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Aerosol particles in the workplace of a detergent industry were sampled during July 2005 by a Berner low-pressure impactor. The samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry and ion chromatography in order to determine the size distribution of metallic elements and water-soluble inorganic ions. The size distributions of some characteristic metallic elements (Cu, Fe, Al) were unimodal with their maximum found in coarse particles. Among the water-soluble aerosol components , , Cl, and Ca++ were the major contributors to total particle mass. The lung deposition resulting from the partially hygroscopic aerosol is estimated. The calculated lung deposition reveals the impact of separate chemical aerosol compounds on the levels of the inhaled dose. The differences observed between the total and regional deposition of the different compounds appear mainly due to their different size distributions. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

In the developing world, the vast majority of people rely on solid biomass fuels for cooking and heating which results in poor indoor air quality. The present study determined indoor air quality in some rural and urban areas of Pakistan. Measurements were made of particulate mass (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1), number concentration and bioaerosols in different micro environments. PM10 concentrations of up to 8,555 μg/m3 were observed inside the kitchens where biofuels were used as energy source. Cleaning and smoking was identified as a major source of indoor particulate pollution and concentrations of more than more than 2,000 μg/m3 were recorded in the living room during these activities. Indoor number concentrations in Lahore were typically greater than those observed outdoors in European cites. At a rural site the highest Colony Forming Units (CFUs) were in the 0.5 μm–2 μm size fraction, while at the urban location CFUs were dominant for 2 μm–16 μm. It was observed that CFUs(Colony Forming Units) counts were higher inside living rooms than kitchens. It is important to note that women and children were exposed to extremely high levels of particulates during cooking. Overall, indoor air quality in Pakistan was poor and there is a dire need to take a serious step to combat with it.  相似文献   

The effects of meteorology on ambient aerosol concentrations and aerosol transport, within the Greater Athens Area during the summer period, was investigated. Measurements of size fractionated anions and cations were made at two sites (inland at Ag. Stefanos and on the coast at Pireas) within the Greater Athens Area. The wind regime exhibited a distinctinfluence such that the sea-breeze circulation strongly enhanced the formation of secondary aerosols. For sulphate the difference in concentration between the two sites was,on average, 8 times greater on sea-breeze days compared with Etesian days (warm days with NE winds). During `normal' days,any differences in concentrations were possibly due to localemissions. Elevated concentrations in the fine mode were detectedat both sites during the sea-breeze days. The sea-breezecirculation enhances the development of secondary aerosolswhich was clearly shown at the inland site. Nitrous acid,hydrochloric acid and particulate nitrate, sulphate andammonium increase during sea-breeze days. Elevated levelsof nitrate, 4 m diameter, were particularly observedon the days with a strong sea-breeze circulation. Sulphatewas well correlated with both sulphur dioxide and ammoniumsuggesting the production of NH4HSO4/(NH4)2SO4 aerosols, formedthrough the neutralisation of NH3 with sulphuric acids.Ammonium sulphate was found to be the major ammoniumcomponent in Athens.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter (PM) concentrations were measured in Iksan, a suburban area in South Korea during April, 2003. PM2.5 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) and PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm) samples were collected, and the chemical characteristics of particles were examined for diurnal patterns, yellow dust/rainfall influences, and scavenging effects. Average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 mass measured were 37.3 ± 16.2 μg m−3 and 60.8 ± 29.5 μg m−3, respectively. The sum of ionic chemical species concentrations for PM2.5 and PM10 was 16.9 ± 7.3 and 23.1 ± 10.1 μg/m3, respectively. A significant reduction in PM mass concentrations during rainfall days was observed for coarse mode (PM2.5 − 10) particles, but less reduction was found for fine (PM2.5) mass concentration. SO4 2−, NH4 +, and K+ predominated in fine particulate mode, NO3 and Cl predominated in fine particle mode and coarse particle mode, but Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ mostly existed in coarse mode. The high concentration of ammonium due to local emissions and long-range transport neutralized sulfate and nitrate to ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, which were major forms of airborne PM in Iksan. Average mass concentrations of PM10 in daytime and at night were 57.6 and 70.0 μg m−3, and those of PM2.5 were 35.4 and 42.5 μg m−3, respectively. NO3 and Cl in both PM2.5 and PM10 were about double at night than in the daytime, while the rest of the chemical species were equal or a little higher at night than in the daytime. The results suggest the formation of ammonium nitrate and chloride when high ammonia concentration and low air temperature are allowed. Backward air trajectory analyses showed that air masses arriving at the site during yellow dust period were transported from arid Chinese regions, which resulted in high concentrations of airborne PM mass concentrations. In the meantime, air mass trajectories during a rainfall period were mostly from the Pacific Ocean or the East China Sea, along with a relatively low PM concentration.  相似文献   

The leather tanning industry is perceived as responsible of a significant consume of natural resources and output of wastes such as high concentration of organics, salts and heavy metals such as chromium, both in solid and liquid form as a result. Now as ever the future of tanneries strongly depends on the increase of their awareness that a sustainable industry for the future means embracing a forward-looking philosophy of the leather making process through optimal resource management within the tannery. This study reports the characterization of some chemicals used in a large tanning district area in terms of COD, BOD, aromaticity (UV280) and double bond (UV254) absorbance measurements, toxicity on fresh and saline water as well as terrestrial species, GC-MS scanning. The study provides a consistent set of information on tannin-associated concentration-related trends and suggests novel criteria in defining control quality for evaluating environmental impact of leather tanning industry.  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the potential of nonedible oilseed Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) defatted residual biomasses (whole seed, kernel, and hull), as solid biofuel. These biomasses showed good carbon contents (39.8–44.5%), whereas, fewer amounts were observed for sulfur (0.15–0.90%), chlorine (0.64–1.76%), nitrogen (0.9–7.2%) and ash contents (4.0–8.7%). Their volatile matter (60.23–81.6%) and calorific values (17.68–19.98 MJ/kg) were found to be comparable to coal. FT-IR and chemical analyses supported the presence of good amount of cellulose, hemicellulose and lower lignin. The pellets prepared without any additional binder, showed better compaction ratio, bulk density and compressive strength. XRF analysis carried out for determination of slagging–fouling indices, suggested their ash deposition tendencies in boilers, which can be overcome significantly with the optimization of the blower operations and control of ash depositions. Thus, overall various chemical, physical properties, thermal decomposition, surface morphological studies and their high biofuel reactivity indicated that residual biomasses of Jatropha and Karanja seeds have high potential to be utilized as a solid biofuel.  相似文献   

Traffic emits particles under 1 m. The particles arethe most responsible to particle-bound polycyclic aromatichydrocarbon (pPAH) which can impact human health. To assessthem as health hazards, we monitored diurnal changes in theconcentration and distribution of pPAH near roads in Tokyo.The total pPAH concentration was determined using aphotoelectric aerosol sensor (PAS) which ionized PAH-adsorbingparticles. The total pPAH concentration was compared withchemical analyses by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS). Two sampling sessions, one in August and one inSeptember 2000, were done at three sampling sites at the Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo. Monitoring was every two minutes for six consecutive days for the first session and for seven consecutive days for the second session.Correlation of the pPAH concentration with traffic flow andwith meteorological conditions were also assessed. The pPAHconcentration varied in the same manner on all days: it sharplyincreased in the early morning by a sudden burden of traffic, and it rapidly decreased during the daytime, probably owing tophotodegradation and/or dilution by rising in the mixingzone. The local wind field, and consequently thetransportation of pPAH from the road, were stronglyinfluenced by the configuration and location of thesurrounding buildings. The pPAH clearly changed in 1- and0.5 day cycles, particularly at the roadside.  相似文献   

The effects of poor indoor air quality and mould growth in working environment are major problems in built environment, and there is a need to look for improvement of the health, comfort and productivity of the building occupants. Airborne mould sampling studies were conducted in a reference building located in Rockhampton, Central Queensland, Australia. Both indoor culturable and mould spore levels were observed. It was found through the indoor–outdoor ratios of the species that indoor concentrations are mostly related to the outdoor mould levels. The moulds differ in their relative humidity and temperature requirements to support surface growth. Indoor humidity has a significant effect on occupants comfort, perceived air quality, occupants’ health, building durability, emissions and energy efficiency. Practical hygrothermal simulation models are employed to analyse the combined heat and moisture behaviour within the built environment. A review of the current modelling options available to predict building performance based on energy and mass transport simulation is presented, and then a case study is presented with the assessment of indoor built environment to avoid mould problem.  相似文献   

Passive samplers were used from 1996 to 1999 in a dense network to monitorthe concentrations of ammonia in air, in four agricultural areas in The Netherlands. To show representative patterns, sampling was not made within 50 m of livestock buildings and stores. The concentration of ammonia varies typically between 10 and 40 g m-3 within a few kilometres in these areas. The interpretation of the measurements was supported by calculations with OPS, a Lagrangian dispersion model. Model calculations were based on a high-resolution database that included estimates of the ammonia emission of each farm in the area and emissions from surface application of manure at a 250 × 250 m scale. The model underestimated the observed ammonia concentrations by nearly a factor of two over most of the area. This result was attributed to underestimation of the ammonia emission in the models. And the ammonia emissions from field application of manure seem to be seriously underestimated. A detailed analysis of model results and measurements showed that the observed decrease of the ammonia concentration in the study period was partly due to changes in meteorological conditions during the study period and partly due to the reduced amount of manure applied in 1998.  相似文献   

The bacterial polyester, poly(-hydroxybutyrate-co--hydroxyvalerate) (PHB/V), was cross-linked with 1, 5, 7, 10, 20, and 30 wt% benzoyl peroxide by thermal decomposition reactions. Solvent extractions were carried out to determine the cross-linked fractions of the films. The sol/gel data were used to estimate cross-link densities. Films of PHB/V cross-linked with 10% benzoyl peroxide were placed in contact with purified depolymerase A secreted byP. lemoignei. These samples exhibited weight loss rates which were half that of un-cross-linked PHB/V, but the network was degraded completely by the enzyme. The results of this study suggest that anendo-type enzymatic degradation may occur, in addition to theexo-type activity, which is normally presumed to occur with theP. lemoignei depolymerase system.  相似文献   

In the Beijing area, March and April have the highest frequency of sand-dust weather. Floating dust, blowing sand, and dust storms, primarily from Mongolia, account for 71%, 20%, and 9% of sand-dust weather, respectively. Ambient air monitoring and analysis of recent meteorological data from Beijing sand-dust storm periods revealed that PM10 mass concentrations during dust storm events remained at 1500 μg m−3, which is five to ten times higher than during non-dust storm periods, for fourteen hours on both April 6 and 25, 2000. During the same period, the concentrations in urban areas were comparable to those in suburban areas, while the concentrations of gaseous pollutants, such as SO2, NO x , NO2, and O3, remained at low levels, owing to strong winds. Furthermore, during sand-dust storm periods, aerosols were created that consisted not only of many coarse particles, but also of a large quantity of fine particles. The PM2.5 concentration was approximately 230 μg m−3, accounting for 28% of the total PM10 mass concentration. Crustal elements accounted for 60–70% of the chemical composition of PM2.5, and sulfate and nitrate for much less, unlike the chemical composition of PM2.5 on pollution days, which was primarily composed of sulfates, nitrates, and organic material. Although the very large particle specific surface area provided by dust storms would normally be conducive to heterogeneous reactions, the conversion rate from SO2 to SO4 2− was very low, because the relative humidity, less than 30%, was not high enough.  相似文献   

以甲基丙烯酸和丙烯磺酸钠为单体、过硫酸铵溶液为引发剂合成聚合物分散剂(PMS)。最佳合成条件:单体总质量为60g,甲基丙烯酸和丙烯磺酸钠的摩尔比为3.0,过硫酸铵溶液加入量为12g,亚硫酸氢钠加入最为1g,反应温度为75℃。对最佳条件下制得的PMS进行应用实验,当100g陶瓷氧化铝粉末中PMS加入量为0.5g时,浆料的黏度较小,分散效果良好。PMS属于非品态聚合物,热稳定性良好,相对分子质量为2127。  相似文献   

Because landfill gas (LFG) contains an abundance of methane, the utilization of LFG as a renewable energy source is becoming popular in many countries. LFG, however, contains various trace constituents, some of which may pose problems during utilization. For example, siloxanes and halogenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can cause difficulties when present in the fuel of gas engines. In addition, many VOCs and mercury have harmful effects on human health, especially on the health of workers at landfill sites and people living near the landfills. Energy recovery from LFG is expected to make great progress in the near future, particularly in Asia, but we found little information on the trace constituents of LFG in this region. Therefore, we sought to characterize the trace components in LFG generated in two landfill sites in China and one site in Japan, to determine the typical concentrations of these trace components in LFG, and to compare their concentrations among landfill sites in Asia. We concluded that the trace components in LFG at the sites studied were mainly siloxanes generated from sewage sludge and harmful benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene compounds from petroleum products.  相似文献   

Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the compost maturation building in a municipal solid waste treatment facility were inventoried by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A large diversity of chemical classes and compounds were found. The highest concentrations were found for n-butanol, methyl ethyl ketone and limonene (ppmv level). Also, a range of compounds exceeded their odor threshold evidencing that treatment was needed. Performance of a chemical scrubber followed by two parallel biofilters packed with an advanced packing material and treating an average airflow of 99,300 m3 h?1 was assessed in the treatment of the VOCs inventoried. Performance of the odor abatement system was evaluated in terms of removal efficiency by comparing inlet and outlet abundances. Outlet concentrations of selected VOCs permitted to identify critical odorants emitted to the atmosphere. In particular, limonene was found as the most critical VOC in the present study. Only six compounds from the odorant group were removed with efficiencies higher than 90%. Low removal efficiencies were found for most of the compounds present in the emission showing a significant relation with their chemical properties (functionality and solubility) and operational parameters (temperature, pH and inlet concentration). Interestingly, benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol were found to be produced in the treatment system.  相似文献   

We describe the results of an aerosol sampling campaign performedin 1999 in the medium-size industrial town of La Spezia, in theNorthwest of Italy. We used two-stage continuous streakersamplers in three different sites and periods of the year. This kind of samplers allows the separation of the PM10 andPM2.2 fractions of the particulate matter. Moreover, the hourly resolution in the aerosol collection is particularly useful inan urban environment where, typically, many pollution sourceswith fast variations are present. Up to 1700 samples have beenanalysed by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) at the INFNaccelerator facility in Florence, obtaining hourly concentrationfor about 20 elements from Na to Pb, with a sensitivity rangingfrom below 1 to about 10 ng m-3. The total hourly aerosolmass has been estimated with an optical analysis of the samesamples performed (before the PIXE analysis) by an equipment designed and mounted in Genoa. An extensive statistical analysisof the data included standard and Absolute Principal ComponentFactor Analysis (PCFA and APCFA) to deduce the compositionand the weight of the major aerosol sources in both fractions.Thorough different statistical approaches, we generally resolvedcontributions from vehicle emission, fossil fuel combustion,soil-road dust and sea salt aerosol.  相似文献   

The organic chemical composition of the fine fraction of atmospheric particulate matter in Athens has been studied, in order to establish emission sources. The results of the analyses of the aliphatic fraction indicate that all samples contain n-alkanes ranging from C14 to C32, with C25, C26, C27 and C29 being the more abundant congeners. Fossil fuels biomarkers such as extended tricyclic terpanes (hopanes, steranes) and isoprenoid hydrocarbons (pristane, phytane) were observed in our samples on a daily basis. Source reconciliation was conducted using molecular diagnostic ratios (such as the carbon preference index – CPI). The mean CPI value (1.84) indicates the mixed origin of the Athenian fine particles. The notable presence of an unresolved complex mixture or “hump” of hydrocarbons in our gas chromatograms is indicative of petrogenic hydrocarbon inputs. An approximate measure of this kind of contamination is the ratio of the concentrations of unresolved components to the resolved n-alkanes and other major compounds (U:R). The high U:R value of 25.25 further confirmed the major contribution of fossil fuels. Yet, the percent contribution of leaf wax n-alkanes (25.15%) indicated the parallel contribution of biogenic sources. This work supports the conclusion that vehicular emissions were the major source of aliphatic organic compounds with a smaller contribution of biogenic n-alkanes during the study period in Athens.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are one of the major sources of offensive odors potentially creating annoyance in adjacent communities. At the end of May 2007, an odor pollution incident occurred at the Tianziling landfill site, Hangzhou, China, where the residents lodged complaints about the intense odor from the landfill, which drew a significant attention from the government. In this study, ambient air monitoring was conducted at the Tianziling landfill site. The main odor composition of the gas samples collected on June 1st 2007 and the reduction of various odorous gases from the samples collected on June 1st 2009 due to the applied odor control techniques were determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In addition, variations of primary odorous gaseous (NH3 and H2S) concentrations at different locations in the landfill site from July 2007 to June 2009 were also investigated by using classical spectrophotometric methods. Results showed that a total of 68 volatile compounds were identified among which H2S (56.58-579.84 μg/m3) and NH3 (520-4460 μg/m3) were the notable odor components contributing to 4.47-10.92% and 83.91-93.94% of total concentrations, respectively. Similar spatial and temporal shifts of H2S and NH3 concentrations were observed and were significantly affected by environmental factors including temperature, air pressure and wind direction. Odor pollution was worse when high temperature, high humidity, low air pressure, and southeast, northeast or east wind appeared. Moreover, the environmental sampling points of the dumping area and the leachate treatment plant were found to be the main odor sources at the Tianziling landfill site. The odor control technologies used in this project had a good mitigating effect on the primary odorous compounds. This study provides long-term valuable information concerning the characteristics and control of odors at landfill sites in a long run.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of bulk deposition during the period of February 1996–May 1997 and the chemical composition of sub-event wet deposition on 13 August 1997 in Gebze. Samples were analyzed for SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-,Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, and NH4 + in addition to pH. The source of some ionic components in the bulk deposition such as K+ and Ca2+ were found to be the terrestrial regions, as expected. The (non-sea Cl-)/Cl- ratio of 0.05 suggests that the very large portion of Cl- in the bulkdeposition was of marine origin. The ratio of (non-sea SO4 2-)/SO4 2- varied between 0.86 and 0.99,indicating that the main source of sulfate was not the sea. It is found that the sulfate and calcium concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in fall. The analysis of bulk deposition also indicated that nearly 24% of the events were acidic (pH < 5.6). During sub-event wet deposition collectedon the same site pH decreased continually, and during the passageof cold front concentrations of Cl-, SO4 2- and NO3 - increased.  相似文献   

The input and output samples from existing large-scale municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) were collected and analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-р-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in this study, aiming to evaluate PCDD/F characteristic and the corresponding mass balance through the whole system. The grate-type MSWI is equipped with semi-dry scrubber, activated carbon injection, and bag filter as air pollutant control devices (APCDs). Results showed that on the output side, the stack gas, bottom ash and fly ash presented their mean dioxin levels of 0.078 ng I-TEQ/Nm(3), 12.94 ng I-TEQ/kg and 858 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively, and showed large similarities in congener profiles. Instead, on the input side, the municipal solid waste (MSW) presented a mean dioxin level of 15.56 ng I-TEQ/kg and a remarkable difference in congener profiles compared with those of the output. The dioxin mass balance demonstrated that the annual dioxin input value was around 5.38 g I-TEQ/yr, lower than the total output value (7.62 g I-TEQ/yr), signifying a positive dioxin balance of about 2.25 g I-TEQ/yr.  相似文献   

A recently designed two-chamber-lysimeter-test-system allows the detailed investigation of degradation, transport and transfer processes of 14C-labeled substances in soil–plant–atmosphere-systems under outdoor conditions. With this test system it is feasible to distinguish between 14C-emissions from soil surfaces and 14C-emissions from plant surfaces in soil monoliths under real environmental conditions. Special soil humidity sensors allow the measurement of soil water content near to the soil surface, in 1 and 5 cm depth. The behavior of organic chemicals can be followed for a whole vegetation period and a mass balance for the applied chemical can be established. Some selected results of the herbicides isoproturon and glyphosate – using the two-chamber-lysimeter-test-system – are presented to demonstrate its applicability for the identification and quantification of the processes that govern pesticide behavior in soil–plant-systems. Mineralization of 14C-isoproturon was very different in four different soils; the mineralization capacity of the soils ranged from 2 to 60%. Leaching of isoproturon in general was very low, but depending on the soil type and environmental conditions isoproturon and its metabolites could be leached via preferential flow, especially shortly after application. For the herbicide 14C-glyphosate no accumulation of residues in the soil and no leaching of the residues to deeper soil layers could be observed after three applications. Glyphosate was rapidly degraded to AMPA in the soil. Glyphosate and AMPA were accumulated in soy bean nodules.  相似文献   

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