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Data on indoor/outdoor pollutant and tracer concentrations were collected during different periods in 1981 at a residence in Newton, MA. Special studies within the kitchen were conducted to determine the vertical and horizontal variability of pollutant and tracer gas concentrations. A reactive chemistry model incorporating simplified NOx chemistry was developed to simulate pollutant concentrations indoors. Multicompartmental mathematical modeling tools were also developed and tested to estimate efficiently the effective, emission, ventilation, and removal rates, as well as the intercompartmental pollutant exchange coefficients. Model studies utilizing two- and three-compartment systems and tracer measurements proved that the dynamics of pollutant mixing inside a kitchen is not only complex but may be quite important in controlling spatial and temporal variability of reactive species. Further monitoring and modeling studies to investigate the critical aspects of the short-term dynamics of the reactive pollutants inside homes with gas cooking stoves are recommended.  相似文献   

As national trends accelerate towards the reduction of ventilation and infiltration rates in buildings, coupled with an increased use of synthetic chemicals in the indoor environment, a new phenomenon has arisen: the “sick building” syndrome. Traditional approaches to environmental health developed for the outdoor air, or for the industrial occupational setting, are inadequate to deal with this problem. It is argued that a comprehensive approach to the problem of indoor air pollution is necessary to protect public health.  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce the energy needs to heat or cool dwellings have the potential to create new health hazards. Increases in indoor levels of radon and its progeny from the reduction in air exchange rates add a substantial radioactive burden to the general population. Other indoor pollutants reaching critical concentrations in homes with low air exchange rates are CO and NO2 from unvented combustion in gas stoves and heaters, tobacco smoke, and asbestos fibers. In addition, insulation materials and certain types of furniture may contribute the toxicant formaldehyde diffusing from foam injected walls or chipboard. Risk estimations using linear dose-response relationships show risk factors per kWh saved which are orders of magnitude greater than for a kWh produced by large power plants using coal, oil, gas, or uranium.  相似文献   

In recent years, scientist have come to realize that contaminated air inside buildings is a major route of human exposure to certain air pollutants. While scientific interest in the problem continues to grow, efforts to measure indoor pollution concentrations, define exposure levels, and estimate health risks remain in their infancy. Within this arena, policymakers must deal with the question of how best to protect public health and safety in the face of incomplete and often contradictory information. In the past, official response to environmental pollution has traditionally taken the form of “control by regulation.” However, creation of a regulatory framework for indoor air quality poses special policy issues that suggest the need to explore alternative modes of intervention. Ambient outdoor air is a public good, in the sense that enjoyment by one individual in no way detracts from use or enjoyment by others. Indoor air, on the other hand, is not a public good, especially in private residences. Costs and benefits of maintaining adequate indoor air quality are internalized within households, suggesting the possibility of a private demand for clean indoor air. Promulgation of indoor air quality standards and other regulations must confront the fact that individuals are already making decisions about their own air quality. Regulations might or might not improve these decisions. Development of effective and reasonable policy requires an appreciation of the scope for private action and consideration of the likelihood that public intervention will foster improved private choices. Among the logical and relatively inexpensive modes of intervention are public information programs, development of simple warning devices, and product testing and labeling.  相似文献   

Residents of Xuan Wei County in China have unusually high lung cancer mortality that cannot be attributed to tobacco use or occupational exposure. They are exposed to smoke from unvented, open pit coal or wood fires (often used for cooking and heating). The variation in lung cancer rates among communes within the county suggests that indoor combustion of smoky coal may be the prime determinant of lung cancer. To characterize the air in Xuan Wei homes, samples of air particles and semivolatile organic compounds were collected from homes located in two communes; one commune has a high rate of lung cancer, and the other has a low rate. Samples collected in the commune where the lung cancer rate is high and where smoky coal is the predominant fuel contained high concentrations of small particles with high organic content; organic extracts of these samples were mutagenic. Samples from homes in the wood-burning commune, which has a low rate of lung cancer, consisted mostly of larger particles of lower organic content and mutagenicity. The smoky coal sample was a mouse skin carcinogen and was a more potent initiator of skin tumors in comparison to the wood or smokeless coal sample.  相似文献   

Two kerosene-fired space heaters, one white-flame convective and one blue-flame radiant, were operated in the master bedroom and living room of an unoccupied house (elevation: 1800 m) under several simulated use conditions. Tests were conducted in the master bedroom with the bedroom door and bedroom window open and closed. The heaters were operated until an 8 °C temperature rise was achieved in the room. Increases in bedroom concentrations of CO, CO2, NO, NO2, and O2 are reported. The increases in CO2 levels ranged from 2440 to 5440 mL/m3 (ppm) while the increases in NO2 levels ranged from 0.12 to 0.60 mL/m3 (ppm). The NO2 emission rate from the convective heater was reduced at the high altitude location as compared with previous emission rate measurements conducted near sea level with the same heater. In addition, inter-room pollutant transport rates are reported for bedroom tests conducted with the window closed. While inter-room pollutant transport rates were less than 10 m3 with the bedroom door closed (opening area less than 100 cm2), they ranged from 16 m3/h to 53 m3/h with the bedroom door open 2.5 cm (opening = 520 cm2), and ranged from 190 to 3400 m3/h with the door fully open (opening area = 15,000 cm2). Continuous emission rate data are reported for tests conducted with the heater in the living room.  相似文献   

The emission of organic gases and vapours of solvent type from 42 commonly used building materials was measured under standard atmospheric conditions. An average of 22 compounds was found in the air around each building material, and the total concentration of gases and vapours was from 0.01 to 1410 mg/m3. The average arithmetic emission rate was 9.5 mg/m2 h, and 52 different compounds were identified. A mathematical model was established for the indoor air concentrations of pollutants originating from building materials. The model was tested on three model rooms constructed from the materials investigated. The calculated total air concentrations of gases and vapours in the three rooms ranged from 1.6 to 23.6 mg/m3, and the number of compounds in the air from 23 to 32. These concentrations and number of compounds did not differ from those found in actual rooms similar in size and construction to the model rooms. The risks of health effects due to the compounds identified from the building materials were investigated, and criteria for future air quality standards are discussed. It is concluded that the possibility of negative health effects cannot be neglected, especially not for the more sensitive minority of the general population.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence dosimetry has been used to measure air kerma in 29 sites in Sicily. Four three month measurement campaigns have been carried out in order to assess seasonal variations. Average annual values between 20 and 90 nGy h(-1), after cosmic background subtraction, are reported. Average annual values are strongly dependent on site lithology, and we find that winter data are generally the highest, while spring and autumn rates are generally the lowest with very similar trends in any site. Summer values generally lay in between. Largest seasonal variations are found in sites along the southern coast of the island, probably because of stronger action of winds affecting radon, along with its progeny, concentrations at ground level.  相似文献   

Current air quality simulation models (AQSM) based on the continuity equation employ the gradient transport approximation and neglect the effect of turbulent fluctuation on chemical reactions. The implications of these approximations are examined, and an alternative statistical, Lagrangian approach applicable to nonreactive pollutants is also discussed.Practically, the working equations of AQSMs are derived from either the Gaussian principle or the conservation-of-mass principles, in conjunction with the semi-empirical parameterizatio of meteorological and photochemical aspects of the problem. The main features of the treatment of the meteorology and current concepts of the photochemical smog mechanism are examined. Some applications of AQMSs, e.g., predictions of future trends of urban carbon monoxide concentrations and photochemical smog, derivation of the relationship between ambient oxidant levels and precursor emission, and estimation of hydrocarbon reactivity for photochemical smog formation, are presented.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality was examined for some gaseous pollutants and particulate matters. In a public library, the indoor/outdoor ratio of gaseous pollutants were found to be dependent on their reactivity, also on the outdoor concentrations and weather conditions. This ratio was 0.6 for SO2,and 1.3 for CO. The indoor/outdoor ratio of carbon monoxide was found to increase at the higher floors of the same building. Concentrations of indoor particulates was found to be influenced by the outdoor concentrations and the particle size. Analysis indicated that indoor suspended dust contained a significant high concentration of lead as compared with outdoor values. Indoor sources were found to pollute the premises of fossil-fuel equipped homes, thus having carbon monoxide concentrations more than the recognized threshold limit value for industry.  相似文献   

This report presents results of a review of available methods for control of environmental hazards applied to indoor air pollutants. Indoor air pollution originates from transport of ambient outdoor air contaminants into occupied spaces by natural infiltration ventilation, or by mechanical ventilation using outdoor makeup air, plus contributions from indoor emission sources. When air exchange with the external ambient environment is reduced to conserve energy, contributions from indoor emission sources may dominate indoor air pollutant levels. This paper identifies alternative methods available to control indoor air pollutant exposures. The performance characteristics of ventilation systems and of air cleaning devices used in mixed modes for ventilation of occupied spaces are described. Models for predicting effectiveness of several alternative modes are reviewed, with field trial validation results cited where available. Results of previous confined-space studies are briefly reviewed as points of departure for consideration of necessary air quality, ventilation, and air cleaning. Understanding of indoor air contaminant generation and controls is aided by examination of earlier studies of indoor air quality, using modern perspectives on occupational environmental health and hygiene.  相似文献   

The relationship between the odor strength of total air samples and the odor strengths of the constituents was investigated in three field experiments in an office building and a new preschool. The odor strength was scaled by magnitude estimation according to a master scale principle which results in comparable values for the total and the constituent odors. Between 60 and 120 chemical components were detected by GC/FID in the indoor air samples (N = 66). Most (81%) of the detected components in an air sample were odorous, even though most of them were of the low concentrations. By a method of pattern analysis, chemical as well as odor patterns of indoor air were found to be characteristics of different buildings. From the odor patterns (POG), the “odor print” of the outdoor air associated with the buildings was also recognized in the indoor air. Thus, the “odor print” of an air sample is different from its “chemical print”. A model was found that predicts the overall odor strength of an air sample from the number of FID-detected components most frequently reported to have a strong odor.  相似文献   

Multi-pollutant air pollution (i.e., several pollutants reaching very high concentrations simultaneously) frequently occurs in many regions across China. Air quality index (AQI) is used worldwide to inform the public about levels of air pollution and associated health risks. The current AQI approach used in China is based on the maximum value of individual pollutants, and does not consider the combined health effects of exposure to multiple pollutants. In this study, two novel alternative indices – aggregate air quality index (AAQI) and health-risk based air quality index (HAQI) – were calculated based on data collected in six megacities of China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shjiazhuang, Xi'an, and Wuhan) during 2013 to 2014. Both AAQI and HAQI take into account the combined health effects of various pollutants, and the HAQI considers the exposure (or concentration)-response relationships of pollutants. AAQI and HAQI were compared to AQI to examine the effectiveness of the current AQI in characterizing multi-pollutant air pollution in China. The AAQI and HAQI values are higher than the AQI on days when two or more pollutants simultaneously exceed the Chinese Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) 24-hour Grade II standards. The results of the comparison of the classification of risk categories based on the three indices indicate that the current AQI approach underestimates the severity of health risk associated with exposure to multi-pollutant air pollution. For the AQI-based risk category of ‘unhealthy’, 96% and 80% of the days would be ‘very unhealthy’ or ‘hazardous’ if based on AAQI and HAQI, respectively; and for the AQI-based risk category of ‘very unhealthy’, 67% and 75% of the days would be ‘hazardous’ if based on AAQI and HAQI, respectively. The results suggest that the general public, especially sensitive population groups such as children and the elderly, should take more stringent actions than those currently suggested based on the AQI approach during high air pollution events. Sensitivity studies were conducted to examine the assumptions used in the AAQI and HAQI approaches. Results show that AAQI is sensitive to the choice of pollutant irrelevant constant. HAQI is sensitive to the choice of both threshold values and pollutants included in total risk calculation.  相似文献   

The EU directives on air quality force member states to inform the public on the status of the ambient air quality. The Internet is commonly used for this purpose and often air quality is being presented as an index ranging from good to bad. A review of existing websites and air quality indices shows that the way air quality is interpreted differs considerably. The paper presents a new air quality index. The index is part of a project to develop a website dedicated to comparing air quality in European cities. The common air quality index (CAQI) is not aimed at replacing existing local indices. The CAQI is a set of two indices: one for roadside monitoring sites and one for average city background conditions. Differentiating between roadside and general city conditions is a first step in assuring consistence in the parameters that are being compared.  相似文献   

Translating knowledge of air quality into a form that can be understood by students and the general public is a major challenge for scientists, public officials, and teachers. Social science studies have shown that both educators and the general public are relatively uninformed about recent findings in environmental research. It is especially difficult to get students of today excited about environmental issues because environmental education has become institutionalized. Students believe they know about major environmental problems even when their knowledge is rudimentary or even wrong. One problem in getting public attention is the general level of hyperbole and hysteria common in most media. Thus, do we try to be even more shrill and apocalyptic than other advocates clamoring for public notice, or should we refuse to participate in this competition for attention?A model is presented to bring K-12 teachers, scientists, and students together to develop innovative, inquiry-based, active learning materials for environmental education. Curricular materials utilizing the discovery process can be created and tested in an iterative process that incorporates the results of current science research into highly effective teaching materials for schools. Following extensive evaluative procedures and review, exemplary materials are prepared for publication. This collaborative method also gives teachers and students a more realistic understanding of how science works by giving them access to active scientists and practical scientific experience.Finally, we argue that scientists need to reveal why they care about environmental issues. It is not enough to remain aloof and objective. If we are going to motivate students and the public to make changes in their lives, we need to make a convincing case for the importance of air quality and what it means in practical terms to our common environment.  相似文献   

科学地评估空气质量的经济价值是政府制定空气污染治理政策的必要前提。近年来选择实验方法逐渐兴起,并被研究者广泛应用于环境价值评估。与其他陈述偏好方法相比,选择实验的一个优势是其具有更高的外部效度。选择实验方法在国内的应用研究尚处在起步阶段。本研究分别在2015年和2016年对北京市居民开展了两次基于选择实验方法的网络调查,在调查数据的基础上采用随机参数Logit和广义多元Logit模型分析了北京市居民对空气质量的偏好,并据此估算了空气质量价值。根据2015年样本的估算结果,雾霾天气(PM_(2.5)超标)和沙尘天气(PM_(10)超标)对北京市居民的平均边际价值分别为6.32元/d和2.69元/d;根据2016年样本的估算结果,两个价值分别为7.72元/d和2.81元/d。上述估算结果在两次调查样本中基本稳定,而且,在多种模型设定下都具有较强的稳健性,与近年来的同类研究结果基本一致。以2016年样本的估算结果为基础,2015年北京市雾霾天气和沙尘天气引起的价值损失分别为239.61亿元和45.13亿元,占北京市当年GDP总量的1.04%和0.20%。进一步研究发现,北京市2015年和2016年空气质量改善的价值均低于北京市政府同年用于治理空气污染投入的财政资金总量,说明资金使用效率有待进一步提高;此外,虽然空气质量对高收入居民具有更高的价值,但是,以收入水平为指标设计的累进税率并不比固定税率更优。  相似文献   

A subcommittee of the Nordic Committee for Building Codes has released guidelines for building regulations regarding indoor air quality, especially concerning ventilation. The main features of the guidelines, such as acceptable outdoor air quality for ventilation and minimum outdoor air flows for dwellings and offices, are presented and discussed. Mechanical ventilation is, in principle, required in all buildings including dwellings, due to the requirement of a minimum outdoor air change of 0.5 h−1 and the normal highly airtight nature of new buildings. The guidelines are a basis for designing energy-efficient buildings while maintaining an indoor air quality which provides acceptable comfort and does not impair health.  相似文献   

Dry and irritated mucous membranes of the eyes and airways are common symptoms reported in office-like environments. Earlier studies suggested that indoor pollutants were responsible. We have re-evaluated, by review of the literature, how low relative humidity (RH) may influence the immediately perceived indoor air quality (IAQ), including odour, and cause irritation symptoms (i.e. longer-term perceived IAQ). "Relative humidity" were searched in major databases, and combined with: air quality, cabin air, dry eyes, formaldehyde, inflammation, mucous membranes, offices, ozone, pungency, sensory irritation, particles, precorneal tear film, sick building syndrome, stuffy air, and VOCs. The impact of RH on the immediately and longer-term perceived IAQ by VOCs, ozone, and particles is complex, because both the thermodynamic condition and the emission characteristics of building materials are influenced. Epidemiological, clinical, and human exposure studies indicate that low RH plays a role in the increase of reporting eye irritation symptoms and alteration of the precorneal tear film. These effects may be exacerbated during visual display unit work. The recommendation that IAQ should be "dry and cool" may be useful for evaluation of the immediately perceived IAQ in material emission testing, but should be considered cautiously about the development of irritation symptoms in eyes and upper airways during a workday. Studies indicate that RH about 40% is better for the eyes and upper airways than levels below 30%. The optimal RH may differ for the eyes and the airways regarding desiccation of the mucous membranes.  相似文献   

Our challenge was to address future directions in air quality research that involve economic issues. The paper outlines the role of economics in the evaluation of air pollution impacts on environmental systems and describes existing research. We identify studies that address economic effects in the agricultural sector, in the commercial forest sector, and in unmanaged natural systems. Effects related to ozone exposure are highlighted. The summary of available research is followed by a discussion of research recommendations. Several short-term recommendations are identified that can augment some of the new research being considered by scientists. A more ambitious, long-term research project is outlined for valuing air pollution impacts in unmanaged natural environments. Specifically, the paper describes possible advantages of an 'integrated assessment' framework that more formally brings together the complex relationships that exist in both ecological and economic systems. A final section contains thoughts on the importance of education (i.e., information transfer) in the research process, especially in relation to policy. It is further noted that education should be inclusive of all members of the research team, throughout all stages of the research process.  相似文献   

The air quality in a newly built preschool was investigated in a longitudinal study. Typical air contaminants emanating from building materials were determined, their variation over time (0–18 months) was measured, and the influence of the ventilation system (81%–91% recirculation of return air) on contaminant concentrations was studied. Volatile organic compounds were sampled by adsorption on porous polymer, analysed by a GC/FID system, and identified by MS. A spatial build-up in concentration (ppb or μg/m3 levels) is evident for all the organic compounds, as well as for CO2, from the outdoor air, through the ventilation system, and through the rooms to the exhaust air. The longitudinal comparison over time shows that all the organic compounds decline in concentration mainly within the first 6 months of occupancy: 1-butanol 4–14 times, toluene and pentanal + hexanal 2–4 times, while formaldehyde remained at a constant low level of 90 ppb (110 μg/m3). It is difficult to believe that the problems of poor air quality in 100 preschools in Stockholm are caused by the organic compounds alone unless interactions occur. A preschool building needs to be gassed off during the first 6 months after its construction with no recirculation of return air allowed (outdoor air rate approx 4–5 ach). During at least 1–2 additional years, it is desired that the recirculation rate of return air is restricted, perhaps to 50%.  相似文献   

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