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编辑同志 :我原是基层单位的一名管理人员 ,1997年因在管理一名违反劳动纪律的职工时 ,被其无理砸伤左眼致残 ,经省级有关部门鉴定为五级伤残。而伤害我的罪犯被法院判处有期徒刑5年 ,并赔偿医疗费2 3万元。我现在碰到的问题是 :按照《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》的规定 ,我应该享受工伤的一次性补助和工伤治疗的报销。但是 ,法院判决的医疗费2 3万元 ,因罪犯收监后拒不赔偿 ,法院又无法执行。现有关部门提出 :如果我不能获得2 3万元的赔偿 ,或者拿不到法院关于2 3万元已无法执行的证明 ,将不执行我工伤的一次性补助和工伤后期…  相似文献   

为完整地了解总的工伤发生率,探讨工伤发生的时间分布规律,在某厂调查了1988~91年工伤发生情况。用俘获——再俘获(C-M)方法估计总的工伤发生率。结果表明,若按安环科登记的工伤记录,四年共发生工伤200人次,粗发生率为10.0‰;但是,若用安环科和卫生科两个来源收集到的工伤人次数,以C-M的方法估计,总的工伤发生人次数为533,总估校正发生率为26.7‰。安环科工伤登记的工伤仅是全部工伤的50.7%,漏记率为49.3%。工伤发生率在年龄小于20岁和工龄小于5年的最高.工伤多发生在一年中的第三季度和三月份;一星期中,周一工伤最多;一天中工伤发生在早班最多,占58.2%,而发生在工作后1—2小时之间也最多,占23.7%,上午9—10点之间是工伤发生最多的时段(占17.5%)。  相似文献   

山东省淄博市是一个老工业城市,矿山、重工、机械、化工企业多,职业病发病率高,职业病总人数一直占全省总职业病人数的1/3左右。全市于2000年10月启动工伤保险后,鉴于经办机构人员不足、业务量大的原因,工伤医疗费的管理采用了传统的企业垫付,事后到经办机构报销的“先垫后报”模式。随着改革的不断深化,“先垫后报”模式越来越不能适应工伤职工医疗需要,主要表现出有“四难”,即,一是企业工伤医疗费垫付难及时。很多企业受效益、管理等因素的影响,往往不能及时、足额地为职工垫付医疗费或者干脆拒绝垫付,给工伤职工医疗救治带来困难,有的职工甚至不得不贷款治伤,使本已遭受工伤之苦的职工家庭“雪上加霜”,  相似文献   

江苏省泰州市某企业职工林立在患有职业病后,未经工伤鉴定便被其所在企业在改制期间以一次性赔偿了断。为了享受工伤待遇,饱受Ⅲ期矽肺煎熬的林立走上了艰难漫长的诉讼道路。近日,泰州市中级人民法院终审判决支持了林立享受工伤待遇的要求。法院判决该企业全额报销林立治疗工伤所需的挂号费、住院费、医疗费、药费、就医路费,并向林立按月发放相当于其本人受伤前月工资的工伤津贴,以及在2002年7月林立工伤伤残等级确定后,按照当地职工月平均工资的40%按月向林立发放护理费,按其月工资的80%按月发放伤残抚恤金,按其月工资20个月的标准给予一…  相似文献   

申诉人高某到本镇某村一个体经营者(系未经工商注册)王某家中做安全网工作,在干活时手指被击伤,经治疗手指被切除一截。住院时,申诉人垫支400元医疗费,治疗终结后王某因拒绝支付医疗费及治疗期间的生活费,双方发生争议。仲裁委受理后根据有关规定首先委托县劳动保障行政部门对其伤残进行工伤认定,县劳动保障行政部门以雇工方“没有办理工商登记注册手续,不具备私营企业或个体工商户主体资格,不适用于《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》(以下简称《试行办法》劳部发[1996]266号)文件,其适用人员的工伤认定问题不属于劳动保障行政部门的认定范围”为由,没有给予工伤认定,并将仲裁委的委托书退回,由于没有工伤认定书,仲裁委遂作出“当事人请求工伤待遇,证据不足,驳回申诉”的仲裁决定。  相似文献   

施倚 《劳动保护》2014,(7):118-118
关于工伤医疗报销与医保报销之间的关系,很想听听指教。 我单位一名外派人员在外地工作时,不慎跌倒造成骨折。由于在外地治疗,未能及时申报工伤认定,前期医疗费工伤不予报销。由于病例中写到“工作中”字样,被医保报销人员说是“工伤”不予报销。  相似文献   

相同点:原则上讲,伤亡事故属工伤范畴,即职工在劳动过程中发生的人身伤害和急性中毒均应视为工伤。具体地讲:(1)伤亡事故和工伤的伤害对象均系中华人民共和国境内的一切企业职工;(2)伤亡事故和工伤均是在劳动过程中发生的,或虽不发生在劳动过程中却由于企业的不安全因素、设备设施和作业条件不良而发生的,或企业领导指派到企业外从事本企业工作发生的;(3)伤亡事故和工伤均包括人身伤害和急性中毒。不同点:按照两者的定义范围和相应解释,工伤的定义范围比伤亡事故要大。其中,不属于伤亡事故的工伤有:(1)非急性中毒造成的职业病;…  相似文献   

不能用竹篾作井筒支护材料1997年7月8日和9日,笔者随同宜春地区煤炭冶金局毛副局长到丰城市察看了3家个体(联户)办煤矿,发现有2个井筒用的是竹篾编织成的圆圈进行支护,1个井筒未作任何支护。在丰城,一些个体(联户)办煤矿用竹篾支护井筒到处可见,而且一...  相似文献   

1997年瑞典全国有3623家木材与木制品企业,从业人员达38888人(其中男性32855人、女性6033人),全年因工负伤814人(其中男性695人、女性119人)、死亡2人(男性),每千人因工伤亡率20.9(其中男性21.2、女性19.7)。全年有144人患职业病(其中男性98人、女性46人),每千人职业病率为3.7(其中男性3.0、女性7.6)。此外,全国有2671家家具加工企业,从业人员为28271人(其中男性19704人、女性8567人)。全年因工负伤343人(其中男性254人、女性…  相似文献   

施倚 《劳动保护》2015,(3):120-121
<正>老工伤复发医疗费如何报销主持人,你好:我本人1980年发生工伤,现已退休。今年工伤部位的伤复发,去外地治疗,因为单位没加入工伤保险,单位不给百分之百医疗费报销。请问这样合理吗?我要求全额报销医药费有法律依据吗?刘亚斌刘亚斌,你好:《人力资源和社会保障部关于做好老工伤人员纳入工伤保险统筹管理工作的通知》(人社部发[2009]40号),就做好将"老工伤"人员纳入工伤保险统筹管理有关工作做出安排。据此,如果有工伤的相应证据,  相似文献   

Occupational Safety and Health in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Finland, occupational safety is the responsibility of the employer, while the occupational safety and health laws are enforced by the Labour Inspection Service, an organization of the state. The Labour Inspection is divided in 11 administrative districts, and it employs 360 professionals. They are mandated to carry out site visits without prearranged appointments to inspect safe work situations, working hours, construction safety, or any aspect of accident risks. The inspectors are also mandated to verify the existence of sufficient occupational health services as prescribed by the Occupational Health Services Act for all employees. The occupational health services are typically provided by enterprise-owned medical departments, by mutually owned health care centers, by private practitioners, or by municipal health care centers. The latter are required by law to provide all services as prescribed by the legislation to anyone who comes to the facility. This situation is prevalent in the countryside, where there are very few private caregiving centers. Declaring occupational accidents and disease cases is mandatory, and the Inspection districts examine all accidents to establish causes and consequences, and to initiate prosecution in case of criminal negligence. Labour Inspection Districts are also notified of the new occupational disease cases as they are declared to insurance companies. Insurance for occupational disease, accidents, and death is an obligation of the employer, although they can choose the insurance company. The medical confidentiality between the workers and their occupational health care providers is very strict. Official statistics are maintained by the state Statistics Finland organization, and they may be used, for example, for research purposes by scientific institutes like the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Construction industry accounts for 25% of all fatal accidents (120 cases per 1 million working hours), followed by mechanical, wood, metal, machinery, and pulp and paper industry (10% each of fatal accidents) with rates ranging from 100–160 cases per 1 million working hours. There are some 5,000 occupational disease cases per year (rate 22/10,000 employed). The major disease categories include repetitive strain injuries (1,300 cases), respiratory allergies (600 cases), occupational skin diseases (1,000 cases), and 900 cases of noise-caused hearing loss. In 1998, 589 cases of asbestos-related diseases were reported.  相似文献   



With baby boomers reaching retirement age, Western countries may need more immigrant workers to ensure productivity. Many studies have suggested a higher occupational injury frequency among immigrant workers, which could considerably reduce their contribution to society. The aim of this study was to examine whether immigrant workers have a higher injury frequency compared to Finnish workers when performing the exact same tasks under the same working conditions.


A total of 176 Finnish and 130 immigrant bus drivers were asked about their occupational injuries during the past 12 months via a questionnaire. In addition, the data contained 134 injuries reported by the transport firm to an insurance company.


There was no significant difference in reporting occupational injuries by self-reporting or by company-records. Because there were more accident-repeaters among Finnish drivers, their injury frequency (114) was higher than that of immigrant drivers (78).


This study showed that immigrant workers did not have a higher injury frequency than other workers when they worked in the exact same conditions. Immigrant workers can work as safely as native-Finnish workers, when their working conditions and job contracts are at the same level as those of the original population. Immigrant workers can compensate for the shortage of workforce caused by an aging population.  相似文献   

我国小企业安全生产现状与对策   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
安全生产关系人民群众的生命财产安全 ,关系改革发展和社会稳定大局。但是 ,目前我国的安全生产形势依然严峻 ,特别是改革开放以来 ,随着各种经济成分 ,尤其是三资企业、私营企业、乡镇企业和个体经济组织大量产生 ,小企业的安全生产普遍存在无人管和不会管的问题 ,重特大事故频频发生。根据国家安全生产监督管理局统计显示 ,近年来发生的特大事故中 ,70 %以上集中在小企业。笔者就中国小企业的界定标准、安全生产状况、事故频发的原因、采取的对策及取得的成绩作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

本文总结了珠江三角洲地区部分乡镇企业发生工伤事故的现状、职业安全卫生方面存在的问题及由工伤事故所造成的经济损失的思考等。从研究的资料分析发现,近几年乡镇企业中工伤事故重伤率在18.00/10万以上,死亡率在70.00/10万以上,均高于国有企业。其中重伤率以村办企业(2.41‰)和中外合资企业(1.96‰)最高,死亡率以村办和国内独资企业最高(0.33‰,0.29‰)。  相似文献   

企业劳动安全卫生的模糊综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的劳动安全卫生状况必须符合国家规定的标准,而企业投入与安全效用的关系密不可分。在市场经济条件下,安全经济问题具有多目标、多属性的特点,劳动安全卫生评价,实质上是评价企业投入的合理配置及效用均衡。对于受多因素影响的复杂问题,本文应用模糊数学综合评价方法,建立企业劳动安全卫生的多层次模糊综合评价模型。  相似文献   

对乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对某市部分乡镇企业职工的职业安全卫生知识、态度、行为所进行的调查看,不同状况的人群对职业安全卫生知识、态度、习惯有显著性差异。为此,提示职业安全卫生监督管理部门及企业的有关职能部门在职工的职业安全卫生教育中,要加强对文化程度低、年轻、工龄较短的职工的教育,并采用形式多样化手段。另外,职业安全监督管理部门还要加强监督外资企业做好职工的职业安全卫生教育。从职工对职业安全卫生的态度及行为结果看,提出在进行职业安全卫生教育时,要有针对性。不仅要给职工配备劳保用品,更重要的是监督职工经常和正确地使用劳保用品,并养成良好的卫生习惯  相似文献   

In this paper, a comprehensive review of the concepts of occupational injury and accident causation and prevention is presented. Starting with hazard identification, the issues on risk assessment, accident causation, and intervention strategies are discussed progressively. The distinctiveness and overlaps in accident and injury research are highlighted. Both empirical research in terms of hypotheses tested and theoretical research such as accident causation models are compared and contrasted. Finally, based on the critical appraisal of the comprehensive review, future research directions on occupational injury research are delineated.  相似文献   

Medically impairing occupational injuries sustained in traffic in Sweden were analysed. More than half of the cases with a permanent medical impairment were caused by minor injuries. Soft tissue injuries to the neck (whiplash injuries) made up nearly half of all permanently impairing injuries, and half of these were caused by rear-end collisions. As a final result, just over one third (37%) of the total group had a permanent decreased work capacity, or needed to change jobs because of residual problems from their injuries. Professional drivers had the highest injury incidence per employed and they accounted for 28% of the total number of permanent impairment cases, and for 43% of the fatalities. Professional drivers also had a higher percentage of serious injuries and severe permanent impairments than other occupational groups. This might be associated with the low use of safety belts (16%) compared to other occupational groups, where usage was 4–5 times higher. This occupational injury problem ought to be handled in the same way as other occupational safety problems, i.e. protective equipment in a vehicle should be used and the use of safe vehicles should be encouraged.  相似文献   

关于加强企业职业卫生与健康教育工作的实践和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对职业卫生与健康教育多方面的论述,指出:职业卫生与健康教育是企业科学管理体系的重要组成部分;强化职业卫生意识宣教,加强职业健康教育组织与管理,是控制或消除职业危害因素,保障职工身心健康,促进企业健康发展的重要动力因素。提出了企业加强职业卫生与健康教育工作的对策和途径。  相似文献   

目前我国的职业病统计以大中型企业为主,小企业和私人企业作为职业病高发场所则缺乏有效监管。通过对600余家各类中小企业进行调查,根据各行业存在的主要职业有害因素,分析了中小企业职业危害现状以及企业的职业安全与健康管理体系建设情况,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

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