suggesting impaired DNA repair pathways. There was no increase in SDH, signifying hepatopancreatic cell damage had not occurred in any treatment group. The response of P. australis to B[a]P exposure indicates that this crustacean is suitable bioindicator species for both laboratory studies and field monitoring. A combination of ECOD and SDH activities and 8-oxo-dG concentration represent a suitable suite of biomarkers for environmental monitoring of the sublethal effects of organic pollution to crustaceans from an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

A fouling assemblage (including density, species richness and diversity, and biomass) growing on netting of fish farm cages was investigated in Stracinska Bay??Location 1 and Peles Bay??Location 2 (Croatia) in order to test the efficiency of fouling as a bioindicator of organic pollution. A total number of 40 algal taxa in Location 1 and total number of 22 algal taxa in Location 2 were identified, with a dominance of opportunistic species (ESG II). We found domination of algal species over animal species and absolute dominance of Rhodophyta which are typical fouler in the Adriatic Sea. Low diversity and species richness with increase in value of the R/P index (occasionally higher than 6) were recorded in Location 2, indicating a certain impact of nutrient enrichment from fish culture facilities on a fouling community structure.  相似文献   

An assessment of levels of endosulfan and endosulfan sulphate in rats collected from a plot sprayed with endosulfan was carried out for a period of four months. The analysis was carried out in the livers, muscles and fatty tissues of the rats using Gas Chromatography. Samples were ground with sodium sulphate and aluminium oxide and the analyte soxhlet extracted with hexane. The extract was then cleaned by florisil column chromatography. Levels of endosulfan in rats were found to range in livers from 0.356 to 5.807 ppb, in muscles from 0.089 to 5.167 ppb and in fatty tissues from 0.083 to 4.785 ppb. Levels of endosulfan sulphate correlated well with those of endosulfan and ranged in livers from 0.00 to 3.96 ppb, in muscles from 0.00 to 3.37 ppb and in fatty tissue from 0.00 to 2.93 ppb. In the control rats samples, collected from an unsprayed area in the city of Harare (University of Zimbabwe), no endosulfan could be detected.  相似文献   

The Fusaro Lagoon is a shallow lagoon, located in SW Italy, largely influenced in the last decades by several anthropic impacts. The study examined the pollution status of the lagoon, during year 2011–2012 at nine sampling stations with the aim to find out proper measurements of water lagoon restoration. Concentrations of heavy metals (HMs) (aluminium [Al], barium [Ba], cadmium [Cd], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], vanadium [V] and zinc [Zn]) were examined in water, sediments and specimens of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Low levels of dissolved oxygen concentration were detected at many stations, with mean values of 5.2–6.4 mg L?1. The redox potential of surface waters was also low, ?2.7 to 50.7 mV. Sediments possessed high organic matter content, 17.7–29.4 %. In sediments, the mean Zn level, 251.4 mg kg?1, was about sixfold higher than that recorded in year 2000 (38.5 mg kg?1) and considerably higher than that recorded in 2007 (191 mg kg?1). The mean levels of Cd were outstandingly high, with a mean value of 70.5 mg kg?1, about 30- and 50-fold higher than those determined in 2000 and 2007, respectively. Cadmium (Cd), Cu and nickel (Ni) appeared in excess with respect to most current guidelines, reaching significant pollution levels. C. intestinalis sp. A was detected only at few stations, with metals accumulated preferentially in the body in respect to the tunic, from 1.2 times for Zn (178 mg kg?1) to 4.0 times for V (304 mg kg?1). Data suggests the necessity of an immediate action of eco-compatible interventions for environmental restoration.  相似文献   

The use of bioindicators for contaminant monitoring ispopular in all sectors of the environment but quite oftenbioindicators are utilised without rigorous evaluation oftheir viability as an indicator. We report field andlaboratory investigations into the value of a commonlyfound macroalga, Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J.Agardh (Chlorophyta: Ulvales) as an indicator of copper,zinc and lead contamination in a tropical estuary inFiji. In the laboratory, metal content of E.flexuosa after 60 days of growth in seawater containingincreasing concentrations of the metals showed almostperfect correlation with metal concentrations in waterfor all three metals, and concentration factors obtainedwere generally higher than values reported for otherspecies of Enteromorpha. Performance in the fieldwas evaluated by a one-year monitoring of metals in E. flexuosa, water and sediments from a contaminatedestuary. Metal concentrations in water were always belowdetection limits and field concentration factors couldnot be determined but the concentration of lead in E. flexuosa showed a high correlation with the leadcontent of sediments. Lack of such correlation forcopper and zinc in the field suggests that otherenvironmental factors besides metal load in the physicalenvironment could be controlling the bioaccumulation ofthese two metals. Whilst demonstrating E. flexuosato be a viable bioindicator for lead, these results alsohighlight the need for proper assessment before anorganism is considered for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

The residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in 19 surface sediments of Bohai Sea Bay were determined in this study. Total OCP concentration in surface sediment ranged from 9.01 to 18.04 ng/g dry weight, with a mean concentration of 12.50 ng/g. These findings are in the mid-range of pesticide concentrations compared to those reported in other regions worldwide. DDTs and HCHs were the predominant species. The α-HCH/β-HCH ratios and the predominant γ-HCH indicate that the technical HCH contamination was due mainly to historical usage, although there appeared to be a fresh input of lindane. The results from \(\left( {\mbox{DDD}\,\mbox{+}\,\mbox{DDE}} \right)\mbox{/}\sum {\mbox{DDTs}} \) and DDD/DDE calculations suggest that the usage of DDT in agricultural activities was not terminated, and the historical/fresh inputs of DDT in these areas could be more easily degraded into DDD under an anoxic condition. PCA implies that the recent usage of DDT could serve as important fresh input sources for OCPs.  相似文献   

The concentration of 12 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in water, sediment, aquatic plant, and animal (shrimp and fish) of Nansi Lake by gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector. The total OCPs concentrations were 65.31–100.31 ng L?1 in water, 2.9–6.91 ng g?1 dry weight (dw) in sediments, 1.29–6.42 ng g?1 dw in aquatic plants and 7.57–17.22 ng g?1 dw in animals. The OCPs composition profiles showed that heptachlor compounds was also the predominant OCPs contaminants in addition to hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in Nansi Lake. According to the source of HCHs and DDTs in sediment samples, there was no new input and the HCHs pollution mainly came from the use of Lindane in Nansi Lake. Bioaccumulation of OCPs in aquatic biota indicated that DDTs and heptachlor compounds had a strong accumulation, followed by HCHs and drins. The accumulation abilities of fish for OCPs were higher than those of plants and shrimps. The OCPs biota-sediment accumulation factor values of Channa argus was the highest in fish samples, followed by Carassius auratus, and Cyprinus caspio. Risk assessment of sediment showed that heptachlor epoxide had a higher occurrence possibility of adverse ecological effects to benthic species. Based on the calculation of acceptable daily intake and hazard ratio, HCHs in fish and shrimps from Nansi Lake had a lifetime cancer risk of greater than one per million. The risk assessment of water, sediment, and fish indicated the water environment of Nansi Lake is at a safe level at present.  相似文献   

A combination of bioenergetics and biochemical biomarkers in mussels was applied to assess possible pollution impacts in a protected semi-enclosed estuary (Amvrakikos Gulf, NW Greece) that receives pesticide discharges through riverine transport. Scope for growth, a physiological condition index representing the energy budget of the organism, was applied to detect general stress effects on the health status of mussels. The low energy budgets of mussels revealed stress conditions and provided early warning signals of possible consequences at higher levels of biological organization. Biochemical markers of exposure confirmed a risk of pesticide contamination. Decreased acetylcholinesterase activities indicated exposure to organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Responses of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase suggested the presence of contaminants capable of reactive oxygen species production that could be related to organochlorine pesticide contamination in the area. On the other hand, metallothionein levels implied low metal contamination.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in feather, liver, kidney, and muscle tissue of Little egret (n?=?8) and Cattle egret (n?=?3) from Shadegan Wetlands in south-western Iran were examined. Liver of Little egret had significantly higher mercury compared to Cattle egret (p?<?0.05). In addition, mercury values were consistently larger in Little egret when compared to Cattle egret, but mercury levels found in feather, kidney, and muscle did not differ statistically between the two bird species (p?>?0.05). The small Cattle egret sample size, however, makes it difficult to conclude that the same trend would persist had we been able to include more Cattle egrets in this study. An interesting regional comparison between mercury concentrations in the feather of Little egret chicks, from China, Hong Kong, and Pakistan, and adult Little egrets, from Shadegan wetlands, revealed higher mercury in the adult of the species, as one would expect. Conversely, feathers of adult Cattle egrets form Shadegan had less mercury than values reported for young birds of the same species from Aswan in Egypt; but our Cattle egrets had higher or similar mercury concentrations to Cattle egrets from Pakistan, New York, Delaware, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, and Cairo in Egypt.  相似文献   

The use of biological species in the monitoring of marine environmental quality allows the evaluation of biologically available levels of contaminants in the ecosystem and the effects of contaminants on living organisms. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica is a useful bioindicator because through the lepidochronology technique it is possible to obtain a historical contamination trend of a given area. This study aims to assess the temporal trend contamination by heavy metal investigations on dead sheaths of 100 samples of P. oceanica collected in the Protected Marine Area of "Plemmirio" (Sicily) and in the Siracusa bay. Important results were obtained because data show a significant negative temporal trend for the metals analysed especially for As, Co, Cr, Hg, Pb, Se, U and V that in the past had higher concentrations, with a stronger contamination in the Plemmirio area, the site much more exposed to the pollution of the nearby petrochemical complex. This study confirms the relevance of the use of P. oceanica as a biological indicator of metal contamination in coastal ecosystems. Thus the usefulness of P. oceanica as a tracer of spatial metal contamination and as a good tool for water quality evaluation is reinforced.  相似文献   

Diverse genetic biomarkers have been used to evaluate the effects of pollution by mutagenic agents such as metals and pesticides, as well as a large variety of chemical substances derived from human activities. This work researched the effects that an exposure of 60 days to the insecticide Fipronil (concentrations of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.23 μg/L) can cause in the fish Rhamdia quelen using Comet assay with gills, histopathological analysis of gills and the Piscine Micronucleus test and Nuclear Morphological Alterations. The results for the Comet assay and for gills histopathological injuries showed no difference between the control group and the contaminated groups. In the Piscine Micronucleus test, the smallest concentration of Fipronil (0.05 μg/L) was similar as the control group, while concentrations of 0.10 and 0.23 μg/L caused more damage to the DNA. These results suggested that only the highest concentrations of Fipronil tested cause damage in erythrocytes, but none of these concentrations was sufficient to alter the DNA in the gill cells. R. quelen may be a less sensitive bioindicator than other fish that have been tested. On the other hand, the concentrations used may not have been sufficient to detect alterations in the DNA of R. quelen with the chosen tests. Works like this take on great importance given the enormous quantity of substances that are thrown daily into the environment in an uncontrolled way, without evaluation of the consequences. The application of these tests with other concentrations, tissues and exposure times is suggested for future works.  相似文献   

Tissue distribution and bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in edible fishes collected from Taihu Lake, Cyprinus carpio (C. carpio) and Ctenopharyngodon idellus (C. idellus), were studied. OCPs were detected in all samples with hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), aldrins (including aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, and endrin ketone), heptachlors (heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) being the predominant compounds for both fish species. Gill and gonad were found to be the dominant tissues for OCP bioaccumulation followed by liver, while muscle showed the least affinity of OCPs for both fishes. Tissue distribution indicated the exchange of contaminants between water and gill, as well as the food intake from environment were the dominant pathways for OCP bioaccumulation in gill-breathing fish, and the following tissue distribution was affected by both the physiological properties of target tissues and physicochemical characteristics of pesticides. OCP residues in fish were species-specific (45.63–1575.26 ng/g dry weight (dw) for C. idellus; 8.40–60.23 ng/g dw for C. carpio) mainly due to the growth rate of individuals as well as the metabolic capacity difference among species. HCHs and DDTs observed in fishes from Taihu Lake were comparable and moderate with other reported places in China. Human exposure risk assessment performed with the estimated daily intake values demonstrated the consumption of target fish species in Taihu Lake at present was safe.  相似文献   

This study presents concentrations of iron, manganese, zinc, and copper in selected tissues of two fish species: pike (Esox lucius L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.) living in lakes Ińsko and Wisola, Northwestern Poland. The lakes differ in their trophic status. The effect of gender and environmental conditions on metals accumulation was also investigated. Metal analyses were performed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Considering all studied fish species and tissues, the average metal concentrations (micrograms per gram wet weight) in both lakes occurred in the following ranges: Fe 0.8–240.6, Mn 0.2–8.4, Zn 3.0–185.9, and Cu 0.14–7.76. The lowest levels of the studied metals were always detected in the muscles. The spleen, kidneys, and liver were found to accumulate the highest amounts of Fe. In the case of the other metals, the highest levels were found, as follows: Mn in skin, gills, and gonads, Zn in digestive tract and gills, Cu in liver. Heavy metal content in fish gonads was observed to be sex dependent.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the chromium (Cr) contamination due to the discharge of waste waters from the tannery of Jijel in the Mouttas river (Algeria), samples of water, sediment and vegetation (Agropyrum repens) were collected during a 6 month period in four stations located upstream (control) and downstream of the tannery. The total chromium was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal inputs were clearly related to effluent discharges from the tannery into the river. Although only traces of chromium were found in water samples upstream of the tannery, very high concentrations (up to 860 times higher) were detected downstream. The contamination was not limited to water of Mouttas River because a same difference in chromium concentrations was also found in sediments and plants Agropyrum repens that were sampled upstream and downstream of the tannery. This work showed that the treatment process used in the wastewater treatment plant of the tannery of Jijel is not able to remove the chromium detected in their influents. The occurrence and chromium levels detected in the aquatic environment represent a major problem concerning drinking water resources and environmental protection of water bodies.  相似文献   

A sequential extraction procedure was carried out to determinate the concentrations of 11 elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) in different geochemical phases of sediments collected along the Hugli (Ganges) River Estuary and in the Sundarban mangrove wetland, eastern coastal part of India. The chemical speciation of elements was determined using the three-step sequential extraction procedure described by the European Community Bureau of Reference. Total metal concentration was determined using a microwave-assisted acid digestion procedure. Metal concentrations were near the background level except for As for which a moderate pollution can be hypothesized. The mobility order of the metals was: Cd?>?Mn?>?Cu?>?Zn?>?As?>?Co?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Fe?>?Cr?>?Al. The highest percentage of Cd (>60%) was found in the most labile phase. Residual fraction was prevailing for Fe, Cr and Al, while Pb was mainly associated with the reducible fraction. Data were compared with Sediment Quality Guidelines to estimate the relationship between element concentrations and adverse biological effects on benthic community, finding the possibility of some toxic effects due to the presence of As in the entire studied area and Cd, only in Calcutta.  相似文献   

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