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亓玲 《防灾博览》2004,(5):43-44
7月1日四川省部分地区连遭暴雨袭击,15人死亡7人失踪. 5日台湾连降暴雨,15人死亡,3座发电厂淹灌. 6日暴雨雷击肆虐广东,5人死亡. 7日新疆玛纳斯县山洪暴发,6人失踪2人死亡.  相似文献   

亓玲 《防灾博览》2004,(4):46-46
4月1日 四川自贡一公共汽车坠河,14人死亡38人受伤。2日 暴雨浇塌广州地铁三号线,附近居民楼倾斜。3日 淄博一煤矿发生透水事故,四名矿工被困井下。4日 受吸血蝙蝠袭击,13名巴西人死亡,6人被感染。6日 墨西哥北部暴雨成灾,造成32人死亡百余人失踪。7日 新疆大部分地区遭遇大风天气,最大风力超9级。8日纳米比亚发生10年来最严重的洪灾,6人丧生。9日苏丹发生严重交通事故,60多人死伤。10日俄煤矿发生爆炸,死亡36人,另有11人生死不明。11日新疆伊犁州巩留县山体滑坡,一家8口人全部遇难。  相似文献   

地壳中的岩层受到力的作用发生变形,发生弯曲(褶皱),无论是向上褶皱,还是向下褶皱,甚至是侧向褶皱,在这种格局下形成的山体,称之为“褶皱山”。显然,这个过程与其他断层作用情况是不一样的。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):329-342
In this paper, we are dealing with two extreme events in temperature and population – heat wave and mortality. Our aim is to assess the relation between high temperatures and daily mortality counts during the summer months in the period 2000–2010 in Belgrade (Serbia). In order to establish this connection, we used Poisson regression and two different measures of heat wave: Warm Spell Duration Index (WSDI) and apparent temperature (T app). As mean daily temperature increases over 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles, average number of deaths increases for 15.3% (p?<?.01), 22.4% (p?<?.05) and 32.0% (insignificant for p?<?.1). We tested three different thresholds (90th, 95th, 99th) for WSDI and T app in order to separate the hottest heat-wave episodes. On average, mortality is higher than expected for 13.4%, 16.7% and 28.3% (90th, 95th and 99th percentiles for WSDI) and 16.1%, 17.3% and 32.5% (90th, 95th and 99th percentiles for T app). Estimated mortality excess with heat-wave indices is in accordance with regression output, meaning that WSDI and T app are good tools for heat-wave identification. During the most severe episode in July 2007, absolute temperature maximum (43.6°C) and daily maximum mortality counts (94 dead) were recorded in the same day (24 July 2007).  相似文献   

俄罗斯地震12人死亡 2008年10月11日,俄罗斯南方5个地区发生了5.3级地震.此次地震已造成12人死亡,伤105人.  相似文献   

亓玲 《防灾博览》2005,(1):45-45
10月2日低温气流突袭湖北武汉,全市狂风不止气温骤降。 台湾红火蚁灾情蔓延,全台5个县市受灾。 3日泰国发现全亚洲首例狗感染禽流感病例。 5日江西一煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸事故,造成9人死亡。 7日广西出现罕见的局部严重干旱,67万亩农田出现旱情。 8日久晴不雨的湘江中游出现了秋季最低水位。 9日鹤矿集团十三化工公司雷管车间发生爆炸,13人伤亡。 10日湖北一学校发生食物中毒事件,34名学生人院治疗。 11日水资源占全国1乃的长江流域污水处理率仅为1明毛。 16日罗马尼亚一3岁雌黑熊肇事,导致l死10伤。 19日四川宝兴县发生岩体垮塌事故,死亡9人失…  相似文献   

Parker D 《Disasters》1981,5(2):120-124
Successful problem-solving is usually based upon a sound knowledge of the problem. Where the problem is a hazard, the impossibility of a 'solution' in terms of complete prevention is well known but proper problem assessment is still required. Detailed hazard zone mapping can be a valuable aid to planning to reduce hazards and to avoid disasters. A map is a powerful visual medium for conveying information where awareness of disaster proneness amongst public officials and others is limited. However, a map is also a comparatively limited medium for analysing risks and is most useful to planners if combined with detailed supporting documentation. Maps and related documents are particularly useful if they provide a complete assessment of risk, are periodically updated, are integrated with the planning process and are systematically compiled and presented at an appropriate scale. Map scale often presents problems. The larger the scale, the less limited the map will be in recording useful detail but updating becomes more costly and therefore less likely. The Water Authorities Section 24(5) surveys are remarkably detailed and are valuable planning and research materials. They demonstrate the widespread nature of flooding problems and the need for decades of flood alleviation and drainage expenditure in England and Wales. Further standardisation of content and presentation could enhance the value of the survey reports but their value depends ultimately upon regular and systematic updating.  相似文献   

Yung‐Nane Yang 《Disasters》2016,40(3):534-553
This paper explores the effectiveness of the nuclear disaster management system in Taiwan via a review of the third (Maanshan) nuclear power plant. In doing so, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan on 11 March 2011 is reviewed and compared with the situation in Taiwan. The latter's nuclear disaster management system is examined with respect to three key variables: information; mobilisation; and inter‐organisational cooperation. In‐depth interviews with 10 policy stakeholders with different backgrounds serve as the research method. The results point up the need for improvement in all dimensions. In addition, they highlight three principal problems with the nuclear disaster management system: (i) it might not be possible to provide first‐hand nuclear disaster information immediately to the communities surrounding the Maanshan facility in Pingtung County, southern Taiwan; (ii) the availability of medical resources for treating radiation in Hengchun Township is limited; and (iii) the inter‐organisational relationships for addressing nuclear disasters need to be strengthened. Hence, cooperation among related organisations is necessary.  相似文献   

中国地震应急二级分区的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已有地震应急宏观分区研究的基础上,首先讨论了进一步开展地震应急次级分区的意义及其分区方案的多样性;然后提取“政治经济强辐射中心、少数民族聚居区、贫困人口聚居区、侨乡、大型工业危险源”等5方面社会经济因素在不同县域内的10种主要组合类型作为区划指标,采取“自下而上归并”的区划途径,进行了中国地震应急二级分区研究。结果表明,在将我国大陆划分为8个地震应急一级大区的基础上,从社会经济角度又可大致划分出19个二级区;二级区的划分进一步揭示了不同地区开展地震应急工作时应注意的一些较具体的社会经济问题及其空间配置特点;两级分区的结合从“宏观概括”和“中观具体”两个层次示范了地震应急分区研究的基本内容。  相似文献   

这里汇集了1997-2006年发生在陕西的重大灾害事件,对其中特别重大、影响范围广泛的灾情及救灾过程也作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

Abstract- Three earthquakes have been studied. These are the Thessaloniki earthquake of 20th June 1978 (Ms = 6.4, Normal faulting), the Tabase-Golshan earthquake of 16th September 1978 (Ms = 7.7 Thrust faulting) and the Carlisle earth-quake of 26th December 1979 (Mb = 5.0, Thrust faulting). The techniques employed to determine source parameters included field studies of SUP face deformation, fault breaks, locations of locally recorded aftershocks and teleseismic studies including joint hypocentral location, first motion methods and waveform modelling. It is clear that these techniques applied together provide more information than the same methods used separately. The moment of the Thessaloniki earthquake determined teleseismically (Force moment 5.2 times 10(25) dyne cm. Geometric moment 1.72 times 10(8) m(3) ) is an order of magnitude greater than that determined using field data (surface ruptures and aftershock depths) (Force moment 4.5 times 10(24) dyne cm. Geometric moment 0.16 times 10(8) m(3) ). It is concluded that for this earthquake the surface rupture only partly reflects the processes on the main rupture plane. This view i s supported by a distribution of aftershocks and damage which extends well outside the region of ground rupture. However, the surface breaks consistently have the same slip vector direction as the fault plane solutions suggesting that they are in this respect related to to the main faulting and are not superficial slumping. Both field studies and waveform studies suggest a low stress drop which may explain the relatively little damage and loss of life as a result of the Thessaloniki earthquake. In contrast, the teleseismic moment of the Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake (Force moment 4.4 times 10(26) dyne cm. Geometric moment 1.5 times 10(9) m(3) ) is similar t o that determined from field studies (Force moment 10.2 times 10(26) dyne cm. Geometric moment 3.4 times 10(9) m(3) ) and the damage and after-shock distributions clearly relate to the surface faulting. It h a s also been observed that high aftershock activity appears beneath gaps in the surface rupture system. The Carlisle earthquake (Force moment 9 times 10(23) dyne cm. Geometric moment 3 times 10(6) m(3) ) produced no surface ruptures. However, dislocation model-ling suggests that surface deformation will be visible on a first order levelling line which passes very close t o the epicentre. A well controlled fault plane solution, the first in the British Isles, derived from an aftershock study shows north-south compression. All three studied earthquakes occurred along major faults which had been reactivated in geological times. The fault on which the Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake occurred could have been identified a s active from evidence of Quaternary motion and previous smaller earthquakes. However, there were no perceptible events in the 12 months preceeding the catastrophic earthquake. In both Thessaloniki and Carlisle, significant foreshocks did occur within 6 months prior to the main shock*  相似文献   

JENNIFER BUSH 《Disasters》1995,19(3):247-259
Regional droughts carry the seeds of catastrophe: the immediate risk is famine; the long-term risk is destitution. Preventing both situations is an appropriate, if not essential, goal for relief agencies. In the past, responses to hunger in Turkana District (north-west Kenya) have taken the form of traditional feeding programmes. A better understanding of the boom/bust cycles in pastoralist systems has, however, produced new relief strategies. A central tenet of these strategies is the acceptance that relief aid should assume two roles: humanitarian—to overcome food deficits—and economic—to overcome 'income' deficits. Arguments in favour of a broader role for food aid are tested with a case study of a drought relief programme in north Turkana between 1992–1994. Field studies confirmed that when food aid is integrated as an asset into household resources, it can strengthen economic recovery. Ultimately, the extent to which relief operations are able to protect both people's lives and their livelihoods is the key to more sustainable development in drought-prone areas.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, while we are recalling the glorious achievements and progress mankind has achieved in the last century, we can not help thinking about the catastrophic wars, natural disasters and epidemic diseases that have caused serious impacts and damages to humanity. In order to achieve peaceful existence and rapid development in the new century, we must prevent and reduce such risks. In terms of sustainable socio-economic development, the 20th century has witnessed s…  相似文献   

郭耕 《防灾博览》2004,(1):41-42
就目前所知,20世纪里没有哪种灵长类动物走向灭绝。这似乎是一个令人欣慰的记录,因为当今世界每天都有约100种物种在灭绝。可是,千万不要高兴太早,刚刚进入新世纪就有一种非洲疣猴灭绝了。可以说,包括人类在内的动物王国正日益面临生态环境全面退化的厄运。原因很简单,人的数量和人的欲望正在急剧增长,这使十余种人类的表亲,从  相似文献   

ARNOLD R. PARR 《Disasters》1994,18(4):301-312
The government of New Zealand instituted a new policy of disaster response in an attempt to bring about change and development in the relatively remote agricultural region which was struck by a severe cyclone in March 1988. The new policy involved a change from payment for restoration to compensation for loss. This new policy was based on the neo-liberal position that individual choice should prevail in decision making and that significant change will result from this adherence to an individual decision making approach. The new policy did not accomplish any significant degree of change in the intended areas of land ownership and land use. Most of the farmers used the compensation funds to carry out on-farm restoration work which facilitated the resumption of pre-cyclone farming activities. It is argued that the efficacy of a neo-liberal individual choice model for accomplishing post-disaster change and development is limited and that a more institutionally and organisationally based approach would be much more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

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