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The background levels of lead in Jamaica in soils and sediments, estimated at 37 mg kg–1, are relatively high compared with world averages. Several areas have values in excess of this due to mineralisation and pollution. One such is the residential Hope Flats/Kintyre area in which levels of lead up to 2.5% are found in the soils and up to 8 g kg–1 in the water of the nearby Hope River. The blood lead levels of a sample of children were in the range 5.7–57 g dl–1. The high lead levels suggest a potential health risk, particularly for the children. This can be minimised by programmes which include community education, case management and abatement to reduce the lead exposure.  相似文献   

Lead in New Orleans soils: New images of an urban environment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper describes a survey of lead in soil and computer generated maps that have been derived for New Orleans, Louisiana. The soil survey included streetside, houseside and open space samples. Because the survey covered every census tract in the metropolitan area it was possible to construct a computer-generated map of the distribution of lead dust in the soils of the urban environment. The data base consists of coordinates, site characteristics and lead analytical results of 3,704 soil samples. The resulting graphics show peaks of lead ranging from 600–1,200 g per g in the streetside soil of the inner-city and a steeply declining slope to the suburban areas of the city where the lead content of streetside soils is less than 75 g/g. In the inner-city, the amount of lead in soils found near building foundations is 10 to 20 times higher than the soils adjacent to streets where the median lead content of soils is over 300 g g–1. In areas surrounding the city core (mid-city), the amount of lead next to the foundation and adjacent to the street are equivalent with medians of 110 g g–1. In suburban locations, the median lead content of soil along streetsides is 86 g g–1. Soils adjacent to surburban foundations has a median Pb content of 50 g g–1. The lowest median lead content in soil is found in open spaces, ranging from 212 to 40 to 28 g g–1, respectively, for the inner-city, mid-city, and suburbs. These observations are consistent with the production and consumer use of lead-based paint and leaded-fuels within the modern city.  相似文献   

The pattern of cadmium in the environment of five Minnesota cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on the cadmium results of a soil survey conducted by the State of Minnesota during the summer of 1986. The survey collected soil-dust trom the oldest census tracts of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, St. Cloud and Rochester. The results reveal fundamental differences in soil cadmium among cities. Soil cadmium exceeds 2 g g–1 in 8.4% of the samples in Minneapolis, and 7.0, 4.0, 3.3 and 1.5% respectively of the samples collected in St. Paul, Duluth, St. Cloud and Rochester. Minneapolis and St. Paul residential houseside soil samples had cadmium levels that exceeded 2 g g–1 in 24.5 and 21.2% respectively of the samples collected. By comparison, the Minneapolis and St. Paul residential streetside soil samples had cadmium levels that exceeded 2 g g–1 in 1.2 and 0.6%, respectively, of the samples collected. Also the Minneapolis and St. Paul residential midyard soil samples had cadmium levels that exceeded 2 g g–1 in 1.9 and 5.5%, respectively, of the samples collected. Cadmium levels for the combined data for all cities and communities in Minneapolis appears to be directly related to traffic flow. However, cadmium levels around housesides and in midyards do not follow patterns of traffic flow in the same manner as cadmium content of soils along streetsides. St. Paul has an anomalously high cadmium content toward the east of the city compared with the west side of the city. The Pigs Eye sewage sludge incinerator located east of the city is the most likely source of cadmium to cause this pattern. This study provides essential urban background information about both the fundamental environmental patterns of cadmium as well as processes which appear to operate to cause those patterns.  相似文献   

Lead pollution in soils adjacent to homes in Tampa,Florida   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the United States, the study of lead pollution in soil has focused on older cities throughout the industrialised northern tier of states often referred to as the rust belt. Researchers have not studied the magnitude and extent of contamination in the newly developed portions of the sunbelt region of the south. In order to assess the significance of lead pollution in soils in these areas, an analysis of the lead content in 146 soil samples collected at a one km grid throughout residential portions of Tampa, Florida was undertaken. The results reveal that lead contaminated (>500 g g–1) soil is present in the older portions of the city and near expressways. A comparison of the results with data collected in an older, northern city demonstrates that the magnitude and extent of the contamination in Tampa are less than found in the larger rust belt city. However, the presence of hazardous levels of lead in soil collected in Tampa is evidence that sunbelt cities must address lead pollution in the urban environment.  相似文献   

Environmental Accumulation of Airborne Fluorides in Romania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nature and extent of pollution from an aluminium smelter and a fertiliser factory in Romania were studied. These are large industrial complexes, and both types of industry are known to release fluorides into the atmosphere. In grass samples collected from around the aluminium smelter, the maximum fluoride levels were found to be 4023mgkg–1 and 162mgkg–1 in unwashed and washed grass samples respectively, and 89mgkg–1 in soils. For the fertiliser factory, the maximum levels in washed grasses were found to be 207mgkg–1, and 11mgkg–1 in the soils. In both locations, these maximum values were obtained in samples collected from within 200m of the factory limits, and compare with regional background levels of less than 10mgkg–1 for grasses and 2mgkg–1 for soils. The high fluoride levels of fluoride in the grasses are sufficient to give cause for concern for the effects that these could have on the local population and on grazing animals.  相似文献   

Twenty Henna samples were collected and analysed for lead by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a microwave acid digestion procedure. The mean lead concentration was 5.50 g g–1, with a range from 1.29 g g–1 to 16.48 g g–1. The data did not show a high concentration of lead in these samples. However, if we take into account the popular use of henna, the cumulative effects of prolonged exposure to low lead especially in children cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Levels of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Cd were determined in topsoil and vegetation in the vicinity of a factory manufacturing lead- batteries in Ibadan, Nigeria. The samples were collected along five transects in different directions, and varying distances up to 1000m from the factory. Soil lead levels were found to be elevated around the factory, with average levels of about 2000mgkg–1 close to the fence that declined gradually to about 50mgkg–1 some 750m away. Soil-lead level around a primary school located about 500m from the factory was as high as 1450mgkg–1. Lead levels were equally elevated in the vegetation, though average levels in vegetation were slightly lower than in the soil. Cadmium concentrations in soil and vegetation, though low, were more positively correlated with lead levels than any of the other metals are with lead.  相似文献   

Lead contamination in the roadside soils of Slovenia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The level of lead contamination along the roadway Ljubljana to Zagreb was established in 184 soil samples. The samples were taken from two depths (0–5cm and 15–20cm) and at different distances from the roadway. The influence of terrain morphology, prevailing winds, geological parent material and type of vegetation was estimated. Heavy traffic is confirmed as main source of lead contamination (average enrichment factor 17) in soils. The highest lead accumulation is localised in the top soil layer and within 10m from the roadside. Contamination with lead is more pronounced in soil samples from cuttings and slopes than in soils from plains and mounds. Soils derived from carbonate rocks contain higher lead concentration than those derived from other parent material.  相似文献   

In order to assess the intake of lead and cadmium by consumers of home grown vegetables in urban areas, replicated experimental plots of uniform size, comprising summer and winter crops, were established in 94 gardens and allotments in nine towns and cities in England.The geometric mean lead and cadmium concentrations for the soils (n = 94) were 217 g g–1 (ranging from 27 to 1,676 g g–1) and 0.53 g g–1 (<0.2–5.9 g g–1), respectively. Compared with agricultural soils, the garden and allotment soils contained elevated levels of lead but not cadmium.Lead concentrations in the vegetables ranged from <0.25 g g–1 to 16.7 g g–1 dry weight and cadmium concentrations ranged from <0.025 g g–1 to 10.4 g g–1 dry weight. Lead concentrations were higher than reported background levels, although <1% exceeded the statutory limit for saleable food in the UK (1 g g–1 fresh weight). Cadmium concentrations were generally similar to background levels.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the elemental composition of soils and street dust collected in an historical industrial city of approximately 27 000 inhabitants, where old Hg mining and metallurgical activities strongly affected the load of heavy metals in the urban environment. For the purpose of the study, representative samples of soils and street dust were collected at different locations in the whole urban area (3 km2). Elevated mean concentrations of As in soils and street dust (69 and 135 g g–1, respectively), and Hg (3.07 and 4.24 g g–1, respectively), compared to background levels and to those found in other cities, reflect the anomalous geochemical nature of these materials and the strong influence exerted by the old mining sites.  相似文献   

For the past two decades, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has made a systematic investigation of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni and Zn in agricultural soils to identify soil pollution from industrial production. The EPA has cooperated with local governmental agencies to establish a soil quality monitoring system that would upgrade the land recovery ability and prohibit polluted lands from being cultivated or turned over to other uses. Based on an island-wide soil survey, more than 1,000 hectares of arable soils in Taiwan were found to be considerably contaminated by heavy metals. One of the heavy metal contaminated sites, located near a ceramic product manufacturing factory in Nantou County, was identified as lead contaminated. According to the Nantou Environmental Protection Bureau, the lead content in contaminated sites showed a great variation of several mg Pbkg–1 soil to several thousands mg Pbkg–1 soil. Therefore, it is appropriate to estimate the lead spatial distribution through geostatistics such as Kriging. The soil lead concentration contour maps obtained by Kriging can help us to identify the pollution patterns and delineate the range of contaminated sites. The purpose of this study is to determine the Pb concentrations at each location by performing detailed soil sampling on those Pb contaminated sites and estimating the lead spatial distributions by Kriging. A total of 70 soils were sampled from different locations at two experiment sites. Lead contents were determined with 0.1M HCl extractable lead content of the soils. The results obtained by investigating the lead contents in each 15cm segment down to a 60cm depth, revealed that lead contents were greater in arable land near the ceramic products manufacturing factory, and lead concentrations decreased with depth. In addition, Pb concentrations in heavily contaminated soils showed heavy concentrations of Pb in specific locations. Results from Pb content spatial distributions indicated that the Kriging model is a useful tool and can provide decision-makers with critical information for delineating hazardous areas in heavy metal contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Beryllium and aluminium contents in uncontaminated soils from six countries are reported. The means and ranges of beryllium in the surface soils were as follows: 1.43(0.20–5.50)g g–1 in Thailand (n=28), 0.7 (0.31–1.03) g g–1 in Indonesia (n=12), 0.99(0.82–1.32) g g–1 in New Zealand (n=3), 0.58(0.08-1.68)g g–1 in Brazil (n=16), 3.52(2.49–4.97)g g–1 in the former Yugoslavia (n=10), and 1.56(1.01–2.73) g g–1 in the former USSR (n=8). The mean and range of beryllium contents of the surface soils in Japan (1.17(0.27–1.95)g g–1 n=27) are situated within the values of the soils from these countries except for the Yugoslav soils derived from limestones. The mean of the mean beryllium contents of the surface soils in all these countries is 1.42 g g–1 which will be used as a tentative average content of beryllium in uncontaminated surface soils, except for the soils derived from parent materials high in beryllium content. The beryllium contents of the subsoils were higher than those of the surface soils in New Zealand and Yugoslavia as is the case with Japan. The correlation coefficient between the contents of beryllium and aluminium in all the soil samples (n=113) including surface soils and subsoils was 0.505 (p < 0.001).  相似文献   

Scandinavia has one secondary lead smelter that recycles lead from approximately 85% of used car batteries in Scandinavia and which has been active since the 1940s. The smelter, situated in Landskrona, has undergone a comprehensive clean up programme during the last decade, during which time production has doubled, while at the same time discharges of dust and lead to the atmosphere have decreased.Top and depth soil samples were taken on a 0.5km×0.5Km grid throughout the city of Landskrona, which covers an area of approximately 15km2. Samples were analysed by ICPAES for a number of elements including Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Sb and Hg. Road dust samples from selected sites were collected and similarly analysed. Blood samples were taken from 37 volunteer schoolchildren (aged 8–11) from two schools in Landskrona. House dust samples were taken from each child's home. Soil samples were taken from homes which had gardens, public and school play areas. Elevated heavy metal concentrations were found in close proximity to the secondary lead smelter, and this soil enrichment influences the whole of the town, modified to some extent by the prevailing wind. The smelter does not influence the soil lead concentration at distances greater than 3.5km, where the soil reflects the background value for the area.Road dust samples also show decreases in lead concentrations with distance from the smelter. The average level of lead in house dust was considerably lower than that found in Birmingham, UK. Blood lead levels in the child population ranged from 1.5–5.1gdl–1, with a mean of 3.05gdl–1, showing a distinct decrease from those measured in 1978–82. No significant difference in blood lead concentrations with distance of the home from the smelter, nor between attenders at the two schools was revealed in the limited number of children studied.  相似文献   

High-precision lead isotope ratios and lead concentrations have been compared statistically and graphically in women of child-bearing age (n = 77) from two smelter communities and one general urban community to evaluate the relative contributions to blood lead of tissue lead stores and lead from the contemporaneous environment (soil, floor dust, indoor airborne dust, water, food). Blood lead (PbB) contents were generally low (e.g. <10 g dL–1). Statistically significant isotopic differences in blood and environmental samples were observed between the three cities although isotopic differences in blood for individual subjects living in close proximity (200 m radius) was as large as the differences within a city. No single environmental measure dominated the biological isotope profile and in many cases the low levels of blood lead meant that their isotopic profiles could be easily perturbed by relatively small changes of environmental exposure. Apportioning of sources using lead isotopes is possibly not feasible, nor cost effective, when blood lead levels are <5 g dL–1. Interpretations based on statistical analyses of city-wide data do not give the same conclusions as when the houses are considered individually. Aggregating data from multiple subjects in a study such as this obscures potentially useful information. Most of the measures employed in this study, and many other similar studies, are markers of only short-to-medium integration of lead exposure. Serial sampling of blood and longer sampling times, especially for household variables, should provide more meaningful information.  相似文献   

Soil studies, conducted in Maryland, Minnesota and Louisiana, have described the urban pattern of lead contamination. They have shown that the highest amounts of lead cluster within the interior of the largest cities. The results of the New Orleans urban patterns of distribution of soil lead provided the basis for further study. The hypothesis was tested that elementary school properties have the same pattern of soil lead contamination as their neighbouring residential communities. Thirty New Orleans Public Elementary Schools were selected for this study. Surface samples (2.5cm or 1 inch depth) were collected from playgrounds and next to entrances of each school. Results showed that soil lead on school properties follows the same relative contamination patterns (pvalue10–5) as soil lead on residential properties of neighbouring communities. Schools however, have significantly lower lead contamination than the neighbouring residential properties. Innercity school properties present a higher risk of soil lead exposure than mid and outercity schools. Soils next to innercity school entrances showed the highest lead, with 18.5% having concentrations over 400gg–1. Systematic landscaping around the school entrances would significantly reduce the hazard from lead dust contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Pilot study of sources of lead exposure in Moscow,Russia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This preliminary investigation of sources of lead exposure in Moscow, Russia, by Russian and US collaborators measured lead in paint, interior dust, and drinking water in seven day-care centres, and in petrol, soil and canned food. Some paint samples exceeded US regulatory standards for lead in paint on surfaces (0.5%). Dust lead loadings were < 1.7 g cm–2 and below the guidance levels of the US EPA. Drinking water lead concentrations were at or below the US drinking water standard of 15 g L–1. Lead concentrations in petrol from Moscow vehicles and petrol stations were consistent with a regulation banning the sale of leaded petrol within the Moscow City limits. Except for baby food, lead levels were higher in the Russian canned foods (range 6 to 1240 g kg–1, dry weight) compared to corresponding US canned foods, with ratios of Russian to US levels of up to 120:1 for evaporated milk. Lead concentrations in soil generally ranged from 500 to 2000 g g–1, levels that would trigger hazard reduction measures according to US EPA guidance. These findings, together with the use of lead in petrol outside Moscow, indicate multiple sources of lead exposure in Russia. Priorities for future research are discussed including the establishment of interlaboratory quality control programmes.  相似文献   

Despite its being highly mineralised, the Hope Mine area has become a residential district. Composite soil samples taken from 91 allotments show values for cadmium: < 2–220 mg kg–1, lead: 6–38,000 mg kg–1, and zinc: 66–40,000 mg kg–1. Water samples from adits contain 52–86 g kg–1 of lead and < 1–2 hg kg–1 of cadmium. The soil contents of cadmium and lead in at least two areas suggest that remedial actions should be considered. Blood lead levels for 33 children aged between ten months and seven years are in the range 5.7–57 g dl–1; haemoglobin levels vary between 9.7 and 12.7 mg dl–1. There is no obvious relationship between Pb and haemoglobin levels. Further geochemical work to define fully the spatial extent of the polluted region and epidemiological studies including intelligence testing to define further the effects of lead on children in this environment would be valuable.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Two primary lead smelters and one secondary lead smelter have been active in the Socorro, New Mexico (USA) area in the last 110 years: the Billing smelter from 1883 to 1894, the Cuba Road smelter from 1881 to 1900, and Cal West from 1979 to 1984. Samples of plants and surface soil under each plant from all three sites were analysed for lead. The plants consisted of sparse grasses, cacti, creosote bush, snakeweed, mesquite and fourwing saltbush. Lead levels in the plants increased (2-440 g g–1) as the lead in the alkaline soils (25-10000 ng g–1) increased. However, the BAC (biological absorption coefficient), which is the ratio of lead content in the plant to the lead content in the soil, a measure of relative accumulation, decreased by one to two orders of magnitude, except for grasses and snakeweed. At background lead levels, there was little difference between lead in rootsversus foliage. At high lead levels, there was higher lead in roots versus foliage at the Billing and Cuba Road sites. The reverse was noted at Cal West. Because this is a recent operation, the higher lead in foliage may be due to foliar uptake. Plant growth at all sites appeared healthy.  相似文献   

A soil arsenic anomaly with concentrations up to 400g As g–1 was discovered near Maggotty, St. Elizabeth, during an islandwide geochemical survey of Jamaica. Detailed sampling and chemical analysis of soil samples confirmed the arsenic levels and led to a better definition of the size of the anomaly. The area exceeding the 95th percentile (>65g As g–1) of the islandwide concentrations has been determined to be at least 10km2. The anomalous values may be the result of an ancient hot spring environment which was responsible for the introduction and deposition of Fe–As–S as pyrite and arsenopyrite in the limestone bedrock, which were subsequently oxidised and weathered to yield the arsenic rich soils. These soils were also enhanced in elements such as Sb, Fe and Co. Despite the high soil arsenic content, the arsenic concentration in the surface water is low and there seems to be no immediate health risk to the residents. The area, however, does present a potential hazard with changing land use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the oral bioavailability of lead in soil collected from a former smelter site in Sandy, Utah, USA. Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 4 weeks of age, 5 of each sex in group) were given either soil lead or lead acetate mixed in a purified diet (AIN-93G ) at four different concentrations for 31 consecutive days. Food consumption measurements were used to compute mean daily lead exposures for the soil lead and lead acetate groups. The lead acetate treatment yielded higher concentrations of lead in the blood and bone than the soil lead treatment. Mean blood lead values ranged from below the detection limit (3 g dL–1) to 27.25 g lead dL–1 for the lead acetate groups at dose levels of 0.10–2.91 mg lead kg body weight–1 and from below the detection limit to 8.8 g lead dL–1 for the soil lead groups at doses of 0.11–3.43 mg lead kg body weight–1. At these same doses, mean bone values ranged from 0.52 to 26.92 g lead g–1 for the lead acetate groups and from 0.64 to 13.1 g lead g–1 for the soil lead groups. Relative per cent bioavailability was estimated by modelling the dose-blood concentration curves for the lead acetate treatment and the dosed soil lead treatment, and then comparing doses that produce an equivalent blood lead concentration. The ratio of the doses of lead acetate and soil lead that produced the same tissue response (i.e., concentration) provided an index of relative bioavailability. For lead, the bioavailability of soil lead relative to lead acetate was 41% at a blood concentration of 6 g lead dL–1.  相似文献   

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