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摘要:建筑业业务外包是建筑业分工协作的客观要求。对外包用工发生事故伤害索赔时,现行法律规定存在着交叉、重合,对事故伤害的性质、责任归责原则、责任主体、赔偿项目等所作之规定均存在种种不足之处。因此,将社会保险关系与劳动关系适当分离,扩大现行工伤保险的适用对象,明确规定外包用工的各方之间对劳动者应承担的工伤赔偿责任,比勉强进行劳动关系认定,对劳动者权益的保护更为有利。  相似文献   

正主持人,你好:我在建筑工地上工作,工作中小手指脱位受伤,现在两个多月了。我问老板怎么处理这事,老板说他们买了保险,一切走法律程序,可我这两个月没有拿到工资,我该怎么办?易安网友易安网友,你好:你的情况属于工伤,按照《工伤保险条例》的有关规定,应该享受工伤保险待遇。根据《工伤保险条例》规定,进行工伤认定、劳动  相似文献   

"非本人主要责任"是上下班途中工伤认定的限制性规定,在工伤认定实务中引发了许多问题,公安机关交通管理部门事故认定与工伤认定之间可能存在冲突等原因,因此,"非本人主要责任"的立法表述值得商榷。  相似文献   

在交通事故中负全责也能认定工伤在交通事故伤害中承担主要甚至是全部责任,仍然可以认定为工伤,肇事者自己造成的伤害却要由社保机构或者用人单位负责赔偿,这让不少人觉得不可思议。《工伤保险条例》(以下简称《条例》)恰恰作了这样的规定。《条例》一改1996年《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》“无本人责任或者非本人主要责任的道路交通机动车事故”才可能认定工伤的规定,明确职工“在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害的”应当认定为工伤。按照《条例》,无论受到伤害的职工在机动车事故中承担主要责任、次要责任,还是承担全部责任、根本不承担责…  相似文献   

工伤认定政策是工伤保险制度的重要组成部分,在实施中有较多难点和争议,对此,《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》第二章对“工伤范围及其认定”作出基本规定。一、工伤认定政策的意义和沿革工伤保险制度是在界定保险的对象和范围的基础上建立的,受保对象是与用人单位形成劳...  相似文献   

<正>工伤事故的认定涉及到伤亡人员及亲属权益以及事故单位法律责任的归属,笔者作为企业安全管理人员,就事故处理实践中通常会遇到的几个较为常见的问题分享认识。问题1工伤性质的认定是否受当事人事故责任大小的影响?处理工伤事故赔偿责任纠纷,最首要的就是进行工伤认定。《工伤保险条例》对工伤认定做出了详细的规定,使工伤认定有章可循,有法可依。工伤认定取决于单位与劳动者是否存在劳动关系。凡是与用人单位有书面劳动合同的,应当认定其有劳动关  相似文献   

<正>工伤认定直接关系到工伤职工的切身利益。认定工伤的情形错综复杂,时有不法用人单位"较劲",阻力多多。以下列举"四不"特定情形下的工伤认定,为工伤职工申请工伤认定时提供借鉴。劳动合同不签没有签订劳动合同,也没有工作证、工资单等证明材料,如果在工作中受伤,能否申请工伤认定?这是农  相似文献   

<正>LBS4213定价:40元/本本刊对近年出台的工伤保险法律法规、国家标准、近两年出现的工伤事故保险典型案例,请专家进行了全面梳理和解读,同时对工伤认定热点难点问题进行解析,以指导企业工伤预防工作。工伤保险问题解答选登出差在宾馆夜间上厕所摔伤是否认定工伤1977年在人民公社劳动时负伤能否按老公伤处理骑自行车上夜班发生车祸肇事车逃逸可以认定工伤吗  相似文献   

第一条 为规范工伤认定程序,依法进行工伤认定,维护当事人的合法权益,根据《工作保险条例》的有关规定,制定本办法。 第二条 劳动保障行政部门进行工伤认定按照本办法执行。 第三条 职工发生事故伤害或者按照职业病防治法规定被诊断、鉴定为职业病,所在单位应当自事故伤害发生之日或者被诊断、鉴定为职业病之  相似文献   

《试行办法》施行前发生的道路交通事故能否认定为工伤?编辑同志:1996年4月,我公司一名职工在上班路上发生交通事故,对方负主要责任。事后经交通部门裁决,对方共赔偿给该职工150477.94元,其中一次性伤残补助费76980元(伤残五级)。该职工已回原单位正常上班,并依据《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》申报按工伤处理。该办法的第八条第九款规定了职工在上班规定的时间和必经路线上,发生无本人责任或非本人主要责任的道路交通事故可以申报工伤,但该事故是发生在1996年4月,当时《试行办法》并没有正式执行,且在此前的有关法规中也没有规定上述情况可…  相似文献   

高技能人才由于职业、岗位、才技与众不同,其工伤保护也存在一些特殊性。实践中,并未专门针对高技能人才制定特别的工伤保护措施。为此,笔者分析高技能人才工作时段和场所较易变动、劳动强度较大等特点,提出风险和事故的高发生率是科技活动内在的客观规律等,提出应给予失败者和事故责任者必要的宽容。建议政府应结合不同行业、不同岗位的技术含量和风险特点,从工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定、工伤保险待遇及浮动费率核算几方面改进现有工伤保护政策,且应加强高技能人才工伤预防和促进高技能人才职业康复。结合前文论述,笔者提出了相应政策和实用的对策。  相似文献   

近年来我国发生的一些危险化学品环境污染重特大事故,其产生的原因主要是危险化学品在生产、运输、储存和使用中突发事故使危险化学品进入环境,从而造成污染.降低危险化学品突发事故环境污染的危害,一方面需要做好防灾工作,科学合理地规划与布局,加强安全生产监管,做好事故预案,科学处置突发事故;另一方面要积极采取有效减灾措施,对陆地、水环境中的危险化学品进行控制和处理,对大气中的危险化学品及燃烧爆炸的产物进行净化,对救援中产生的污水进行无毒化处理.  相似文献   

工业噪声对工人的身心健康危害极大,甚至会导致工伤事故率的增高.本文阐述了工业噪声对人的危害,并提出了防护办法.  相似文献   

Our jurisprudence assigns duties to persons to keep children safe. Under negligence law, a breach of duty causing an accident means the breaching party can be liable for damages inflicted on the injured person. Legislatures are considering new laws that reduce the damages that activity providers will need to pay to injured participants. Under some statutes, injured persons are precluded from maintaining lawsuits. In other cases, injured plaintiffs have a more stringent burden of proving liability. While activity providers may use insurance to pay for accident damages, for some injuries we might hold injured persons responsible. Four suggestions are offered as mechanisms to reduce tort litigation.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health problem but little is known about the nature of that problem in the working population. METHOD: The author used a national definition to identify cases in Washington State from workers' compensation (WC) hospital billing data, quantified the cost of WC insurance benefits using actuarial cost estimates, and identified high risk industries using ANSI Z16.2 typology. RESULTS: There were 928 cases of TBI with a lifetime claim cost of $159 million from the Washington State Fund (1994-2001). Sixty percent of injuries resulted in death or disability. The highest risks of TBI are concentrated in 16 industrial insurance risk classes and the highest costs in 19 North American Industry Classification codes. Injury scenarios were identified for nine industrial insurance risk classes. CONCLUSIONS: TBI is a disabling and costly workplace injury in the state of Washington, affecting even teenagers and seniors who are not generally considered to be part of the workforce. Injury typology codes provide useful information for improving workplace safety. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This research provides industry with quantitative information regarding the cost of work-related traumatic brain injury and the usefulness of using workers' compensation claims data to reduce the burden of workplace injury.  相似文献   

This paper expands on a simple concept shared with us over three decades ago by Trevor Kletz: what you don’t have can’t leak. Despite many efforts at eliminating hazards through inherently safer process methodologies, as encouraged by Kletz and others, the reality is that the use of hazardous materials and processes is still quite common. Therefore, we consider those processes that still handle hazardous materials – the cases where what you do not manage will leak and may cause a fire, explosion or toxic release. Our intended audience is quite broad. As Kletz has noted over the years, it is not just the people running a process who are responsible for its safety, but also those who make decisions on its design, operation, maintenance, staffing, etc. We hope that this paper contributes to an understanding of why we continue to have hazardous materials leak, potentially leading to accidents that cause fatalities, serious injuries, property damage, and environmental harm.We expand on the fundamental equation for risk, a function of both the frequency and the consequence of a possible event, by considering the effects of poor operational discipline on risk, and ultimately, on the possible leak or release of the hazardous material. Continued safe operation involving hazardous materials depends on and is sustained by the operational discipline of everyone involved in the design of processes and their continuing operation and maintenance. What we do not manage will leak and therein lays the fundamental challenge that Kletz continues to emphasize today.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Youth soccer (football) injuries occur for a wide range of reasons, but the most frequent cause of injury is via player-to-player contact. This study was designed to study the ecology of collisions between players during youth soccer play. METHOD: Six teams of 11- and 12-year-old male players were followed over the course of a full season. Games were videotaped and reviewed to address three primary questions: how frequently do player-to-player collisions occur; when and where on the field do those collisions occur; and what is the rate of falls and injuries as a result of player-to-player contact. RESULTS: A total of 1,279 player-to-player collisions was observed, or an average of 65.59 collisions per game. Nearly half of the observed collisions resulted in one or both players falling to the ground, and about one-tenth resulted in the referee calling a foul, but very few of the collisions (less than 1%) resulted in an injury. Collisions occurred relatively consistently throughout the games, no matter what the score was. They occurred most frequently in the midfield area, when the ball was on or near the ground, and when players were attempting to retrieve a loose, uncontrolled ball. CONCLUSIONS: Results are discussed with respect to implications for injury prevention.  相似文献   

我国安全生产法制对策研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
分析了国内外安全生产法制现状,总结提出了我国存在的职业安全与健康分离、没有系统和规划、适用和衔接性差等特点和问题。阐述了安全生产法规体系建设的指导思想、基本原则以及基本框架,并提出了定期制定安全生产法规规划、梳理与评估法规体系实施效果、制定统一的劳动安全与健康法、编制安全生产计划、健全职业健康配套规定、保险与安全生产互动、以明确综合监管和专项监管以及安全生产规划、完善隐患治理、安全使用机械、健全企业自主管理体制等为重点对《安全生产法》进行修订的对策。  相似文献   

随着工业生产、城市建设以及交通运输的迅速发展,噪声对人们产生的危害日益加剧,尤其以相关行业的职工患有噪声职业病为主.详细阐述了噪声职业病的各种危害,并根据相关法律标准,结合现今噪声领域前沿研究人员提出的噪声控制方法,对预防和控制噪声职业病提出了一些科学、系统的安全措施和防范对策.  相似文献   

核保险为中国核电工业的稳定发展起着重要的保障和促进作用.通过对比国内外核电保险模式,提出一种设想的新型核电保险载体,成立核电保险经纪公司是一种可能的选项.成立核电保险经纪公司,弥补了现在国内核电保险市场中所缺乏的重要中介方,明确了核电保险经纪公司的业务范围,遵循法律和市场地位.并进一步提出国内核电保险业能够建立核电自保组织和多样化的核电保险中介组织的设想,并对其产业结构建立了的假设运行新模式.核电新载体可以同时实现对核电公司和核共体提供服务,能够更好地促进保险的运行过程,促进保险市场良好健康地发展,从根本上保障核电安全生产顺利进行.  相似文献   

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