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Chamber experiments on juvenile trees have resulted in severe injury and accelerated loss of leaves along with reduced biomass production under chronically enhanced O3 levels. In contrast, the few studies conducted on adult forest trees in the field have reported low O3 sensitivity. In the present study, young beech in phytotrons was more sensitive to O3 than adult beech in the field, although employed O3 regimes were similar. The hypotheses tested were that: (1) differences in O3 uptake were caused by the ontogenetically higher stomatal conductance of young compared to adult trees, (2) the experimental settings in the phytotrons enhanced O3 uptake compared to field conditions, and (3) a low detoxification capacity contributes to the higher O3 sensitivity of the young trees. The higher O3 sensitivity of juvenile beech in the phytotrons is demonstrated to relate to both the experimental conditions and the physiological responsiveness inherent to tree age.  相似文献   

Although the spatial variability of throughfall (TF) in forest ecosystems can have important ecological implications, little is known about the driving factors of within-stand TF variability, particularly in deciduous forests. While the spatial variability of TF water amount and H+ deposition under a dominant beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree was significantly higher in the leafed period than in the leafless period, the spatial TF deposition patterns of most major ions were similar in both periods. The semiannual TF depositions of all ions other than H+ were significantly positively correlated (r=0.68-0.90, p<0.05) with canopy structure above sample locations throughout the entire year. The amounts of TF water and H+ deposition during the leafed period were negatively correlated with branch cover. We conclude that the spatial heterogeneity of ion deposition under beech was significantly affected by leaves in the growing period and by branches in non-foliated conditions.  相似文献   

Mature beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) grown at two different altitudes in the Bavarian forest were compared with young beech trees grown at nearby field sites or in phytotrons for their macroscopic and physiological responses to different ozone (O(3)) exposures. Cumulative O(3) exposure expressed as the sum of hourly mean concentrations above the canopy ranged between 100 and 150 microl l(-1) h, with the vertical O(3) profiles at the higher altitude site being enhanced by 30%. O(3) profiles at all sites were reduced by up to 20% with increasing depth within and beneath the canopy. The leaf discoloration that developed in the absence of premature leaf loss was similar in the sun foliage of mature and young trees (including plant grown in the phytotron). Injury became apparent at low O(3) exposures, expressed as accumulated hourly means over a threshold of 40 nl l(-1) (AOT40 <3.5 microl l(-1) h) at the lower site in both the mature trees and the young beech at the field site, but only occurred when AOT40 values reached 7 microl l(-1) h at the upper site, and 6 microl l(-1) h in the phytotrons. However, the association between injury and O(3) exposure was improved when cumulative ozone uptake to sun leaves was the ozone index, used with values of about 3 mmol m(-2) resulting in visible injury in both mature and young beech growing in phytotrons. Under high ozone exposure levels of inositol were lowered, whilst concentrations of lignin-like materials were enhanced in mature beech. Similar responses were observed in young beech grown in phytotrons. As the sun foliage was affected by only a small and variable extent each year, the seasonal O(3) impact at high altitude did not appear to pose an acute risk to mature beech trees.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings of poplar (Populus nigra) and seedlings of beech (Fagus sylvatica) were exposed to ozone in open-top chambers for one growing season. Three treatments were applied: charcoal-filtered (CF), non-filtered (NF) and non-filtered air plus 30 ppb (nl l(-1)) ozone (NF+). Extra ozone was only added on clear days, from 09:00 until 17:00-20:00. The AOT40s (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb), calculated from April to September were 4055 ppb.h for the NF and 8880 ppb.h for the NF+ treatments. For poplar ozone exposure caused highly significant reductions in growth rate, light-saturated net CO(2) assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, F(v)/F(m) and chlorophyll content. The largest effects were observed in August at which time ozone concentrations were elevated. A reduction was noticed in new leaf production, while accelerated ageing and visible damage to leaves caused high leaf losses. For beech the responses were similar but less pronounced: ozone exposure resulted in non-significant growth reductions, slight changes in light-saturated photosynthesis and accelerated leaf abscission. The chlorophyll content of beech leaves was not affected by the ozone treatments. The results confirmed previous observations that fast-growing tree species, such as most poplar species and hybrids, are more sensitive and responsive to tropospheric ozone than slower-growing species, such as beech. The growth reductions observed and reported here for beech were within the range of those reported in relationship to the AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb) critical level for ozone.  相似文献   

The relationships between crown defoliation of beech, visible foliar symptoms on native vegetation and ozone exposure were investigated on permanent monitoring sites in South-Western Europe in the years 2000-2002. Relationships between defoliation of beech and O3 (seasonal mean, 2-week maximum, AOT40) were investigated by means of multiple regression models (11 plots, 1-3 years of data each) and a model based on temporal autocorrelation of defoliation data (14 plots, 1-3 years of data each). Different multiple regression techniques were used. The four models generated (R2=0.71-0.85, explained variance in cross-validation 61-78%) identified several significant predictors of defoliation, with AOT40 (p=0.008) and foliar content of phosphorous (p=0.0002-0.0004) being common to all models. The autocorrelation model (R2=0.55; p<0.0001) was used to calculate expected defoliation on the basis of the previous year's defoliation, and model predictions were used as an estimate of expected defoliation under constant site and environmental condition. Residuals (predicted-measured) plotted against current AOT40 shows that a possible effect of ozone occurs only at very high AOT40 (>35,000 ppbh). O3-like visible foliar symptoms were recorded on 65 species at 47% of the common monitoring sites in 2001 and 38% in 2002. No relationship was found between O3 exposure, frequency of symptomatic sites and frequency of species with symptoms (R2=0.11; p>0.05). A number of questions related to the ecological and methodological basis of the survey were identified. Inherent sampling and non-sampling errors and multicollinearity of the data suggest great caution when examining results obtained from mensurational, correlative studies.  相似文献   

Bernhardt A  Ruck W 《Chemosphere》2004,57(10):1563-1570
The pesticide contamination of water samples collected in and nearby a beech forest in northern Germany was evaluated. For this purpose, a method for the collection of water samples from stemflow and throughfall of beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) and rainfall was developed in response to the demands for the analysis of organic contaminants in water samples. Furthermore a sensitive and selective multiresidue method was developed to determine 18 pesticides, frequently used in Germany, in aqueous samples. The samples collected were taken from the stemflow, the crown throughfall and the rainfall between May and November 2001. Analysis based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography with a pneumatically assisted electrospray mass spectrometer followed a solid phase extraction using C-18 extraction cartridges. Isoproturon, metolachlor, prosulfocarb and terbuthylazine were found during and shortly after their application period. In rainfall metolachlor, terbuthylazine and prosulfocarb were detectable in concentrations between 5 and 65 ng l(-1) and isoproturon in concentrations between 20 and 360 ng l(-1) respectively. In most of the samples, concentrations of those four pesticides were higher and detectable for a longer time in stemflow than in rainfall. Crown throughfall samples were collected from the end of August to November. Absolute deposition of isoproturon to forest soil were up to 70 times higher in comparison to rainwater samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish whether EU and UN-ECE/ICP-Forests monitoring data (i) provide the variables necessary to apply the flux-based modeling methods and (ii) meet the quality criteria necessary to apply the flux-based critical level concept. Application of this model has been possible using environmental data collected from the EU and UN-ECE/ICP-Forests monitoring network in Switzerland and Italy for 2000-2002. The test for data completeness and plausibility resulted in 6 out of a possible total of 20 Fagus sylvatica L. plots being identified as suitable from Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and France. The results show that the collected data allow the identification of different spatial and temporal areas and periods as having higher risk to ozone than those identified using the AOT40 approach. However, it was also apparent that the quality and completeness of the available data may severely limit a complete risk assessment across Europe.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated O3 on photosynthetic properties in adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) were investigated in relation to leaf mass per area as a measure of the gradually changing, within-canopy light availability. Leaves under elevated O3 showed decreased stomatal conductance at unchanged carboxylation capacity of Rubisco, which was consistent with enhanced δ13C of leaf organic matter, regardless of the light environment during growth. In parallel, increased energy demand for O3 detoxification and repair was suggested under elevated O3 owing to enhanced dark respiration. Only in shade-grown leaves, light-limited photosynthesis was reduced under elevated O3, this effect being accompanied by lowered Fv/Fm. These results suggest that chronic O3 exposure primarily caused stomatal closure to adult beech trees in the field regardless of the within-canopy light gradient. However, light limitation apparently raised the O3 sensitivity of photosynthesis and accelerated senescence in shade leaves.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2001, 2-year-old Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus sylvatica plants were subjected to ozone-rich environmental conditions at the Regional Forest Nursery at Curno (Northern Italy). Atmospheric ozone concentrations and stomatal conductance were measured, in order to calculate the foliar fluxes by means of a one-dimensional model. The foliar structure of both species was examined (thickness of the lamina and of the individual tissues, leaf mass per area, leaf density) and chlorophyll a fluorescence was determined as a response parameter. Stomatal conductance was always greater in Fraxinus excelsior, as was ozone uptake, although the highest absorption peaks did not match the peaks of ozone concentration in the atmosphere. The foliar structure can help explain this phenomenon: Fraxinus excelsior has a thicker mesophyll than Fagus sylvatica (indicating a greater photosynthesis potential) and a reduced foliar density. This last parameter, related to the apoplastic fraction, suggests a greater ability to disseminate the gases within the leaf as well as a greater potential detoxifying capacity. As foliar symptoms spread, the parameters relating to chlorophyll a fluorescence also change. PI (Performance Index, Strasser, A., Srivastava, A., Tsimilli-Michael, M., 2000. The fluorescence transient as a tool to characterize and screen photosynthetic samples. In: Yunus, M., Pathre, U., Mohanty, P., (Eds.) Probing Photosynthesis: Mechanisms, Regulation and Adaptation. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp. 445-483.) has proved to be a more suitable index than Fv/Fm (Quantum Yield Efficiency) to record the onset of stress conditions.  相似文献   

An Open-Top Chambers experiment on Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings was conducted in order to compare the performance of an exposure-based (AOT40) and a flux-based approaches in predicting the appearance of ozone visible injuries on leaves. Three different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered; non-filtered; and open plots) and two soil moisture treatments (watered and non-watered plots) were performed. A Jarvisian stomatal conductance model was drawn up and parameterised for both species and typical South Alpine environmental conditions, thus allowing the calculation of ozone stomatal fluxes for every treatment. A critical ozone flux level for the onset of leaf visible injury in beech was clearly identified between 32.6 and 33.6 mmolO3 m(-2). In contrast, it was not possible to identify an exposure critical level using the AOT40 index. Water stress delayed the onset of the leaf visible injuries, but the flux-based approach was able to take it into account accurately.  相似文献   

Beech seedlings were grown under different nitrogen fertilisation regimes (0, 20, 40, and 80 kg Nha(-1)yr(-1)) for three years and were fumigated with either charcoal-filtered (F) or ambient air (O3). Nitrogen fertilisation increased leaf necroses, aphid infestations, and nutrient ratios in the leaves (N:P and N:K), as a result of decreased phosphorus and potassium concentrations. For plant growth, biomass accumulation, and starch concentrations, a positive nitrogen effect was found, but only for fertilisations of up to 40 kg Nha(-1) yr(-1). The highest nitrogen load, however, reduced leaf area, leaf water content, growth, biomass accumulation, and starch concentrations, whereas soluble carbohydrate concentrations were enhanced. The ozone fumigation resulted in reduced leaf area, leaf water content, shoot growth, root biomass accumulation, and decreased starch, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations, increasing the N:P and N:K ratios. A combined effect of the two pollutants was detected for the leaf area and the shoot elongation, where ozone fumigation amplified the nitrogen effects.  相似文献   

Epidemiological analysis of sequential growth data may be a tool in assessing ozone sensitivity of mature trees. Annual shoot growth of mature Fagus sylvatica in 83 Swiss permanent forest observation plots and of Picea abies in 61 plots was evaluated for 11 and 8 consecutive years, respectively, using branches harvested every 4 years. The data were assessed as annual deviation from average growth and related to fructification, ozone, meteorological parameters, and modelled soil water content using a mixed linear model. In beech, a significant association between ozone and shoot growth was observed which corresponded to a 7.4% growth reduction between 0 and 10 ppm h AOT40 (accumulated ozone over threshold 40). This is in the same order of magnitude as the response observed in experiments with seedlings. No interaction was found between ozone and drought parameters. In Norway spruce, shoot growth was neither associated with ozone nor with drought.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) plants in two different soil moisture regimes were directly quantified and subsequently modeled over an entire growing season. Direct measurements captured the dynamic response of stomatal conductance to changing environmental conditions throughout the day, as well as declining gas exchange and carbon assimilation throughout the growth period beyond an early summer maximum. This phenomenon was observed in plants grown both with and without supplemental soil moisture, the latter of which should theoretically mitigate against harmful physiological effects caused by exposure to ozone. Seasonally declining rates of stomatal conductance were found to be substantial and incorporated into models, making them less susceptible to the overestimations of effective exposure that are an inherent source of error in ozone exposure indices. The species-specific evidence presented here supports the integration of dynamic physiological processes into flux-based modeling approaches for the prediction of ozone injury in vegetation.  相似文献   

Tyler G  Olsson T 《Chemosphere》2006,65(2):250-260
The amounts of sixty elements in developing, maturing, senescent and wilting leaves, and in the wintering dead leaves attached to the branches, are reported for a beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest on mor Podzol in south Sweden, a site with no local sources of pollution or geological anomalies. The amounts (contents per leaf) of K (potassium), Rb (rubidium), Cs (caesium), Cu (copper) and P (phosphorus) were highest in young leaves, decreasing throughout the growing season and usually in the subsequent winter. The entirely opposite pattern with a continuous, mostly even increase of the amounts was measured with Be (beryllium), Ba (barium), Hg (mercury), Al (aluminium), Tl (thallium), Pb (lead), Bi (bismuth), V (vanadium), W (tungsten), As (arsenic), Sb (antimony), and Se (selenium). Amounts of rare-earth elements and some transition metals, such as Co (cobalt), Ti (titanium), and the actinides Th (thorium) and U (uranium) were more stable during the growing season, after an initial increase in early summer, but increased greatly in the winter. This winter increase in dead attached leaves has to be accounted for by uptake from long-distance transported constituents in dry and wet deposition. It was similar to deposition rate estimates using moss carpets from the same locality. A passive uptake was positively related to ionic charge and atomic mass. However, the amounts of several, mainly non-essential elements, such as Ni (nickel), Sc (scandium), Zr (zirconium), Cr (chromium), Ag (silver), and Cd (cadmium) were not much lower in the young or maturing leaves than in the wintered dead leaves of this deciduous (hardwood) forest and a proportion apparently originated from internal translocation in the trees. Seasonal fluxes or cycling of many of the scarce or rare elements reported here have never been studied before in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The inheritance of ozone (O(3)) insensitivity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was evaluated using F(2) and F(3) populations under ambient conditions. This study was conducted over two growing seasons (1987, 1988) at Virginia State University, Randolph Research Farm, Petersburg, Virginia. Two populations were obtained by crossing insensitive plant introductions with sensitive commercial cultivars. Ratings on the scale of 1 to 5 (1 = 0 to 20% leaf injury, 2 = 21 to 40%, 3 = 41 to 60%, 4 = 61 to 80%, and 5 > 80%) were made on 160 F(2), F(3) progenies, and parental lines. Population mean injury ratings were recorded and estimates of genotypic, environmental, and phenotypic variances were computed. Estimates of heritability in the broadsense and of genetic advance were calculated for each population using F(2) and family component variance methods. Population means of the F(2) and F(3) progenies were not significantly different from their mid-parent values, suggesting that genetic variance was primarily additive. Broad-sense heritability estimates using F(2) variance method ranged from 51.4 to 70.5% and using family component variance method ranged from 62.1 to 75.6%. In this study, the computed genetic advance values closely parallel those of heritability estimated values. The high heritable nature of insensitivity would indicate that effective levels of insensitivity could be transferred to agronomically superior cultivars in a relatively short time.  相似文献   

Monoterpenoid emissions from Fagus sylvatica L. trees have been measured at light- and temperature-controlled conditions in a growth chamber, using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and the dynamic branch enclosure technique.De novo synthesized monoterpenoid Standard Emission Factors, obtained by applying the G97 algorithm (Guenther, 1997), varied between 2 and 32 μg gDW?1 h?1 and showed a strong decline in late August and September, probably due to senescence.The response of monoterpenoid emissions to temperature variations at a constant daily light pattern could be well reproduced with a modified version of the MEGAN algorithm (Guenther et al., 2006), with a typical dependence on the average temperature over the past five days.The diurnal emissions at constant temperature showed a typical hysteretic behaviour, which could also be adequately described with the modified MEGAN algorithm by taking into account a dependence on the average light levels experienced by the trees during the past 10–13 h.The impact of the past light and temperature conditions on the monoterpenoid emissions from F. sylvatica L. was found to be much stronger than assumed in previous algorithms.Since our experiments were conducted under low light intensity, future studies should aim at confirming and completing the proposed algorithm updates in sunny conditions and natural environments.  相似文献   

Fine root dynamics (diameter < 1 mm) in mature Fagus sylvatica, with the canopies exposed to ambient or twice-ambient ozone concentrations, were investigated throughout 2004. The focus was on the seasonal timing and extent of fine root dynamics (growth, mortality) in relation to the soil environment (water content, temperature). Under ambient ozone concentrations, a significant relationship was found between fine root turnover and soil environmental changes indicating accelerated fine root turnover under favourable soil conditions. In contrast, under elevated ozone, this relationship vanished as the result of an altered temporal pattern of fine root growth. Fine root survival and turnover rate did not differ significantly between the different ozone regimes, although a delay in current-year fine root shedding was found under the elevated ozone concentrations. The data indicate that increasing tropospheric ozone levels can alter the timing of fine root turnover in mature F. sylvatica but do not affect the turnover rate.  相似文献   

We characterized leaf gas exchange and antioxidative defence of two-year-old seedlings and 60-year-old trees of Fagus sylvatica exposed to ambient (1 x O3) or two-fold ambient (2 x O3) O3 concentrations (maximum of 150 ppb) in a free-air canopy exposure system throughout the growing season. Decline in photosynthesis from sun-exposed to shaded conditions was more pronounced in adult than juvenile trees. Seedling leaves and leaves in the sun-exposed canopy had higher stomatal conductance and higher internal CO2 concentrations relative to leaves of adult trees and leaves in shaded conditions. There was a weak overall depression of photosynthesis in the 2 x O3 variants across age classes and canopy positions. Pigment and tocopherol concentrations of leaves were significantly affected by canopy position and tree age, whereas differences between 1 x O3 and 2 x O3 regimes were not observed. Glutathione concentrations were significantly increased under 2 x O3 across both age classes and canopy levels. Seedlings differed from adult trees in relevant physiological and biochemical traits in ozone response. The water-soluble antioxidative systems responded most sensitively to 2 x O3 without regard of tree age or canopy position.  相似文献   

To study the biochemical mechanism of EDU protection against ozone injury, peroxidase, ascorbate-dependent peroxidase, and catalase activities, and the contents of ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, malondialdehyde and soluble protein were measured in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Lit exposed to ozone and ethylenediurea (EDU) in open-top chambers. Plants not treated with EDU showed foliar bronzing due to ozone, while EDU-treated plants were not affected. EDU application modified the reaction of biochemical parameters to ozone. Soluble protein content was elevated by EDU. Peroxidase activity increased with ozone exposure in untreated plants only, while ascorbate-dependent peroxidase activity was lower in EDU treated plants. Catalase activity decreased in EDU-untreated plants. The ratio of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid was significantly increased in EDU treated plants. These results suggest that EDU might induce ascorbic acid synthesis and therefore provide the plant with a very potent antioxidant. Or the content of hydrogen peroxide was reduced due to other unknown processes and caused a delay in foliar senescence, regardless of whether these processes were ozone-induced or due to natural aging processes.  相似文献   

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