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This research surveyed human-impacted littoral forests in southeastern Madagascar to determine (i) how forest structural features, indicative of human impact, are related to total, utilitarian, and endemic tree diversity; (ii) the distribution, abundance, and demographics of tree species groups (i.e., total, useful, endemic) across the landscape; and (iii) the amount of basal area available per human use category. We also use these data to consider issues of sustainable use and how human impact may influence littoral forest tree community composition across the landscape. Within 22 transects of 400 m2 each, we recorded a total of 135 tree species and 2155 individuals. Seventy-nine species (58%) were utilitarian and 56 (42%) were nonutilitarian species. Of the 2155 individuals, 1827 (84%) trees were utilitarian species. We recorded 23 endemic species (17% of the total species) and 17 (74%) of these were utilitarian species. Basal area was significantly correlated with Shannon Weiner Index values for total (r = 0.64, P < 0.01), utilitarian (r = 0.58, P < 0.01), and endemic tree diversity (r = 0.85, P < 0.01). Basal area was significantly correlated with the Simpson’s index values for the endemic species (r = 0.74, P < 0.01). These correlations suggest that endemic tree species, of high global conservation value, may be the species group most influenced by changes in forest structure. Utilitarian species constituted 84% of the total basal area. The use category contributing the highest amount of basal area to the landscape was firewood. The results presented herein demonstrate that the landscape of southeastern Madagascar, commonly perceived as degraded, retains high value for both global conservation purposes and for local livelihoods. Thus, valuable opportunities may exist for developing conservation incentives that leverage both global and local conservation needs.  相似文献   

干旱污染型工业城市的绿化树种选择应符合当地的自然地理条件、美化要求和环境污染特征,树种的优化配置应充分考虑绿化效益和经济可行性.本文以兰州市为例,提出了兰州市绿化树种选择与优化配置的整体思路和合理建议,同时有助于西北地区类似城市绿化措施的调整和优化.  相似文献   

贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据贵州省生物质能源树种主要分布区线路调查和典型样地调查的结果,介绍了贵州省生物质能源树种的研究现状和存在问题,对贵州的生物质能源树种进行了分类并报道了资源的分布特点。提出了贵州应重点利用现有生物乙醇树种资源,积极稳妥发展生物柴油树种资源,并对开发利用技术和途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Understanding the problems of grazing land in vertisol areas and seeking long-lasting solutions is the central point where mixed crop livestock is the second stay for the majority of the population. In order to understand this, the current study was conducted at two sites, one with 0–4% slope and the other with 4–8% slope at Ginchi watershed, 80 km west of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study were to quantify changes in plant species richness, biomass, plant cover, and soil physical and hydrological properties. The grazing regimes were: moderate grazing (regulated), heavy grazing (free grazing), and no grazing (closed to any grazing), which was considered the control treatment. The results showed that the biomass yield in nongrazed plots was higher than in the grazed plots. However, the biomass yield in grazed plots improved over the years. Species richness and percentage of dominant species attributes were better in medium grazed plots than the other treatments. Soil compaction was higher in very heavily grazed plots than in nongrazed and medium-grazed plots. In contrast to that, the soil water content and infiltration rate were better in nongrazed plots than in grazed plots. Soil loss in grazed plots decreased with the increase of biomass yields and as the soil was more compacted by livestock trampling during the wet season. Finally since the medium stocking rate is better in species richness and plant attributes, and lies between nongrazed and heavily grazed plots in the rest of the measured parameters, it could be the appropriate stocking rate to practice by the smallholder farmer.  相似文献   

Environmental Management - In the past decade, municipalities across North America have increased investment in their urban forests in an effort to maintain and enhance the numerous benefits...  相似文献   

Management strategies to control invasive species need information about dispersal distances to predict establishment potential. Fraxinus pennsylvanica is a North American anemochorous tree species that is invasive in many Central European floodplain forests. To predict seed-dispersal potential, the stochastic model WaldStat was used, which enables different options for directionality (isotropic and anisotropic) to be simulated. In this article, we (1) show empirical results of fructification and seed dispersal for this tree species. The model predicts approximately 250,000 seeds for one F. pennsylvanica tree. These results were used to (2) calculate species-specific dispersal distances and effects of wind direction. To consider the influence of wind on dispersal potential of the tree species, long-distance dispersal (LDD [95th percentile dispersal distance]) was calculated. Mean dispersal distances varied between 47 and 66 m. LDD values modelled along the main wind direction ranged from 60 to 150 m. Seed production, dispersal distance, and direction data were (3) incorporated into theoretical management scenarios for forest ecosystems. Finally (4), we discuss management options and the practical relevance of model scenarios in relation to the accuracy of spatial dispersal predictions. Further analyses should be focused on possible, well-adapted management concepts at stand level that could restrict the potential spread of invasive species.  相似文献   

Afforestation of agricultural lands has been one of the major land use changes in China in recent decades. To better understand the effect of such land use change on soil quality, we investigated selected soil physical, chemical and microbial properties (0–15 cm depth) in marginal agricultural land and a chronosequence of poplar (Populus euramericana cv. ‘N3016’) plantations (5-, 10-, 15- and 20-years old) in a semi-arid area of Northeast China. Soil bulk density significantly declined after conversion of agricultural lands to poplar plantations. Soil total organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TN) concentrations, microbial biomass C (MBC) and potential N mineralization rate (PNM) decreased initially following afforestation of agricultural lands, and then increased with stand development. However, soil metabolic quotient (qCO2) exhibited a reverse trend. In addition, soil particulate organic matter C (POM-C) and N (POM-N) concentrations showed no significant changes in the first 10 years following afforestation, and then increased with stand age. These findings demonstrated that soil quality declined initially following afforestation of agricultural lands in semi-arid regions, and then recovered with stand development. Following 15 years of afforestation, many soil quality parameters recovered to the values found in agricultural land. We propose that change in soil quality with stand age should be considered in determining optimum rotation length of plantations and best management practices for afforestation programs.  相似文献   


Third-party certification of forest management practices is being touted as a means of promoting more sustainable forestry globally. Certification occurs when a forest owner voluntarily requests an independent certification body to inspect their lands and practices relative to standards and criteria set forth by the certifying body. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has emerged in recent years as the global leader in third-party forest certification, and to date approximately 22 million hectares of forests have been certified globally by FSC-accredited certifiers. The future success of forest certification efforts will depend in large part on continued growth in the area under certification, and one key area of concern in this regard has been the slow pace of certification of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) lands. This paper assesses the prospects for and barriers to forest certification of NIPF lands in north-western Pennsylvania, an area characterised by high-value hardwood forests and high rates of NIPF ownership. La ceritificación de terceros de practicas del manejo forestal esta siendo solicitada como una medida de promover mas la silvicultura sostenible globalmente. La certificación ocurre cuando el dueño de un bosque voluntariamente pide a un organísmo de certificación independiente inspeccionar su tierra y sus practicas relativas a los estandares y criterios establecidos por el organísmo certificador. El Concejo Administrativo Forestal (FSC) ha surgido en los últimos años como el líder global en la certificación forestal de terceros, y hasta la fecha aproximadamente 22 millones de hectáreas de bosque han sido globalmente certificadas por el FSC-certificadores acreditados. El éxito futuro de los esfuerzos para la certificación forestal dependerán en gran parte del continuo crecimiento del área bajo certificación, y un área clave de preocupación con respecto a esto ha sido el ritmo lento de certificación de las tierras de bosques privados no industriales (NIPF). Este documento evalua las perspectivas y las barreras a la certificación forestal de las tierras de NIPF en el noroeste de Pennsylvania, un área caracterizada por bosques de madera dura de alto valor y alto índice de propiedades de NIPF.  相似文献   

This article analyzes and carries out an econometric test of the explanatory power of economic and attitude variables for occurrences of the nonnative signal crayfish in Swedish waters. Signal crayfish are a carrier of plague which threatens the native noble crayfish with extinction. Crayfish are associated with recreational and cultural traditions in Sweden, which may run against environmental preferences for preserving native species. Econometric analysis is carried out using panel data at the municipality level with economic factors and attitudes as explanatory variables, which are derived from a simple dynamic harvesting model. A log-normal model is used for the regression analysis, and the results indicate significant impacts on occurrences of waters with signal crayfish of changes in both economic and attitude variables. Variables reflecting environmental and recreational preferences have unexpected signs, where the former variable has a positive and the latter a negative impact on occurrences of waters with signal crayfish. These effects are, however, counteracted by their respective interaction effect with income.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the impact of re-vegetation on the restoration of microbial community structure and soil microbiological properties in sand dunes that had been affected by mining activity. Soil samples were collected during the dry and rainy seasons from a chronosequence (1, 9, 21 years) of re-vegetated dunes using a single preserved dune as a reference. The composition of the fatty acid methyl esters and soil microbial properties were evaluated. The results showed that the changes in microbial community structure were related to seasonal variations: biomarkers of Gram-positive bacteria were higher than Gram-negative bacteria during the dry season, showing that this group of organisms is more tolerant to these stressful conditions. The microbial community structure in the natural dune was less affected by seasonal variation compared to the re-vegetated areas, whereas the opposite was observed for microbiological properties. Thus, in general, the proportion of saprobic fungi was higher in the natural dune, whereas Gram-negative bacteria were proportionally more common in the younger areas. Although over time the re-vegetation allows the recovery of the microbial community and the soil functions, these communities and functions are different from those found in the undisturbed areas.  相似文献   

田丽  庞锐锋 《资源开发与市场》2008,24(2):160-161,164
2006年12月、2007年1—4月对湛江市寸金公园的鸟类资源状况进行了初步的研究,共记录到鸟类16种,隶属4目10科。其中,雀形目鸟类最多,共7科11种,约占总数的69%;其次为佛法僧目1科2种,约占总数的12.5%;鸡形目和鹃形目各1科1种,约占总数的6.25%。其中有国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类1种,占总数的6.25%。此外,属国家林业局发布的"国家重点保护的有益、有经济价值或有科学研究价值的动物"的鸟类7种,占总数的43.75%;被纳入省级重点保护鸟类的有2种,占总数12.6%;被纳入中澳候鸟协定鸟类的有1种,占总数的6.25%。  相似文献   

Summary In Kumaun Himalaya, India, 60 percent of the rural population is dependent on natural springs for water supply. The authors claim that substantial reductions in spring water discharges are due to losses in the indigenous oak forest coverage and its partial replacement by pine. Other factors, such as overall forest cover depletion and construction activities, combine to produce severe reductions in spring discharge rates.Drs Anil Singh and Ravindra Pande are members of academic staff at Kumaun University working in the Laboratory for Hydrological and Geomorphological Investigations in the Department of Geography.  相似文献   

We review long-term changes that have occurred in factors affecting water quality in East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC; in East Tennessee) over a nearly 25-year monitoring period. Historically, the stream has received wastewaters and pollutants from a major United States Department of Energy (DOE) facility on the headwaters of the stream. Early in the monitoring program, EFPC was perturbed chemically, especially within its headwaters; evidence of this perturbation extended downstream for many kilometers. The magnitude of this perturbation, and the concentrations of many biologically significant water-quality factors, has lessened substantially through time. The changes in water-quality factors resulted from a large number of operational changes and remedial actions implemented at the DOE facility. Chief among these were consolidation and elimination of many effluents, elimination of an unlined settling/flow equalization basin, reduction in amount of blow-down from cooling tower operations, dechlorination of effluents, and implementation of flow augmentation. Although many water-quality characteristics in upper EFPC have become more similar to those of reference streams, conditions remain far from pristine. Nutrient enrichment may be one of the more challenging problems remaining before further biological improvements occur.  相似文献   

The present investigation involves theories, simulations and experiments on deposit layers on super-heater tubes in a circulating fluidised bed in Västerås in Sweden. Simulation of particle trajectories in the vicinity of two super-heater tubes is conducted in a Eulerian-Lagrangian mode for the flue gas and the ash particles from the combustion process. Particle impingements on the tubes are investigated for different particle sizes. Measurements of the buildup of deposit layers in the super-heater environment are conducted using a deposit probe. Deposit layer growth and growth rate is analysed for different probe temperatures, as well as the aspect of sintering on the probe ring surface. Analysis of the probe deposit material and deposits from the super-heaters and from textile filters are chemically analysed. The temperature dependence of the deposit materials viscosity is predicted from the chemical analysis of the samples. A model is included to simulate the effect of the deposit layer thickness on the tube heat exchange. The results from the particle trajectory simulations show that particle larger than 10 mm will mainly impinge on the front of the first tube and that smaller particles are more dispersed due to turbulence and thermophorectic forces, enabling a more even impingement on the whole surface of the tubes. The probe deposit layer growth measurements show significant temperature dependence. The deposit material sintering and distribution is proven to be dependent on; temperature, particle size and exposure time. The stickiness of the deposit material is shown to be dependent on the SiO2 and alkali relation in the samples, estimated through a viscosity model.  相似文献   

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