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Caballero, Luis A., Alon Rimmer, Zachary M. Easton, and Tammo S. Steenhuis, 2012. Rainfall Runoff Relationships for a Cloud Forest Watershed in Central America: Implications for Water Resource Engineering. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 1022‐1031. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00668.x Abstract: Understanding the basic relationships between rainfall and runoff is vital for effective management and utilization of scarce water resources. Especially, this is important in Central America with widespread potable water shortage during the dry months of the monsoon. Potential good water sources are cloud forests, but little information concerning its potential is available to water supply engineers. Our objective is to define rainfall‐runoff‐base flow relationships for a cloud forest catchment. Flumes were installed for measuring river flow in four subwatersheds in La Tigra National Park, Honduras. One of the four watersheds was a 636‐ha subwatershed (WS1) with 60% cloud forest coverage. Precipitation averaged 1,130 mm/yr over the entire basin. About half of the total rainfall became runoff for the cloud forest watershed whereas, for the adjacent undisturbed forested watershed, the total discharge was <20% of the amount of precipitation. Infiltration rates were generally greater than rainfall rates. Therefore, most rainfall infiltrated into the soil, especially in the upper, steep, and well‐drained portions of the watershed. Direct runoff was generated from saturated areas near the river and exposed bedrock. This research provides compelling evidence that base flow is the primary contributor to streamflow during both wet and dry seasons in cloud forest catchments. Protecting these flow processes over time is critical for the sustained provision of potable water.  相似文献   

A methodology is developed to relate urban growth studies to distributed hydrological modeling using an integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS. This linkage is possible because both studies share land-use and land-cover data. Landsat Thematic Mapper data are utilized to detect urban land-cover changes. GIS analyses are then conducted to examine the changing spatial patterns of urban growth. The integration of remote sensing and GIS is applied to automate the estimation of surface runoff based on the Soil Conservation Service model. Impacts of urban growth on surface runoff and the rainfall–runoff relationship are examined by linking the two modeling results with spatial analysis techniques. This methodology is applied to the Zhujiang Delta of southern China, where dramatic urban growth has occurred over the past two decades, and the rampant urban growth has created severe problems in water resources management. The results revealed a notably uneven spatial pattern of urban growth and an increase of 8.10 mm in annual runoff depth during the 1989–1997 period. An area that experienced more urban growth had a greater potential for increasing annual surface runoff. Highly urbanized areas were more prone to flooding. Urbanization lowered potential maximum storage, and thus increased runoff coefficient values.  相似文献   


In this work, low temperature geothermal district heating systems with heat pumps have been studied and compared with fuel-oil boiler heating systems for intermittent and continuous regimes according to the optimum indoor air temperature and operational cost. Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) Campus is taken as a case study. Various heat pump and boiler configurations are studied to meet required duty. Operational cost analysis for each alternative is conducted. According to the results, for IZTECH Campus the best alternative, which gives the optimum indoor air temperature and the lowest operational cost, is heat pump continuous regime.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pollutant loading from storm runoff is considered to be an important component of nonpoint source pollution in urban areas. In developing countries, because of the accelerated urbanization and motorization, storm runoff pollution has become a challenge for improving aquatic environmental quality. An effective storm runoff management plan needs to be developed, and questions concerning how much and which proportion of a storm should be treated need to be answered. In this study, a model is developed to determine the fraction of storm runoff that needs to be treated to meet the discharge standard within a given probability. The model considers that the pollutants can be mobilized during the early stage of a storm. The model is applied to a field study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in road runoff in Beijing, China. In this case, the probability that the PAH load will be mobilized with suspended sediments by the earlier portion of the flush is 73%. Given the high PAH loading in the study area and the referenced discharge standard, the probability that the entire runoff should be captured and treated is 94%. Thus, urban planners need to consider treatment systems for the majority of the storms in this area, whether the PAH load is in the first flush or not. This methodology can be applied to other regions where PAH loads may result in different management outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Runoff from parking lots during summer storms injects surges of hot water into receiving water bodies. We present temperature data collected near urban storm sewer outfalls in Blacksburg, Virginia, using arrays of sensors in a stream and a stormwater pond. Surges occurred roughly a dozen times per month, ranging up to 8.1°C with average duration 2 h in the stream and up to 11.2°C with average duration 7 h in the pond. Surges were larger in the pond due to a larger contributing watershed, no dilution by upstream water, and cool background temperatures near the outfall. Surges began abruptly, warming at rates averaging 0.2°C/min for periods of 5‐20 min. Surges dissipated as they propagated into the water bodies, travelling further in the stream (>19 m) than the pond (~10 m) consistent with greater advection in the stream. Surges were largest and most frequent in the afternoon but occurred at all times of day and night. Stream surges exhibited two phases: an early high‐temperature low‐volume input from the storm sewer and a later low‐temperature high‐volume input from upstream. Surges at the pond did not exhibit two phases, consistent with inputs only from storm sewers. Surges are likely common in urban areas, and may cumulatively have consequences for aquatic organisms, biogeochemical process rates, and even human health. Such effects may be compounded by urban heat islands and climate change, so prevention or mitigation should be considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The problems of increased surface runoff which follow in step with urbanization can be conceptualized in terms of environmental economics. The private transformation of land from a permeable to an impermeable surface imposes the externality of increased surface runoff upon society as a whole and especially on those downstream. The city of Boulder, Colorado, has enacted an ordinance which attempts to internalize some of these external costs and at the same time decrease surface runoff from the urban environment.  相似文献   

三峡库区中小城镇城市降雨径流污染特征及现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱骏  文行秀 《四川环境》1993,12(3):56-59
本研究采用从微观到宏观,在库区沿岸城镇诸多相关因素相似前提下,选择涪陵市为典型试验区;从水文因素,街道地表物累积冲刷规律研究着手,建立累积、冲刷计算模式,计算出涪陵市年降雨径流污染负荷和库区污染荷载因子,同时选择具有代表性的集水闭合小区进行水质、水量同步观测试验进行验证;确定外推因子,计算三峡库区城市降雨径流年冲刷入长江的总固体,SS,BOD5,COD,T-N,T-P3量分别为53968吨,380  相似文献   

Abstract: Urban impervious surfaces absorb and store thermal energy, particularly during warm summer months. During a rainfall/runoff event, thermal energy is transferred from the impervious surface to the runoff, causing it to become warmer. As this higher temperature runoff enters receiving waters, it can be harmful to coldwater habitat. In an urban watershed, impervious asphalt surfaces (roads, parking lots, and driveways) and pervious residential lawns comprise a significant portion of the watershed area. A paired asphalt‐turfgrass sod plot was constructed to compare the thermal runoff characteristics between asphalt and turfgrass sod surfaces, to identify meteorological variables that influence these thermal characteristics, and to evaluate evaporative heat loss for runoff from asphalt surfaces. Rainfall simulations were conducted during the summers of 2004 and 2005 under a range of climatic conditions. Asphalt surface temperatures immediately prior to rainfall simulations averaged 43.6°C and decreased an average of 12.3°C over 60 min as rain cooled the surface. In contrast, presimulation sod surface temperatures averaged only 23.3°C and increased an average of 1.3°C throughout the rainfall events. Heat transferred from the asphalt to the runoff resulted in initial asphalt runoff temperatures averaging 35.0°C that decreased by an average of 4.1°C at the end of the event. Sod runoff temperatures averaged only 25.5°C and remained fairly constant throughout the simulations. Multivariable regression equations were developed to predict (1) average asphalt surface temperature (R2 = 0.90) and average asphalt runoff temperature (R2 = 0.92) as a function of solar radiation, rain temperature, and wind speed, and (2) average sod surface temperature (R2 = 0.85) and average sod runoff temperature (R2 = 0.94) as a function of solar radiation, rain temperature, rain intensity, and wind speed. Based on a heat balance analysis, existing evaporation equations developed from studies on lakes were not adequate to predict evaporation from runoff on a heated impervious surface. The combined heat from the asphalt and sod plots was an average of 38% less than the total heat had the total area consisted solely of asphalt.  相似文献   

Vadas, Peter A., William E. Jokela, Dory H. Franklin, and Dinku M. Endale, 2011. The Effect of Rain and Runoff When Assessing Timing of Manure Application and Dissolved Phosphorus Loss in Runoff. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):877‐886. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00561.x Abstract: A significant pathway of nonpoint source, agricultural phosphorus (P) transport is surface runoff, to which surface‐applied manure can contribute. Increasing the time between manure application and the first rain‐runoff event is proposed as a practice to reduce runoff P loss. Few studies have investigated this aspect of manure P loss in runoff, with mixed results. Studies observing a decrease in runoff P as the time between application and the first rain‐runoff attribute the decrease to adsorption of manure P by soil and manure drying effects, but do not consider the effect of storm hydrology on runoff P. We ran the manure P runoff model SurPhos with data from nine published studies that investigated the effect of time between application and the first rain event on runoff P. SurPhos successfully simulated the experimental conditions in the studies and predicted runoff P loss. Simulation results suggest soil adsorption of manure P is not the dominant mechanism that will significantly decrease manure P availability to runoff. Rather, regardless of when the first rain‐runoff event occurs, storm hydrology will significantly affect manure P loss in runoff. Although model scenarios indicate that increasing the time between manure application and the first rain‐runoff event will typically decrease P loss in runoff, runoff P could be equal to or greater 30 days after application than the day after application if a more intense rain and runoff event occurs at the latter date.  相似文献   

针对寒冷地区建筑物的采暖方式,介绍一种新型的区域供暖方式--地温水源热泵(地温中央空调)供暖系统,为寻找新型供暖方式提出了环保安全、绿色节参采暖制冷新理念。  相似文献   

Streams, in their natural state, are typically diverse and biologically productive environments. Streams subject to urbanization often experience degradation brought about by the cumulative effects of flow alteration, unsanitary discharge and channelization. One of the water quality parameters affected by urbanization is stream temperature. This study offers a model for predicting the impact of land use change on the temperature of non-regulated streams during extreme events. A stream temperature model was created by considering the gains and losses of thermal energy resulting from radiation, convection, conduction, evaporation and advection. A sensitivity analysis showed that out of 14 variables, shade/transmissivity of riparian vegetation, groundwater discharge, and stream width had the greatest influence on stream temperature. These same three variables are highly influenced by land use. Individual component models were developed to predict how urbanization changes stream width and baseflow discharge. Using 3-D computer modeling, a model was also developed to illustrate the effects of altering the extent and composition of riparian vegetation on streams with different orientations. By modeling these three variables as a function of urbanization, the results became inputs into the stream temperature model. The critical urban stream temperature model (CrUSTe), an aggregation of these four models, allows the prediction of stream temperature change as a result of amount, type and location of urbanization within a watershed. It has the potential to become a valuable tool for environmental managers.  相似文献   

Research increasingly highlights cause and effect relationships between urbanization and stream conditions are complex and highly variable across physical and biological regions. Research also demonstrates stormwater runoff is a key causal agent in altering stream conditions in urban settings. More specifically, thermal pollution and high salt levels are two consequences of urbanization and subsequent runoff. This study describes a demonstration model populated with data from a high gradient headwaters stream. The model was designed to explain surface water‐groundwater dynamics related to salinity and thermal pollution. Modeled scenarios show long‐term additive impacts from salt application and suggest reducing flow rates, as stormwater management practices are typically designed to do, have the potential to greatly reduce salt concentrations and simultaneously reduce thermal pollution. This demonstration model offers planners and managers reason to be confident that stormwater management efforts can have positive impacts.  相似文献   

Whittemore, Donald O., 2012. Potential Impacts of Stormwater Runoff on Water Quality in Urban Sand Pits and Adjacent Groundwater. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 584-602. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00637.x Abstract: Entrance of stormwater runoff into water-filled pits and adjacent aquifers is a contamination concern. The water and sediment quality in several sand pits and surrounding groundwater in Wichita, Kansas, were studied to comprehensively address stormwater runoff impact. The pits are used for residential development after sand and gravel mining. Water samples were analyzed for inorganic constituents, bacteria, and 252 organic compounds, and pit sediments for inorganic components and 32 organic chemicals. Although many pesticide and degradate compounds were found in the pit and well waters, none of these chemicals exceeded existing health levels. Other organic contaminants were detected in the waters, with those exceeding health levels at one site attributed to an undiscovered groundwater contamination plume and not to stormwater runoff. Persistent insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls detected in sediment of two pits are related to the age of residential development. The concentration distributions of pesticides and other organics at most of the sites, as well as iron, manganese, and ammonia patterns in downgradient well waters relative to upgradient well and pit waters, indicate that groundwater quality at the sites is affected by contaminants entering the pit surface waters. Thus, although current stormwater runoff does not appear to have contaminated sand-pit water and adjacent groundwater above health levels, the data show that the potential exists if stormwater became polluted.  相似文献   

Abstract: A numerical model has been developed to simulate the hydraulic and heat transfer properties of a stormwater detention pond, as part of a simulation tool to evaluate thermal pollution of coldwater streams from stormwater runoff. The model is dynamic (unsteady) and based on principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. It is driven by hourly weather data, and specified inflow rates and temperatures. To calibrate and validate the pond model field data were collected on a commercial site in Woodbury, Minnesota. The relationship between pond inflow and outflow rates to precipitation was effectively calibrated using continuously recorded pond levels. Algorithms developed for surface heat transfer in lakes were found to be applicable to the pond with some modification, resulting in agreement of simulated and observed pond surface temperature within 1.0°C root mean square error. The use of an unshaded pond for thermal mitigation of runoff from paved surfaces was evaluated using the pond model combined with simulated runoff from an asphalt parking lot for six years of observed rainfall events. On average, pond outflow temperature was 1.2°C higher than inflow temperature, but with significant event‐to‐event variation. On average, the pond added heat energy to runoff from an asphalt parking lot. Although the pond added total heat energy to runoff, it did reduce the rate of heat outflow from the pond by an order of magnitude due to reductions in volumetric outflow rate compared with the inflow rate. By reducing the rate of heat flow, the magnitude of temperature impacts in a receiving stream were also reduced, but the duration of impacts was increased.  相似文献   

本文利用1979—1981年气象资料用统计方法分析了城市热岛效应对主要气象要素时空分布特征的影响(例如:温度、无霜期、风速、日照、云量、降水量、雷暴、雨日、雾日和土壤温度),结果表明:城市效应对市区大气环境的影响是明显的。  相似文献   

We developed a stochastic hourly stream temperature model (SHSTM) to estimate probability of exceeding given threshold temperature (T) for specified durations (24 and 96 h) to assess potential impacts on freshwater mussels in the upper Tar River, North Carolina. Simulated daily mean stream T from climate change (CC) and land‐use (LU) change simulations for 2021‐2030 and 2051‐2060 were used as input to the SHSTM. Stream T observations in 2010 revealed only two sites with T above 30°C for >24 h and Ts were never >31°C for more than 24 h at any site. The SHSTM suggests that the probability, P, that T will exceed 32°C for at least 96 h in a given year increased from P = 0, in the 20th Century, to P = 0.05 in 2021‐2030 and to P = 0.14 in 2051‐2060. The SHSTM indicated that CC had greater effects on P for 24 and 96 h durations than LU change. Increased P occurred primarily in higher order stream segments in the downstream reaches of the basin. The SHSTM indicated that hourly stream T responded to LU change on the daily scale and did not affect stream T for durations >24 h. The SHSTM indicated that known thermal thresholds for freshwater mussels could be exceeded within the next 50 years in many parts of the upper Tar River basin in North Carolina, which could have negative consequences on the recruitment of freshwater mussels.  相似文献   

Abstract: The capacity of a watershed to urbanize without changing its hydrologic response and the relationship between that response and the spatial configuration of the developed areas was studied. The study was conducted in the Whiteoak Bayou watershed (223 km2), located northwest of Houston, Texas, over an analysis period from 1949 to 2000. Annual development data were derived from parcel data collected by the Harris County Appraisal District. Using these data, measures of the spatial configuration of the watershed urban areas were calculated for each year. Based on regression models, it was determined that the annual runoff depths and annual peak flows depended on the annual precipitation depth, the developed area and the maximum 12‐h precipitation depth on the day and day before the peak flow took place. It was found that, since the early 1970s, when the watershed reached a 10% impervious area, annual runoff depths and peak flows have increased by 146% and 159%, respectively. However, urbanization is responsible for only 77% and 32% of the increase, respectively, while precipitation changes are responsible for the remaining 39% and 96%, respectively. Likewise, an analysis of the development data showed that, starting in the early 1970s, urbanization in the watershed consisted more of connecting already developed areas than of creating new ones, which increases the watershed’s conveyance capacity and explains the change in its response. Before generalizing conclusions, though, further research on other urban watersheds with different urbanization models appears to be necessary.  相似文献   

Moore, R.D. (Dan), J.W. Trubilowicz, and J.M. Buttle, 2011. Prediction of Streamflow Regime and Annual Runoff for Ungauged Basins Using a Distributed Monthly Water Balance Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 32‐42. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00595.x Abstract: Prediction of streamflow in ungauged basins is a global challenge, but is particularly an issue in physiographically complex regions like British Columbia (BC), Canada. The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of a simple water balance model that can be run using existing spatial datasets. The model was developed by modifying an existing monthly water balance model to account for interception loss from forest canopy, glacier melt, and evaporation from lakes. The model was run using monthly climate normals from the ClimateBC application, which have a horizontal resolution of 400 m. Each ClimateBC grid cell was classified as forest, open land, glacier or water surface based on provincial scale digital maps of biogeoclimatic zones, glaciers, and water. The output was monthly mean runoff from each grid cell. These values were integrated within the catchment boundaries for streams gauged by the Water Survey of Canada. Annual runoff was predicted with modest accuracy: after updating the predicted runoff by interpolating errors from neighboring gauged streams, the mean absolute error was 25.4% of the gauged value, and 52% of the streams had errors less than 20%. However, the model appears to be quite robust in distinguishing between pluvial, hybrid, and melt‐dominated hydroclimatic regimes, and therefore has promise as a tool for catchment classification.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区石油类非点源污染试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油类非点源污染基本特征为污染源分散、污染源作用周期长、暴雨时易于形成高含沙水流以及由此引发的高强度石油类污染。试验结果表明,随土壤石油污染强度的提高,径流量增大,产沙量降低,但水、固两相中的污染物径流污染强度均增大。试验条件下,径流过程释放于水相中的石油类浓度可高达4~7 mg/L。  相似文献   

This study tests the applicability of the curve number (CN) method within the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to estimate surface runoff at the watershed scale in tropical regions. To do this, surface runoff simulated using the CN method was compared with observed runoff in numerous rainfall‐runoff events in three small tropical watersheds located in the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. The CN method generally performed well in simulating surface runoff in the studied watersheds (Nash‐Sutcliff efficiency [NSE] > 0.7; percent bias [PBIAS] < 32%). Moreover, there was no difference in the performance of the CN method in simulating surface runoff under low and high antecedent rainfall (PBIAS for both antecedent conditions: ~30%; modified NSE: ~0.4). It was also found that the method accurately estimated surface runoff at high rainfall intensity (e.g., PBIAS < 15%); however, at low rainfall intensity, the CN method repeatedly underestimated surface runoff (e.g., PBIAS > 60%). This was possibly due to low infiltrability and valley bottom saturated areas typical of many tropical soils, indicating that there is scope for further improvements in the parameterization/representation of tropical soils in the CN method for runoff estimation, to capture low rainfall‐intensity events. In this study the retention parameter was linked to the soil moisture content, which seems to be an appropriate approach to account for antecedent wetness conditions in the tropics.  相似文献   

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