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中水回用MBR工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对MBR工艺特点的介绍,同时结合实际工程实例,从工程技术和经济效益方面的分析,表明作为新型中水回用技术的MBR工艺,发展前景广阔,并为中水回用提供了可参考的工艺。  相似文献   

对膜生物反应器工艺处理餐饮废水的中水回用工程实例进行介绍,并对其调试和运行情况进行研究。结果表明,出水BOD5、NH3-N、浊度、pH等指标均满足《城市污水再生利用——城市杂用水水质》(GB/T18920—2002)规定的要求,可以回用作超市冲厕水;同时,该工艺对COD、TN、油类污染物、TP、SS也有较好的去除效果。技术经济分析表明,实施中水回用工程后可以节约费用为8.94万元/a。  相似文献   

采用间歇式生物反应器,对模拟小区生活污水的人工配水进行了生物处理;然后,在操作压力为0.1MPa,搅拌速度为300r/min条件下,选用膜生物反应器中常用的聚醚砜(PES,切割分子量分别为2万、1万和5千)、聚丙烯腈(PAN,切割分子量为20万)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,切割分子量为20万)超滤平板膜和聚醚砜(PES,孔径为0.1μm)、聚丙烯腈(PAN,孔径为0.1μm)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,孔径为0.1μm)微滤平板膜在实验室用死端超滤器上分别对活性污泥悬浮液进行了过滤并探讨了和间歇式生物反应器组合在一起用于中水回用的效果,结果表明:每种组合处理后的出水水质为COD〈50mg/L,NH3-N〈10mg/L,SS为0mg/L,浊度为0NTU,都达到了中水回用的水质标准(CJ25.1.89),其中生物反应器分别与PES超滤膜(5千、1万、2万)和PAN(20万、0.1μm)膜组合时,对COD的去除率较高,但所有组合对NH3-N、TOC去除率及膜的渗透通量都相差不大。此外,根据恒压堵塞过滤定律对膜的污染机理进行的研究证实:对于微滤膜和PAN(20万)超滤膜而言,由滤饼过滤过渡到完全(标准)堵塞,再到滤饼过滤;但对于PVDF(20万)和PES(2万)超滤膜,则由标准堵塞过渡到完全堵塞,再到滤饼过滤;PES(5千、1万)超滤膜的污染机理相对简单,整个过程以滤饼过滤为主。  相似文献   

采用膜生物反应器(MBR)-反渗透(RO)工艺对印染废水进行了深度处理实验。原水经MBR系统处理后,COD去除率、ss去除率和色度去除率分别达89.9%、100%和87.5%。MBR系统处理出水进入反渗透(RO)系统进行处理,硬度去除率和除盐率分别达99.62%和99.64%,同时可进一步除去剩余的COD、色度。系统出水水质满足生产回用的要求。  相似文献   

MBR在污水处理中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
膜生物反应器是生物降解与膜分离相互影响、共同作用的过程。综述了膜生物反应器在污水处理中的应用及发展方向。  相似文献   

中水回用中平板膜的污染机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘美  王湛  周翀  王婷 《环境工程学报》2006,7(8):124-132
采用间歇式生物反应器,对模拟小区生活污水的人工配水进行了生物处理;然后,在操作压力为0.1 MPa,搅拌速度为300 r/min条件下,选用膜生物反应器中常用的聚醚砜(PES,切割分子量分别为2万、1万和5千)、聚丙烯腈(PAN,切割分子量为20万)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,切割分子量为20万)超滤平板膜和聚醚砜(PES,孔径为0.1μm)、聚丙烯腈(PAN,孔径为0.1μm)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,孔径为0.1μm)微滤平板膜在实验室用死端超滤器上分别对活性污泥悬浮液进行了过滤并探讨了和间歇式生物反应器组合在一起用于中水回用的效果,结果表明:每种组合处理后的出水水质为COD<50 mg/L,NH3-N<10 mg/L,SS为0 mg/L,浊度为0 NTU,都达到了中水回用的水质标准(CJ25.1-89),其中生物反应器分别与PES超滤膜(5千、1万、2万)和PAN(20万、0.1μm)膜组合时,对COD的去除率较高,但所有组合对NH3-N、TOC去除率及膜的渗透通量都相差不大.此外,根据恒压堵塞过滤定律对膜的污染机理进行的研究证实:对于微滤膜和PAN(20万)超滤膜而言,由滤饼过滤过渡到完全(标准)堵塞,再到滤饼过滤;但对于PVDF(20万)和PES(2万)超滤膜,则由标准堵塞过渡到完全堵塞,再到滤饼过滤;PES(5千、1万)超滤膜的污染机理相对简单,整个过程以滤饼过滤为主.  相似文献   

阐述了国内外中水回用现状,介绍了某生活小区的中水回用一体化装置及其运行效果,探讨了目前影响中水回用的主要因素.  相似文献   

中水回用的技术与途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要论述了城市污水处理回用的技术及途径、中水系统的组成、处理技术及供水方式,分析了国内城市污水回用的现状,并对污水回用中存在的问题提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

中水已成为热电厂的重要水源,其深度处理是影响电厂水处理系统的关键。为评估双膜法在电厂深度处理中的潜力与稳定性,考察了山东某热电厂石灰混凝-超滤(UF)-反渗透(RO)系统不同季节的处理效果及污染物去除特征与各工段贡献率。研究表明:双膜法对浊度、色度、电导、碱度、COD和TOC的去除率分别达95.82%、96.62%、96.73%、98.22%、96.42%和89.13%,在夏季严重膜污堵的条件下,也可保障产水达标,是一种有效的中水深度处理技术。预处理仅去除某些大分子腐殖酸类有机物、硬度类物质、悬浮物,富里酸类有机物、氮等其他溶解性物质主要由RO去除(去除率均60%),因此,存在膜结垢和污堵的风险。不同季节污染物浓度变化不显著,但夏季高温条件下微生物代谢和繁殖速率较高,荧光指数(fluorescence index, FI)大于2,生物指数(biological index, BIX)为1.2左右,这是夏季膜污堵爆发的关键原因。  相似文献   

以规模小区生活污水为水源,对采用聚丙烯网状填料和强化炉渣组合填料的二段生物接触氧化工艺(以下简称二段法)进行了试验研究,试验针对本工艺的各项技术指标、影响因素以及各相关参数进行了较系统的试验测试。结果表明,反应器在第一接触氧池HRT为20 min、气水比为6∶1和第二接触氧池HRT为25 min、气水比为5∶1条件下,接触氧化池达到最佳降碳条件;反应器在第一接触沉池上升流速5.5 m/h和第二接触沉池上升流速4.5 m/h条件下,接触沉淀池达到最佳处理条件。  相似文献   


The associations between residential outdoor and ambient particle mass, fine particle absorbance, particle number (PN) concentrations, and residential and traffic determinants were investigated in four European urban areas (Helsinki, Athens, Amsterdam, and Birmingham). A total of 152 nonsmoking participants with respiratory diseases, not exposed to occupational pollution, were included in the study, which comprised a 7-day intensive exposure monitoring period of both indoor and home outdoor particle mass and number concentrations. The same pollutants were also continuously measured at ambient fixed sites centrally located to the studied areas (fixed ambient sites). Relationships between concentrations measured directly outside the homes (residential outdoor) and at the fixed ambient sites were pollutant-specific, with substantial variations among the urban areas. Differences were more pronounced for coarse particles due to resuspension of road dust and PN, which is strongly related to traffic emissions. Less significant outdoor-to-fixed variation for particle mass was observed for Amsterdam and Birmingham, predominantly due to regional secondary aerosol. On the contrary, a strong spatial variation was observed for Athens and to a lesser extent for Helsinki. This was attributed to the overwhelming and time-varied inputs from traffic and other local sources. The location of the residence and traffic volume and distance to street and traffic light were important determinants of residential outdoor particle concentrations. On average, particle mass levels in suburban areas were less than 30% of those measured for residences located in the city center. Residences located less than 10 m from a street experienced 133% higher PN concentrations than residences located further away. Overall, the findings of this multi-city study, indicated that (1) spatial variation was larger for PN than for fine particulate matter (PM) mass and varied between the cities, (2) vehicular emissions in the residential street and location in the center of the city were significant predictors of spatial variation, and (3) the impact of traffic and location in the city was much larger for PN than for fine particle mass.  相似文献   


Previous research has indicated that residential washing machines are potential sources of pollution due to the associated use of chemicals found in consumer products, for example, ethanol in laundry detergent and chlorine in bleach.1,2 Washing machines may also emit hazardous air pollutants found in contaminated drinking water. To better understand the extent and impact of chemical emissions from tap water, 26 experiments were completed using a residential washing machine and a cocktail of chemical tracers representing a wide range of physicochemical properties. Variable operating conditions for these experiments included water temperature, amount of clothes present in the machine, water volume, and level of washwater agitation. Chemical stripping efficiencies and mass transfer coefficients were determined during each cycle (fill, wash, and rinse) of a normal washing machine event. Headspace ventilation rates were determined using an isobutylene tracer gas. Mass transfer rates were significantly influenced by operating parameters as exhibited by a wide range of chemical stripping efficiencies. Stripping efficiencies ranged from 0.74 to 36% for acetone, 8.2 to 99% for toluene, 10 to 99% for ethylbenzene, and 6.9 to 100% for cyclohexane.  相似文献   

植物修复技术在地表水污染控制中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了一项新兴的地表水污染治理技术--植物修复技术.该项技术与传统的物理方法和化学方法相比,具有成本低、处理效果好(去除率可达99%以上)、对环境扰动小、操作简便、在处理设备和处理规模上没有限制等优点.这些优点决定了植物修复技术在地表水污染治理中具有很好的应用前景.综述了国内外植物修复技术的研究进展,并对该项技术的发展趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

反渗透在水污染控制中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了反渗透膜分离机理和水污染控制领域取得的研究和应用成果,并阐述了潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

美国加州再生水利用经验剖析及对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
开发利用再生水具有巨大的社会经济价值,是实现可持续发展的重要环节.在美国加州,再生水利用已经成为其水资源的重要组成部分,具有详细的规划、系统地法律法规和完备的管理体系,走在了世界的前列.总结分析了加州再生水利用相关的法律法规与灌溉终端用户管理的一些经验,并对2个典型案例进行了剖析.科学的再生水利用规划、严格的源水水质控...  相似文献   

骨胶在低温低浊水处理中的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析骨胶基本性质的基础上,对其处理冬季松花江水的效果进行了研究。结果表明,骨胶作为助凝剂,与硫酸铝共同使用,处理低温低浊水很有效。  相似文献   

通过对广东惠州西湖水质的改善及构建水生生态系统的示范工程研究,即将水位调控、湖底底质处理、水生生物的种植养殖工程、系统优化维护管理等技术进行集成、总结,形成水生生态系统,构建和改善景观水水质的稳定技术。研究结果表明:示范区与对照区比较,浊度下降最高值为80.6mg/L;透明度提高3-6倍;CODcr最大去除率为42.6%;系统对水体上下层溶解氧含量的影响表现出明显的差异:示范区与对照区上层溶解氧含量最大相差值为1.2mg/L,下层为3.4mg/L;叶绿素a去除率达到80%以上;比较TN、TP的动态变化结果显示,系统对TP的影响更加明显,最高去除率为68.1%,对TN的最高去除率为19.8%。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of chromate production waste site remediation on residential Cr concentrations in house dust. Twenty-three homes in Jersey City, NJ, were identified as having had high (>500 u,g/gm, median 739 u,g/gm), medium (100-400 u,g/gm, median 245 u,g/gm), or low (<100 u,g/gm, median 48 u,g/ gm) Cr in house dust during a study conducted in 19921993 prior to site remediation. House dust samples were collected on four visits from each home between November 1996 and February 1998, extracted with HNO3, and analyzed for Cr with an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer. Homes that had low Cr concentrations in 1992-1993 continued to have low Cr concentrations (median 1 u,g/g). In contrast, substantial declines in Cr concentrations were found in the house dust collected from homes located near the remediated waste sites: previously high-level homes had a median of 50 u,g/g and mid-level homes had a median of 34 u,g/g. Site remediation had a beneficial effect on household loadings of Cr, since no differences in post-remediation house dust Cr concentrations were found among the three groups.  相似文献   

Since 2005, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau (SMB) has established an observational network for measuring VOC, NOx, O3 and aerosols in the Shanghai region. In this study, a rapid O3 changes from Aug/02/2007 to Aug/11/2007 was observed in the region. During this 10 day period, the noontime O3 maximum decreased from 100 to 130 ppbv to about 20–30 ppbv. In order to analyze the processes in controlling this rapid change of O3 during this short period, a newly developed regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem) is applied to study O3 variability in the Shanghai region. The model performances are evaluated by comparing the model calculation to the measurement. The result shows that the calculated magnitudes and diurnal variations of O3 are close to the measured results in city sites, but are underestimated at a rural petroleum industrial site, suggesting that the emissions from petroleum factories around this rural site are significantly underestimated and need to be improved. The calculated rapid changes of O3 concentrations, O3 precursors, and aerosols are consistent with the measured results, suggesting that the model is suitable to study the causes of this rapid O3 change. The model analysis indicates that weather conditions play important roles in controlling the surface O3 in the Shanghai region. During summer, there is a persistent sub-tropical high pressure system (SUBH) in southeast of Shanghai over Pacific Ocean. During the earlier time of the period (Aug/02–Aug/05), the SUBH system was weak, resulting in weak surface winds. With the calm winds, a noticeable noontime sea-breeze produced an inflow from ocean to land, generating a cycling pattern of wind directions. As a result, the high O3 concentrations were trapped in the Shanghai region, with a maximum concentration of 100–130 ppbv. By contrast, during the later time of the period (Aug/06–Aug/11), the SUBH was enhanced, resulting in strong surface winds. The high O3 concentrations formed in the city were rapidly transported to the downwind region of the city, resulting in low O3 concentrations in the Shanghai region. This study illustrates that the WRF-Chem model is a useful tool for studying the high variability of O3 concentrations in Shanghai, which has important implication for the prediction of high O3 concentration events in the city.  相似文献   

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