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The arsenic contamination in soil-water-plant systems is a major concern of where, the groundwater is being contaminated with arsenic (above 0.01 mg/L) in the Indian subcontinent. The study was conducted with organic matter to find out the reducing e ect on arsenic load to rice (cv. Khitish). It was observed that intermittent ponding reduced arsenic uptake (23.33% in root, 13.84% in shoot and 19.84% in leaf) at panicle initiation stage, instead of continuous ponding. A decreasing trend of arsenic accumulation (root > straw > husk > whole grain > milled grain) was observed in di erent plant parts at harvest. Combined applications of lathyrus + vermicompost + poultry manure reduced arsenic transport in plant parts (root, straw, husk, whole grains and milled grain) which was significantly at par (p > 0.05) with chopped rice straw (5 tons/ha ) + lathyrus green manuring (5 tons/ha) in comparison to control and corresponding soils. A significant negative correlation of arsenic with phosphorus (grain P with arsenic in di erent parts R2= 0.627–0.726 at p > 0.01) was observed. Similarly, soil arsenic had a negative correlation with soil available phosphorus (R2 = 0.822 at p > 0.001) followed by soil nitrogen (R2= 0.762 at p > 0.01) and soil potassium (R2 = 0.626 at p > 0.01). Hence, e ective management of contaminated irrigation water along with organic matter could reduce the arsenic build up to plants and soil.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the relationship between distribution of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) and their availability to cole (Brassica campestris L.) grown in the multi-metal contaminated oasis soil in northwest of China. The results showed that Cd and Zn in the unpolluted oasis soil was mainly found in the residual fractionation, however, with increasing contents of Cd and Zn in the oasis soil, the distribution of Cd and Zn changed significantly. The growth of cole could be promoted by low Cd and Zn concentration, but significantly restrained by high concentrations. There was antagonistic e ect among Cd and Zn in the multi-metals contaminated oasis soil. Stepwise regression analysis between fractionations distribution coe cients of the two meals in the soil and their contents in cole showed that both Cd and Zn in the exchangeable fractionation in the oasis soil made the most contribution on the uptake of Cd and Zn in cole. The bio-concentration factor (BCF) of Cd was greater than Zn in cole, and BCFs of the two metals in leaves were greater than those in roots. The translocation factors of the two metals in cole were greater than 1, and the two metals mainly accumulated in the edible parts in cole. Therefore, cole is not a suitable vegetable for the oasis soil because of the plants notable contamination by heavy metals.  相似文献   

A mesocosm experiment was conducted to investigate whether plant coexistence affects cadmium (Cd) uptake by plant in contaminated soil.Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.var.K326) and Japanese clover (Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl.) were used.Cadmium was applied as 3CdSO 4 ·8H 2 O in solution at three levels (0,1,and 3 mg/kg soil) to simulate an unpolluted soil and soils that were slightly and moderately polluted with Cd.Tobacco (crop),Japanese clover (non-crop),and their combination were grown under each C...  相似文献   

The interaction between zinc and cadmium was investigated in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). Ten-day-old seedlings were treated with 10 mol/L CdCl2 associated to di erent concentrations of ZnCl2 (10, 50, 100, and 150 mol/L). Zn supply clearly reduced Cd accumulation in leaves and simultaneously increased Zn concentration. Cd induced oxidative stress in leaves as indicated by an increase in thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) level and chlorophyll breakdown. Furthermore, compared with control, Cdtreated plants had significantly higher activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, whereas, catalase (CAT, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC, and glutathione reductase (GR, EC activities were significantly suppressed by Cd addition. Zn supplementation, at low level, restored and enhanced the functional activity of these enzymes (SOD, CAT, APX and GR) as compared to Cd-alone-treated plants. The beneficial e ect of adequate Zn level on Cd toxicity was confirmed by a significant decrease in TBARS level and restoration of chlorophyll content. However, when Zn was added at high level in combination with Cd there was an accumulation of oxidative stress, which was higher than that for Cd or excess Zn alone treatments. These results suggested that higher Zn concentrations and Cd are synergistic in their e ect on plant growth parameters and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus mosseae on the responses to elevated O3 in growth and nutrition of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Guangzhouyuan) were investigated. Exposure was conducted in growth chambers by using three O3 concentrations (20 (CF), 80 (CFO1) and 120 nL/L (CFO2); 8 hr/day for 75 days). Results showed that elevated O3 slightly impacted overall mycorrhizal colonization, but significantly decreased the proportional frequency of hypha and increased the proportional frequency of spores and vesicles, suggesting that O3 had significant effects on mycorrhizal structure. Elevated O3 significantly decreased yield, dry mass and nutrient contents (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in both non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal plants. However, significant interactive effects were found in most variables due to that the reduction by O3 in the mycorrhizal plants was less than that in the non-mycorrhizal plants. Additionally, AMF increased the concentrations of N, P, Ca, and Mg in shoot and root. It can be concluded that AMF alleviated detrimental effects of increasing O3 on host plant through improving plant nutrition and growth.  相似文献   

It is less known whether and how soil metal lead (Pb) impacts the invasion of exotic plants.A greenhouse experiment was conducted to estimate the effects of lead on the growth and mycorrhizae of an invasive species(Solidago canadensis L.)in a microcosm system. Each microcosm unit was separated into HOST and TEST compartments by a replaceable mesh screen that allowed arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal hyphae rather than plant roots to grow into the TEST compartments.Three Pb levels(control,300,and 600 mg/kg soil)were used in this study to simulate ambient soil and two pollution sites where S. canadensis grows.Mycorrhizal inoculum comprised five indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species (Glomus mosseae,Glomus versiform,Glomus diaphanum,Glomus geosporum,and Glomus etunicatum).The 15N isotope tracer was used to quantify the mycorrhizally mediated nitrogen acquisition of plants.The results showed that S. canadensis was highly dependent on mvcOrrhizae.The Pb additions significantly decreased biomass and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization(root length colonized,RLC%) but did not affect spore numbers,N(including total N and 15N) and P uptake.The facilitating efficiency of mycorrhizae on nutrient acquisition was promoted by Pb treatments.The Pb was mostly sequestered in belowground of plant (root and rhizome).The results suggest that the high efficiency of mycorrhizae on nutrient uptake mightgive S. canadensis a great advantage over native species in Pb polluted softs.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the bioaccumulation and translocation of cadmium (Cd) in cole (Brassica campestris L.) and celery (Apium graveolens) grown in the Cd-polluted oasis soil, Northwest of China. The results showed that Cd in the unpolluted oasis soil was mainly bound to carbonate fraction (F2) and Fe-Mn oxide fraction (F3). However, marked change of Cd fractions was observed with increasing soil Cd concentrations, in which the concentration of Cd in F1 (exchangeable fraction), F2 and F3 increased significantly (p < 0.001 for F1, F2 and F3). The growth of cole and celery could be facilitated by low concentrations of Cd, but inhibited by high concentrations. The correlation analysis between the fraction distribution coefficient of Cd in the soil and Cd concentration accumulated in the two vegetables showed that Cd in F1 in the soil made the greatest contribution on the accumulation of Cd in the two vegetables. The high bio-concentration factor and the translocation factor of Cd in both cole and celery were observed, and Cd had higher accumulation in the edible parts of the two vegetables. Therefore, both cole and celery grown in Cd-polluted oasis soil have higher risk to human health. And the two vegetables are not suitable to be cultivated as vegetables consumed by human in the Cd-polluted oasis soil.  相似文献   

Lead and Zn uptake and chemical changes in rhizosphere soils of four emergent-rooted wetland plants; Aneilema bracteatum, Cyperus alternifolius, Ludwigia hyssopifolia and Veronica serpyllifolia were investigated by two experiments: (1) rhizobag filled with “clean” or metal-contaminated soil for analysis of Pb and Zn in plants and rhizosphere soils; and (2) applied deoxygenated solution for analyzing their rates of radial oxygen loss (ROL). The results showed that the wetland plants with di erent ROL rates had significant e ects on the mobility and chemical forms of Pb and Zn in rhizosphere under flooded conditions. These e ects were varied with di erent metal elements and metal concentrations in the soils. Lead mobility in rhizosphere of the four plants both in the “clean” and contaminated soils was decreased, while Zn mobility was increased in the rhizosphere of the “clean” soil, but decreased in the contaminated soil. Among the four plants, V. serpyllifolia, with the highest ROL, formed the highest degree of Fe plaque on the root surface, immobilized more Zn in Fe plaque, and has the highest e ects on the changes of Zn form (EXC-Zn) in rhizosphere under both “clean” and contaminated soil conditions. These results suggested that ROL of wetland plants could play an important role in Fe plaque formation and mobility and chemical changes of metals in rhizosphere soil under flood conditions.  相似文献   

IntroductionThecontentofCuintheenvironmentisusually20to30ppminnoncontaminatedsoil(Nriagu,1979;Salomons,1984),butismorethan2000ppminminingareasandinthevicinityofsmelters(Freedman,1980;Humphreys,1984).IthasbeendemonstratedthatcoppersolubilitydependsonpHinsoils,anditisob…  相似文献   

通过田间实验,研究了镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)复合污染稻田土壤中施加组配改良剂(LS,石灰石+海泡石)对黄华占和丰优9号2种水稻种植土壤中p H、Cd和Pb形态转化以及水稻糙米中Cd和Pb累积量的影响.结果表明,施加LS,通过提高2种水稻土壤的p H值,可以有效地改变土壤中Cd和Pb的存在形态,使土壤Cd和Pb由酸可提取态不同程度地转化为铁锰氧化态和有机结合态.LS施加量为2.0~8.0 g·kg-1时,使黄华占水稻土壤中Cd和Pb的酸可提取态含量分别降低19.6%~23.8%、7.7%~14.3%,丰优9号水稻土壤中Cd和Pb的酸可提取态含量分别降低7.6%~31.1%、11.7%~24.8%,且降低效果为CdPb.LS还能显著降低2种水稻糙米中Cd和Pb含量,LS施加量为2.0~8.0 g·kg-1时,黄华占和丰优9号2种水稻糙米中Cd含量分别降低了56.5%~67.2%、29.0%~38.7%,Pb含量分别降低了9.8%~34.2%、6.8%~45.4%,同种水稻Cd和Pb含量降低效果为CdPb.研究表明,土壤中Cd和Pb酸可提取态含量能很好地反映土壤中Cd和Pb的生物有效性和迁移性.  相似文献   

Variations among rice cultivars on root oxidation and Cd uptake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to understand the mechanisms on the variation between rice cultivars in Cd uptake and accumulation, two pot soil experiments were conducted with typical rice cultivars that varied greatly in soil Cd uptake. The experiments with six rice cultivars showed that the root oxidation abilities of rice differed with rice cultivars and also with types of the cultivars, the cultivars with indica consanguinity were significantly higher than the cultivars with japonica consanguinity. Root oxidation abilities of the rice cultivars correlated positively and significantly (P〈0.01) with their Cd concentrations and Cd quantity accumulations in rice plants. The experiments with two rice cultivars showed that significant differences also existed between the two cultivars in pot soil redox potentials, which of Shan you 63 (higher soil Cd accumulator) were significantly higher than that of Wu yun jing 7 (lower soil Cd accumulator) under different soil Cd levels, but the degrees of the differences varied with soil Cd levels. The differences were larger under soil Cd treatments than the control. The results indicate that root oxidation ability, especially in Cd contaminated soil, is one of the main mechanisms which dominate Cd uptake and accumulation by rice plant.  相似文献   

采用根袋土培试验,研究了锌、镉单一及复合污染对重金属富集植物黑麦草生长、锌镉积累、根分泌物及根际Zn、Cd形态的影响.结果表明,锌镉共存下(8 mmol/kg Zn+2 mmol/kg Cd),黑麦草对锌、镉的吸收为协同效应;仅镉污染时(2 mmol/kg Cd),镉对植株吸收锌为抑制效应.黑麦草吸收的锌、镉主要集中在地上部,以锌、镉复合污染时植株地上部对锌、镉的富集量最大,分别达到3 108.72、73.97 mg/kg,具有作为土壤重金属锌、镉污染植物修复材料的潜力.根际的松结合态锌、镉(交换态、碳酸盐结合态和铁锰结合态)含量大于其非根际的松结合态锌、镉含量.Cd污染和Zn、Cd复合污染的根际和非根际土壤镉形态均以交换态>碳酸盐结合态>铁锰结合态>残渣态>有机结合态.Zn污染及Zn、Cd复合污染根际和非根际土壤各锌形态以铁锰结合态>碳酸盐结合态>残渣态>有机结合态>交换态,而Cd污染的根际和非根际的锌形态则以残渣态>铁锰结合态>有机结合态>碳酸盐结合态>交换态.Zn、Cd污染促进了黑麦草根系氨基酸的分泌,降低了根际土壤的pH值,以Zn、Cd复合污染根际土壤氨基酸总量最大,分别为对照、Zn和Cd污染的1.95、1.54和1.40倍,根际土壤的pH值最低(5.18).根际氨基酸含量在重金属胁迫下明显增加,可能与黑麦草适应重金属胁迫有关.根际pH值高于非根际是根际Zn、Cd有效性大于非根际的重要原因.  相似文献   

One purpose of this research is to present accumulation of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) by female Oxya chinensis (Orthopera: Acridoidea) in a simulated soil-plant-insect ecosystem treated with Cd. Fourth-instar nymphs of O. chinensis had been fed on wheat (Triticurn aestivum) seedlings contaminated with Cd and Cu for one month. In the ecosystem, the Cd concentration in wheat seedlings rose greatly with the increasing of Cd in the soil, but the Cu concentration in wheat seedlings was not found elevated. There was a highly significant difference(P〈0.05) in Cd concentrations of wheat seedlings and not any significant difference(P〉0.05) in Cu concentrations of wheat seedlings. The Cd and Cu concentration in different body part-head, thorax, abdomen, and hind femur, varied under different Cd concentrations in soil. There were significant differences (P〈0.05) in the four parts of Cd and Cu accumulations with all treatments. The order of Cd accumulation was thorax 〉abdomen 〉head 〉hind femur and the Cu was abdomen 〉thorax 〉 head〉hind femur. The results indicated that Cd and Cu were accumulated from the soil to grasshoppers through the plant; that is to say, Cd and Cu in environment could be transported to animal or human via food chain.  相似文献   

外源锌对水稻各部位镉吸收与累积的拮抗效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探明外源锌(Zn)对镉(Cd)污染稻田系统Cd吸收累积的影响,采用盆栽试验,向轻度(Cd含量为0.50 mg·kg~(-1))和中度(Cd含量为1.50 mg·kg~(-1))Cd污染土壤中施用不同浓度的外源Zn,研究Zn对土壤、水稻根表铁膜和水稻各部位中Cd、Zn含量变化的影响,探讨外源Zn对Cd污染稻田系统Cd吸收累积的交互作用.结果表明,在2种Cd污染土壤中,施用外源Zn显著降低了湘晚籼12糙米Cd含量,降低幅度为13.4%~78.4%;在轻度Cd污染土壤中,施用外源Zn显著降低了威优46糙米Cd含量,降低幅度为14.7%~79.8%,而在中度Cd污染土壤中,当外源Zn浓度超过40 mg·kg~(-1)将增加威优46糙米Cd含量;在2种Cd污染土壤下均显著增加2种水稻根表铁膜数量,分别增加14.7%~85.9%、5.8%~61.2%;但对土壤交换态Cd含量无显著影响.在2种Cd污染土壤中,2种水稻各部位Cd/Zn比值与Cd含量正线性相关,且各部位Cd/Zn比值呈下降趋势,2种水稻糙米、茎叶间Cd-Zn拮抗作用显著.轻度Cd污染土壤中,施加外源Zn可以降低湘晚籼12和威优46糙米中的Cd含量;中度Cd污染土壤中,外源Zn仍然可以降低湘晚籼12糙米Cd含量,而当外源Zn施加量高于40 mg·kg~(-1)时将增加威优46糙米的Cd含量.  相似文献   

水稻幼苗对纳米氧化铜的吸收及根系形态生理特征响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以纳米氧化铜nano-CuO(10, 100mg/L)为研究对象,以微米氧化铜micron-CuO(10, 100mg/L)及铜离子Cu2+(1.4, 2.3mg/L)为对照,通过水培实验,探讨水稻对nano-CuO的吸收积累及其根系形态和生理特征响应.结果表明,各浓度(10, 100mg/L)nano-CuO处理条件下,水稻根部及地上部铜含量(根351~1444mg/kg dw;地上部9~45mg/kg dw)总体高于micron-CuO处理(根248~817mg/kg dw;地上部1.57~1.60mg/kg dw)及Cu2+处理(根147~220mg/kg dw;地上部14~26mg/kg dw),且在水稻幼苗根及茎透射电镜图片中均观察到nano-CuO的存在,指示水稻可通过纳米颗粒的形式吸收、转运nano-CuO. Nano-CuO在水稻根细胞中主要存在于核内体中,指示内吞作用是其进入根细胞的主要方式. Nano-CuO对水稻幼苗根系有较强的毒性作用,对各根系形态指标的抑制率为28%~74%,其中总根长、根体积和比表面积为最敏感;nano-CuO的吸收累积及纳米效应是其水稻根系毒性的主要原因.低浓度nano-CuO (10mg/L)胁迫时,水稻幼苗根系活力显著提高,总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积无显著差异;高浓度nano-CuO (100mg/L)胁迫时,水稻幼苗根系活力和总吸收面积显著降低.  相似文献   

Degradation of soil and water from discharge of untreated industrial effluent is alarming in Bangladesh. Therefore, buildup of heavy metals in soil from contaminated effluent, their entry into the food chain and effects on rice yield were quantified in a pot experiment. The treatments were comprised of 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% industrial effluents applied as irrigation water. Effluents, initial soil, different parts of rice plants and post-harvest pot soil were analyzed for various elements, including heavy metals. Application of elevated levels of effluent contributed to increased heavy metals in pot soils and rice roots due to translocation effects, which were transferred to rice straw and grain. The results indicated that heavy metal toxicity may develop in soil because of contaminated effluent application. Heavy metals are not biodegradable, rather they accumulate in soils, and transfer of these metals from effluent to soil and plant cells was found to reduce the growth and development of rice plants and thereby contributed to lower yield. Moreover, a higher concentration of effluent caused heavy metal toxicity as well as reduction of growth and yield of rice, and in the long run a more aggravated situation may threaten human lives, which emphasizes the obligatory adoption of effluent treatment before its release to the environment, and regular monitoring by government agencies needs to be ensured.  相似文献   

紫云英还田配施石灰对水稻镉吸收转运的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间小区试验,研究了紫云英(CMV)与石灰(L)单施及两者配施(CMVL)对土壤Cd有效性、水稻根表胶膜及Cd吸收转运的影响.结果表明:L与CMVL处理土壤pH值分别显著提高2.11~2.43和1.68~2.48个单位、二乙烯三胺五乙酸提取态(DTPA-Cd)含量分别显著降低18.88%~40.53%和20.74%...  相似文献   

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