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The distribution of acidity and solute concentration among the various droplet sizes in a fog or cloud and the effect of the evaporation-condensation cycle on the composition and size distribution of atmospheric aerosol is studied. Significant total solute concentration differences can occur in aqueous droplets inside a fog or cloud. For the fog simulated here, during the period of dense fog, the solute concentration in droplets larger than 10 μm diameter increased with size, in such a way that droplets of diameter 20 μm attain a solute concentration that is a factor of 3.6 larger than that in the 10 μm droplets. Droplets on which most of the liquid water condenses have access to most of the reacting medium for in situ S(IV) oxidation and are therefore preferentially enriched in sulfate. The gas and aqueous-phase chemical processes result in an increase of the total solute mass concentration nonuniform over the droplet spectrum for a mature fog. These chemical processes tend to decrease the total solute mass concentration differences among the various droplet sizes. Low cooling rates of the system also tend to decrease these concentration differences while high cooling rates have exactly the opposite effect. The mass/size distribution of the condensation nuclie influences quantitatively, but not qualitatively, the above concentration differences.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the environmental consequences of beef meat production in the EU, using a life cycle approach. Four beef production systems were studied – three from intensively reared dairy calves and one from suckler herds. According to the results of the analysis, the contributions from the production of 1 kg beef meat (slaughter weight) to global warming, acidification, eutrophication, land use and non-renewable energy use were lower for beef from dairy calves than from suckler herds (16.0–19.9 versus 27.3 kg CO2e, 101–173 versus 210 g SO2e, 622–1140 versus 1651 g NO3e, 16.5–22.7 versus 42.9 m2year, and 41.3–48.2 versus 59.2 MJ, respectively). The breakdown analysis helped identify the key areas in the “cradle to farm gate” beef production system where sustainable management strategies are needed to improve environmental performance. The study also included a sensitivity analysis to preliminarily estimate GHG emissions from beef production systems if land opportunity cost and land use change related to grazing and feed crop production for beef were taken into account. If so, the contribution from the production of 1 kg beef to global warming would increase by a factor of 3.1–3.9, based on a depreciation period of 20 years. This highlights the importance of taking into account the impacts of land use in assessing the environmental impacts of livestock production.  相似文献   

刘刚  李久海  徐慧  吴丹 《中国环境科学》2013,33(12):2140-2147
在明火燃烧和闷烧条件下对6种稻草和5种玉米秸秆进行了燃烧试验,并对烟尘中的正构烯烃进行了分析.结果表明,在稻草明火烟尘中,正构烯烃由C15~C29组成,其平均总含量为918.7mg/kg,低碳数与高碳数正构烯烃含量比(L/H)的平均值为0.6,碳优势指数(CPI)的平均值为1.2.正构烯烃呈双峰式分布,两个峰碳数主要是C24和C28.在稻草闷烧烟尘中,正构烯烃由C17~C29组成,其总含量、L/H、CPI等的平均值分别是517.0mg/kg、0.7和0.9.正构烯烃同样呈双峰型分布,两个峰碳数主要是C23和C28.在玉米秸秆的明火烟尘中,正构烯烃由C19~C29组成.其总含量、L/H、CPI等的平均值分别为126.0mg/kg、0.7和1.3.正构烯烃呈单峰型分布,主峰碳数主要是C24和C23.在玉米秸秆的闷烧烟尘中,正构烯烃由C17~C29组成,其总含量、L/H、CPI等的平均值分别是198.9mg/kg、1.8和 0.9.正构烯烃呈双峰式分布,其主峰碳数均为C23,次峰碳数主要是C29.在两类秸秆燃烧产生的烟尘之间,正构烯烃的组成存在明显差别.这有助于识别气溶胶中稻草或玉米秆燃烧来源的此类污染物.  相似文献   

生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液性质随时间变化关系研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对上海老港填埋场不同年份渗滤液样品的分析,测定了以下参数:电导率、ORP、CODCr、NPOC、NH4 -N、TN、正磷酸盐与总磷、pH、阴离子(F-、Cl-、Br-、SO42-),并建立了各参数与时间的关系.发现不同的渗滤液指标随填埋时间延长,其变化趋势略有差异,其中NPOC、COD、N、P、pH、电导率等指标值随时间的延长,总体表现为降低趋势;而ORP则逐渐升高;阴离子等变化趋势不明显,呈现波动趋势.对于相同变化趋势的指标,其降解过程也并不一致,对于含C物质--NPOC和COD,经4a降解后分别达到<500 mg·L-1和<2000 mg·L-1;对于含N物质,则可分为3个阶段,前4a为快速降解阶段,随后3a为中速降解,最后进入慢速降解阶段稳定在500 mg·L-1以内;TP含量随填埋时间在开始的9a内降解迅速,从35 mg·L-1降到3.4 mg·L-1,此后基本维持稳定值;pH值则在开始的7a内下降较快,随后变化不大;电导率在填埋开始的7年内下降较快;而ORP则在开始的9a内上升较多.同时发现,随着填埋时间的延长,NPOC/TOC、NH4 -N/TN、正磷酸盐/TP比例总体表现为降低,SO42-/Cl-比例稍微有升高,最终保持在0.2左右.  相似文献   

“男主外、女主内”的中国传统家庭模式使得女性在家庭生活中占据主导地位,因此,国内女性食物浪费行为对防止家庭食物浪费起决定性的作用。本文基于双系统理论,通过事件相关电位实验从认知神经科学的角度测度不同性别群体的食物浪费程度,并探究影响不同性别群体食物浪费程度的关键因素。结果表明:(1)不同性别实验参与人均出现了明显的N270脑电成分,表明其食物浪费程度均较高,且女性比男性表现出了更明显的食物浪费倾向;(2)相对于90后与00后,50后与60后女性消费者面对食物倒掉刺激材料能诱发更为显著的N270,即年长女性的食物浪费水平显著低于年轻女性;(3)与女性相比,提高男性的节约意识对于减小其食物浪费意愿的作用更为明显。本文以期从性别特征角度为《反食品浪费法》的高效实施提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Aerosol sampling was carried out during December 1989 in Khartoum, Sudan, using Nuclepore membrane filters. Twenty-four aerosol samples were collected and analysed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry and particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). In addition, individual particle analysis was also performed on 19 samples using electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA). Good agreement between XRF and PIXE results was obtained for most of the elements. Enrichment factor calculations indicated that soil dispersion is the dominant source for most elements in the aerosol. However, certain elements showed high enrichment factors indicating the presence of anthropogenic sources. From a comparison with available literature data it appeared that the enrichment factors for the enriched elements in the Khartoum aerosol are among the lowest recorded values for urban aerosol. Absolute principal components analysis (APCA) was performed on the data and confirmed the findings from the enrichment factor calculations, i.e. a dominant soil dispersion source and an anthropogenic source for some of the elements. Because of the very limited number of impotant aerosol sources, the data set was reporduced by the APCA model with a reasonable degree of success. Single particle analysis also showed that most of the particles were soil dust. These particles could further be differentiated into alumino-silicates, quartz and CaCO3 particles. Some of the particles were found to originate from combustion sources. EPXMA gave clues to the process of formation for some of the particles from combustion sources.  相似文献   

We report a case of pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit deficiency associated with a novel hemizygous PDHA1 variant presenting prenatally as multiple structural brain abnormalities in a male fetus. A healthy Finnish couple was initially referred to the Fetomaternal Medical Center because of suspected fetal choroid plexus cyst at 11 + 2 weeks of pregnancy. At 20 + 0 weeks, multiple abnormalities were observed with ultrasound including narrow thorax, slightly enlarged heart, hypoplastic cerebellum, absent cerebellar vermis and ventriculomegaly. Autopsy and genetic analyses were performed after the termination of pregnancy. The findings of macroscopic examination included cleft palate, abnormally overlapping position of fingers and toes and dysmorphic facial features. Neuropathological examination confirmed the absence of corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia and ventriculomegaly. Nodular neuronal heterotopia was also observed. Trio exome sequencing revealed a novel hemizygous de novo variant c.1144C>T p.(Gln382*) in the PDHA1 gene, classified as likely pathogenic. We suggest that inherited metabolic disorders should be kept in mind as differential diagnoses in fetuses with structural brain abnormalities.  相似文献   

洪湖表层沉积物中有机氯农药的含量及组成   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用GC-ECD测定了洪湖表层(0~2cm)、次表层(2~10cm)沉积物中有机氯农药的含量,并对其分布、组成及来源进行了探讨.结果表明,HCHs在表层、次表层沉积物中的含量分别为2.05~19.0ng/g和0.66~11.3ng/g,DDTs在表层、次表层沉积物中的含量分别为2.39~25.8ng/g和1.22~27.5ng/g.次表层沉积物中的有机氯农药含量低于表层沉积物,可能是因为有部分已发生迁移或转化.HCHs和DDTs呈现出在河流入湖口处含量较高,近长江处含量降低的趋势,其污染来源主要是河流输入及洪湖市的工农业排污.组分特征表明沉积物中的HCHs主要来源于林丹的使用,而DDTs则主要来源于环境早期残留.  相似文献   

降雨化学成份的变化间接反映大气污染特征,是研究大气环境及沉降物影响的重要途径.本文比较了2013与2014年雨季北京市区到郊县延庆4个样点上降雨成份的时空差异,并结合PMF模型分析了各主要离子的可能来源.结果表明,4个样点降雨pH中值分别为6.52、6.57、6.60、6.52,从市区到远郊略有增加.各离子浓度都是春秋季高,夏季低.降雨中各离子的雨量加权平均浓度(VWM)表现为:Ca~(2+)、NH_4~+、SO_4~(2-)较高,分别在100~400μeq·L~(-1)、100~350μeq·L~(-1)、150~500μeq·L~(-1)之间,Mg~(2+)、Na~+和NO_3~-分别在0~150μeq·L~(-1)、0~250μeq·L~(-1)、0~150μeq·L~(-1)之间,K~+和Cl~-较低,分别在0~45μeq·L~(-1)、0~90μeq·L~(-1)之间.NH_4~+、Mg~(2+)的VWM从市区到郊区递减,K~+、SO_4~(2-)-S、Na~+、NO_3~呈近郊区略有增大,远郊区全部减小的趋势.SO_4~(2-)是主要的致酸离子,Ca~(2+)、NH_4~+和Mg~(2+)对雨水中酸根离子的中和因子平均值分别为0.5、0.4和0.1.市区BNU点SO_4~(2-)-S(以S计)与Ca~(2+)的沉降量分别为55.66 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和24.10 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),在远郊YQ点为26.03 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和10.84kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1).NH_4~+-N与NO_3~-N的沉降量在4点的变化范围为7.27~14.05 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)及2.50~5.07 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1).Mg~(2+)和Cl~-从市区到远郊分别在1.32~4.48 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)及3.67~6.10 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)之间变化.所有离子以湿沉降为主,沉降量与相应的降雨量变化较为一致.根据PMF模拟结果,4点的地面扬尘和建筑源污染均较高,市中心尾气污染最严重,近市区二次源污染严重,近郊区氮污染严重,远郊区受养殖场、垃圾源等的NH_3排放影响较大.  相似文献   

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