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This study introduces the principles of KMG's (Kaoshiung Municipal Government) dealing with the non-poisonous urban and industrial waste through reclamation of shore land in reinforcing a sense of coastal protection and land development in Tai-Lin-Pu coastal area, southern Taiwan.

Through a series of experimental studies, we found that substitutes of coarse aggregate with a broad spectrum of integrating slag powder, fly ash, and cementitious material can be obtained with a benefit up to 80% saving of cement. the integrated aggregates from the non-poisonous industrial wastes were subsequently made into armour units and used in the field tests at Tai-Lin-Pu coastal area, where the shorelines are seriously eroded. After being subjected to several severe typhoon advents, the results showed that the waste-made units used as the protection breakwater, together with construction wastes and excavated soil as the filling material, prove to be an effective practice in utilizing recycled urban waste to reclaim erosive shore lands. Moreover, this study also demonstrates that through detailed analysis of the waste characteristics, scrap material could be turned into valuable construction aggregates, and highlights the value of non-poisonous urban and industrial waste as a alternative resource for the shore protection engineering.  相似文献   

Since the Neolithic, humans have gathered along coastal plains, where they had to face sea level rise and subsidence without the technology to oppose these processes. When sea level stabilized, approx. 6.000 yr. B.P., coastal colonization was allowed, but where mountain deforestation was carried out river sediment input increased tremendously: settlements were disconnected from the shore and harbour siltation occurred. Shore erosion was a limited process at the time and local solutions were adopted: clay dikes, wood piles, fascinates and rock revetments. Along the Mediterranean, in China and Japan the construction of more complex structures has been documented since the Middle Ages. Further human development, with river bed quarrying, wetland reclamation, dam construction and mountain re-afforestation, favoured a coastal erosion that nowadays threatens most world coasts. From the Venetian “Murazzi” to the recent 114-km-long concrete element defence at the Yellow river delta, shore protection structures evolved following the different needs (protect coastal communication routes, urban and industrial settlements, tourist resorts). Beach nourishment, previously performed with inland quarried materials, is now intensively carried out with marine aggregates. The vernacular solution, left to undeveloped countries, has been recently revaluated by “green engineering”. However, with Sea Level Rise, the debate of whether to defend, accommodate or retreat is open.  相似文献   

21世纪城市生活垃圾生态化处理展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国目前由于管理,经济,技术以及公众环境意识的薄弱,城市生活垃圾已成为污染环境的一大公富,大致使大量有用资源浪费,就生态城市建设中垃圾生态化处理的重要性和对策进行了探讨,以期推动我国城市生活垃圾生态化处理和生态城市建设工作的开展。  相似文献   

The New York Bight is perhaps one of the most used and abused coastal areas in the world as a consequence of urbanization and the disposal of the waste of some 20 million people who reside by its shores and surrounding bays and estuaries. A variety of sources, including those associated with sewage wastes, industrial wastes, contaminated dredged material, urban runoff, and atmospheric fallout contaminate these coastal waters. Many of the stresses of excess population and industrialization as measured by pollutant loadings and ecosystem impacts can be crudely quantified in terms of use impairments-use impairments that have measurable social and economic relevance. Five broad categories of impairment attributed to pollution in the Bight that are causing significant losses of ecological, economic, or social values are: beach closures, unsafe seafoods, hazards to commercial and recreational navigation, loss of commercial and recreational fisheries, and declines in birds, mammals and turtles. These impairments are generally caused by floatable wastes, nutrients, toxicants, pathogens and habitat loss. Measures of such impairments are not standard, nor in many cases totally quantifiable. We have examined specific subsets of these impairments in terms of their spatial and temporal changes and as a first approximation determined the economic and social significance of these changes. the cost of these impaired uses of the Bight are measured in terms of billions of dollars annually for New York and New Jersey.  相似文献   

The New York Bight is perhaps one of the most used and abused coastal areas in the world as a consequence of urbanization and the disposal of the waste of some 20 million people who reside by its shores and surrounding bays and estuaries. A variety of sources, including those associated with sewage wastes, industrial wastes, contaminated dredged material, urban runoff, and atmospheric fallout contaminate these coastal waters. Many of the stresses of excess population and industrialization as measured by pollutant loadings and ecosystem impacts can be crudely quantified in terms of use impairments-use impairments that have measurable social and economic relevance. Five broad categories of impairment attributed to pollution in the Bight that are causing significant losses of ecological, economic, or social values are: beach closures, unsafe seafoods, hazards to commercial and recreational navigation, loss of commercial and recreational fisheries, and declines in birds, mammals and turtles. These impairments are generally caused by floatable wastes, nutrients, toxicants, pathogens and habitat loss. Measures of such impairments are not standard, nor in many cases totally quantifiable. We have examined specific subsets of these impairments in terms of their spatial and temporal changes and as a first approximation determined the economic and social significance of these changes. the cost of these impaired uses of the Bight are measured in terms of billions of dollars annually for New York and New Jersey.  相似文献   

In Italy, two different types of wastes can be dumped in the seas: industrial wastes and dredged material. There are no cases of sludges from urban treatment plants being discharged into the sea.

The sea dumping of harbour dredging sludges is a long standing practice, while the disposal of industrial wastes dates back to 1965.

Two specific laws regulate these two activities, although they do not establish quality standards for the receiving sea environment. Careful evaluation must be made, case by case, of possible effects of discharge with regard to physico-chemical characteristics of materials, to general oceanological characteristics of the dumpsite and to the uses to which such a dumpsite is designated.

The analysis of different cases of industrial waste dumping, carried out at the pre-operational level and during discharge, revealed some potential for negative long-term effects on the sea environment. This, as well as the increasing public sensitivity to environmental problems, led the management agencies in Italy to take several measures aimed to stop all forms of sea dumping of industrial wastes and to revise the general criteria in issuing permits for the discharge of dredged material.  相似文献   

苏北盐城海岸带陆源氮磷污染负荷估算初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
海岸带陆源氮磷污染输入是导致近海赤潮的主要原因,但目前尚缺乏系统的调查研究。文章采用野外实地调查和文献调研相结合的方法,从农田径流、养殖废水排放、居民生活污水和工业废水排放等几个方面,初步估算了盐城海岸带陆源氮磷污染负荷的分配情况。结果表明,盐城海岸带主要陆源污染源中,养殖水域氮磷排放总量为7641t和480t,分别占排放总量的75.1%、63.5%;其次为居民工矿的生活生产污水,其氮磷排放量为2083t和232t,占总排放量的20.5%、30.7%;农田目前看来不是盐城海岸带主要的陆源污染源,排放量仅占4.4%和5.8%。在当前海岸带陆源污染源治理中,除采取有力措施控制养殖水域养分流失外,农村和乡镇生活生产污水的排放也应引起重视。  相似文献   

Ghoramara Island is located ca. 150 km south of Kolkata, Bay of Bengal, India, in the Sundarban Delta complex. This sparsely populated island is suffering from severe coastal erosion and areal reduction for the last three decades, which results in the loss of major areas on the northwest coast. Both numerous households and a significant area of agricultural land and coastal stretches for fish drying have been lost. This has rendered thousands of people homeless as ‘environmental refugess’. In the present paper an attempt is made to study the erosion and accretion process through time series analysis using a GIS technique. Also, a study of remedial measures to protect the island using a ‘bio-engineering’ technique is reported in this paper. It has been shown that, in the absence of protection measures, the eastern shore will merge with the Indian mainland during the next 25 years, while the western part will be completely washed off.  相似文献   

The interactions among industrial development, land use/cover change (LUCC), and environmental effects in Changshu in the eastern coastal China were analyzed using high-resolution Landsat TM data in 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2006, socio-economic data and water environmental quality monitoring data from research institutes and governmental departments. Three phases of industrial development in Changshu were examined (i.e., the three periods of 1990 to 1995, 1995 to 2000, and 2000 to 2006). Besides industrial development and rapid urbanization, land use/cover in Changshu had changed drastically from 1990 to 2006. This change was characterized by major replacements of farmland by urban and rural settlements, artificial ponds, forested and constructed land. Industrialization, urbanization, agricultural structure adjustment, and rural housing construction were the major socio-economic driving forces of LUCC in Changshu. In addition, the annual value of ecosystem services in Changshu decreased slightly during 1990–2000, but increased significantly during 2000–2006. Nevertheless, the local environmental quality in Changshu, especially in rural areas, has not yet been improved significantly. Thus, this paper suggests an increased attention to fully realize the role of land supply in adjustment of environment-friendly industrial structure and urban-rural spatial restructuring, and translating the land management and environmental protection policies into an optimized industrial distribution and land-use pattern.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the views of citizens of the Province of Larnaka in Cyprus regarding solutions to combat the problem of water shortage in the area in which they live in. The research was carried out in 2008–2009 and used simple random sampling involving 426 individuals. According to the citizens, the most important solutions to the problem of water shortage are, in order of importance, desalination of seawater; less prodigal use of water; reduction of water losses from the transport network; construction of water dams; and reforestation of non-vegetated areas. These were followed by the construction of lake dams on agricultural land; installation of a water recycling system; construction of trenches in surfaces with steep slopes; protection and creation of agricultural evergreen plantations; use of seawater in pools; use of liquid urban waste for irrigation purposes; and construction of water tanks in houses to take advantage of rainwater. Less accepted solutions were deep tillage of arable land along contour lines; construction of terraces; rangeland management; and transporting water in tankers.  相似文献   

大亚湾开发区由于自然地理条件优越,特别是曾因美国的熊猫汽车和英荷壳牌石油等的落户而带动了区域经济的迅速发展,成为广东省沿海地区外商投资的热点,使原为滨海小镇的穷乡僻壤面临大规模高强度的开发.本文根据区域自然环境条件和经济发展势态.对土地资源的利用现状、土地利用结构的动态变化以及土地承载力状况进行分析;指出在开发过程中存在的耕地面积急剧下降.农田用多养少,土地征而未用以及在规划上对农业的重视不足等问题;最后从协调经济发展与土地利用保护的矛盾,维护区域的良好自然生态环境和土地资源的可持续利用出发,对区域的土地利用保护提出了六点对策性措施.  相似文献   


The generation, handling, and safe disposal of waste materials has become a major concern in North America. Approval of facilities for waste processing and proper disposal is becoming more difficult to obtain. Furthermore, there is a growing public awareness of the importance of conserving and preserving our valuable natural resources. This expanding awareness has given rise to the trend towards recycling or reuse of awide variety of solid wastes. Experiences with using waste materials in highway construction can vary considerably, depending on material characteristics, construction processes, and climatic differences. A number of waste materials may be suitable for use in highway construction, but others may not. The objective of this paper is introduced in two tasks. The first is to include a survey of the waste materials and by-products that have been used successfully, or may be used, as materials for highway construction or maintenance work. This also includes determination of the state of practice concerning economic and technical factors for these wastes. The second is to rank these materials based on three criteria: number of uses by State agencies, economic uses and performance aspects.  相似文献   

The fluvial system within the southwestern coastal sector of the Río de la Plata interacts with a very large and efficient mixing basin known as the Río de la Plata estuary. The region is a densely populated and productive sector of Argentina and is characterised by a temperate humid climate. The streams Carnaval, Martín, Del Gato and El Pescado of the study area drain two main geomorphologic units: a higher inner zone and the low lands of the coastal plain. In particular, the Del Gato stream receives heavily polluted discharges from agricultural, urban and industrial point and non-point sources of pollution, while the other streams collect a lower and variable discharge input. As a part of an initial assessment of the role of fluvial bottom sediments in the fate of metals through the stream ecosystems, the spatial distribution of trace and major elements related to particles in the accumulation areas was examined. Concentration of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, Fe and Mn, grain size, mineralogy (clay-X ray diffraction) and organic matter content were analysed in the four streams considering both geomorphologic units at different depositional time. Untreated and iron-normalised trace metal concentrations in the most polluted streams show higher levels in the upper layers of most contaminated sectors and accumulation areas associated to topographic low lands. The coastal plain sector behaves as a regional sink between the upstream area and the estuary.  相似文献   

This paper is based on literature-based studies, as well as material collected by the author over more than 30 years on the shores of the Southeast Baltic Sea. In order to protect roads running along the shoreline from East Prussia to Königsberg, local shore reinforcement works commenced in the fifteenth century, although some individual attempts had been made before. In 1684, M. Ch. Hartknoch theoretically substantiated the necessity for, and methods of, shore reinforcement. The state of the shores deteriorated considerably during the Seven Years War (1756–1763), when woodlands growing along the shores were completely destroyed; hence, nearly 100 km length of the coast of the Kur?i? Nerija (Curonian) sand spit was left without any vegetation. Aeolian sand buried as many as fourteen settlements. This situation forced the authorities to organise maintenance of the coast and the dunes at the governmental level, and to start the formation of an uninterrupted dune ridge. The second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century are notable for the extensive construction of new ports. Along the shores running from the Sambian Peninsula to the Gulf of Riga, eight port engineering structures had been constructed with the intervals of approximately 26 km between the ports of Klaip?da and Liepaja, and every 13 km between Palanga and Pape. Shore management measures were being implemented simultaneously, thus ensuring the functioning of the above-mentioned coastal protection structures and the reduction of impacts upon the shores. In the second half of the twentieth century, ports were dredged and developed significantly. Their entrance channels reduced the long-shore sediment transport. Moreover, total sand reserves in the shore zone also diminished. The processes of erosion of the beaches and the dune ridge made it necessary to actively reinforce the shore. A number of countries passed legal acts governing the protection and use of the shore zone. At the turn of the twenty-first century, the incompatibility of such priorities in human activities as sea transport and recreation with nature protection has become evident. The conflict of interests in the Kur?i? Nerija National Park, the port of Klaip?da, and the resort of Palanga serve as good examples of such incompatibility. The conclusion that can be drawn that in twenty-first century is that the priorities in general coastal management should be as follows: harmonisation of interests among the states and individual fields of activities, as well as measures aimed at neutralisation of negative natural trends (higher frequency of storms, global rise of water level, etc.). The protective beach dune ridge will further play the role of efficient means for reducing shore erosion.  相似文献   

The GFS process of waste solidification using pozzolanic material is described. This process is most successful for hazardous particulates. Final products have better landfilling properties in terms of fixing the hazardous contents of wastes, reducing leachates and improving the geo‐physical strength of particulates than the starting waste materials. Furthermore, recycling of metals from sludges of industrial processes as well as of biomass from municipal sewage sludges for agricultural purposes are improved.  相似文献   

Sustainable waste management in the industrial ecology perspective brings enormous challenges to the existing methodology of waste analysis at the industrial park (IP) scale. In this study, a four-step method was proposed for industrial solid waste (ISW) flow analysis of eco-industrial parks (EIPs) and applied to two IPs in eastern China. According to a park-wide census of 619 industrial enterprises and 105 questionnaires by a survey from 2006 to 2008, the results indicated that: 1) at the enterprise scale, more than 60% of enterprises were small-ISW-generation enterprises which encountered great difficulties on effective waste management; 2) at the IP scale, though the two IPs have set up their own environmental management systems and passed the ISO 14001 certification, the efficiencies of the ISW management systems have yet to be improved in the industrial ecology perspective; and 3) at the regional scale, more than 97% of ISW flowed within the provincial region, indicating that the provincial governments prevented the wastes from flowing into their own “back yard”. Effective waste management should be placed in a broader perspective. Approaches to sustainable waste management may include wastes exchange, efficient waste and information flow, virtual EIP, waste minimization clubs and regionalization of waste management.  相似文献   


Solid household waste management in Malaysia has reached a critical stage. Increasing population, urbanization and changing patterns of lifestyle have instigated the phenomenon. The 15 000 tonnes of garbage produced daily are thrown into 230 landfills nationwide, where 80% of them have only two years of life span left. Although recycling programmes were launched as early as 1990, only 5% of the wastes are recycled. The purpose of the present research was to ascertain the current management of household solid waste, attitude and motivational factors towards recycling. Data were collected using interview survey on 150 households in an urban residential area. The findings demonstrated that the respondents had very low awareness and knowledge regarding local domestic waste management. Separation of organic and non-organic wastes was rarely practised by 76% of the respondents. Most waste was thrown away, except for newspaper and aluminium cans which were regularly recycled, while furniture, and electrical items were reused by giving away or trading-in. The attitude of the respondents towards recycling was modest. Of the five motivational factors, intrinsic satisfaction and individual commitment were more important reasons for recycling than convenience, economic motivation and societal commitment. The results of the study indicated that, in order to overcome the solid waste crisis, the conscience of the individual needs to be raised through environmental awareness and concern, inculcation of sustainable consumption practices and education on waste management.  相似文献   

Coastal zones around the world have experienced urban growth in the last 50 years. This landscape change brings new aspects for those zones and the environment. Real estate speculation is a decisive factor that changes landscape, with urban growth that occurs both in the extent and volume of construction. Boa Viagem (BV) beach at Recife, Northeast Brazil was just a sand bar covered by an Atlantic Forest until middle of the 1800s. Today, it has turned into a busy area of the city where residences, services and commerce co-exist in a densely packed arrangement. This work demonstrates and analyses vertical growth in BV and urban changes from 1961 to 2011. It was developed using digital image processing and visual analysis of satellite imagery and aerial photos. A GIS was created using SPRING and ArcScene, to calculate variations in area and volume creating a Volumetric Index (VI). The Minimal Mapping Area was used in sixteen census tract as samples of the area. Occupation and vertical growth were especially accentuated from 1981 to 1996 with the peak at 2011. Increases in vertical growth from shore to inland are evident in all parts of the district. This finding was confirmed by three-dimensional GIS representations of the study area and the VI during the period of this work, showing the potential of 3D GIS models for studying dense urbanization areas in coastal zones.  相似文献   

In this research, Landsat TM images were used to extract the land use information for Borneo’s coastal zones (0 to 35 km) during three time periods (1990, 2000, and 2010). Then, in combination with the DEM and shoreline types, the developmental differences under the influences of the geographical boundaries of the Borneo coastal zones were examined from such perspectives as the spatial distribution characteristics of the land development, sea-land gradient variation characteristics, and comparative analyses of the different regions. The results indicated that the geographic boundaries, as well as the different countries, had great influences on the development of the coastal zones. The regions with the most active development in Borneo’s coastal zones were mainly located in the estuary bay, onshore with land on both sides, and the near-shore alluvial plain with DEM?<?50 m. The northwestern coast zone showed relatively flat topography, and was close to an important international waterway. Therefore, the development in this area was found to be more intense than in the southeastern coastal zone, and which was characterized by a long developmental history. On one side of the geographical boundary, the development was also found to differ among the different countries. Malaysia was observed to be dominated by industrial plantations. Meanwhile, the industrial plantations, agriculture, and aquaculture in Indonesia were significantly increased, which was closely linked with the national economic policies. Furthermore, the development of Borneo’s coastal zones has led to vegetation degradation towards a constant inland development, plantation enlargements, agricultural development, and cleared and burnt areas, which have resulted in the land use transfer of 22,000 km2 of forest land within the 0 to 35 km range.  相似文献   

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