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As it is often difficult to obtain sufficient numbers of measurements to adequately characterise exposure levels, occupational exposure models may be useful tools in the exposure assessment process. This study aims to refine and validate the inhalable dust algorithm of the Advanced REACH Tool (ART) to predict airborne exposure of workers in the pharmaceutical industry. The ART was refined to reflect pharmaceutical situations. Largely task based workplace exposure data (n = 192) were collated from a multinational pharmaceutical company with exposure levels ranging from 5 × 10(-5) to 12 mg m(-3). Bias, relative bias and uncertainty around geometric mean exposure estimates were calculated for 16 exposure scenarios. For 12 of the 16 scenarios the ART geometric mean exposure estimates were lower than measured exposure levels with on average, a one-third underestimation of exposure (relative bias -32%). For 75% of the scenarios the exposure estimates were, within the 90% uncertainty factor of 4.4, as reported for the original calibration study, which may indicate more uncertainty in the ART estimates in this industry. While the uncertainty was higher than expected this is likely due to the limited number of measurements per scenario, which were largely derived from single premises.  相似文献   

The empirical direct distribution model for lake acidification is calibrated for use in an integrated assessment model which predicts the regional impact of an acid deposition control strategy. The calibration is based on the mechanistic Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments (MAGIC). The models are applied jointly to a set of 33 statistically-selected lakes in the Adirondack region of New York. Calibration of the direct distribution model is based on a step-function application of acid deposition to MAGIC. Comparative evaluations of the resulting model predictions are made using historic deposition estimates and two alternative future deposition scenarios. The predictions of the direct distribution model match well the shapes and patterns of change of the regional distributions of ANC and pH predicted by MAGIC, the short- and medium-term dynamics of these changes, and the effect of including organic acids. However, small, long-term decreases in the fraction of incoming acid deposition neutralized by lakes and their watersheds predicted by MAGIC are not reproduced.  相似文献   

Gaussian-based dispersion models are widely used to estimate local pollution levels. The accuracy of such models depends on stability classification schemes as well as plume rise equations. A general plume dispersion model (GPDM) for a point source emission, based on Gaussian plume dispersion equation, was developed. The program complex was developed using Java and Visual basic tools. It has the flexibility of using five kinds of stability classification schemes, i.e., Lapse Rate, Pasquill–Gifford (PG), Turner, σ–θ and Richardson number. It also has the option of using two types of plume rise formulations – Briggs and Holland’s. The model, applicable for both rural and urban roughness conditions, uses meteorological and emission data as its input parameters, and calculates concentrations of pollutant at the center of each cell in a predefined grid area with respect to the given source location. Its performance was tested by comparing with 4-h average field data of continuous releases of SO2 from Dadri thermal power plant (Uttar Pradesh, India). Results showed that the Turner scheme used with Holland’s equation gives the best outcome having a degree of agreement (d) of 0.522.  相似文献   

Fifty seven samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) collected along the breakwater barriers of Fano (station 1) and Pesaro (station 2), Adriatic Sea, Marche Region, central Italy, were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry and Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in the soft tissues were measured. The aims of this work were the statistical analysis of Cd-weight, Cu-weight, Pb-weight, Zn-weight relationships, and the building of a tendency function that allows assessing with a good approximation the concentrations of a metal in different weight organisms. In Mytilus galloprovincialis the content of Cd proportionally grew with the weight and therefore its concentration was independent from this factor; while the concentration of Pb decreased as the weight increased. In both cases the accuracy of multiple regression models improved considering the variable ‘site’, while the same approach appeared not reliable for Cu and Zn, that were two essential metals. Our results showed that a tendency function was reliable, solid and able to predict to a very satisfying extent the concentration of non-physiological metals, like Cd and Pb; while it did not show a good approximation with real Cu and Zn contents.  相似文献   

Performance assessment is a critical objective of management systems. As a result of the non-deterministic and qualitative nature of performance indicators, assessments are likely to be influenced by evaluators’ personal judgments. Furthermore, in developing countries, performance assessments by the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department are based solely on the number of accidents. A questionnaire is used to conduct the study in one of the largest steel production companies in Iran. With respect to health, safety, and environment, the results revealed that control of disease, fire hazards, and air pollution are of paramount importance, with coefficients of 0.057, 0.062, and 0.054, respectively. Furthermore, health and environment indicators were found to be the most common causes of poor performance. Finally, it was shown that HSE management systems can affect the majority of performance safety indicators in the short run, whereas health and environment indicators require longer periods of time. The objective of this study is to present an HSE-MS unit performance assessment model in steel industries. Moreover, we seek to answer the following question: what are the factors that affect HSE unit system in the steel industry? Also, for each factor, the extent of impact on the performance of the HSE management system in the organization is determined.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the BOXURB model results, as they occurred in the Greater Area of Athens after model application on an hourly basis for the 10-year period 1995-2004, are evaluated both in time and space in the light of observed pollutant concentrations time series from 17 monitoring stations. The evaluation is performed at a total, monthly, daily and hourly scale. The analysis also includes evaluation of the model performance with regard to the meteorological parameters. Finally, the model is evaluated as an air quality forecasting and urban planning tool. Given the simplicity of the model and the complexity of the area topography, the model results are found to be in good agreement with the measured pollutant concentrations, especially in the heavy traffic stations. Therefore, the model can be used for regulatory purposes by authorities for time-efficient, simple and reliable estimation of air pollution levels within city boundaries.  相似文献   

非等间隔GM(1,1)模型在液相色谱保留值研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用灰色系统理论思想,建立非等间隔GM(1,1)模型,对色谱中的流动相组成及容量因子的关系进行预测研究,所建立模型能实现对各实验点值进行模拟和合理地预测。  相似文献   

The distribution of benthic organisms in soft sediments is patchy in time and space on many scales. Such variability makes assessment of ecological impacts difficult. Sediment-related variables, such as grain-size and organic content, which can affect colonization by infauna, vary over similar scales. Variations in characteristics of the sediment may contribute to spatial variability in infaunal assemblages, making it difficult to detect the putative impacts of disturbances, such as the production of boat-generated waves (wash), on these organisms. Here, the hypothesis that infaunal assemblages colonizing containers of homogeneous sedimentwould be less spatially variable than those colonizing natural sediment was tested. Containers were deployed at mudflats differing in exposure to wash. If wash does affect colonization, a reduction in variability among sites of similar exposure should enable stronger differences to be seen between wash and no-wash zones. Assemblages colonizing homogeneous sediment were less variable than those colonizing site-specific sediment. No difference in colonization was, however, seen between places differing in their exposure to wash. Nevertheless, this method is of use in the assessment of ecological impacts in sedimentary environments, where it is difficult to detect putative impacts above the great natural variability in assemblages.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Tagus estuary (Portugal) were collected at 40 stations in July and December 2004. Total LAS concentrations ranged between 0.03 and 17.76 mg LAS.kg(-1) dry weight in July, and between 0.09 and 9.57 mg LAS.kg(-1) in December. Highest LAS concentrations were found at the upper northern part of the estuary, coincident with the localisation of an important waste water treatment station. According to the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) of 8.1 mg.kg(-1) derived for this compound, Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) identified a hazard for the ecosystem at the station with the highest LAS concentration, and similar results are obtained by Equilibrium Partitioning Method (EPM). Nevertheless, LAS concentrations decreased significantly between samplings in the stations with the highest LAS concentrations in July, whereas increased LAS concentrations at adjacent stations were found in December. In the remaining stations, LAS concentrations were up to three orders of magnitude lower, representing no hazard for the sediment community.  相似文献   

The eastern Baltic Sea near the Estonian coast is heavily navigated by numerous cargo ships and oil tankers. Hundreds of accidents and oil spills happen yearly in this area. Yet, there is a lack of data concerning the distribution and effects of the environmental contaminants, especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Different parts of the Baltic Sea have different levels of contamination; therefore a wide range of monitoring stations in coastal areas in the Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga were chosen. The aim of the present research was to document the responses of chosen biomarkers of environmental contaminants in different unstudied areas of the Estonian coastal sea. During 2009 and 2010 we measured PAH metabolites, EROD activities, geno- and cytotoxicity, histology, parasites and other biomarkers from the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), a resident benthic fish species. The results showed that fish from the Gulf of Riga emitted lower levels of fluorescence in fixed wavelength analyses (representing equivalents of PAH metabolites in bile and urine), and consistently, showed less geno- and cytotoxicity and parasite infection, higher liver somatic index (LSI) and a higher condition factor (CF) than fish inhabiting areas close to the Baltic proper and in the Gulf of Finland. The results point to the effect of long-range contaminant transportation, whether atmospheric or hydrodynamic, and also to the intensive shipping activity in international routes. This study fills the gap of knowledge in this area that has persisted until now. Nevertheless, more studies in this area on the different groups of contaminants are necessary, to specify the factors that are responsible for observed biological effects.  相似文献   

Genetic techniques are widely applied to assess the effects of environmental variation or exogenous impacts on populations. Many studies fail to provide convincing evidence that genetic patterns are attributable to the factors proposed. We assert that a rigorous approach must be followed to distinguish patterns of natural genetic variation from genetic change. We review the principles of natural genetic variation and population structure and present them in the context of their interaction with biological and stochastic sources of genetic change. Key steps are articulated which are often overlooked when applying genetic techniques. These are consideration of population structure when comparing populations, developing a specific test against a model of genetic change, and testing for evidence of direct effects and mechanisms of impact. Use of these steps in genetic ecotoxicology is described in detail and includes three primary methods of linking genetic patterns to the effects of contaminants. We propose that this combined approach is critical to the use of genetic techniques to assess and predict long-term effects of environmental impacts on populations or ecosystems.  相似文献   

Compared with sporadic conventional water sampling, continuous water-quality monitoring with optical sensors has improved our understanding of freshwater dynamics. The basic principle in photometric measurements is the incident light at a given wavelength that is either reflected, scattered, or transmitted in the body of water. Here, we discuss the transmittance measurements. The amount of transmittance is inversely proportional to the concentration of the substance measured. However, the transmittance is subject to interference, because it can be affected by factors other than the substance targeted in the water. In this study, interference with the UV/Vis sensor nitrate plus nitrite measurements caused by organic carbon was evaluated. Total or dissolved organic carbon as well as nitrate plus nitrite concentrations were measured in various boreal waters with two UV/Vis sensors (5-mm and 35-mm pathlengths), using conventional laboratory analysis results as references. Organic carbon increased the sensor nitrate plus nitrite results, not only in waters with high organic carbon concentrations, but also at the lower concentrations (< 10 mg C L?1) typical of boreal stream, river, and lake waters. Our results demonstrated that local calibration with multiple linear regression, including both nitrate plus nitrite and dissolved organic carbon, can correct the error caused by organic carbon. However, high-frequency optical sensors continue to be excellent tools for environmental monitoring when they are properly calibrated for the local water matrix.  相似文献   

An approach is described for viewing the interrelationship between different variables and also tracing the sources of pollution of groundwater of north Chennai (India). The data set of 43 variables which include major ions, minor ions and trace metal speciation (Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn) collected during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of the year 2000–2001, was subjected to R-mode factor analysis to comprehend the distribution pattern of the said variables. It was found that first factor measures salinity and hardness which explained 19.12% of the total variance (comprised of variables EC, TDS, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, total hardness, Cl and SO4 2−) during pre-monsoon, while it was 25.08% during post-monsoon. The second and third factors were attributed to speciation of zinc and copper ions during both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. Although there were two more factors, loaded with speciation parameters of lead and cadmium, the variance of them were less than 10%. From this study it is seen that sea water intrusion, municipal solid waste disposal are the identified sources of component of pollution. The importance of metal ions is taking a secondary role and the anthropogenic origin-industrial activity, is the reason in the evaluation of pollution status as they come in the second, third, fourth and fifth factors. As the trace metal speciation was grouped in separate factors, linear regression model (LRM) with correlation analysis was applied to check its validity for prediction of speciation and to apply LRM for rapid monitoring of water pollution.  相似文献   

Cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc concentrations were determined in sediment and body tissues, viz. digestive gland, mantle and shell, of the freshwater snail, Angulyagra oxytropis (Benson) (Gastropoda : Viviparidae), from River Barak and one of its floodplain lakes in Cachar district, Assam State, Northeastern India. The concentrations of all the metals except iron are significantly higher in the lake sediment. When compared to their riverine counterparts, the lacustrine snails contain higher concentrations of cadmium, chromium and iron in their mantle; nickel and zinc in digestive gland; manganese in both digestive gland and mantle; and lead in all the three tissues examined. The accumulation patterns of most of the metals varied considerably between the two sites. The implications of these findings in storage, sequestration and detoxification of metals by this animal are discussed. The study also indicates that A. oxytropis may be a potential biological indicator of metal contamination in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

介绍了流域水资源模拟与决策支持框架(MDSF)的框架结构、InfoWorks RS水质模拟方法及水质模型。利用MDSF,通过节点、断面、连接等建模工具构建长江南京段水质预警计算网络,并采用2005年实测资料说明了水动力、水质计算的上下游边界条件和模型参数率定等方法。  相似文献   

Carbon (C) emissions from anthropogenic land use have accelerated climate change. To reduce C emissions, dynamic models can be used to assess the impact of human drivers on terrestrial C sequestration. Model accuracy requires correct initialisation, since incorrect initialisation can influence the results obtained. Therefore, we sought to improve the initialisation of a process-based SOC model, RothC, which can estimate the effect of climate and land-use change on SOC. The most common initialisation involves running the model until equilibrium (‘spin-up run’), when the SOC pools stabilise (method 1). However, this method does not always produce realistic results. At our experimental sites, the observed SOC was not at equilibrium after 10 years, suggesting that the commonly used spin-up initialisation method assuming equilibrium might be improved. In addition to method 1, we tested two alternative initialisations for RothC that involved adjusting the total or individual SOC pool equilibrium values by regulating the C input during the entire spin-up initialisation period (method 2) and initialising each SOC pool with recently measured SOC values obtained by SOC fractionation (method 3). Analysis of the simulation accuracy for each model initialisation, quantified using the root mean square error (RMSE), indicated that a variant of method 2 that involved adjusting the equilibrium total SOC to observed values (method 2-T) generally showed less variation in the individual SOC pools and total SOC. Furthermore, as total SOC is the sum of all SOC pools, and because total SOC data are more readily available than the individual SOC pool data, we conclude that method 2-T is best for initialising RothC.  相似文献   

Particulate matter emissions from stack number 2 of a majorferrochrome smelter, Zimbabwe Mining and Smelting Company(ZIMASCO) were characterized and the rates at which the elementsCr, Fe, Cu and Zn and total ferrochrome dust are emitted into theatmosphere were determined. The extent of soil contamination bythe dust deposited around the smelter in the generally prevailingsoutheasterly wind direction around the smelter was carried out.The highest concentrations of Cr and Fe occurred in the fineparticulates of sizes less than 59 m whilst that of Cu and Znoccurred in the coarse particulates of size range 70-100 m.The emission rates from stack 2 were; total ferrochromeparticulates 62.17 kg h-1, Cr 6.217 kg h-1, Fe 2.423 kg h-1, Zn42 mg h-1 and 6 mg h-1 for Cu. Particulate matter was emitted at arate of 289 mg m-3 from stack number 2. This value exceeds thelegal limit of 200 mg m-3. Chromium and iron are the metalsin the largest amounts. The particles that constitute the largestproportion of the dust were in the range of 58-107.5 m. Thisis a characteristic feature of the particulate matter emissionsfrom ZIMASCO. Soils in the downwind direction from the smelterwere polluted with Cr up to a distance of about 700 m outward fromthe perimeter of the boundary of the smelter.  相似文献   

This is the first study related to the effects of cadmium (Cd) on the development and hatching of eggs of Loligo vulgaris. The eggs were exposed to concentrations varying from 10 to 100,000 μg Cd/l for up to 1 month. During the study period natural sea water salinity (37 PSU), ambient temperature (ranging 16.5–21.5°C) and light conditions of 12-h light: 12-h dark for 744-h were used prior to the hatching. For 96-h, mortality rate of 100% of the eggs was found at cadmium concentration of 100,000 μg Cd/l, and the same mortality rate of the eggs were found at 1,000 and 10,000 μg Cd/l for 744-h and 696-h, respectively. Hatching took place between hours 456 and 576 in the control group and between hours 480 and 576 in 10 and 100 μg Cd/l groups. Total hatching rates were calculated to be 98.2 ± 1.6% for control group, 99.4 ± 0.6% for 10 μg Cd/l group and 98.6 ± 1.2% for 100 μg Cd/l group. Hatching successes were estimated as 69.5 ± 13.8% for control group, 84.5 ± 8.2% for 10 μg Cd/l group and 76.9 ± 5.9% for 100 μg Cd/l group. In the 100,000 μg Cd/l treatment, the egg degeneration began from animal pole of the eggs in 16 h, and 50% and 100% of them died in the initial stage at 72-h and 96-h, respectively. In the 10,000 μg Cd/l group, the eggs which reached at stage 19 (IX) were deformed and 50% and 100% of them died at 312-h and 696-h, respectively. In 1,000 μg Cd/l group, however, the eggs developed abnormally from stage 21 (X–XI) and reached at stage 29 (XIX), and 50% and 100% of them died in 624-h and in 744-h, respectively. There were significant differences in survival rates of the eggs among the concentrations (p < 0.05). The current study demonstrated that Cd adversely affects the development, survival and hatching of L. vulgaris eggs; however, no mortality was observed in 10 μg Cd/l and 100 μg Cd/l groups.  相似文献   

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