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Hourly ambient ozone exposure data and crown injury measurements were gathered in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains of California to develop relationships between the Ozone Injury Index (OII), the Forest Pest Management Index (FPM), chlorotic mottle, fascicle retention (OII index components) and cumulative ambient ozone indices for Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws and Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf. Eleven sites located in the mixed conifer forest near ambient ozone monitoring sites were evaluated annually for 4 years. Four other sites in the San Bernardino Mountains were evaluated for 1 year. Analyses showed OII to be functionally equivalent (r2 = 0.96) to the FPM, and to depend only on fascicle retention and chlorotic mottle (R2 = 0.95) of the fourth whorl (or if four whorls are not present at the site, then the last whorl present for the majority of trees). Significant associations were found between OII and 4-year 24-h. summer SUM0, SUM06, W126 and HRS80 ozone indices. Three sites had higher levels of cumulative chlorotic mottle for individual whorls and larger numbers of trees with visible crown injury than other sites with similar cumulative ambient ozone levels. Including an indicator variable to discriminate between these two groups of sites increased R2 and decreased root mean square (RMSE) for all indices, especially SUM0 (R2 = 0.93, RMSE reduced by 46%).  相似文献   

In the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California, ozone (O(3)) concentrations have been elevated since the 1950s with peaks reaching 600ppb and summer seasonal averages >100ppb in the 1970s. During that period increased mortality of ponderosa and Jeffrey pines occurred. Between the late 1970s and late1990s, O(3) concentrations decreased with peaks approximately 180ppb and approximately 60ppb seasonal averages. However, since the late 1990s concentrations have not changed. Monitoring during summers of 2002-2006 showed that O(3) concentrations (2-week averages) for individual years were much higher in western sites (58-69ppb) than eastern sites (44-50ppb). Potential O(3) phytotoxicity measured as various exposure indices was very high, reaching SUM00 - 173.5ppmh, SUM60 - 112.7ppmh, W126 - 98.3ppmh, and AOT40 - 75ppmh, representing the highest values reported for mountain areas in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

基于Web GIS的饮用水水质监控系统,利用Internet/Intranet技术、GIS技术、数据库技术和环境保护技术,建立了完善的水污染监测与管理网络体系,实现了水源地污染空间信息、属性信息的综合管理.首先介绍了此系统的需求目标,进一步阐述了系统的体系结构、数据库设计和主要功能.  相似文献   

定量评估"十一五"期间总量减排的水质改善效益,科学真实反映减排成效,是重点流域总量减排工作持续进行的关键。以松花江流域为例,核算不实施总量减排情景下松花江流域的COD排放量,基于流域一维水质模型、SPARROW模型、GBNP模型等建立松花江流域COD排放总量与水质的对应关系,模拟预测不减排情景下各断面的COD浓度。研究结果表明,流域一维水质模型的模拟结果相对合理,根据模型预测,若不实施减排,2010年松花江流域总体COD将增幅20.5%,其中干流COD浓度增幅4.2%,支流COD浓度增幅36.0%。  相似文献   

为明晰长江流域水质时空分布特征并解析污染源,基于长江流域21个水质监测断面2008—2018年的pH、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)及氨氮质量浓度([NH3-N])数据,采用M-K趋势检验、相关性分析和层次聚类分析,对流域内水质时空动态变化趋势及特征进行综合识别,并结合绝对主成分回归分析法(APCS-MLR)解析污染物来源。结果表明,研究区内重点断面水质类别以II类为主,占71.39%。在时间上,水质污染程度表现为汛期(5—10月)劣于非汛期(1—4月和11、12月),汛期主要污染指标为DO和CODMn,非汛期主要污染指标为[NH3-N];在空间上,21个监测断面聚类为3组,其水质优劣排序为GⅢ(四川乐山岷江大桥、湖南长沙新港、江西南昌滁搓站点)>GⅡ(中下游及下游)>GⅠ(上游及中上游)。结合主成分分析和多元回归分析得出,在所基于的指标中CODMn和NH3-N是研究区内典型污染物,GⅠ组水体主要受营养盐面源污染和耗氧有机物蓄积污染;GⅡ组水质受工业生产和人类活动影响其营养盐和有机物污染严重,而自然因素影响较弱;GⅢ组站点属局部污染严重,污染源主要是有机物,其次是营养盐。上述研究结果可为长江流域针对性水环境治理、污染控制和改善提供参考。  相似文献   

在长江流域丘陵城镇重庆永川区和平原城镇常州金坛区分别选取各含合流制和分流制2种排水体制的4个区域作为研究对象,监测雨天4个区域的河流、沿河排口和下垫面径流相关数据,分别采用河流质量守恒法、PMF模型和地表径流质量守恒法解析2类城镇4个区域面源对河流污染贡献、沿河排口污染来源贡献和各下垫面污染贡献。结果表明,城镇面源对4个研究区域内河流的5项水质指标 (SS、COD、NH3-N、TN和TP) 均有一定程度的贡献,其贡献率与降雨等级、地区特征和排水体制有关;降雨期间,在2类城镇2种排水体制的沿河排口污染负荷来源中,地表径流是SS和COD负荷的主要来源,生活污水和管道沉积物是NH3-N、TN和TP负荷的主要来源;受地形坡度和人口密度等因素影响,永川和金坛的主要产污下垫面不同,永川为小区道路,金坛为交通道路和屋顶。为提高上述研究区域面源污染的精细化管理,提出了针对性的控制措施。  相似文献   

River restoration is a novel paradigm of ‘mirescape’ (land-and-water-scape) management that developed along with the emergence of aquatic ecology. River restoration can be seen as the application of an ecological perspective to return rivers to nature. However, the river restoration paradigm is also the contemporary iteration of historical phases of mirescape management. We review the long and varied recorded history of the Po River in northern Italy as a case study to illustrate the transformations and common themes of mirescape management. We find, first, that significant changes in mirescape management and river condition only occur in the context of larger social, political, technological and economic transformations. Second, we show how particular cultural understandings, economic interests, technological innovations and political powers have driven particular paradigms of mirescape management. These have tended towards increasing territorial separation of wet and dry. We find, third, that these separations lead not only to increasing economic precariousness for many, but also to increasingly severe disasters. We conclude that river restoration faces social and political challenges to becoming relevant at a mirescape scale, due to its lack of integration with land management, or with current social, political, technological and economic transformations. To act on this conclusion, we suggest philosophically aligned social movements that river restoration could work with to improve impact and uptake.  相似文献   

Goals, Scope and Background Fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River between Sigmaringen and Ulm, despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s. Similar problems have been reported for other rivers, e.g. in Switzerland, Great Britain, the United States and Canada. In order to assess if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catch at the upper Danube River, sediment, suspended matter and waste water samples from sewage treatment plants were collected at selected locations and analyzed in a bioanalytical approach using a battery of bioassays. The results of this pilot study will be used to decide if a comprehensive weight-of-evidence study is needed. Methods Freeze-dried sediments and suspended particulate matters were extracted with acetone in a Soxhlet apparatus. Organic pollutants from sewage water were concentrated using XAD-resins. In order to investigate the ecotoxicological burden, the following bioassays were used: (1) neutral red assay with RTL-W1 cells (cytotoxicity), (2) comet assay with RTLW1 cells (genotoxicity), (3) Arthrobacter globiformis dehydrogenase assay (toxicity to bacteria), (4) yeast estrogen screen assay (endocrine disruption), (5) fish egg assay with the zebrafish (Danio rerio; embryo toxicity) and (6) Ames test with TA98 (mutagenicity). Results and Discussion The results of the in vitro tests elucidated a considerable genotoxic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, bacteriotoxic, embryotoxic and estrogenic burden in the upper Danube River, although with a very inhomogeneous distribution of effects. The samples taken from Riedlingen, for example, induced low embryo toxicity, but the second highest 17β-estradiol equivalent concentration (1.8 ng/L). Using the fish egg assay with native sediments, a broad range of embryotoxic effects could be elucidated, with clear-cut dose-response relationships for the embryotoxic effects of contaminated sediments. With native sediments, embryotoxicity was clearly higher than with corresponding pore waters, thus corroborating the view that – at least for fish eggs – the bioavailability of particle-bound lipophilic substances in native sediments is higher than generally assumed. The effect observed most frequently in the fish egg assay was a developmental delay. A comparison of our own results with locations along the rivers Rhine and Neckar demonstrated similar or even higher ranges of ecotoxicological burdens in the Danube River. Conclusions The complex pattern of ecotoxicological effects caused by environmental samples from the Danube River, when assessed in an in vitro biotest battery using both acute and more specific endpoints, showed that integration of different endpoints is essential for appropriate hazard assessment. Overall, the ecotoxicological hazard potential shown has indeed to be considered as one potential reason for the decline in fish catches at the upper Danube River. However, based on the results of this pilot study, it is not possible to elucidate that chemically induced alterations are responsible for the fish decline. Recommendations and Perspective . In order to confirm the ecological relevance of the in vitro results for the situation in the field and especially for the decline of the grayling and other fishes, further integrated investigations are required. For linking the weight of evidence obtained by in vitro assays and fish population investigations, the application of additional, more specific biomarkers (e.g. vitellogenin induction, EROD and micronucleus assay) has been initiated in fish taken from the field as well as in situ investigations.  相似文献   

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