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水资源社会可再生性及其基本理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水资源具有自然和社会可再生性。本文从水资源可再生的特性出发,提出水资源社会可再生性的涵义及其在水资源可再生系统中的地位,系统地分析了水资源社会可再生实现过程、其衡量指标及影响因素。基于我国水资源短缺形势,本文认为水资源社会再生利用是城市水资源有效利用的重要途径,是解决或缓解我国水资源短缺的重要手段,并给出提高水资源可再生性的建议。  相似文献   

Taiwan's EPA has implemented a new guideline called the "Plastic Products Restriction Policy", prohibiting some industries to use plastics as packaging materials for the sake of sustainable use of resources. The significant effect resulting from this policy is the substitution of plastic products with paper products. Is this policy beneficial to achieve future sustainability? I attempt to analyze the resource choice between renewable resources and exhaustible resources for production of final products and services in case of exhaustion of natural resources. In this paper, I develop a framework to examine the dynamic responsiveness of a socio-economical system in facing a continual depletion of natural resources provided by an environmental system. In this framework, the status of an environmental system in terms of carrying capacity is affected by the cumulative impacts caused from human activities, including environmental pollution and resource exploitation. Conversely, it also affects the growth of renewable resources. This framework can serve as a guideline to construct indicators to measure the status of the environmental system and the socio-economical system in order to support a policy planner that formulates an appropriate environmental policy. Based on this framework, I also develop a mathematical model to determine the optimal ratio of resources choice between renewable resources and exhaustible resources.  相似文献   

Population growth and environmental degradation are closely linked. Increasing population has in many rural areas of Tanzania contributed to changes in land use/cover patterns, land fragmentation and livelihood insecurity. Increasing demand for food, energy and other environmental services has contributed to expansion of agriculture, including marginal areas, and deforestation often leading to environmental degradation. Increased reliance on natural resources for rural livelihoods, subsistence nature of the agricultural sector and limited economic opportunities in rural areas are among the factors leading to rural–rural and rural–urban migrations searching for better livelihood opportunities. The high urban demand for food and biomass energy from rural areas has also contributed to rural deforestation and overall environmental degradation. This paper addresses the linkages between population and environmental degradation in Tanzania. It argues that effective implementation of development and resources management policies can lead to environmental sustainability even with growing populations. It provides evidence from successful land management interventions such as HADO, HASHI and SECAP, which support the argument that with effective implementation of resource management initiatives even larger populations can be supported by the available resources. Such successful interventions ought to be emulated elsewhere with similar environmental problems.  相似文献   

Increasingly, emphasis is being placed on the role of indigenous or locally crafted natural resources management systems in sustainable natural resources management. While it is generally agreed that their potential to sustain and protect natural ecosystems exists in large measure, such systems are increasingly facing diverse internal and external pressures that threaten their viability. These pressures include demographic and economic change, land privatisation policies, renewable energy investment projects and large-donor-driven livelihood projects. Such pressures and their complexity raise the need to understand how local communities organise to protect resources they collectively value in the face of both internal and external pressures. Based on empirical data collected through interviews, participant observations, focus group discussions and a questionnaire survey conducted with local level actors in Shisholeka village of Central Zambia, this paper shows how local actors, in the absence of state support, react to internal and external pressures to develop robust and locally suited governance and institutional arrangements that best suit their interests in order to sustain their resource base.  相似文献   

自然资源由于其较强的公共性和外部性而使其因代际问题所导致的私有市场失灵比一般的产品严重,原因是自然资源代际利用中当代人都倾向于最大限度使用资源,从而引发自然资源“公地悲剧”问题比一般产品严重。再生自然资源虽然在代际利用中的利益冲突比非再生自然资源低,但代际问题所带来的市场失灵依然存在。因此,再生自然资源的代际可持续利用需要政府依据其经济特性进行一定的规制,制订出合理的使用制度。以渔业资源为例,在沙发尔(Schaefer)模型的基础上,利用成本——效益的经济学分析法,分析了再生自然资源代际可持续利用中的成本与收益,提出再生自然资源代际可持续使用的制度安排和优化措施,包括边际成本动态规制、明确界分所有权、实施可交易配额和公共补偿性规制。  相似文献   

完善的自然资源资产负债表编制体系,能为国家和各级政府摸清“家底”,进行宏观经济管理、资源配置等工作提供重要的数据信息。党的十八届三中全会提出探索编制自然资源资产负债表之后,与此相关的理论研究迅速增加,但针对自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的理论与实践仍存在一些模糊认识;诸如自然资源负债等难以确定的问题。着眼于此,本文对我国自然资源资产负债表的编制现状进行了认真的思考,总结出自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的六个关键问题,即对国际规范SEEA2012和SNA2008的认识问题,对以县级单位为起点的编制主体的认识问题,对单式和复式表格根本区别的认识问题,对实物量和价值量转换难点的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表信息渠道与平台建设的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门权责关系的认识问题。以此为基础,本文从国际做法和国内实践两个角度进行了分析,并提出了本文观点:编制和运用自然资源资产负债表,应全面理解、充分借鉴SEEA2012和SNA2008的国际规范;确立以县级及以下政府层级为起点的编制主体;转变为“从单式到复式”的编表思路,坚持使用复式表格;迈出实物量向价值量转化的重要一步,重视价值量核算;建设自然资源数据收集的信息渠道与平台;处理好自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门间的权责关系。本文研究有利于推进自然资源资产负债表编制与运用工作,发挥自然资源资产负债表在我国的生态文明建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

China’s economic growth has a serious impact on the environment and resources. How much real cost did China pay for its economic growth? This paper estimates the monetary costs of resource depletion, environmental pollution, and ecological degradation. The paper examines the geographic distribution of resource and environmental losses across 31 provinces. The findings allow us to reach the following conclusions. First, the national cost of resource depletion, environmental pollution, and ecological degradation in 2005 was 2.5 trillion RMB. It accounted for 13.5% of China’s gross domestic product (GDP). Secondly, the cost of resource depletion, ecological degradation, and environmental pollution has a different spatial distribution. The cost of resources depletion mainly distributes in the central area, the cost of environmental pollution is in the eastern area, and the cost of ecological degradation lies in the western area. Thirdly, the cost of natural resources depletion is 1,672.5 billion RMB, accounting for 67.8% of the total cost of resource and environment. It indicates that economic development has a high cost of resource depletion.  相似文献   

As the global population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, humanity needs to balance an ever increasing demand for food, energy and natural resources, with sustainable management of ecosystems and the vital services that they provide. The intensification of agriculture, including the use of fertilisers from finite sources, has resulted in extensive soil degradation, which has increased food production costs and CO2 emissions, threatening food security. The Bioenergy sector has significant potential to contribute to the formation of a circular economy. This paper presents the scientific, regulatory and socioeconomic barriers to the use of the nutrient waste streams from biomass thermal conversion (ash) and anaerobic digestion (digestate) as sustainable soil amendments for use in place of traditional fertilisers. It is argued that whilst the ability of combined ash and digestate to remedy many threats to ecosystems and provide a market to incentivise the renewable bio-energy schemes is promising, a step-change is required to alter perceptions of ‘waste’, from an expensive problem, to a product with environmental and economic value. This can only be achieved by well-informed interactions between scientists, regulators and end users, to improve the spread and speed of innovation with this sector.  相似文献   

陕西省渭河流域位于干旱、半干旱区,流域内许多城市都面临着水资源短缺问题.水资源社会可再生性是水资源在利用过程中所表现出的特性,其值的增强对于实现水资源的高效利用具有重要意义.本文针对陕西省渭河流域提出了基于若干指标来综合表征缺水城市水资源社会可再生性的方法,并在此基础上对该漉域6个城区的水资源社会可再生性进行了评价.通过建立城市水资源社会可再生性评价指标体系、分级评价标准.引入灰色关联理论,构建了灰色关联分析等级评价模型,并运用该模型分析了研究区域内各城区的水资源可再生程度.研究结果表明,宝鸡的水资源社会可再生性最强,西安、咸阳较强,杨凌区中等.渭南、铜川较弱.本文最后提出了增强这些城市水资源社会可再生性的途径.  相似文献   

European legislation has created a growing interest in the field of renewable energy production in several countries, including Italy. The applications of biomass and/or biofuel for energy generation have been assumed to provide a high level of sustainability due to the perception that renewable resources are inherently sustainable. Thus, renewable fuels applied to heating and/or electricity generation are potentially carbon dioxide neutral. However, before accepting this assumption, it is essential to analyse the actual level of sustainability in the whole supply chain (SC). This requirement has been clearly identified by the recently updated European Directives on renewable biofuels for transportation. However, there is little evidence that this concern has been directed at energy production from biomass. Thus, approaches derived from Green SC Management (GSCM) methods could provide an effective tool for evaluating, from a strategic perspective, the sustainability level of a specific biomass SC. This paper examines how biomass SC activities can define the overall environmental sustainability level. The approach was based on environmental indicators and the resultant output could support more effective GSCM strategies (e.g. defining logistics carriers, evaluating new biomass suppliers, etc.) for managing biomass SCs. Moreover, the approach could be applied by competent authorities for a quick evaluation of the sustainability level of biomass energy production installations. The approach has been tested in a real case study based on an installation, located in Southern Italy, which uses liquid biomass for energy production.  相似文献   

With the fast development of Qingdao’s economy, the energy consumption is increasing significantly. In this paper, based on the energy statistic data in Qingdao area from 2010 to 2015, energy consumption structure was analyzed, indicating the existence of single energy structure; that is, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are dominant in the area. Thus, some issues between energy supply and demand have been brought. To solve present problem, we put forward to formulate the development strategy of energy, including energy savings, the exploitation of petroleum and natural gas resources, the development and utilization of renewable energy sources, and energy policy. It is worthy of mentioning that, according to the geological investigation, the shale gas may be abundant in Qingdao area and the gas resource amount estimated is huge. This is our first finding, important for developing unconventional energy and adjusting the energy structure in Qingdao in the future. Therefore, we suggest that Qingdao government should take action to develop local new energy resources for satisfying the energy demand.  相似文献   

The eminent crisis threatening biological and resource diversity is a global adversity. Global resource diversities are constantly disappearing and deteriorating at quite an alarming proportion, provoking renewed thinking regarding the effectiveness of existing environmental management approaches and practices. For the past four decades, several epochs of environmental management policies and practices disregarded the cultural imperative for safeguarding efficient environmental management outcomes, particularly at the community level. Even in the rouse of this reality, issues of spirituality and how it binds local community people to their natural environment appear to be given only a window dressing attention through the recognition of sacred natural sites. Eight sacred groves and shrines in the Bongo District were investigated based on an endogenous development framework. The data were collected using focus group discussions with stakeholders at the local and district levels and individual interviews with key local natural resource managers from four selected communities. The study revealed that the way indigenous people construct the worldviews and interactions with nature using ancestors and other spirit mediums can safeguard the environment against long periods of human interference and destruction. It also demonstrates that in certain places traditional institutions are becoming malleable and open to the use of external knowledge and resources in order to sustain places of sacred significance. It concludes that cultural imperative and the issues of spirituality are critical for the sustainable management of environmental resources. The study recommends revisiting local practice and cultural values that promote good environmental management practices within the local communities.  相似文献   

The first part presents a conceptual model of the economic system in its ecological and social context. It is developed via an integration of basic concepts in physical resource theory, animal and human physiology, economic theory and systems ecology. The capacity of the model to support analysis of such complex systems where life is a key system characteristic is high. The conceptual model shows the dependency of the human economy on support by non-renewable and renewable resources from Nature (i.e. ecological source restrictions), as well as the capacity of ecosystems to assimilate wastes (ecological sink restrictions). The analysis focuses general principles; thus, the high level of abstraction results in an apparent simplicity. In the second part, we integrate traditional economic production functions and the conceptual model, which results in the formulation of a biophysically anchored production function (BAPF). The BAPF by itself, and through the system of ecological economic accounts that can be derived from it, represent a toolbox that supports the operationalisation of a sustainable development from micro to macro level. It is coherent with Impredicative Loop Analysis, existing management systems within agricultural sciences, OECD’s principles for sustainable development and the approach of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Compared to analytical approaches used in the formulation of sustainability policies in the private and public sphere, based on conceptual models ignoring the complexity when life (bios) is a defining system characteristic, its relevance for the operationalisation of sustainable development approaches infinity. The third part presents results from statistical analysis of relations between gross domestic product and energy supply and some emissions, respectively, for different nations and time periods, delivering values on levels and trends for parameters in the BAPF as well as a first test of the relevance of the BAPF proposed. The paper is ended by a theoretical analysis of the costs of provoking an economic system working under ecological source and sink restrictions to follow exponential growth: The need to decouple economic growth from natural resource use and emissions is highlighted. Otherwise, the erosion of the ecological foundation of the economy with regard to source as well as sink aspects will be a function of exponential growth.  相似文献   

可再生资源非线性收获的策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用非线性理论建立了可再生资源二次非线性收获的动力摸式。研究结果表明:为了保证可再生资源的可持缓利用、收获,必须把收获强度控制在一定的水平上,我们因此可以得到持续的最大产量。我们发现虽然对可再生资源的收获策略有线性和非线性之分,但是得到的可再生资源的最大持续收获量是相同的。因此,我们必须采用合理的可再生资源收获策略。避免可再生资源的过度利用和枯竭。我国可再生资源十分短缺,需正确处理好经济发展与可再生资源保护之问的关系,保护好我国珍贵的可再生资源对于我国的可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

浙江省农业自然资源合理利用战略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对浙江省自然资源利用程度高,资源环境压力大,资源浪费和污染等严重问题,根据浙江省资源构成特点,从资源,环境与经济协调发展的观点提出减少非农建设占用耕地,完善基本农田保护工作,绝不以牺牲现有耕地为调整农业产业结构。与此同时,积极开发后备土地资源,补充现有耕地面积;对于水资源必须依法治,管并重,节约与开源相结合,合理利用水资源,着重开发山,海资源和改善农业生态环境等战略措施。  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In attempts to foster sustainability, where the effective use of natural resources and renewable energy is important, the problem of circular supplier...  相似文献   

水资源的可再生性与可持续利用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文探讨了对水资源可再生性及持续利用的一些基本认识 ,指出水资源的持续利用是水资源可再生性的最终落脚点 ,水资源的可再生性可用弱、中等、强来区分 ,水资源的弱可再生性是起点 ,水资源的强可再生性是最高境界 ,可以通过水资源可再生性维持来达到此最高境界 ,从而促进区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,效法前苏联的中国物权立法是一种按照所有权主体分类调整的“身份型”立法,该立法模式不仅抹杀了不同类型国有财产的“个性”,而且也将自然资源的公共性和生态性消融于普通财产的财产属性和独占使用之中。鉴于“公产法定,私产推定”立法模式能够实现自然资源领域政治国家与市民社会之间的利益平衡,并且“公产法定”具有限制国家公权、保障公众对特定自然资源的平等利用权等制度功能,应以国有自然资源资产的分类管理为逻辑主线,重构自然资源国家所有权客体制度:一是明确自然资源为不动产的物权法地位,借助自然资源不动产登记单元和“复杂物”概念对具有特定生态功能的同一自然资源登记单元的不同自然资源的整合功能,将其纳入传统民法物权客体理论的调整之中。二是依据不同自然资源社会属性之强弱,将国有自然资源资产区分为公产和私产,建立分类调整的规则体系,防范公产之上的国家所有权“遁入私法”。三是物权立法应直接明确国有自然资源资产受公法和私法的双重调整,可以公法和私法相互配合的方式行使所有权。四是国家和集体所有之外的资源原则上可自由利用。  相似文献   

A cost structure is proposed for optimizing the recirculation and recycling of commodities and energy usage considering regional, national and global operating scales. The methodology proposed involves business administration theory and economics and employs the previously introduced equality principle and the model for efficient use of resources for optimal production economy (EUROPE) to impose shadow costs on unwanted material wastes and energy residuals that produce economic incentives to reduce such wastes at the source. A case study presents the practical application of the proposed theory in a national and a global context. It is concluded that the presented methodology is useful for increasing the cost-effectiveness and optimizing recirculation and recycling in the usage of energy resources and natural resources in general. Profitability increases, technology is advanced and environmental conditions improve simultaneously through the application of the EUROPE model to analyze government policy related to the recirculation and recycling of solid wastes and energy. Furthermore, the equity of the distribution of such recirculation and recycling facilities is improved. The developed methods are useful information support tools for decision-making in the management of energy and other natural resources with emphasis on the economics of recirculated and recycled residuals.  相似文献   

The West African Sahel is a harsh environment stressed by a fast-growing population and increasing pressure on the scarce natural resources. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the majority of the people living in the area. Increases in temperature and/or modifications in rainfall quantities and distribution will substantially impact on the natural resource on which agriculture depends. The vulnerability of livelihoods based on agriculture is increased and most likely exacerbate and accelerate the current ‘downward spiral’ of underdevelopment, poverty and environmental degradation. Notably, droughts, a short rainy season and/or very low rainfall will be felt by current systems. To cope with the difficult climatic situation, farm households have developed a range of strategies including selling of animals and on-farm diversification or specialization. At regional level, early warning systems including an operational agro-meteorological information system already provide farmers with crucial information. Substantial political, institutional and financial efforts at national and international level are indispensable for the sustenance of millions of lives. In terms of development, priority needs to be given to adaptation and implementation of comprehensive programs on water management and irrigation, desertification control, development of alternative sources of energy and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices by farmers.  相似文献   

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