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水生维管束植物在水污染中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着水污染的加剧,高效低耗的水污染处理技术逐渐受到人们的重视,水生维管束植物以其特有的组织和生态功能及易于人工操纵等原因而在净化水体污染、防治富营养化方面发挥了重要的作用。文章对水生维管束植物在水质净化中的作用、影响因素、水生植物的综合利用及其在水污染监测中的作用等方面进行了系统分析,提出多种植物组合比单种植物能更好地实现对水体的净化,通过温度、水深的调控措施可以加强水生维管束植物对水质的净化效果,温度、水深、水质状况以及水生植物的经济价值等是水生植物选择的重要因素。指出了当前水生维管束植物研究中存在的一些问题,认为在人为操纵下,对于水生植物的长效管理是其在水污染应用中的一个重要内容。  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline is an antibiotic widely employed in aquaculture to control and treat bacterial diseases of fish. Due to ineffective wastewater treatment, antibiotic residues from fish ponds are directly released into surface and groundwater affecting the environment. The Green Liver System® is a sustainable and cost-effective water treatment based on the ability of aquatic plants to biotransformation xenobiotics. To expand the application range of this system, Egeria densa, Azolla caroliniana, and Taxiphyllum barbieri were tested in response to oxytetracycline exposure. The aquatic plants were exposed to 0.5, 2.0, 5.0, and 25 μg/L oxytetracycline (n = 4) for 24 h in order to analyze the physiological responses (photosynthetic pigment contents and hydrogen peroxide formation -- H2O2), the biotransformation process (activity of glutathione S-transferase), and the antioxidant defense (glutathione reductase; peroxidase; and catalase) responses. There were no statistical differences in the photosynthetic pigment contents and H2O2 level between the treatment and control groups in the three aquatic plant species. It can be concluded that oxytetracycline does not provoke physiological damage to the tested species within 24 h of exposure. Nevertheless, the antioxidant defense mechanism was activated. Peroxidase and catalase were the most prominent antioxidant enzymes in the three plant species, whereas glutathione S-transferase activity was significantly increased in A. caroliniana and T. barbieri.  相似文献   

遮荫处理对4种草本植物生理生化特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵则海  陈雄伟 《生态环境》2007,16(3):931-934
研究了遮荫处理对少花龙葵、三叶鬼针草、胜红蓟和莶叶片的生理生化特性的影响,结果表明:遮荫处理提高了4种草本植物叶绿素a b含量,叶绿素a/b存在物种差异;4种草本植物叶片最大净光合速率(Pn-max)、光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP)均明显下降;少花龙葵叶片MDA和POD含量降低,三叶鬼针草、胜红蓟和莶升高;遮荫处理使少花龙葵、三叶鬼针草和胜红蓟叶片可溶性糖含量增加,可溶性蛋白含量均呈不同程度下降。少花龙葵耐阴性较强,适度遮荫利于少花龙葵生长发育;三叶鬼针草、胜红蓟和莶受到弱光胁迫。  相似文献   

综述了镉、铅、镍、汞等重金属元素与植物大量、中量必需营养元素相互作用的生理反应及其机理的研究进展,非必需微量重金属营养元素的毒害作用,以及非必需重金属元素对植物吸收运输元素的影响。  相似文献   

应用物种敏感性分布(Species Sensitivity Distribution,SSD)方法构建了邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(Diethylhexyl phthalate,DEHP)对淡水生物的SSD曲线。在此基础上,计算了DEHP对不同生物的5%危害浓度(HC5),分析比较DEHP对不同生物类别的毒性敏感性差异及其特征,并针对在不同污染物质量浓度下,评价了我国不同地区水体DEHP对不同生物类别的生态风险。结果表明,不同物种对DEHP污染物的耐受范围存在差异,从小到大依次为无脊椎动物〈脊椎动物〈藻类,这可能与各物种的组别多样性有关,耐受范围越大,表示随着质量浓度增加,风险增大的趋势较缓慢;DEHP对不同物种的HC5从小到大依次为藻类〈无脊椎动物〈脊椎动物。HC5越小,DEHP对该物种的生态风险越大,其中藻类对DEHP最敏感,其HC5为41.01μg·L-1,从总体上看,DEHP对淡水生物系统的HC5为4 521.46μg·L-1;不同质量浓度值得出的PAF值的大小,反映不同类别生物的损害程度。质量浓度在1 000μg·L-1以下,全部物种的PAF值几乎为0;当质量浓度达1 000μg·L-1时,藻类和无脊椎动物开始受到影响;当质量浓度达10 000μg·L-1时,61.85%和88.04%的藻类和无脊椎动物分别受到影响,全部物种有64.34%受到影响。我国不同地区河流湖库水体水生态风险评估表明其水生态风险极低,PAF接近于0。  相似文献   

苏玉  王东伟  文航  孙金华  黄艺 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1801-1808
着生藻类和底栖动物作为指示生物评价水环境状况已被广泛应用于各类水体状况的监测与评价中,以此对太子河流域的水生生物群落和水环境因子关系进行研究,对整个流域的水环境管理有着极其重要的作用。基于2009年7月丰水期和2010年1月平水期太子河流域本溪段着生藻类和底栖动物的调查数据,通过因子分析和典范对应分析,探讨水生生物群落结构与水质污染因子的空间分布特征。结果表明:太子河本溪段着生藻类为4门22科29属,以硅藻门为优势门类;底栖动物3门10科13属,以环节动物门为优势门类。NH3-N是影响水生生物空间格局的主要水质污染因子,水量是影响太子河流域水生生物群落结构的重要环境因子。  相似文献   

Aquatic plant tissue (nitrogen) N and phosphorus (P) concentrations, together with the N:P ratio in general, respond poorly to ambient nutrient supply. The variability in plant tissue nutrient concentrations appears to be highly conditioned by taxonomic (mostly species) effects. The significant role that other attributes of the surrounding environment may have in modifying the degree of taxonomic dependence on plant nutrient concentration is yet to be tested with a broader characterisation of plant life forms (bryophytes, helophytes, hydrophytes), so as to investigate implications for ecosystem processes. Plant samples (378) were collected across 65 sites spanning a wide range of aquatic habitats (lotic and lentic) and biophysical zones (floodplain, glacial terraces, mountains) located in NE Scotland. Significant differences in plant tissues N, P and the N:P were found after grouping sampling sites by either habitat or biophysical zones; the latter even after removing the largest taxonomic effect. The range in plant tissue N and P was relatively wide within habitats and zones, reflecting the high species diversity of the studied area. As a group, bryophytes had smaller N and P concentrations, and consequently wider biomass C:N and C:P ratios, a situation which may impose constraints on the flow of energy through food-webs of the mountain and bog areas where they dominate.  相似文献   

不同类型水生植物群落对铜绿微囊藻的化感作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田如男  孙欣欣  魏勇 《生态环境》2010,19(9):2149-2154
通过将不同类型水生植物群落种植水与藻类共同培养的方式研究了4种植物群落(群落A:梭鱼草Pontederia cordata+黄菖蒲Iris pseudacorus-水罂粟Hydrocleys nymphoides;群落B:梭鱼草+溪荪Iris sanguinea+黄菖蒲;群落C:梭鱼草+溪荪-大薸Pistia stratiotes;群落D:白花水龙Jussiaea repens-大薸+水罂粟)对铜绿微囊藻Microcystis aeruginosa生长的化感作用。研究结果表明:4种植物群落种植水对铜绿微囊藻均具有较强的抑制作用,且随着群落种植时间的延长,种植水对铜绿微囊藻的抑制作用越强。4个植物群落对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用由大到小依次是:群落A,群落B,群落C,群落D。  相似文献   

施肥对落叶松人工林植物养分及生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场的14年生落叶松人工幼龄林为研究对象,对白浆化的暗棕壤林地进行了施肥试验。采用完全随机排列的方法,在林分内设置了9个施肥处理和1个无肥对照。在生长旺盛期测定了叶片和根系的全N和全P质量分数以及光合速率、呼吸速率、叶绿素质量分数等指标。结果表明,单施520kg/hm^2尿素,在提高全N、全P质量分数的同时,还能促进根系对磷素的吸收和利用,增加光合速率和叶绿素质量分数;单施314kg/hm^2磷酸二铵,能加快根系对养分的转移速度,提高光合系数(光合速率/呼吸速率),且是这些施肥处理中效果最好的施肥水平,这说明此林龄的落叶松林容易缺磷,应适量多施磷肥;处理436kg/hm^2尿素 236kg/hm^2磷酸二铵 133kg/hm^2氯化钾,由于K肥的混入,加快了根系对N、P的转移,使叶片中的质量分数增加,有利于光合作用的进行。因此,合理的施肥措施,不仅能提高落叶松人工林叶片与根系的养分质量分数,还能提高叶片的光合能力。对于此幼龄林,少N多P或N、P、K混合施肥效果最佳。  相似文献   

3种水生植物对锰污染水体修复作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过静态水培试验,研究了3种水生植物水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.)Solms)、水浮莲(Pistia stratiotes L.)、水花生(Atlernanthera philoxeroides)在55、155mg L-1锰(Mn)质量浓度下的生物量、Mn质量分数、富集系数、转运系数,以及对2种Mn质量浓度水体的修复作用。结果表明,水浮莲的鲜质量、干质量、相对生长率、Mn质量分数、富集系数随着取样时间的延长而显著增加(P〈0.05)。2种Mn质量浓度下,水葫芦与水浮莲的鲜质量与相对生长率显著高于水花生。植物茎叶的Mn质量分数依次为水浮莲〉水葫芦〉水花生(P〈0.05),其中155mg L-1Mn处理水浮莲与水葫芦茎叶Mn质量分数均高于10000mg kg-1,分别为12431.05mg kg-1、11238.28mg kg-1。3种植物茎叶、根的富集指数均显著大于1,且茎叶的富集系数依次为水浮莲〉水葫芦〉水花生(P〈0.05),根富集指数依次为水浮莲≈水葫芦〉水花生(P〈0.05)。在10,21d这2个取样时期,水浮莲的转运系数要高于其它植物,其中在155mg L-1处理下,水浮莲的转运系数要高于1,分别为1.04、1.01。种植3种水生植物后,2种Mn处理水体的Mn质量浓度随着取样时间的延长而降低。水葫芦、水浮莲、水花生收获时,55mg L-1Mn处理的水体Mn质量浓度分别降低了31.84%、31.44%、18.47%;155mg L-1Mn处理则降低了12.02%、18.53%、7.57%。可见,水浮莲符合超积累植物对Mn质量分数、富集系数、转运系数的要求,其在Mn污染水体修复方面有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A modularized and air adjustable constructed submerged plant bed (CSPB) which can be used to restore the eutrophic water is introduced in this paper. This plant bed helps hydrophyte grow under poor conditions such as frequently changed water depth, impaired water transparency, algae bloom and substantial duckweed in summer, which are not naturally suitable for growing hydrophyte. This pilot study in Waihuan River of Tianjin, China, revealed that reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) by the use of CSPB could be reached 30%–35%, 35%–40%, 30%–40% respectively in the growing season (from March to October) and 5%–10%, 5%–15%, 7%–20% respectively in the winter (from November to February) when the detention time was 6 d. The relationships between the concentration of COD, TN, TP and the detention time fit the first-order kinetic equation well and the coefficients of determination (R2) were all above 0.9. The attenuation coefficients k of the kinetic equation were a function of the water temperature. When the water temperature was quite low or quite high, k was not significantly changed with increasing or decreasing water temperature. While when the temperature was in a moderate range, an increase or decrease of water temperature would lead to a rapid increase or decrease in k.  相似文献   

沉水植物黑藻对沉积物氨氮吸附/释放特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
氮素是主要的湖泊营养盐,而沉水植物作为湖泊生态系统主要的组成部分,对系统中氮素的跨界面迁移有着重要的影响。在实验室模拟条件下,通过沉积物氨氮释放动力学、吸附热力学和吸附动力学实验,研究了沉水植物黑藻(Hydrilla verticilla)对沉积物氨氮吸附/释放特征的影响,得到如下结论:(1)一级动力学反应模型能较好地拟合沉积物氨氮释放的动力学过程,种植沉水植物没有影响氨氮释放的趋势,但增强了沉积物释放氨氮的能力;(2)分别用多个模型对沉积物氨氮吸附热力学和动力学过程进行拟合,结果均表明种植沉水植物以后,沉积物对氨氮吸附的趋势没有影响,但吸附强度有所下降。  相似文献   

广东省跨市河流边界水质状况研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
温丽容  刘乙敏  刘国光  崔光琦 《生态环境》2004,13(2):177-179,190
对1994--2001年问广东省25个边界水质控制断面的氨氮、生化需氧量和高锰酸钾指数等监测资料进行统计分析,结果显示,全省跨市河流边界水质状况总体上趋于好转,但部分断面有恶化趋势。2001年污染较为严重的边界断面主要有西湖村、企坪、上垟、石碧、青洋大桥及雁田等6个。氨氮污染最为严重。  相似文献   

As a major biotic component of many lotic ecosystems, macrophytes consist a major component of running waters are often used as indicators within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) to establish ecological quality. In this study, we investigated macrophyte community structure (e.g. composition, abundance and diversity) in Ceyhan River Basin located in the Southeastern Anatolian Region in Turkey. Data was collected during 2014–2015 from river sites located throughout the basin to evaluate the relationship between aquatic vegetation and river physico-chemical factors. The ecological status of the river basin was also calculated based on Macrophyte Biological Index for River (IBMR). In total, 33 macrophyta taxa were observed. According to their biological classification (life form), filamentous algae (FA), free floating (FF), floating leaved (FL) and submersed (S) macrophytes reached their maximum abundance value in summer, while emergent (E) macrophytes were at their maximum abundance in both summer and autumn. The ecological status of the Ceyhan River basin ranged from moderate to bad. The values found are reasonably comparable to IBMR scores recorded in rivers of other Mediterranean countries. IBMR index may be suitable to some extent to establish a basis for ecological quality assessment in Turkish River systems.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for water in domestic, agricultural, and industrial sectors necessitates exploitation of water either in the form of groundwater or from natural resources. To safeguard the long-term sustainability of water resources and their utilization, the quality of water has to be periodically monitored and determined for various characteristics, especially when the sources are polluted, such as Damodar river. Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR), Dhanbad, is carrying out research work on coal and its utilization and associated environmental concerns. The blood stream of life for the whole Jharia Coalfield is none other than the river Damodar. CIMFR's campus also depends exclusively on river Damodar for meeting its demand of drinking water. This study is a general survey toward the characteristics of Damodar river water, with special emphasis on the pollutant parameters, and evaluation of the treatment process being carried out at the institute for potability. Damodar river water is indeed affected by the disposal of the wastes without any pre-treatment by different coal-based industries established in its basin. The quantity of dissolved and suspended solids, total hardness, chemical oxygen demand, and coliform bacterial count are higher in Damodar water due to the disposal of the waste/effluents from coal-washing plants, coke ovens, cement, and other industries, but well within the permissible limit which is probably attributable to the high-carrying capacity of the river. The river is still not that much affected as it is usually apprehended, and it can be well utilized for potable and domestic purposes after simple treatment.  相似文献   

我国水产品的生产状况、质量和安全问题及其控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国近年来水产品的生产及其品质安全状况的调查分析表明,水产业的快速发展,促进农村经济的发展,改善人民的膳食结构,但水产品质量与安全问题日益突出。一些水产品中激素、抗生素、重金属、农药残留等污染物超标,水产品加工中的添加剂、微生物等不符合卫生标准。这些问题的产生与环境污染、法规体制、检测手段以及政府监管等多种因素有关。在研究分析的基础上,提出了控制我国水产品质量安全的对策。  相似文献   

综合水质标识指数法在浑河水质评价中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胡成  苏丹 《生态环境》2011,20(1):186-192
综合评价水环境质量,全面把握流域水环境污染特征是水环境污染防治中的重要基础性工作。水质标识指数可以完整标识水质评价指标的类别、水质数据、功能区目标值等重要信息,在单因子水质标识指数法基础上建立的综合水质标识指数法能完整表达河流总体的综合水质信息,既不会因个别水质指标较差就否定综合水质,又能对综合水质做出合理的评价;既可以在Ⅰ到Ⅴ类中比较水质的优劣,亦可以对劣Ⅴ类进行评价。为系统全面地研究浑河流域各不同河段水环境特征,将浑河流域划分为3个控制单元,根据2001—2010年间水质监测数据,采用综合水质标识指数法,识别出各控制单元主要污染因子,并阐明了浑河流域水环境质量时空变化规律,本研究即体现了全流域统筹考虑的系统思想,又体现了分区研究的针对性特点,并首次将综合水质标识指数法应用于浑河流域水质综合评价,其研究结论对水质监测数据的评价有一定的借鉴作用,亦对流域水污染防治对策的提出有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

于2008年2、5、8及11月对珠江口进行了水、沉积物和生物体As含量的调查,分析其分布特征以及进行生态评价。结果表明:珠江口水体中As含量平均值为2.88μg·L-1,符合一类海水水质标准;其中,11月份显著高于其它3个月份(P <0.05)。全年珠江口水体八个河口在地域分布上As平均含量由高到低依次为:虎门、鸡啼门、磨刀门、崖门、洪沥门、蕉门、横门、虎跳门。表层沉积物As含量平均值为38.73 mg·kg-1,沉积物中As含量均超过海洋沉积物质量一类标准,但均未超三类标准。结果显示,表层沉积物横门含量最高,为(70.5±2.0) mg·kg-1,显著高于其它7个口门(P <0.05),而其它7个口门差异不显著。各口门含量从大到小依次为横门、洪沥门、鸡啼门、虎门、崖门、磨刀门、虎跳门、蕉门。表层沉积物地质累积指数评价结果与潜在生态风险系数评价结果一致,横门为中等污染水平,其余站点均为低污染水平。采集代表性生物样品,其中11种鱼类As平均含量为0.587 mg·kg-1,部分受检鱼类超出水产品中有毒有害物质限量要求,超标率为37.8%,肉食性鱼类平均含量要略低于杂食性鱼类,但不同食性和不同生活水层的鱼类As含量差异不显著(P >0.05)。受检生物样品虾的含量为0.314 mg·kg-1,符合水产品中有毒有害物质限量要求。与历年比较发现珠江口水、沉积物和生物体中As含量有上升的趋势,与其它河口相比较发现珠江口As污染在对比的河口和海湾中受污染程度较高。  相似文献   

Water quality models of urban systems have previously focused on point source (sewerage system) inputs. Little attention has been given to diffuse inputs and research into diffuse pollution has been largely confined to agriculture sources. This paper reports on new research that is aimed at integrating diffuse inputs into an urban water quality model. An integrated model is introduced that is made up of four modules: hydrology, contaminant point sources, nutrient cycling and leaching. The hydrology module, T & T consists of a TOPMODEL (a TOPography-based hydrological MODEL), which simulates runoff from pervious areas and a two-tank model, which simulates runoff from impervious urban areas. Linked into the two-tank model, the contaminant point source module simulates the overflow from the sewerage system in heavy rain. The widely known SOILN (SOIL Nitrate model) is the basis of nitrogen cycle module. Finally, the leaching module consists of two functions: the production function and the transfer function. The production function is based on SLIM (Solute Leaching Intermediate Model) while the transfer function is based on the flushing hypothesis which postulates a relationship between contaminant concentrations in the receiving water course and the extent to which the catchment is saturated. This paper outlines the modelling methodology and the model structures that have been developed. An application of this model in the White Cart catchment (Glasgow) is also included.  相似文献   

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