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The local scale dispersion tensor, Dd, is a controlling parameter for the dilution of concentrations in a solute plume that is displaced by groundwater flow in a heterogeneous aquifer. In this paper, we estimate the local scale dispersion from time series or breakthrough curves, BTCs, of Br concentrations that were measured at several points in a fluvial aquifer during a natural gradient tracer test at Krauthausen. Locally measured BTCs were characterized by equivalent convection dispersion parameters: equivalent velocity, v(eq)(x) and expected equivalent dispersivity, [lambda(eq)(x)]. A Lagrangian framework was used to approximately predict these equivalent parameters in terms of the spatial covariance of log(e) transformed conductivity and the local scale dispersion coefficient. The approximate Lagrangian theory illustrates that [lambda(eq)(x)] increases with increasing travel distance and is much larger than the local scale dispersivity, lambda(d). A sensitivity analysis indicates that [lambda(eq)(x)] is predominantly determined by the transverse component of the local scale dispersion and by the correlation scale of the hydraulic conductivity in the transverse to flow direction whereas it is relatively insensitive to the longitudinal component of the local scale dispersion. By comparing predicted [lambda(eq)(x)] for a range of Dd values with [lambda(eq)(x)] obtained from locally measured BTCs, the transverse component of Dd, DdT, was estimated. The estimated transverse local scale dispersivity, lambda(dT) = DdT/U1 (U1 = mean advection velocity) is in the order of 10(1)-10(2) mm, which is relatively large but realistic for the fluvial gravel sediments at Krauthausen.  相似文献   

We analyzed the long-term behavior of breakthrough curves (BTCs) and temporal moments of a solute subjected to Freundlich equilibrium sorption (s = kc(n)). For one-dimensional transport in a homogeneous porous medium, we derived a power-law relation between travel time, tau, and solute displacement, chi, with the exponent being equal to the Freundlich n exponent. The mean solute velocity, derived from the first time moment, was found to change as tau(n-1). For n values larger than 0.66, the second time moment could be related to c chi(2/n), where c is a constant. An approach based on the use of a critical concentration was developed to estimate the presence of the asymptotic regime in the tail of the BTC. This approach was tested successfully using numerical case studies. One-dimensional numerical simulations with varying values of k, n and initial mass were run to verify the closed form analytical expressions for the large time behavior of temporal moments and the tailing part of breakthrough curves. Good agreement between the slope of the tailing part of log-log transformed BTCs and the predicted slope using asymptotic theory was found. Asymptotic theory in general underestimated the magnitude of the concentration in the tail. The quality of the estimated concentrations in the tail improved for small values of the dispersivity. Experimental BTCs of uranin and benazolin were analyzed in combination with sorption/desorption batch experiments using asymptotic theory. A good agreement between the value of n parameter derived from desorption experiment with benazolin and the value of the n parameter derived from the tail of the BTC was found.  相似文献   

This study deals with two-dimensional solute transport in an aquifer–aquitard system by maintaining rigorous mass conservation at the aquifer–aquitard interface. Advection, longitudinal dispersion, and transverse vertical dispersion are considered in the aquifer. Vertical advection and diffusion are considered in the aquitards. The first-type and the third-type boundary conditions are considered in the aquifer. This study differs from the commonly used averaged approximation (AA) method that treats the mass flux between the aquifer and aquitard as an averaged volumetric source/sink term in the governing equation of transport in the aquifer. Analytical solutions of concentrations in the aquitards and aquifer and mass transported between the aquifer and upper or lower aquitard are obtained in the Laplace domain, and are subsequently inverted numerically to yield results in the real time domain (the Zhan method). The breakthrough curves (BTCs) and distribution profiles in the aquifer obtained in this study are drastically different from those obtained using the AA method. Comparison of the numerical simulation using the model MT3DMS and the Zhan method indicates that the numerical result differs from that of the Zhan method for an asymmetric case when aquitard advections are at the same direction. The AA method overestimates the mass transported into the upper aquitard when an upward advection exists in the upper aquitard. The mass transported between the aquifer and the aquitard is sensitive to the aquitard Peclet number, but less sensitive to the aquitard diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the significance of bromacil transport as a function of water and carbon content in soils and to explore the implications of neglecting sorption when making assessments of travel time of bromacil through the vadose zone. Equilibrium batch sorption tests were performed for loamy sand and sandy soil added with four different levels of powdered activated carbon (PAC) content (0, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1%). Column experiments were also conducted at various water and carbon contents under steady-state flow conditions. The first set of column experiments was conducted in loamy sand containing 1.5% organic carbon under three different water contents (0.23, 0.32, and 0.41) to measure breakthrough curves (BTCs) of bromide and bromacil injected as a square pulse. In the second set of column experiments, BTCs of bromide and bromacil injected as a front were measured in saturated sandy columns at the four different PAC levels given above. Column breakthrough data were analyzed with both equilibrium and nonequilibrium (two-site) convection-dispersion equation (CDE) models to determine transport and sorption parameters under various water and carbon contents. Analysis with batch data indicated that neglect of the partition-related term in the calculation of solute velocity may lead to erroneous estimation of travel time of bromacil, i.e. an overestimation of the solute velocity by a factor of R. The column experiments showed that arrival time of the bromacil peak was larger than that of the bromide peak in soils, indicating that transport of bromacil was retarded relative to bromide in the observed conditions. Extent of bromacil retardation (R) increased with decreasing water content and increasing PAC content, supporting the importance of retardation in the estimation of travel time of bromacil even at small amounts of organic carbon for soils with lower water content.  相似文献   

Evaluating non-equilibrium solute transport in small soil columns   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Displacement studies on leaching of bromide and two pesticides (atrazine and isoproturon) were conducted under unsaturated steady state flow conditions in 24 small undisturbed soil columns (5.7 cm in diameter and 10 cm long) each collected from two sites differing in soil structure and organic carbon content in North Germany. There were large and irregular variabilities in the characteristics of both soils, as well as in the shapes of breakthrough curves (BTCs) of different columns, including some with early breakthrough and increased tailing, qualitatively indicating the presence of preferential flow. It was estimated that one preferential flow column (PFC) at site A, and four at site B, contributed, respectively to 11% and 58% of the accumulated leached fraction and to more than 80% of the maximum observed standard deviation (SD) in the field-scale concentration and mass flux of pesticides at two sites. The bromide BTCs of two sites were analyzed with the equilibrium convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and a non-equilibrium two-region/mobile-immobile model. Transport parameters of these models for individual BTCs were determined using a curve fitting program, CXTFIT, and by the time moment method. For the CDE based equilibrium model, the mean values of retardation factor, R, considered separately for all columns, PFCs or non-preferential flow columns (NPFCs) were comparable for the two methods; significant differences were observed in the values of dispersion coefficients of two sites using the two estimation methods. It was inferred from the estimated parameters of non-equilibrium model that 5-12% of water at site A, and 12% at site B, was immobile during displacement in NPFCs. The corresponding values for PFCs of two sites were much larger, ranging from 25% to 51% by CXTFIT and from 24% to 72% by the moment method, suggesting the role of certain mechanisms other than immobile water in higher degrees of non-equilibrium in these columns. Peclet numbers in PFCs of both sites were consistently smaller than five, indicating the inadequacy of the non-equilibrium model to incorporate the effect of all forms of non-equilibrium in PFCs. Overall, the BTCs of individual NPFCs, PFCs and of field average concentration at the two sites were better reproduced with parameters obtained from CXTFIT than by the moment method. The moment method failed to capture the peak concentrations in PFCs, but tended to describe the desorption and tail branches of BTCs better than the curve fitting approach.  相似文献   

Biopurification systems treating pesticide contaminated water are very efficient, however they operate as a black box. Processes inside the system are not yet characterized. To optimize the performance, knowledge of degradation and retention processes needs to be generated. Therefore, displacement experiments were carried out for four pesticides (isoproturon, bentazone, metalaxyl, linuron) in columns containing different organic mixtures. Bromide, isoproturon and bentazone breakthrough curves (BTCs) were well described using the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and a first-order degradation kinetic approach. Metalaxyl and linuron BTCs were well described using the CDE model expanded with Monod-type kinetics. Freundlich sorption, first-order degradation and Monod kinetics coefficients were fitted to the BTCs. Fitted values of the distribution coefficient Kf,column were much lower than those determined from batch experiments. Based on mobility, pesticides were ranked as: bentazone > metalaxyl - isoproturon > linuron. Based on degradability, pesticides were ranked as: linuron > metalaxyl - isoproturon > bentazone.  相似文献   

We analyze reactive transport during in-situ bioremediation in a nonuniform flow field, involving multiple extraction and injection wells, by the method of transfer functions. Gamma distributions are used as parametric models of the transfer functions. Apparent parameters of classical transport models may be estimated from those of the gamma distributions by matching temporal moments. We demonstrate the method by application to measured data taken at a field experiment on bioremediation conducted in a multiple-well system in Oak Ridge, TN. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) of a conservative tracer (bromide) and a reactive compound (ethanol) are measured at multi-level sampling (MLS) wells and in extraction wells. The BTCs of both compounds are jointly analyzed to estimate the first-order degradation rate of ethanol. To quantify the tracer loss, we compare the approaches of using a scaling factor and a first-order decay term. Results show that by including a scaling factor both gamma distributions and inverse-Gaussian distributions (transfer functions according to the advection-dispersion equation) are suitable to approximate the transfer functions and estimate the reactive rate coefficients for both MLS and extraction wells. However, using a first-order decay term for tracer loss fails to describe the BTCs at the extraction well, which is affected by the nonuniform distribution of travel paths.  相似文献   

A multi-borehole radial tracer test has been conducted in the confined Chalk aquifer of E. Yorkshire, UK. Three different tracer dyes were injected into three injection boreholes and a central borehole, 25 m from the injection boreholes, was pumped at 330 m(3)/d for 8 days. The breakthrough curves show that initial breakthrough and peak times were fairly similar for all dyes but that recoveries varied markedly from 9 to 57%. The breakthrough curves show a steep rise to a peak and long tail, typical of dual porosity aquifers. The breakthrough curves were simulated using a 1D dual porosity model. Model input parameters were constrained to acceptable ranges determined from estimations of matrix porosity and diffusion coefficient, fracture spacing, initial breakthrough times and bulk transmissivity of the aquifer. The model gave equivalent hydraulic apertures for fractures in the range 363-384 microm, dispersivities of 1 to 5 m and matrix block sizes of 6 to 9 cm. Modelling suggests that matrix block size is the primary controlling parameter for solute transport in the aquifer, particularly for recovery. The observed breakthrough curves suggest results from single injection-borehole tracer tests in the Chalk may give initial breakthrough and peak times reasonably representative of the aquifer but that recovery is highly variable and sensitive to injection and abstraction borehole location. Consideration of aquifer heterogeneity suggests that high recoveries may be indicative of a high flow pathway adjacent, but not necessarily connected, to the injection and abstraction boreholes whereas low recoveries may indicate more distributed flow through many fractures of similar aperture.  相似文献   

Intermediate-scale laboratory experiments on heterogeneous porous media have been increasingly used for the study of saturated and unsaturated ground water systems. While the ability to reproduce field-scale heterogeneity in these experiments has advanced, the use of visualization or image analysis methods to characterize the spatial distribution of solute concentrations has largely remained at the homogeneous media level. To advance these imaging techniques we developed a generic image analysis package that, for the first time, automatically segments regions in photographic images that require unique concentration calibration curves due to varying porous media properties or lighting nonuniformities. As a robust test, our image analysis package was applied to an intermediate-scale flow tank experiment characterized by a correlated random permeability field with unprecedented resolution. Twenty-five distinct classes of porous media were developed and binned to the synthetic permeability field, creating an experimental field of 3456 rectangular cells and thereby ensuring the emplaced field closely matched the statistics of the original continuous distribution. Concentration distributions were determined for an experimental tracer run and the corresponding dispersion parameters were calculated. The closeness of the experimental, image-processed longitudinal dispersivity (4.6 x 10(-2) m) to that obtained from the field statistics (9.1 x 10(-2) m) verifies our image analysis technique.  相似文献   

Tracer tests were conducted in three laboratory columns to study changes in the hydraulic properties of a porous medium due to bioclogging. About 30 breakthrough curves (BTCs) for each column were obtained. The BTCs were analyzed using analytical equilibrium and dual-porosity models, and estimates of the hydrodynamic dispersion and mass transfer coefficients were obtained by curve fitting. The change in transport properties developed in three stages: an initial phase (I) with no significant changes in transport properties, phase II with growth of biomass near the inlet of the columns causing changes in dispersivity, and phase III with added growth of micro-colonies deeper in the columns causing mass transfer of solutes from the water phase to the biophase. Tracer transport changed from being uniform to more non-uniform with increase in mass transfer of the tracer between the mobile phase and the immobile biomass. An increase in the bulk dispersivity value of up to one order of magnitude was observed. Numerical simulations suggest that local dispersivity values may be as much as 40 times higher in the more severe clogged areas inside the column. The bulk hydraulic conductivities of the columns decreased by up to three orders of magnitude. The hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity parameters were almost recovered after disinfection of the columns. Different models relating the changes of the hydraulic conductivity to the changes in the mobile porosity due to bioclogging were reviewed, and the micro-colony relation of Thullner et al. [Thullner, M., Zeyer, J., Kinzelbach, W., 2002. Influence of microbial growth on hydraulic properties of pore networks, Transport in Porous Media, 49, 99-122.] was found to best describe the relation between the bulk hydraulic parameters.  相似文献   

We obtain an analytical solution for two-dimensional steady-state transport of conservative contaminant between injecting and pumping wells. Flow and transport are considered in the vertical cross-section. The Dupuit approximation and conformal mapping onto the complex potential domain are employed to determine the velocity and concentration distributions, respectively. We use this solution to derive a priori conditions under which widely used 1-D analytical solutions with constant velocity and dispersion coefficients provide accurate approximations. These conditions are formulated in terms of aquifer parameters, such as hydraulic conductivity, porosity and dispersivities, and remediation strategy, e.g., well spacing and pumping regimes.  相似文献   

Presented here is a reanalysis of results previously presented by [Davis, B.M., Istok, J.D., Semprini, L., 2002. Push-pull partitioning tracer tests using radon-222 to quantify non-aqueous phase liquid contamination. J. Contam. Hydrol. 58, 129-146] of push-pull tests using radon as a naturally occurring partitioning tracer for evaluating NAPL contamination. In a push-pull test where radon-free water and bromide are injected, the presence of NAPL is manifested in greater dispersion of the radon breakthrough curve (BTC) relative to the bromide BTC during the extraction phase as a result of radon partitioning into the NAPL. Laboratory push-pull tests in a dense or DNAPL-contaminated physical aquifer model (PAM) indicated that the previously used modeling approach resulted in an overestimation of the DNAPL (trichloroethene) saturation (S(n)). The numerical simulations presented here investigated the influence of (1) initial radon concentrations, which vary as a function of S(n), and (2) heterogeneity in S(n) distribution within the radius of influence of the push-pull test. The simulations showed that these factors influence radon BTCs and resulting estimates of S(n). A revised method of interpreting radon BTCs is presented here, which takes into account initial radon concentrations and uses non-normalized radon BTCs. This revised method produces greater radon BTC sensitivity at small values of S(n) and was used to re-analyze the results from the PAM push-pull tests reported by Davis et al. The re-analysis resulted in a more accurate estimate of S(n) (1.8%) compared with the previously estimated value (7.4%). The revised method was then applied to results from a push-pull test conducted in a light or LNAPL-contaminated aquifer at a field site, resulting in a more accurate estimate of S(n) (4.1%) compared with a previously estimated value (13.6%). The revised method improves upon the efficacy of the radon push-pull test to estimate NAPL saturations. A limitation of the revised method is that 'background' radon concentrations from a non-contaminated well in the NAPL-contaminated aquifer are needed to accurately estimate NAPL saturation. The method has potential as a means of monitoring the progress of NAPL remediation.  相似文献   

Two natural-gradient pulse tracer tests were conducted in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer to evaluate the potential for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) biodegradation under enhanced nitrate-reducing conditions. Addition of nitrate resulted in loss of toluene, ethylbenzene, and m,p-xylenes (TEX) after an initial lag period of approximately 9 days. Losses of benzene were not observed over the 60-day monitoring period. Tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed to derive transport and biodegradation parameters, including advective velocities, retardation factors, dispersion coefficients, biodegradation rate constants, and nitrate utilization ratios. Using the parameters derived from the BTC analysis, numerical simulations of one of the tracer experiments were conducted using BIONAPL/3D [Molson, J., BIONAPL/3D User Guide, A 3D Coupled Flow and Multi-Component Reactive transport model. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada]. Simulations using the BTC-derived transport and biodegradation parameters successfully reproduced benzene, TEX, and nitrate concentrations measured during the tracer experiment. Comparisons of observed and simulated nitrate concentrations indicate that the mass ratio of nitrate-N utilized to TEX degraded increased over time during the experiment, reaching values many times that expected based on stoichiometry of TEX oxidation coupled to nitrate reduction. Excess nitrate loss is likely due to oxidation of other organics in addition to TEX.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic contaminants as tracers in an urbanizing karst aquifer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Karst aquifers are uniquely vulnerable to contamination. In the Barton Springs segment of the karstic Edwards aquifer (Texas, U.S.A.), urban contaminants such as pesticides and volatile organic compounds frequently are detected in spring base flow. To determine whether contaminant concentrations change in response to storms, and if they therefore might act as tracers of focused recharge, samples were collected from Barton Springs at closely spaced intervals following three storms. Two herbicides (atrazine and simazine), two insecticides (carbaryl and diazinon), and a solvent (tetrachloroethene) described breakthrough curves over a 1-week period following one or more storms. The breakthrough curves were decomposed into two to five log-normal subcurves, which were interpreted as representing pulses of contaminants moving through the aquifer. Each subcurve could be used in the same way as an artificial tracer to determine travel time to and recovery at the spring. The contaminants have several advantages over artificial tracers: they represent the actual compounds of interest, they are injected essentially simultaneously at several points, and they are injected under those conditions when transport is of the most interest, i.e., following storms. The response of storm discharge, specific conductance, and contaminant loading at the spring depended on initial aquifer flow conditions, which varied from very low (spring discharge of 0.48 m3/s) to high (spring discharge of 2.7 m3/s): concentrations and recovery were the highest when initial aquifer flow conditions were low. This behavior provides information about aquifer structure and the influence of aquifer flow condition on transport properties.  相似文献   

Bacterial transport through cores of intact, glacial-outwash aquifer sediment was investigated with the overall goal of better understanding bacterial transport and developing a predictive capability based on the sediment characteristics. Variability was great among the cores. Normalized maximum bacterial-effluent concentrations ranged from 5.4x10(-7) to 0.36 and effluent recovery ranged from 2.9x10(-4) to 59%. Bacterial breakthrough was generally rapid with a sharp peak occurring nearly twice as early as the bromide peak. Bacterial breakthrough exhibited a long tail of relatively constant concentration averaging three orders of magnitude less than the peak concentration for up to 32 pore volumes. The tails were consistent with non-equilibrium detachment, corroborated by the results of flow interruption experiments. Bacterial breakthrough was accurately simulated with a transport model incorporating advection, dispersion and first-order non-equilibrium attachment/detachment. Relationships among bacterial transport and sediment characteristics were explored with multiple regression analyses. These analyses indicated that for these cores and experimental conditions, easily-measurable sediment characteristics--median grain size, degree of sorting, organic-matter content and hydraulic conductivity--accounted for 66%, 61% and 89% of the core-to-core variability in the bacterial effective porosity, dispersivity and attachment-rate coefficient, respectively. In addition, the bacterial effective porosity, median grain size and organic-matter content accounted for 76% of the inter-core variability in the detachment-rate coefficient. The resulting regression equations allow prediction of bacterial transport based on sediment characteristics and are a possible alternative to using colloid-filtration theory. Colloid-filtration theory, used without the benefit of running bacterial transport experiments, did not as accurately replicate the observed variability in the attachment-rate coefficient.  相似文献   

Deng J  Jiang X  Zhang X  Hu W  Crawford JW 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2150-2157
Contaminant transport in soils is complicated and involves some physical and chemical nonequilibrium processes. In this research, the soil column displacement experiments of Cl and atrazine under different flow velocities were carried out. The data sets of Cl transport in sandy loam fitted to the convection dispersion equation (CDE) and the two-region model (TRM) indicated that the effects of physical nonequilibrium process produced by immobile water on the breakthrough curves (BTCs) of Cl and atrazine transport through the repacking soil columns were negligible. The two-site model (TSM) and the continuous time random walk (CTRW) were also used to fit atrazine transport behavior at the flow rate of 19.86 cm h−1. The CTRW convincingly captured the full evolution of atrazine BTC in the soil column, especially for the part of long tailing. However, the TSM failed to characterize the tailing of atrazine BTC in the soil column. The calculated fraction of equilibrium sorption sites, F, ranging from 0.78 to 0.80 for all flow rates suggested the contribution of nonequilibrium sorption sites to the asymmetry of atrazine BTCs. Furthermore, the data sets for the flow rates of 6.68 cm h−1 and 32.81 cm h−1 were predicted by the TSM and the CTRW. As to the flow rate of 6.68 cm h−1, the CTRW predicted the entire BTC of atrazine transport better than the TSM did. For the flow rate of 32.81 cm h−1, the CTRW characterized the late part of the tail better, while the TSM failed to predict the tailings of atrazine BTC.  相似文献   

A novel inverse technique is proposed to quantitatively characterize macroscopic variability in aquifer reactivity in a Lagrangian representation. Reactivity heterogeneity is expressed in terms of distributions of flux over cumulative time of exposure of the solution to reactive surface area, termed here 'cumulative reactivity'. In cases involving single aqueous species the combined effects of physical and reactivity heterogeneity on reactive solute transport can often be established and further investigated through joint distributions of flux over travel time and cumulative reactivity. The inverse technique requires the breakthrough curve of a passive tracer to determine the distribution of flux over travel time, and additional breakthrough curves of reactive tracers provide additional moments of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity given travel time. Thus breakthroughs of one passive and two reactive tracers can provide the mean and variance of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity. This Lagrangian characterization is achieved with knowledge of the types of reactive surfaces present, but not their spatial locations. The distributions can subsequently be applied via forward modeling using the same technique to predict breakthrough curves of other solutes undergoing first-order reactions in similar physically and chemically heterogeneous configurations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of pore-water velocity on chemical nonequilibrium during transport of Cd, Zn, and Pb through alluvial gravel columns. Three pore-water velocities ranging from 3 to 60 m/day were applied to triplicate columns for each metal. Model results for the symmetric breakthrough curves (BTCs) of tritium (3H2O) data suggest that physical nonequilibrium components were absent in the uniformly packed columns used in these studies. As a result, values of pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient were estimated from fitting 3H2O BTCs to an equilibrium model. The BTCs of metals display long tailing, indicating presence of chemical nonequilibrium in the system, which was further supported by the decreased metal concentrations during flow interruption. The BTCs of the metals were analysed using a two-site model, and transport parameters were derived using the CXTFIT curve-fitting program. The model results indicate that the partitioning coefficient (beta), forward rate (k1), and backward rate (k2) are positively correlated with pore-water velocity (V); while the retardation factor (R), mass transfer coefficient ((omega), and ratio of k1/k2 are inversely correlated with V. There is no apparent relationship between the fraction of exchange sites at equilibrium (f) and V. The influence of Von k2 is much greater than on R, beta, omega, and k1. A one-order-of-magnitude change in V would cause a two-order-of-magnitude change in k2 while resulting in only a one order-of-magnitude change in R, beta, omega, and k1. The forward rates for the metals are found to be two to three orders-of-magnitude greater than the corresponding backward rate. However, the difference between the two rates reduces with increasing pore-water velocity. Model results also suggest that Cd and Zn behave similarly, while Pb is much more strongly sorbed. At input concentrations of about 4 mg/l and pore-water velocities of 3-60 m/day in the groundwater within alluvial gravel, this study suggests retardation factors of 26-289 for Cd, 24-255 for Zn, and 322-6377 for Pb.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale field simulation was conducted to estimate the air emissions from contaminated dredged material stored in a confined disposal facility (CDF). Contaminated dredged material with a variety of organic chemicals, obtained from Indiana Harbor Canal, was used in the study. It was placed in an outdoor CDF simulator (i.e., a lysimeter of dimensions 4 ft x 4 ft x 2 ft). A portable, dynamic flux chamber was used to periodically measure emissions of various polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A weather station was set up to monitor and record the meteorological conditions during the experiment. The fluxes of several PAHs were monitored over time for 6 1/2 months. Initial 6-hr average fluxes varied from 2 to 20 ng/cm2/hr for six different PAHs. The flux values declined rapidly for all compounds soon after placement of the dredged material in the CDE Chemical concentrations derived from flux values were generally of low magnitude compared with ambient standards. Data obtained from the experiment were compared against those predicted using models for air emissions. Model simulations showed that initially the flux was largely from exposed pore water from saturated (wet) sediment, whereas the long-term flux was controlled by diffusion through the pore air of the unsaturated sediment. Model predictions generally overestimated the measured emissions. A rainfall event was simulated, and the dredged material was reworked to simulate that typical of a CDF operation. Increased flux was observed upon reworking the dredged material.  相似文献   

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