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Heavy metal concentrations (Pb, Cd, and Cu) in classroom indoor dust were measured. The health risk (non-carcinogenic) of these heavy metals in classroom indoor dust to children was assessed based on United States Environmental Protection Agency health risk model. Indoor classroom dust samples were collected from 21 locations including windows, fans, and floors at a primary school in Sri Serdang, Malaysia. Classroom dust samples were processed using aqua regia method and analyzed for Pb, Cd, and Cu concentrations. The highest average heavy metal concentrations were found in windows, followed by floor and fan. Pb concentrations ranged from 34.17 μg/g to 101.87 μg/g, Cd concentrations ranged from 1.73 μg/g to 7.5 μg/g, and Cu concentrations ranged from 20.27 μg/g to 82.13 μg/g. Ventilation and cleaning process were found as the possible factors that contributed to heavy metal concentration in window, floor, and fan. Moreover, the hazard index (HI) and hazard quotient (HQ) values for heavy metals Cd and Cu were less than one. By contrast, the HI and HQ values for Pb (maximum values) were more than one, indicating potential non-carcinogenic risk to children. Long-term persistence of leaded petrol, building materials, interior paint, school located near industrial areas and major roads, as well as vehicle emission are the factors attributed to the presence of heavy metals in classroom dust. Further research under a long-term monitoring plan and actual values in a health risk model is crucial before a final decision on heavy metal exposure and its relationship to young children health risks can be made. Nevertheless, the findings of this study provide crucial evidence to include indoor dust quality in school assessment because the environmental processes and impacts of surrounding school area have health risk implications on young children.  相似文献   

Background Frequent application of Bordeaux mixture, which includes copper, as a fungicide in fruit and grape orchards may lead to copper accumulation in the soil, especially when orchard age and application times increase. The objectives of this study were: (i) to investigate the copper content and its spatial distribution in orchard soils; (ii) to identify the copper fractionation in soil and its relationship with plant uptake; (iii) to understand the characteristics of copper contamination in orchard soils. Materials and Methods Soil profile samples were taken in apple orchards with ages of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 years and pot experiments were also carried out to study the effects of external copper input on copper fractionation. All soil samples were air-dried, ground and extracted with 0.43 mol L–1 HNO3 for the total absorbed copper. Fractionation determination was conducted following Tessier and Shuman sequential extraction methods, and copper was measured with AAS. Plant samples were first dry ashed, dissolved with 6 mol L–1 HCl and then copper and other elements were measured with ICP-MS.Results and Discussion Soil total Cu was higher in the apple orchards than that in non-orchard fields and was seen to have increased with orchard age. Soil Cu increased substantially with the average annual copper increase, ranging from 2.5 to 9 mg Cu kg–1. The distribution of copper in the soil profile was uneven, decreasing from surface to deeper layers, and the differences were significant, but the contents in every layer were also significantly correlated with those in the next layers. For all copper fractions, the organically bound, crystalline Mn oxide bound, and amorphous Fe bound fractions extracted with the Shuman method were much higher than the exchangeable and residual fractions. Using the Tessier method, organically bound, carbonate bound and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions were much higher. With an increase in external copper input, the organically bound, crystalline Mn oxide bound and amorphous Fe bound fractions in the Shuman method and organically bound, carbonate bound and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions in the Tessier method all increased significantly, while the changes in other fractions were not significant. Soil total copper and copper fractions were found to have good correlations with apple tree uptake. Copper in fruit flesh had significant correlations with soil total content in the 0–10 cm layer, all the copper fractions in the 0–5 cm layer, and some fractions in the deeper layers. Conclusion Copper content in orchard soils increased significantly with intensive application of Bordeaux mixtures and orchard age. Copper content decreased sharply from the topsoil to deeper soil layers. The copper contents in different layers also significantly correlated with those in the next layers. Dominant fractions of the copper in soil were mainly associated with organic matter, iron and manganese oxides and carbonates. A close relationship was found between the copper content in soils and in apple tree organs (which contained 8.9 to 66mg kg–1 Cu). Recommendation and Perspective Though most copper in the soil was specifically adsorbed or immobilized, and copper was mainly distributed in topsoil, which was essentially devoid of roots, the copper concentration of fruit still had significantly positive correlations with soil copper and most copper fractions. Therefore, measures must be taken to control copper accumulation in orchard soils and to make the apple fruit production sustainable.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distribution of metals and the sources of metal pollution were investigated along the Northern Shelf of Cyprus (Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations of heavy metals and organic matter were measured in sediments collected from the Gemi Konagi, Girne, and Gazi Magusa areas. Measured metal values were compared with Mediterranean background concentrations. Cu and Zn concentrations at the Gemi Konagi area and all of the Cr values were higher than Mediterranean backgrounds. The metal levels were evaluated by the enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (Cf) and degree of contamination (Cd). EF results indicated that heavy metal sources were probably originated from natural processes and mining activities. The Cf values of Hg indicated low contamination. The Cd (degree of contamination) values for all heavy metals also showed a low degree of contamination at the study area. Metal levels were also compared with the numerical Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) for an environmental risk assessment. Results showed that sediments were classified as heavily polluted by Cu and moderately polluted by Zn at Gemi Konagi and heavily polluted by Cr and Ni contamination at all sampling areas per the SQG.  相似文献   

安徽铜陵新桥河的沉积物样中,重金属浓度为Cu〉Zn〉Pb〉Cr,按国家土壤环境二级质量标准评价,Cu、Zn含量已超标。其新桥河的沉积物样中,Cu、Zn的污染参数很高,含量为高风险或极高风险;Pb污染参数较高,含量为一般风险或高风险。同时新桥河的沉积物样中,Cu具有很高的潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

Background There has been an increasing concern about the treatment and disposal of contaminated sediment from dredged river, harbor or estuary due to the accumulated toxic organics such as dioxins and inorganics particularly heavy metals like Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu, Hg and Cd. However, considering the huge amount of materials and financial costs involved, any candidate technology must ultimately result to reusable residual by-products. This can only be made possible if the toxic pollutants are removed or stabilized in the raw sediment and then fed back into the materials cycle. Currently, we are developing a pyrolysis process for the commercial-scale cleanup of dioxins and heavy metal-contaminated river sediment to yield reusable char for various economical applications. In this connection, this paper describes our preliminary investigation into the extent of dioxins and heavy metal volatilization from actual contaminated sediment. The stabilization of certain metallic species particularly Cr ions was studied. Methods Laboratory scale pyrolysis experiments were conducted using a special horizontal lab-scale pyrolyzer. Sediment samples from Shanghai Suzhou Creek and Tagonoura Harbor were pyrolyzed in the reactor under nitrogen gas at 800°C and different retention times of 30, 60 and 90 min. A constant heating rate of 10°C min-1 was employed. The pyrolysis gas was first allowed to pass through a cold trap to condense the tar. Uncondensed gases were then channeled through a column containing an adsorbent (XAD-2 Resin) for dioxins. Heavy metal concentrations in the initial and final sediment residues were analyzed by ICP (Nippon Jarrel-Ash) following their acid and alkali (for Cr6+) digestion. Dioxins content of the pyrolysis char, tar, and exhaust gases in the dioxin adsorbent were also determined. For comparative purpose, thermal treatment under air flow was conducted. Results The data for the removal of heavy metals from Suzhou Creek sediment showed very significant reductions in Pb, Zn and Cr6+ content of the sediment at this condition. Percentage removals were 42.4%, 60.8% and 42.2%, respectively. The disappearance of Cr6+ was due to reduction reactions rather than volatilization since the total Cr content remained almost unchanged. Other heavy metals such as Cu, Fe and Ni showed very minimal reductions. Nonetheless, Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) tests confirmed that these residual heavy metals were rather stable in the pyrolysis char. Reduction of toxic Cr6+ at 42.2% has also been achieved by pyrolysis (with N2) as opposed to the more than 580 % increase in Cr6+ observed during thermal oxidation (with air). Discussion Pyrolysis also remove toxic organics particularly dioxins from the sediment. For the total dioxins, removal percentage of 99.9999% was achieved even at the lowest retention time of 30 min. Almost all polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxine (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs) were removed at any retention time. The TEQs detected from the solid residues were mainly contributed by dioxin-like PCBs, yet these were present in relatively trace quantities. At the shortest retention time of 30 min, only 0.000085 pg-TEQ g-1 of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was detected in the pyrolysis char. Furthermore, the residual PCBs have very low toxicity ratings and none of the highly toxic PCBs, which were initially present in the sediment such as 3,3',4,4',5-PeCB and 3,3',4,4'5,5'-HxCB, were detected in the char. Results further confirmed that most of the dioxins that were removed were transferred to the gas phase so that volatilization may be considered as the main mechanism for their removal. Conclusion Some heavy metals particularly Pb and Zn can be volatilized under N2 pyrolysis at 800oC. Pyrolysis also prevented the formation of more toxic Cr6+ ions and at the same time resulted to its reduction by around 42.2% contrast to the 580% increase during thermal oxidation. PCDDs and PCDFs have been removed and were not formed in the solid products over the retention time range of 30-90 min at 800°C. Dioxin-like PCBs mostly remained and a retention time of 30 min was found sufficient for its maximum removal. Recommendations and Perspective . With the above results, a temperature of 800oC at a retention time of 30 min is sufficient for the removal of total dioxins and some heavy metals by volatilization. It is however necessary to destroy the dioxins as well as recover heavy metals in the gas phase. Stability of remaining heavy metals in the char also needs to be confirmed by leaching tests. These are the major concerns, which we are currently evaluating to establish the feasibility of our proposed large scale pyrolysis system for sediment treatment.  相似文献   

The contributions of heavy metals in selected vegetables through atmospheric deposition were quantified in an urban area of India. Deposition rate of Zn was recorded maximum followed by Cu, Cd and Pb. The concentrations of Zn and Cu were highest in Brassica oleracea, Cd in Abelmoschus esculentus and B. oleracea, while Pb was highest in Beta vulgaris. Heavy metal pollution index showed that B. oleracea was maximally contaminated with heavy metals followed by A. esculentus and then B. vulgaris. The results of washing showed that atmospheric deposition has contributed to the increased levels of heavy metals in vegetables. Both Cu and Cd posed health risk to local population via test vegetables consumption, whereas Pb posed the same only through B. oleracea. The study concludes that atmospheric depositions can elevate the levels of heavy metals in vegetables during marketing having potential health hazards to consumers.  相似文献   

Intention, Goal, Scope, Background The effect of chloride concentration and pH on the UV oxidation systems was examined. Phenol and methanol were used as organic substances. The treatment of these chemicals by UV oxidation using a newly developed lab scale pretest UV-Free Surface Reactor (UV-FSR) with and without Cl– addition at different pH values, is evaluated. Results of this study indicated that the Cl– concentration of the water and the chemical structure of the substances is more important than the pH of the water. There was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, but a de-novo synthesis of AOX was observed during the batch experiments. This is caused by the high chloride content of the wastewaters. It can be supposed that OHradicals oxidize some chloride-ions to form chlorine, which further reacts with organic compounds. During the treatment, these AOX compounds which are produced from the beginning of the reaction are destroyed again. Evaluations of these experiments were done according to TOC and AOX results. Approximately 80% and 99% TOC removal efficiencies were obtained for the treatment of Phenol and Methanol-containing wastewaters, respectively. Objective In the literature, there are no relevant publications concerning the AOX formation of wastewater by wet oxidation- iron catalysed or by application of UV. For that reason, the main objectives of this study were: 1. to see the influence of chloride concentration and pH on the AOXde-novo formation with newly developed UV-Free Surface Reactor (UV-FSR), 2. to make a comparison of different AOPs, 3. to observe the effect of the chloride concentration on the TOC degradation efficiency, 4. to optimise reaction conditions. Methods In synthetic wastewaters, Methanol (CH3OH) and Phenol (C6H5 OH) are used as pollutants. The concentration of each substance was 1000 mg/l and COD values were calculated theoretically. The H2O2 addition was calculated according to the COD with a convenient stoichiometric factor (e.g. 1). During experiments, the pH was always kept constant with the addition of either 25% H2SO4 or 33% NaOH depending on the experimental conditions. Each substance was treated with the addition of 1000 mg/l Cl–, 10000 mg/l Cl– and without Cl– addition at pH 3, pH 7 and pH 10, respectively. NaCl was used as a Cl– source. Adsorbable Organic Halogenides (AOX) were determined using a TOX analyser (European Standard EN 1485 H 14, 1996). TOC measurements were carried out using an Elementar High TOC Analyzer equipped with an auto sampler. The H2O2 concentration was measured according to German Standard Methods (DIN 38409, Part 15, 1987). Results and Discussion The first step was to determine the effect of pH on the AOX formation in the process. Therefore, experiments were carried out at three different pHs: acidic (pH 3), neutral (pH 7) and basic (pH 10) conditions at a constant initial Methanol concentration of 1000 mg/l and a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3185 mg/l (1 x stoichiometric). All results were evaluated according to applied pH. At these conditions, the amount of H2O2 (53 ml / 10 l) concentration was nearly zero after 1 hour batch treatment of Methanol. There was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, but the AOX value increased after 6–18 min. At the end of 1 hour batch treatment this produced AOX was treated again. The maximum AOX production was obtained with the addition of 10000 mg/l Cl–, whereas there is no AOX production during the experiment when Cl– was not used. In all studies, however, TOC values decreased to almost zero after 1 hour batch treatment. After the experiments with Methanol, Phenol treatment was carried out at different pHs as a second experiment. pH was kept constant with the addition of either H2SO4 or NaOH depending on the experimental conditions. During experiments with Phenol, the colour of the water changed from colourless to a yellowish- red. After 1 hour treatment, the colour of the water was red. Therefore, these experiments were continued until the water became colourless again, and this took about 5 hours. Although there was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, it increased after 30 min to 1 hour oxidation with the addition of 1000 mg/l Cl– and 10000 mg/l Cl–. There was no AOX production during the experiments when Cl– was not added. At the end of 5 hours of treatment, formed AOX was degraded and the TOC concentration decreased from 766 mg/l to approximately 200 mg/l. Conclusion. These experiments of this study showed that the effects of Cl– concentration of the water and the chemical structure of the substances is more than that of the pH on the AOX formation. During the batch experiments, a de-novo synthesis of AOX was observed very impressively due to the high chloride content of the wastewaters. It can be implied that OH-radicals oxidize some chloride-ions to form chlorine, which further reacts with organic compounds so that AOXde-novo is formed. At the end of the reaction times these AOX compounds are also destroyed. Recommendation and Outlook It is more cost effective to use these processes for only purposes such as toxicity reduction, enhancement of biodegradability, decolourisation and removal of micropollutants. However, the most important point is the optimization of the reaction conditions for the process of concern. The AOP applied can be used, for instance, for AOX reduction and TOC removal of industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

Background Species that are at high levels of the food web have often been used as bioindicators to evaluate the presence of persistent contaminants in ecosystems. Most of these species are long-lived, so pollutant burdens may be integrated in some complex way over time. This makes them particularly sensitive to deleterious effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Birds have been suggested as useful organisms for monitoring pollutant levels. Traditionally such studies have been carried out with raptors such as osprey (Pandion haliaetus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus), etc. In this paper we present the results of a monitoring study conducted on two raptor species, osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and red kite (Milvus milvus), inhabiting a Mediterranean island (Menorca, Spain). These two species have different feeding habits; ospreys prey on fish and red kites feed on terrestrial species. This study constitutes a good opportunity to investigate if differences in feeding habits (aquatic vs. terrestrial) influences the contaminants pattern in two species inhabiting the same area. Methods The study was conducted in a non-destructive way, using only failed eggs, to avoid the damage of the population stability. Eggs were collected during the period 1994–2000. The contaminants examined were dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs, including DDT and its main metabolite, DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including ortho PCBs (PCBs with at least one Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #28, 52, 95, 101, 123+149, 118, 114, 153, 132+105, 138, 167, 156, 157, 180, 170, 189, 194; and non ortho PCBs (PCBs with no Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #77, 126, 169 and all the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) with Chlorine atoms at the 2,3,7 and 8 position (2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs). The analysis of organochlorine compounds was performed using a sample treatment based on a Solid Phase Matrix Dispersion procedure. Ortho PCBs and DDTs were determined by HRGC-μECD; non ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs were determined by HRGC-HRMS. Results and Discussion The sum of the ortho PCB congeners analysed ranged from 0.94 to 15.03 μg/g wet weight (ww) for ospreys and from 1.0 to 11.2 μg/g ww for red kites. In both species, PCB congeners #153, #138 and #180 accounted about 75% to total ortho PCB concentrations. Regarding non ortho PCBs, for ospreys, concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 1.39 ng/g wet weight (ww) and for red kites from 0.12 to 0.51 ng/g ww, being congener #126 the most abundant. Concerning DDTs, concentration for ospreys ranged from 0.07 to 1.03 μg/g ww; and for red kites ranged from 0.90 to 2.10 μg/g ww, representing DDE more than 95% of the total DDTs, which proves a past use of DDT in the study area. Differences in contaminant levels between species are probably associated to feeding habits. The fish-eating species presents the highest PCB levels, whereas the terrestrial species exhibits the highest DDT levels. PCDD/Fs in ospreys were in the range 2.6–14.2 pg/g ww, while in red kites the range was slightly wider (22.2–43.2 pg/g ww), being PCDDs the major contributors in black kites. Ospreys had PCDDs similar to PCDF concentrations. PCDD/F profiles were mostly influenced by OCDD in both species. Non ortho PCBs were the major contributors to calculated Toxic Equivalent Quantity (TEQs) in both species. Conclusion In both species studied, ortho-PCBs could represent a problem of concern since 57% of the eggs exhibited levels higher than 4 μg/g ww, reported as the level that could cause reduced hatchability, embryo mortality, and deformities in birds. Recommendations and Outlook Results found in this study suggest that a more detailed study to clear up possible deleterious effects of PCBs on the bird populations studied here should be done. Section Editor: Prof. Dr. Paola Gramatica (paola.gramatica@uninsubria.it)  相似文献   

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