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There is concern that overfishing may lead to a proliferation of jellyfish through a process known as fishing down the food web. However, there has been no global synthesis of patterns of gelatinous zooplankton biomass (GZB), an important first step in determining any future trends. A meta-analysis of epipelagic-GZB patterns was undertaken, encompassing 58 locations on a global scale, and spanning the years 1967–2009. Epipelagic-GZB decreased strongly with increasing total water column depth (r 2 = 0.543, p < 0.001, n = 58): in shallow (<50 m) coastal waters, epipelagic-GZB was typically 742× the levels in deep ocean (>2,000 m) sites. However, the ratio of GZB to primary productivity showed high values across a range of depths, i.e. this measure of the relative abundance of gelatinous zooplankton did not co-vary with depth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-term variation in zooplankton biomass in response to climatic and oceanic changes, using a neural network as a nonlinear multivariate analysis method. Zooplankton data collected from 1951 to 1990 off the shore of northeastern Japan were analyzed. We considered patterns of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio, sea surface temperature, and meteorological parameters as environmental factors that affect zooplankton biomass. Back propagation neural networks were trained to generate mapping functions between environmental variables and zooplankton biomass. The performance of the network models was tested by varying the numbers of input and hidden units. Changes in zooplankton biomass could be predicted from environmental conditions. The neural network yielded predictions with smaller errors than those of predictions determined by linear multiple regression. The sensitivity analysis of networks was used to extract predictive knowledge. The air pressure, sea surface temperature, and some indices of atmospheric circulation were the primary factors for predictions. The patterns of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio demonstrated different effects among sea areas.  相似文献   

Relation of fish larvae and zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Aden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study is based on zooplankton samples collected in the upper 50 m by the F.R.V. Manihine in the Gulf of Aden during October–November, 1966 and February–March, 1967. Generally, the displacement volume of zooplankton varied between 20 and 67 ml/m2. Some higher values, up to 100 ml/m2, were also observed. The number of larval fish in positive hauls ranged from 2 to 282 larvae/m2. An inverse relationship between the number of larval fish and the accompanying volume of zooplankton was noted. This relationship is discussed. It is hypothesized that larval mortality due to predation in the Gulf of Aden during the northeast monsoon (November, February and March) was very high.  相似文献   

S. L. Smith 《Marine Biology》1978,49(2):125-132
During March and April 1976, a red tide, dominated by the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium splendens Lebour, developed in the vicinity of 15°06'S and 75°31'W off Peru. At the height of the bloom, the euphotic zone was 6 m deep and the chlorophyll a at the surface was 48 g l-1. A daily collection of zooplankton at 09.00 hrs showed large fluctuations of biomass, from 0.2 to 3.84 g dry weight m-2 in a water column of 120m. Copepodids and nauplii dominated the collections. During a period of reduced wind, the adult copepods were a mixture of the species characteristic of the coastal upwelling system and the neritic species associated with more northerly, tropical waters. Nitrogen regeneration by the zooplankton varied with the development of the bloom, the type of zooplankton dominating the experiment, and biomass fluctuations, but never accounted for more than 25% of the nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Consumers affect prey biomass and diversity through resource partitioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Råberg S  Kautsky L 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2468-2473
Consumer presence and nutrient availability can have contrasting and interactive effects on plant diversity. In a factorial experiment, we manipulated two levels of nutrient supply and the presence of two moderately specialized grazers in different combinations (no grazers, two species in monoculture, and both in combination). We tested how nutrients and grazers regulated the biomass of marine coastal epiphytes and the diversity of algal assemblages, based on the prediction that the effect of consumers on prey diversity depends on productivity and consumer specialization. Nutrient enrichment increased the epiphytic load, while monocultures of single grazer species partly prevented epiphyte growth. However, only the presence of two species with complementary feeding preferences effectively prevented epiphyte overgrowth. The epiphytes comprised micro- and macroalgal species, and the diversity of these algal assemblages differed, depending on grazer identity. For the microalgae, diversity was reduced by nutrient addition when grazer control was inefficient, but not when specialist microalgal grazers were present. Macroalgal diversity was reduced in ambient water with specialist macroalgal grazers compared to the treatment with inefficient ones. These results indicate that grazer composition and productivity are crucial in determining whether consumer pressure will have a positive or negative effect on algal diversity.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance and distribution are of ecological importance, as they are very sensitive to change, therefore zooplankton make ideal indicators of aquatic ecosystem. This study carried out on the abundance of rotifer, cladoceran, cyclopoid-copepod and ostracod zooplankton groups and biomass of total zooplankton were studied every month for one year. It is interesting and noteworthy to note that Calanoid and Harpacticoid zooplankton groups and free carbon dioxide were completely absent in all the four sampling sites throughout the study year. About 53% of the variation in the abundance of Cladoceran, 55% of variation in the Cyclopoid-copepod, 39% of variation in the ostracod and 53% of variation in the abundance of total zooplankton were mainly due to pH. Interestingly, negative relationship was found between the total zooplankton and concentration of phosphate as in this lake 67% decrease in wet biomass was mainly because of phosphate, where as 47% of dry biomass of total zooplankton was positively correlated with conductivity.  相似文献   

A comparative study (June-July 2001) on zooplankton community structure amid polluted conditions in a stagnant harbour and relatively unaffected tidal estuary near Visakhapatnam, on the east coast of India, revealed a marked disparity in species composition and abundance. While the harbour supported a rich population of calanoids (46.4%), the estuary sustained mostly cyclopoids (55.2%). Univariate and multivariate techniques (species diversity, clustering, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and one-way ANOSIM) revealed the existence of two differing zooplankton assemblages and associated water quality (similarity 50.6%). While the estuary is typified by high amounts of dissolved silica (67.4 ± 17.7 μmol l-1) linked with monsoon influx, the harbour waters revealed abnormal levels of phosphate (40.9 ± 9.2 μmol l-1) and nitrate (15.3 ± 5.41 μmol l- 1) suggestive of intense eutrophication, caused by the discharge of fertilizer-factory waste and domestic sewage. On the basis of routines (e.g. BVSTEP, SIMPER) implemented in Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research, it was possible to demonstrate that while species such as Oithona rigida, Oithona brevicornis, crustacean nauplii, gastropod veligers, Acartia spinicauda, and Acartia centrura played a key role in discriminating the zooplankton assemblage in the estuary, Acrocalanus spp. (mainly Acrocalanus gracilis) played a keyed role in harbour waters. Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed species-environment relationships; for example, while the distribution of Oithona spp. and its associates in the estuary corresponded intimately with high silicate, temperature, and low salinity, it was high salinity, phosphate, and nitrate in the harbour channel that supported a different assemblage of copepods dominated by calanoids.  相似文献   

In order to assess the temporal variability of living zooplankton in a tidal estuary, the ATP content and dry weight of mixed zooplankton populations (mainly copepods) were measured during a period of 175 h at an anchor station in the Upper St. Lawrence Estuary. Vertical tows were made every 30 min. Hourly vertical profiles of the current speed and direction, temperature and salinity were also obtained during the experiment. A strong tidal influence was found in all series. Maxima and minima of the ATP content (living biomass) and the dry weight (total biomass) were correlated with low and high water slacks. The serial autocorrelation and cross-correlation showed, in both series a 12 to 13-h cycle, and the ATP:dry weight ratio showed a significant 24-h cycle. The cross-correlation with the Kendall τ was used to detect the relationship between biological components and physical indices (stratification and Ri). It is suggested that the proportion of living zooplankton biomass in the Upper St. Lawrence Estuary is most likely the result of a combination of diurnal migration and longitudinal advection.  相似文献   

Inhomogeneous vertical distributions of the cyanobacterial biomass are widely observed during the summer season in stratified lake ecosystems. Among these are surface maxima characterized by surface scum formation and deep or subsurface maxima also known as deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM). The former occurs at the epilimnion in eutrophic lakes, and are usually caused by colonial cyanobacteria such as Microcystis. On the other hand, the latter occurs at the metalimnion and the upper part of the hypolimnion near the thermocline in oligotrophic lakes, and are referred to filamentous cyanobacteria such as Oscillatoria. The aim of this paper is to present a simple mathematical model that can simultaneously describe these phenomena including the annual and diurnal variations, emphasizing the roles of buoyancy regulation, transparency of the lake and zooplankton feeding on cyanobacteria. According to our computer analyses, the increased buoyancy, the low clarity of the lake and the low rate of zooplankton feeding take significant roles in formation of surface maxima, while the reversal of these factors makes deep maxima predominant. Our two-component model with nutrients and cyanobacteria can distinguish between two phenomena by changing the parameters for these factors, without altering the model itself.  相似文献   

Short-term incubations in seawater containing H14CO3 - or 3H2O in place of the naturally predominant isotopes can yield highly radioactive preparations of living phytoplankton or zooplankton. Subsequent in situ incubation of these labelled organisms with the community from which they were taken results in the rapid transfer of radioisotope to those species which prey upon them. This technique has been employed to map a portion of a marine food web involving demersal zooplankton; experiments were conducted in summer and autumn on a coral reef and in a subtropical estuary. Similar results were obtained from these initial experiments at each study site during both seasons. Prey supplied as zooplankton (124 to 410 m nominal diameter), which consisted mainly of Oithona oculata, was fed upon by zooplankton size classes ranging from 410 to 850 m and containing amphipods, ostracods, cumaceans and polychaetes. In experiments employing labelled phytoplankton as prey a wide size spectrum was used (10 to 106 m) in order to include representative samples of most of the available planktonic autotrophs as estimated by primary production measurements. In two separate experiments, only 7 out of 63 samples evidenced grazing of phytoplankton by demersal zooplankters. In contrast, labelled diatom auxospores, employed in one experiment as they constituted the most numerically abundant species in the water column, were found to be grazed upon in nearly half the samples examined.  相似文献   

Estimating environmental impacts on populations is one of the main goals of wildlife monitoring programs, which are often conducted in conjunction with management actions or following natural disturbances. In this study we investigate the statistical power of dynamic occupancy models to detect changes in local survival and colonization from detection-nondetection data, while accounting for imperfect detection probability, in a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) framework. We simulated impacts on local survival and/or detection probabilities, and asked questions related to: (1) costs and benefits of different analysis models, (2) confounding changes in detection with changes in local survival, (3) sampling design trade-offs, and (4) species with low vs. high rates of turnover. Estimating seasonal effects on local survival and colonization, as opposed to estimating Before-After effects, had little effect on the power to detect changes in local survival. Estimating a parameter that accounted for pretreatment differences in local survival between Control and Impact sites decreased power by 50%, but it was critical to include when such differences existed. When the experimental treatment had a negative impact on species detectability but analysis assumed constant detection, the Type I error rates were dramatically inflated (0.20 0.33). In general, there was low power (< 0.5) to detect a 50% decrease in local survival for all combinations of sites (N = 50 vs. 100), seasons sampled (8 vs. 12), and visits per site per season (4 vs. 6). Unbalanced designs performed worse than balanced designs, with the exception of the case of treatments being implemented in different seasons at different sites. Adding more control sites improved the ability to detect changes in local survival. Surveying more seasons after impact resulted in modest power gains, but at least three seasons before impact were required to successfully implement BACI occupancy studies. Turnover rates had a low impact on power. Occupancy studies conducted in a BACI design offer the opportunity to detect environmental impacts on wildlife populations without the costs of intensive studies. However, given the low power to detect small changes (20%) in local survival, these studies should be used when researchers are confident that major treatment impacts will occur or very large sample sizes are obtainable.  相似文献   

Small-scale (100 to 2 400 m) horizontal distributions of major taxonomic categories (class and order) of zooplankton were measured at a depth of 90 m with an opening-closing plankton net over a 3 d period in October 1978 in the California Current. Some zooplankton categories showed evidence of diurnal vertical migration, while others had long-period temporal changes in mean abundance. Variance-to-mean ratio for large copepods and euphausiids was higher at night than during the day, while the opposite was true for chaetognaths and pteropods. Within a given category, the variance-to-mean ratio generally increased with a category's abundance. Spatial abundance variations were characterized by trends (i.e., fluctuations larger than length of the net hauls) in some taxonomic categories. No consistent differences in scales of variability were found as a function of animal size or from day to night. Correlation analysis of taxonomic counts implied that significant biological interactions occurred. The proportions of counts of taxonomic groups showed no large changes over the time-space scales sampled. However, the proportions of biomass in taxonomic groups differed from day to night due to the large variability of euphausiids. Comparisons of wet weight biomass to taxonomic counts indicated that biomass was usually less variable than taxonomic counts.  相似文献   

基于PCA的森林生物量遥感信息模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐天蜀  张王菲  岳彩荣 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1759-1762
森林生物量和遥感多光谱数据、植被指数及地学因子存在相关关系,但这些因子间可能存在着多重相关性,如利用这些因子直接建模估测森林生物量,则可能出现病态模型。因此,文章采用主成分分析方法,提取遥感及地学因子的主成分,再建立主成分与生物量多元线性回归模型,估测森林生物量,达到既可保留多个遥感及地学因子的主要信息,又可避免因子间共线性的问题,以及降维,简化模型的作用。文章以高黎贡山自然保护区常绿阔叶林为研究对象,利用地面样地胸径每木调查数据,结合生物量相对生长式,得样地生物量。利用2006年印度卫星(IRS)数据,包括B2、B3、B4、B5四个波段,提取DVI、NDVI、PVI、RVI、VI3、SLAVI六种植被指数,利用DEM提取海拔、坡度、坡向值共13个遥感及地学因子。在此基础上,提取13个因子的主成分,第一主成分至第五主成分的累计贡献率达98.7%。以前5个主成分值作自变量,建立主成分与地面生物量的回归模型,模型经方差分析及相关性检验,达到显著相关水平,相关系数R=0.7129,可用于森林生物量估测。  相似文献   

Validation of method was performed for various pesticides on mango matrix involving the processing of sample at ambient and cryogenic conditions. The linearity, limits of detection, repeatability, matrix effect, and recovery were studied as the aspects of method validation. The effect of matrix on recovery was found to be medium (20–50%) and strong (>50%). After correction by matrix-matched calibration curves, the recovery was calculated to be in the range of 80–107% and 80–105% at ambient and cryogenic processing, respectively. The precision estimated for the recovery of pesticides obtained from both solvent- and matrix-matched calibration curves and at both the processing conditions was determined to be >20% except for chlorpyrifos and atrazine. The uncertainty established for the methodology was >20%, which substantiates the efficiency and reliability of methodology used for pesticide residue analysis in mango in this study.  相似文献   

We estimate the travel time of percolating water through a deep vadose zone at the regional scale using a transfer function model and a physical based conceptual flow model (Hydrus-1D), thereby exploiting the time series of precipitation, actual evapotranspiration and groundwater piezometry and generic vadose zone data. With the transfer function model we observe a high variability of estimated travel time varying from 0.9 to 3.1 years, corresponding to estimated vertical water flux velocities varying from 6.6 to 28.0 m/year. These results were compared with the travel time estimated from the physical based conceptual model. With the flow model, estimated travel time varies between 4.7 and 15.5 years, corresponding to water flux velocities varying between 1.7 and 4.1 m/year. The estimated travel time calculated with the flow model were therefore about five times larger than those estimated with the transfer function model. This could be explained by the fact that the transfer function model considers heterogeneous recharge from the vadose zone as well as from the vicinity of the piezometer through the so called “pushing effect”. In addition, the flow model requires various hydrogeological and hydrodynamic parameters which were estimated using generic parametrisation approaches, that are largely affected by uncertainty and may not reflect the local conditions. In contrast, the transfer function model only exploits available measurable time series and has the advantage of being site-specific.  相似文献   

The component analysis and structure characterization of complex mixtures of biomass conversion remain a challenging work. Hence,developing effective and easy to use techniques is necessary. Diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy(DOSY) is a non-selective and non-invasive method capable of achieving pseudo-separation and structure assignments of individual compounds from biomass mixtures by providing diffusion coefficients(D) of the components. However, the conventional 1H DOSY NMR is limi...  相似文献   

重污染河道浮游动物种群的特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏州城市河道水情复杂,氮磷浓度较高,属于重污染的滞流水体.通过对试验区南园水系为期1a的调查研究表明:该河段共有浮游动物33种,其中原生动物4种,轮虫类24种,枝角类4种,桡足类1种.各河段浮游动物年平均密度为678 ind·L-1,生物量为56.028 mg·L-1.从种类数来看,轮虫类大于原生动物大于枝角类大于桡足类.从密度看,全年平均以轮虫最多,其次为原生动物,桡足类最少.从生物量看,以枝角类最高,桡足类次之,原生动物最少.从季节变化来看,春夏季较多,秋冬季较少.优势种为轮虫类和枝角类,这些种类极耐有机污染,耐低溶氧.在苏州古城区重污染河道中,浮游动物的总量与水体理化指标及浮游植物的数量等均没有线性相关性(差异显著,p<0.05),这可能与苏州城市河道污染较重有关.城市河道特殊的水域环境决定了浮游动物种群的形成、演变及其发展都有其特殊性.探讨了重污染的城市河道的浮游动物种类组成特点,提出了控制某些优势种群发展的设想,为改善河道水环境提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Carbon-isotope ratio gradients in western arctic zooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zooplankton from 87 stations in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas sampled in 1985, 1986 and 1987 showed a geographic gradient in stable carbon-isotope ratios (13C). The zooplankton most depleted in 13C were found in the central and eastern Beaufort Sea and those most enriched were from the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Average 13C values ranged from-20.9 to-26.7 for copepods and from-19.4 to-25.1 for euphausiids. Euphausiids show a minimum of 1.0 enrichment relative to copepods throughout the study area. Relative biomasses of the major zooplankton taxa varied significantly across the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in October 1986, with euphausiids dominating in the west and copepods in the east. These differences in taxonomic composition affected the weighted 13C values for total zooplankton and may produce an even more pronounced geographic gradient in zooplankton 13C than that found within a single taxon. The bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus migrates between wintering areas in the Bering Sea and summering areas in the Beaufort Sea and feeds over this geographic range. The zooplankton 13C gradient is the probable source of 13C oscillations found along the baleen plates of this planktivore.  相似文献   

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