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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of microorganisms on the behaviour of selenium in natural soil maintained under strictly aerobic conditions. Six-day batch experiments were performed with soils constrained to different microbiological states, either by sterilisation or by adding organic substrates. Selenium was added to the soil as selenite. The distribution of selenium in the gaseous, liquid and solid phases of the batch was measured. Selenium partitioning between the various solid phases was investigated by chemical sequential extractions. Active microorganisms played major effects on the distribution of selenium within the soil. On the one hand, microorganisms could promote selenium volatilisation (in relatively small amounts), leading to the spreading of selenium compounds outside the soil. On the other hand, microbial activities increased both amount of selenium retained by the soil and the strength of its retention (less exchangeable selenium), making selenium less susceptible to remobilisation.  相似文献   

A comparative assessment of the biological properties of chernozem soils in agro- and biogeocenoses has been made by determining the rates of basal and substrate-induced soil respiration and using these data to calculate ecophysiological indices characterizing the potential and stability of soil microbial biomass. The results show that the rate of CO2 emission and the contents of microbial biomass carbon in agriculturally exploited chernozem soils have decreased by factors of 3 and 2.6, respectively. The values of microbial metabolic quotients are indicative of medium-to-strong disturbance to the stability of microbial communities in chernozem soils of agrocenoses.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and behaviour of the global fallout (137)Cs in the tropical, subtropical and equatorial soil-plant systems were investigated at several upland sites in Brazil selected according to their climate characteristics, and to the agricultural importance. To determine the (137)Cs deposition density, undisturbed soil profiles were taken from 23 environments situated between the latitudes of 02 degrees N and 30 degrees S. Sampling sites located along to the equator exhibited (137)Cs deposition densities with an average value of 219Bqm(-2). Extremely low deposition densities of 1.3Bqm(-2) were found in the Amazon region. In contrast, the southern part of Brazil, located between latitudes of 20 degrees S and 34 degrees S, exhibited considerably higher deposition densities ranging from 140Bqm(-2) to 1620Bqm(-2). To examine the (137)Cs soil-to-plant transfer in the Brazilian agricultural products, 29 mainly tropical plant species, and corresponding soil samples were collected at 43 sampling locations in nine federal states of Brazil. Values of the (137)Cs concentration factor plant/soil exhibited a large range from 0.020 (beans) to 6.2 (cassava). Samples of some plant species originated from different collecting areas showed different concentration factors. The (137)Cs content of some plants collected was not measurable due to a very low (137)Cs concentration level found in the upper layers of the incremental soils. Globally, the soil-to-plant transfer of (137)Cs can be described by a logarithmic normal distribution with a geometric mean of 0.3 and a geometric standard deviation of 3.9.  相似文献   

The microbial biomass (Cbio), respiration (basal respiration (BR) and potential respiration (PR)), and derived indices for 520 independent soil samples of 117 different soils from the Czech Republic were statistically analysed. The broad range of soil samples allowed the stepwise breakdown of the database into six reasonable categories of soil: arable soils, loamy grassland soils, sandy grassland soils with weak organic matter content, sandy grassland soils with moderate organic matter content, forest soils with moderate organic matter content, and forest organic soils with rich organic matter content. Because soil microbiology lacks benchmarking values, the ranges of the microbial characteristics for these categories were stated and are presented here. The separation into soil groups narrowed the ranges enough to be useful for comparative purposes. The groups displayed significant differences in basal microbial parameters. The lowest microbial biomass was found in arable soils and grassland sandy soils with weak organic matter content. The highest microbial biomass was shown by loamy grassland soils and organic forest soils. Respiration displayed similar results to the microbial biomass. The derived indices revealed less significant differences confirming their inner-standard nature. The relationships between the soil contamination and microbial parameters were not explored because of the confounding effect of soil organic matter. However, it was not shown by the category of grassland sandy soils with weak organic matter content suggesting they could be especially suitable for the biomonitoring of harmful effects of chemicals on soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Soil blocks from 18 paddy fields around three Korean nuclear power plant sites were put into lysimeters. Greenhouse experiments were carried out to investigate the (137)Cs transfer from these paddy soils to rice plants for its deposition at different growth stages. A solution of (137)Cs was applied to the flooded lysimeters at 2-3 different stages. The applied (137)Cs was mixed with the topsoil only at the pre-transplanting application. The transfer was quantified with a transfer factor based on the unit-area deposition (TF(a), m(2)kg(-1)-dry). The TF(a) in the pre-transplanting application showed a remarkable variation with the soils. However, the differences in the mean values among the study sites were not statistically significant. The straw TF(a) was 2-3 times higher than the corresponding seed value. The early-tillering stage and booting stage applications resulted in a higher transfer than the pre-transplanting application by factors of, on an average, 2 and 16 for the straws, and 3 and 25 for the hulled seeds, respectively. The (137)Cs transfer was found to correlate negatively with the soil pH and positively with the organic matter content. Based on the present results, the representative (137)Cs TF(a) values for the rice are proposed for use in the whole of Korea for the deposition at three different growth stages.  相似文献   

Measurements of soil-to-plant transfer of (134)Cs, (85)Sr and (65)Zn from two tropical red earth soils ('Blain' and 'Tippera') to sorghum and mung crops have been undertaken in the north of Australia. The aim of the study was to identify factors that control bioaccumulation of these radionuclides in tropical regions, for which few previous data are available. Batch sorption experiments were conducted to determine the distribution coefficient (K(d)) of the selected radionuclides at pH values similar to natural pH values, which ranged from about 5.5 to 6.7. In addition, K(d) values were obtained at one pH unit above and below the soil-water equilibrium pH values to determine the effect of pH. The adsorption of Cs showed no pH dependence, but the K(d) values for the Tippera soils (2300-4100 ml/g) exceeded those for the Blain soils (800-1200 ml/g) at equilibrium pH. This was related to the greater clay content of the Tippera soil. Both Sr and Zn were more strongly adsorbed at higher pH values, but the K(d) values showed less dependence on the soil type. Strontium K(d)s were 30-60 ml/g whilst Zn ranged from 160 to 1630 ml/g for the two soils at equilibrium pH. With the possible exception of Sr, there was no evidence for downward movement of radionuclides through the soils during the course of the growing season. There was some evidence of surface movement of labelled soil particles. Soil-to-plant transfer factors varied slightly between the soils. The average results for sorghum were 0.1-0.3 g/g for Cs, 0.4-0.8 g/g for Sr and 18-26 g/g for Zn (dry weight) with the initial values relating to Blain and the following values to Tippera. Similar values were observed for the mung bean samples. The transfer factors for Cs and Sr were not substantially different from the typical values observed in temperate studies. However, Zn transfer factors for plants grown on both these tropical soils were greater than for soils in temperate climates (by more than an order of magnitude). This may be related to trace nutrient deficiency and/or the growth of fungal populations in these soils. The results indicate that transfer factors depend on climatic region together with soil type and chemistry and underline the value of specific bioaccumulation data for radionuclides in tropical soils.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that plant uptake of radiocaesium (RCs) is related to the activity concentration of RCs in soil solution, which is linked to the soil/soil solution distribution coefficient, K(D). The solid-liquid distribution of RCs is generally studied in soil suspensions in the laboratory and there are few reported measurements for in situ soil solutions. From a data set of 53 different soils (contaminated with either 134CsCl or 137CsCl) used in pot trials to investigate grass uptake of RCs, we analysed the variation of in situ K(D) with measured soil properties. The soils differed widely in % clay (0.5-58%), organic matter content (1.9-96%) and pH (2.4-7.0, CaCl2). The K(D) varied between 29 and 375,000 L kg-' (median 1460 L kg(-1)). Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the log K(D) and pH (p < 0.001), log %clay (p < 0.01) and log exchangeable K (p < 0.001) (overall R2 = 0.70). The in situ K(D) values were further compared to K(D)S predicted using an existing model, which assumes that RCs sorption occurs on specific sites and regular ion-exchange sites on the soil solid phase. Sorption of RCs on specific sites was quantified from the radiocaesium interception potential (RIP) measured for each soil and the soil solution concentrations of K+ and NH4+. The in situ log K(D) correlated well with the predicted K(D) (R2 = 0.85 before plant growth, R2 = 0.83 after plant growth). However, the observations were fivefold to eightfold higher than the predictions, particularly for the mineral soils. We attribute the under-prediction to the long contact times (minimum 4 weeks) between the RCs tracers and our experimental soils relative to the short (24 h) contact times used in RIP measurements. We conclude that our data confirmed the model but that ageing of RCs in soil is a factor that needs to be considered to better predict in situ KD values.  相似文献   

将基尼系数这一福利经济学概念引入松花江流域水污染物负荷分配过程,综合考虑水循环的社会-经济-资源-环境因素,从社会经济发展、科技进步水平、水污染治理水平和资源禀赋差异角度出发,遴选出人均GDP、重污染行业总产值比重、人均水污染物产生强度、工业水污染物去除率、生活水污染物去除率、单位国土面积水资源量、国控劣Ⅴ类断面占比7项指标,以COD及NH_3-N负荷为控制因子,辅以贡献系数这一表征外部不公平性参数,构建了以基尼系数为度量标准的流域水污染负荷优化分配模型,并据此制订了松花江流域33个控制单元基于公平性的水污染负荷分配方案。研究表明,2012年松花江流域基于7项指标的基尼系数值均大于0.4,超过了基尼系数合理警戒线,说明流域控制单元间COD及NH_3-N排放在社会经济和资源环境方面存在不公平现象,其中松花江干流和第二松花江流域是不公平性特征最为突出的两个流域。在Lingo模型优化分配得到的2020年流域各单元COD削减方案中,单元21的年削减量最大,为1.82万t/a,单元10的年均削减率最高,达8%;在相应NH_3-N削减方案中,单元21的年削减量及削减率均为最大,分别达到0.08万t/a及8%。  相似文献   

The distributions of 238Pu and 239+240Pu in surface soils from the Piemonte region were measured and the main factors influencing Pu concentrations investigated. Rainfall, altitude and the concentration of organic matter play an important role, while other soil parameters (pedology, lithology and geomorphology) are of lesser significance. Contour maps of the surface soil concentrations of 238Pu and 239+240Pu are reported.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution and inventories of (137)Cs have been determined using radiocesium distributions in presumably undistributed soil profiles, collected from 36 sites distributed all over Syria (eastern Mediterranean region). Vertical distributions of (137)Cs in the collected profiles were found to be strongly correlated with soil type and five groups were identified. Based on these profiles, total (137)Cs inventory (bomb test and Chernobyl) varied between 320 Bq m(-2) and 9,647 Bq m(-2). Geographical mapping of (137)Cs inventories showed that the highest values were found in the coastal, middle and north-east regions of Syria indicating that Chernobyl atmospheric contribution to the total (137)Cs deposition in the region is predominant. In contrast, the lowest values were found in the south-east region (Syrian Badia), where a relatively uniform distribution was observed, which may only be attributed to the past global nuclear bomb test. The measured inventories were also compared with a mathematical model for estimating bomb derived (137)Cs reference inventories.  相似文献   

This study describes the chemical speciation of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cr in four selected soil types representative of the more abundant agricultural soils in the central Ebro river valley in Aragón. Gypsisols, Calcisols, Solonchaks and Solonetzs represent around 20% of the total soil surface in the region. A total of 12 selected sites have been sampled and five subsamples were taken in each site to create a composite sample. The four elements have been analysed by the sequential extraction procedure of Tessier et al. [Anal. Chem. 51 (1979) 844.] by emission atomic spectrometry of solid state (ICP OES). Very little amounts of Fe and Mn were retrieved from the exchangeable phase, the ready available for biogeochemistry cycles in the ecosystems. Therefore, low quantities of Fe and Mn can be taken up by plants in these alkaline soils. Cr was not detected in the bioavailable forms as well as Zn that was only present in negligible amounts in very few samples. The absence of mobile forms of Cr in all soils eliminates the toxic risk both in the trophic chain and from its migration downwards the soil profile. The largest contents of Fe, Zn and Cr were retrieved from the residual phase where metals are strongly bound to minerals, whereas Mn from the carbonate and oxide phases amounts 80% of its total content. Gypsisols and Calcisols have the lowest metal contents while the highest are found in Solonetzs and Solonchaks.  相似文献   

Selected chemical characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) in 89 waste ash samples, including food scrap ashes (FSA), animal waste ashes (AWA), horticulture waste ashes (HWA), sewage sludge ashes (SSA) and incinerator bottom ashes (IBA), were examined in this study. The results showed that Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Dy, Yb, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu in the waste ash samples were normally distributed, but Sc, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb were not. Average REE concentrations followed the sequence of Ce > La = Y> Sc>Nd>Sm>Pr>Gd>Dy>Eu>Tb>Er> Yb>Ho>Lu>Tm. Of the five types of waste ashes, total REE contents (sigmaREE) ranged from 54 to 130 mg/kg, following the sequence of SSA>HWA>IBA>AWA>FSA; individual REE concentrations were within 0.04-20, 0.1-29, 0.2-33, 0.1-44 and 0.01-41 mg/kg for FSA, AWA, HWA, SSA and IBA, respectively. Crust-normalized REE patterns indicated that SSA was enriched with Sc, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb and slightly enriched with La, Ce; IBA was enriched with Eu, Tb and slightly with La, Y, Ce; FSA was slightly enriched with Sm, Eu, Tb; REEs were not found to be elevated in HWA and AWA. Comparison of REE content in the waste ashes and in six principal Japanese agricultural soils indicated that application of FSA, AWA and HWA to agricultural land will cause no REE problem, but continuous application of SSA or IBA may cause Sc, Sm or Eu accumulation in some of the soils.  相似文献   

The phenetic structure of Dreissena polymorpha populations in different water bodies is considered. The phenotypes of shell pattern and sculpture are identified and described using a scheme based on elementary characters, or pattern elements. It is shown that the frequencies of phenes in mollusks from different biotopes of the cooling system of two thermal power plants differ significantly. The data on species phenogeography are reviewed.  相似文献   

Variations in the parameters of the life cycle in freshwater prawns of the genus MacrobrachiumBate and some populations of the species Macrobrachium nipponense(De Haan) were analyzed comparatively. Using factor analysis, these parameters were systematized and expressed through two factors. The first factor is related to the parameters of larval development and the dimensions of an egg, and the second, to the length of adults and their fecundity. The greatest differences in the values of intrageneric and intraspecific variation of parameters are noted for the dimensions of larval stages. It is assumed that the formation of a species proceeds primarily through the appearance of adaptations at larval stages.  相似文献   

Young (1 month old) and mature (2 years old) constructozems (artificial soils) were supplemented with individual heavy metal salts or diesel fuel at different concentrations. The polluted and control constructozem variants were incubated and sampled at different time points to determine microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial respiration (MR). These parameters were found to be almost twice higher in the young than in the mature constructozem, with all pollutants causing an increase in Cmic, MR, and MR/Cmic = qCO2 values. The pollutant type had an effect on MR and qCO2 variances, and the time of exposure, on Cmic. The qCO2 value showed a strong positive correlation with pollutant concentrations, allowing this parameter to be regarded as a suitable indicator of urban environmental pollution.  相似文献   

以黄河生态经济带包含的青海、宁夏、甘肃、河南、河北、陕西、山西、内蒙古、北京、天津、山东11个省(直辖市或自治区)为研究对象,采用2015~2018年空气质量监测数据,研究了其时空变化特征.结果 表明:(1)黄河生态经济带整体的空气质量有所改善,但BM10、NO2、O3的改善情况并不明显.(2)在气温较低的春季、秋季、冬季,污染物浓度会增加,气温越低,中段和东段部分城市污染物排放量会明显增加,从而使得整个黄河生态经济带空气质量的差异也越大,其中SO2的季节波动最为明显.(3)区域间空气质量的差距正在拉大,陕西、山西、河南正在成为整个黄河生态经济带的空气污染中心,并且污染的核心区域正逐渐向西移动.  相似文献   

Soil contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is an increasing problem in many countries, including China. An extensive and systematic survey has been undertaken to evaluate the contamination with PAHs of urban soils in Beijing, China. Soil samples were collected from campuses of universities, schools and kindergartens, public squares, fallow land and roadsides, and were analyzed for 16 PAHs by GC-MS. There was a high variability in the total PAHs (SigmaPAHs) concentrations, ranging from less than 366 to 27,825 ng g(-1). The highest SigmaPAHs concentrations were found at roadsides and industrial sites. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the important factors that can influence the concentrations of PAHs in soils. It was found that concentrations of SigmaPAHs were significantly correlated with that of soil organic carbon. To trace the sources of PAHs, the ratios of phenanthrene to anthracene and fluoranthene to pyrene were used to identify pyrogenic and petrogenic sources, respectively. In most cases, PAHs in soils in urban areas of Beijing were pyrogenic. These sources included motor vehicle exhausts, industrial activities and coal burning. These data can be further used to assess the health risk associated with soils polluted with PAHs.  相似文献   

The use of cuprous fungicides in cocoa production in the southern part of the state of Bahia (Brazil) for decades has caused an accumulation of copper in various components of the cocoa plantations, and a contamination of regional freshwater ecosystems is suspected. Urban and industrial sources are supposed to contribute to water pollution and eutrophication of the Rio Cachoeira, the main river in this region. In order to study the metal contamination and nutritional status of this freshwater ecosystem, samples of the aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes were collected at seven sites along the river course. The samples were analysed for their copper, aluminium, chromium, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. The levels of heavy metals increased in the downstream direction, particularly in the roots of water hyacinth. A dramatic increase of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in water as well as in plant tissues was found in samples collected downstream from the city of Itabuna. Metal input and eutrophication were attributed to agricultural, industrial and urban sources in the region. Biomonitoring of the water quality using aquatic macrophytes as accumulative indicator plants is recommended in addition to chemical water analyses.  相似文献   

Radon is emitted to the atmosphere with quasi constant emission rates depending on the radium concentration in the earth's crust and soil physical properties. In this way, the 222Rn and 220Rn concentration in air reflects significantly the thickness of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The aerosol-associated, beta-emitting progeny nuclides of 222Rn were measured daily in the framework of the atmospheric radioactivity monitoring program of NIMH at Sofia. The 214Pb concentration was estimated from the measured short-lived beta activity of 24-h filter samples, changed daily at 6:00 GMT. The impact of some meteorological factors such as wind direction, wind velocity, humidity, and temperature on short-lived beta radionuclides is estimated, and the results show no simple statistical relationship. A seasonal pattern was observed with winter minima and late summer-early autumn maxima. High variability in daily morning concentrations and mean monthly values was observed. There were well pronounced differences between years. The height of the convective ABL was estimated from daily radio-soundings at 12:00 GMT for the period 2001-2006 and from seven soundings per day during the experimental campaign in Sofia in October 2003. In general, concentrations of short-lived 222Rn progeny nuclides decreased with increased convective ABL height.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations and fluxes of natural (210Pb, 210Po) and anthropogenic (239,240Pu, 137Cs) radionuclides have been determined in the different water masses crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. New data have been gathered during four multidisciplinary and multinational sampling campaigns, performed between 1997 and 1999 within the framework of the CANIGO-FLUGIST Project. Mean activity concentrations of 210Po (1.53+/-0.34 Bq m(-3), n = 30) and 210Pb (1.16+/-0.50 Bq m(-3), n = 31) in the Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean basin are about double those measured in the Mediterranean outflow, namely 0.84+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Po and 0.66+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Pb. The opposite trend is observed for 231,240Pu, with average concentrations of 9.9+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 29) in the incoming Atlantic flow and 22.0+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 22) in the outpouring Mediterranean water. In the case of 137Cs, the same concentrations were quantified in the waters moving inwards (2.52+/-0.28 Bq m(-3), n = 27) and outwards (2.14+/-0.52 Bq m(-3), n = 21) from the Mediterranean Sea. On this basis, the Mediterranean basin experiences a net annual input flux of 14 TBq of 210Pb and 19 TBq of 210Po, and a net annual loss of 0.34 TBq of 239,240Pu, while--at present--137Cs input and output fluxes appear to be balanced.  相似文献   

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