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Researchers attempting to integrate socio-economic data in watershed planning often draw on nationally collected census data. However, there are critical limitations to the usefulness of this type of data for decision makers operating at the watershed scale. In this paper we demonstrate the relevance of spatially referenced socio-economic data collected using mail surveys to random selections of rural landholders. The issue explored was dryland salinity management in two large watersheds in the Murray-Darling Basin of south-eastern Australia. Contrary to the assumptions underlying public policy in Australia, but consistent with the literature on farmer knowledge, comparisons of expert maps and landholder identified salinity sites suggested that landholders in these watersheds had excellent knowledge of the current extent of salinity on their property. Our research also suggested that salinity education was a sound investment by governments. At the same time, the expert maps failed to predict half of the saline affected sites identified by landholders. Accurately mapping the extent of salinity would seem a first step in addressing this nationally significant land degradation issue.  相似文献   

The forests of Nepal, which in the past were at least nominally under the direct control of the state, are today increasingly entrusted to local people in the name of community forestry (CF). CF is considered a successful endeavour in managing forest resources, conserving biodiversity and supplying people with basic economic needs. In order to assess to what extent the two goals of biodiversity conservation and meeting economic needs of people have been integrated through CF, four community forestry user groups (CFUGs) were studied in the Mid-hills ecological zone. Based on a participatory survey and a critical review of the statutes and operational plans of these CFUGs, it was found that integration of biodiversity conservation was still insufficient, and that improvements in the policy and management regimes of CF are necessary to achieve a balance between biodiversity conservation and economic use of the forest resources.  相似文献   

Improper agricultural activities seriously affect water quality. It is very important to control agricultural nonpoint source pollution along the Chi-Jia-Wang Stream to protect the habitat of land-locked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus), one of the endangered species in Taiwan. Riparian vegetative buffer strips are used to intercept wastewater, surface runoff and groundwater flow to reduce pesticide, nutrient and other organic pollutants before they enter the stream. This study estimates the suitable width for vegetated buffer strips in the riparian zone along the stream using a geographic information system and an index model. The groundwater in the study area is easily contaminated by pollutants due to the high hydraulic conductivity in the riparian zone of the Chi-Jia-Wang Stream. After comparing simulations on selected 46 kinds of selected pesticides, the maximum safety depth of Fenarimol was estimated. A wider Fenarimol vegetated strip is needed as a buffer zone to ensure pollution control effectiveness. Simulation results can provide a preliminary evaluation for the soil or groundwater pollution caused by pesticides, but the actual influences require onsite data verification.  相似文献   

In areas of varying geology, it is difficult to infer water quality from specific conductance or electrical conductivity (EC) data without an understanding of the expected range of EC values based on local bedrock composition. This paper describes a user-friendly graphical screening method that addresses this issue by plotting the EC against concurrent alkalinity data, which correlates well with the presence of carbonate bedrock under natural conditions, and thus serves as an index of bedrock type. The upper limit of EC vs. alkalinity expected in a stream is determined using regional groundwater quality data, based on the assumption that stream chemistry reflects groundwater under baseflow conditions. Stream samples with EC/alkalinity values that consistently plot above this limit are considered impacted by anthropogenic sources. The effect of dilution and runoff on the EC vs. alkalinity plot of stream samples is considered using a simple baseflow/storm runoff-mixing model. The graphical method's utility as a screening tool is demonstrated by application to stream chemistry data from watersheds of southeastern Pennsylvania and northwestern New Jersey in several distinct geologic settings; however the method is general and widely applicable to watersheds in humid temperate regions. Its use is intended for watershed stewards of both professional and nonprofessional qualification.  相似文献   

Soil degradation and desertification processes in the Mediterranean basin reflect the interplay between environmental and socioeconomic drivers. An approach to evaluate comparatively the multiple relationships between biophysical variables and socioeconomic factors is illustrated in the present study using the data collected from 586 field sites located in five Mediterranean areas (Spain, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco). A total of 47 variables were chosen to illustrate land-use, farm characteristics, population pressure, tourism development, rainfall regime, water availability, soil properties and vegetation cover, among others. A data mining approach incorporating non-parametric inference, principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering was developed to identify candidate syndromes of soil degradation and desertification risk. While field sites in the same study area showed a substantial similarity, the multivariate relationship among variables diverged among study areas. Data mining techniques proved to be a practical tool to identify spatial determinants of soil degradation and desertification risk. Our findings identify the contrasting spatial patterns for biophysical and socioeconomic variables, in turn associated with different responses to land degradation.  相似文献   

The significance of technical data, as well as the significance of system boundary choices, when modelling the environmental impact from recycling and incineration of waste paper has been studied by a life cycle assessment focusing on global warming potentials. The consequence of choosing a specific set of data for the reprocessing technology, the virgin paper manufacturing technology and the incineration technology, as well as the importance of the recycling rate was studied. Furthermore, the system was expanded to include forestry and to include fossil fuel energy substitution from saved biomass, in order to study the importance of the system boundary choices. For recycling, the choice of virgin paper manufacturing data is most important, but the results show that also the impacts from the reprocessing technologies fluctuate greatly. For the overall results the choice of the technology data is of importance when comparing recycling including virgin paper substitution with incineration including energy substitution. Combining an environmentally high or low performing recycling technology with an environmentally high or low performing incineration technology can give quite different results. The modelling showed that recycling of paper, from a life cycle point of view, is environmentally equal or better than incineration with energy recovery only when the recycling technology is at a high environmental performance level. However, the modelling also showed that expanding the system to include substitution of fossil fuel energy by production of energy from the saved biomass associated with recycling will give a completely different result. In this case recycling is always more beneficial than incineration, thus increased recycling is desirable. Expanding the system to include forestry was shown to have a minor effect on the results. As assessments are often performed with a set choice of data and a set recycling rate, it is questionable how useful the results from this kind of LCA are for a policy maker. The high significance of the system boundary choices stresses the importance of scientific discussion on how to best address system analysis of recycling, for paper and other recyclable materials.  相似文献   

The significance of technical data, as well as the significance of system boundary choices, when modelling the environmental impact from recycling and incineration of waste paper has been studied by a life cycle assessment focusing on global warming potentials. The consequence of choosing a specific set of data for the reprocessing technology, the virgin paper manufacturing technology and the incineration technology, as well as the importance of the recycling rate was studied. Furthermore, the system was expanded to include forestry and to include fossil fuel energy substitution from saved biomass, in order to study the importance of the system boundary choices. For recycling, the choice of virgin paper manufacturing data is most important, but the results show that also the impacts from the reprocessing technologies fluctuate greatly. For the overall results the choice of the technology data is of importance when comparing recycling including virgin paper substitution with incineration including energy substitution. Combining an environmentally high or low performing recycling technology with an environmentally high or low performing incineration technology can give quite different results. The modelling showed that recycling of paper, from a life cycle point of view, is environmentally equal or better than incineration with energy recovery only when the recycling technology is at a high environmental performance level. However, the modelling also showed that expanding the system to include substitution of fossil fuel energy by production of energy from the saved biomass associated with recycling will give a completely different result. In this case recycling is always more beneficial than incineration, thus increased recycling is desirable. Expanding the system to include forestry was shown to have a minor effect on the results. As assessments are often performed with a set choice of data and a set recycling rate, it is questionable how useful the results from this kind of LCA are for a policy maker. The high significance of the system boundary choices stresses the importance of scientific discussion on how to best address system analysis of recycling, for paper and other recyclable materials.  相似文献   

Even after 30 years of strict de jure protection, today's de facto extraction of products from Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP) and their great economic importance to local households suggests that this reality should be explicitly internalised in managing this world heritage park. Several studies have quantified local people's use of protected areas and estimated the value of such areas to them. However, few studies incorporate economic analyses to investigate the effect of management interventions on local communities' resource use and collection behaviour. In Nepal, buffer zones and especially buffer zone community forestry are seen as means to define and demarcate places, where local people may legally extract goods that are either identical to or relevant substitutes for products that are collected in protected areas. The intention is to resolve park-people conflicts over resource use. This article presents the findings of an in-depth study of the importance of natural resources to the livelihoods of 18 households. One village was located inside RCNP with no realistic alternatives to Park resources, while the other is located in the buffer zone with equal distance to the Park, a national forest and their community forest. For each household, the collection of products, allocation of time, and purchase and sale of goods were recorded daily through 12 consecutive months and economic values were calculated on the basis of local market prices and recorded quantities. The study shows that products from RCNP are of great importance to the livelihoods of local people. Furthermore, we find that products collected in the national forest substitute products from the Park, while the substitution effect of the community forest is small. Accordingly, the study illustrates that, irrespective of buffer zone community forestry, there is still a gap between local people's need for supplementing natural resources and their rights to satisfy them on a legal basis, which is likely to be unsustainable in the longer term. This calls for a thorough evaluation of actual park-people relations and how these may be improved through local participation that goes beyond the current form of buffer zone community forestry and the admitted 7-14 annual days of open access grass cutting within the park.  相似文献   

The global concern for the survival of the planet earth draws particular attention to the Third World countries and the impact of degrading forces on sustainable development. A different response to the growing ecological crisis has recently come to the fore. This response comes from women engaged in the struggle for survival. Women in the Third World, because of their situation on the fringes of society and their role producing sustenance, are often able to offer ecological insights that are deeper and richer than the recipes of technocrats and international experts or ideas resulting from enquiries addressed only to the men in communities. In the following the author seeks to demonstrate how women often bear the brunt of suffering resulting from environmental degradation, wars and poverty that plague the Near East region. However, training of women, especially poor women, in environmental management, and the active participation of local women in community and regional decision making holds a clear promise of eventually controlling the vicious circle of poverty and environmental degradation. An intermediate step is the coordination of NGO activities in a common front for environmental protection and income generation for the poor. Further training of the NGO's own staff in the design and implementation of such projects is also required.  相似文献   

Riparian buffer zones are known to reduce diffuse N pollution of streams by removing and modifying N from agricultural runoff. Denitrification, often identified as the key N removal process, is also considered as a major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The risks of high N2O emissions during nitrate mitigation and the environmental controls of emissions have been examined in relatively few riparian zones and the interactions between controls and emissions are still poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess the rates of N2O emission from riparian buffer zones that receive large loads of nitrate, and to evaluate various factors that are purported to control N emissions. Denitrification, nitrification, and N2O emissions were measured seasonally in grassland and forested buffer zones along first-order streams in The Netherlands. Lateral nitrate loading rates were high, up to 470 g N m(-2) yr(-1). Nitrogen process rates were determined using flux chamber measurements and incubation experiments. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to be significantly higher in the forested (20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) compared with the grassland buffer zone (2-4 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), whereas denitrification rates were not significantly different. Higher rates of N2O emissions in the forested buffer zone were associated with higher nitrate concentrations in the ground water. We conclude that N transformation by nitrate-loaded buffer zones results in a significant increase of greenhouse gas emission. Considerable N2O fluxes measured in this study indicate that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change methodologies for quantifying indirect N2O emissions have to distinguish between agricultural uplands and riparian buffer zones in landscapes receiving large N inputs.  相似文献   

Diffuse pollution remains a major threat to surface waters due to eutrophication caused by phosphorus (P) transfer from agricultural land. Vegetated buffer strips (VBSs) are increasingly used to mitigate diffuse P losses from agricultural land, having been shown to reduce particulate P transfer. However, retention of dissolved P (DP) has been lower, and in some cases VBSs have increased delivery to surface waters. The aims of this review were (i) to develop a conceptual model to enhance the understanding of VBS functioning in terms of DP, (ii) to identify key processes within the model that affect DP retention and delivery, and (iii) to explore evidence for the controls on these processes. A greater understanding in these areas will allow the development of management strategies that enhance DP retention. We found evidence of a surface layer in buffer strip soils that is enriched in soluble P compared with adjacent agricultural land and may be responsible for the reported increased DP delivery. Through increased biological activity in VBSs, plants and microorganisms may assimilate P from particulates retained in the VBSs or native soil P and remobilize this P in a more soluble form. These conclusions are based on a limited amount of research, and a better understanding of biogeochemical cycling of P in buffer strip soils is required.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of local economic development (LED) as a job creation and economic growth strategy in South Africa, many LED projects have not proved to be sustainable in the long-run, especially where human systems interact with biological ones. This article examines the relationship between sustainability and LED within the context of the emerging honeybush tea industry in the Eastern Cape. Data were gathered from provincial as well as local government policy documents and reports, and via key informant interviews. The data were analysed using Connelly’s [(2007). Mapping sustainable development as a contested concept. Local Environment, 12 (3), 259–278] three pronged approach to sustainable development as a lens through which to view the local industry. Findings showed that the industry offers many opportunities for development, including job creation in poorer, rural households; sustainable wild harvesting using a permit system; commercial cultivation; potential to develop social capital; potential for community-based LED; and product diversification. However, there are also corresponding challenges: There is currently no reliable data on the maximum sustainable yield, which is needed to guide quota allocations for entrepreneurial harvesters harvesting from wild stocks; possible biodiversity loss; and enforcing the permit scheme is proving difficult in remote rural areas.  相似文献   

The spatial relationships between land uses and river-water quality measured with biological, water chemistry, and habitat indicators were analyzed in the Little Miami River watershed, OH, USA. Data obtained from various federal and state agencies were integrated with Geographic Information System spatial analysis functions. After statistically analyzing the spatial patterns of the water quality in receiving rivers and land uses and other point pollution sources in the watershed, the results showed that the water biotic quality did not degrade significantly below wastewater treatment plants. However, significantly lower water quality was found in areas downstream from high human impact areas where urban land was dominated or near point pollution sources. The study exhibits the importance of integrating water-quality management and land-use planning. Planners and policy-makers at different levels should bring stakeholders together, based on the understanding of land-water relationship in a watershed, to prevent pollution from happening and to plan for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that dissolved-phase metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamide] transported in surface runoff is retained by vegetative filter strips to a greater degree than either metolachlor oxanilic acid 12-[(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl) (2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)amino]-2-oxo-acetic acid] (OA) or metolachlor ethanesulfonic acid [2-[(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl) (2-methoxy-1-methylethyl-1)amino]-2-oxoethanesul-fonic acid] (ESA), two primary metabolites of metolachlor. Adsorption-desorption of ESA and OA in vegetated filter strip soil (VFSS) has not been evaluated, yet these data are required to assess the mobility of these compounds in VFSS. The objective of this experiment was to compare metolachlor, ESA, and OA adsorption and desorption parameters between VFSS and cultivated soil (CS). Adsorption and desorption isotherms were determined using the batch equilibrium procedure. With the exception of a 1.7-fold increase in organic carbon content in the VFSS, the evaluated chemical and physical properties of the soils were similar. Sorption coefficients for metolachlor were 88% higher in VFSS than in CS. In contrast, sorption coefficients for ESA and OA were not different between soils. Relative to metolachlor, sorption coefficients for ESA and OA were at least 79% lower in both soils. Metolachlor desorption coefficients were 59% higher in the VFSS than in the CS. Desorption coefficients for ESA and OA were not different between soils. Relative to metolachlor, desorption coefficients for ESA and OA were at least 66% lower in both soils. These data indicate that the mobility of ESA and OA will be greater than metolachlor in both soils. However, higher organic carbon content in VFSS relative to CS may limit the subsequent transport of metolachlor from the vegetated filter strip.  相似文献   

Several approaches can be used to define and construct visual buffer strips around proposed new facility sites in a forested environment. A visual buffer strip of a given value, defines a region around an object within which the probability of an unblocked view of all or portions of it by an observer are less than the buffer strip probability value. Two primary approaches are used to define visual buffer strips that take into account the size of the vegetative elements and their individual effects on visibility. Several variations and combinations of the approaches are possible. One approach defines a visual buffer strip based on the average probability of a clear view of points along the object by an observer; the other approach is based on the visibility of the feature as a whole. The computation and construction of visual buffer strips based on these two concepts are presented. Comparisons of the two approaches for specific feature shapes are also described.  相似文献   

首先重新归纳了城乡一体化的内涵,然后通过具体分析信息与城乡经济发展、信息与三大市场、信息与城乡生态环境建设、信息与城乡社会、文化融合等来阐述了信息推进城乡一体化进程的作用机理,最后提出6条建议来促进城乡一体化。  相似文献   

Role of buffer strips in management of waterway pollution: A review   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A buffer strip can perform a multitude of functions, and these include channel stability, a filter for sediment and nutrients, water purification (e.g., bacteria and pathogens), a nondisturbance area, and the provision of terrestrial and stream habitat. These functions are reviewed with specific application to Australian conditions, and methods for modeling their performance are outlined. The primary focus is on the use of buffer strips to minimize waterway pollution from diffuse sources since their use is often justified on this basis. Particular attention is given to the conditions under which a buffer strip will act as an effective filter and the conditions under which it will fail. Buffer strips are most effective when the flow is shallow (nonsubmerged), slow, and enters the buffer strip uniformly along its length. Their sediment trapping performance decreases as the sediment particle size decreases. Nutrients are often preferentially attached to fine sediment. As a result, buffer strips are better filters of sediment than of nutrients. Buffer strips should only be considered as a secondary conservation practice after controlling the generation of pollutants at their source and, to be effective, buffer strips should always be carefully designed, installed, and maintained.  相似文献   

首先重新归纳了城乡一体化的内涵,然后通过具体分析信息与城乡经济发展、信息与三大市场、信息与城乡生态环境建设、信息与城乡社会、文化融合等来阐述了信息推进城乡一体化进程的作用机理,最后提出6条建议来促进城乡一体化.  相似文献   

/ Three large rivers in northern Finland, the Kemijoki, Iijoki, and Oulujoki rivers, were dammed for hydropower generation in the 1940s-1960s. Due to differences in environmental conditions, these impoundments require detailed study to produce guidelines for fisheries management.Water quality, hydrology, vegetation, and geomorphology data of 16 impoundments were gathered. Shoreline land-use data were derived from maps, and fish assemblage data were collected by exploratory fishing and from the annual fishery statistics. The relations among environmental variables were studied, and a classification of the impoundments was developed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Consequently, three impoundment groups with different environmental characteristics were formed. Significant differences among impoundment groups were also detected in fish yield. We conclude that the variation in environmental conditions, together with differences in fish communities in the impoundments were important enough to justify the claim that impoundments of different types require different management strategies. KEY WORDS: Impoundments; River regulation; Fish assemblage; Water quality; Aquatic vegetation; Finland  相似文献   

Tom et al. (Environ Syst Decis 1–12, 2015) compared the energy requirements, water footprint, and greenhouse gas emissions of diet regimens recently recommended by the US Department of Agriculture. This editorial comments on a number of challenges related to the use of the results of life-cycle assessment studies to quantify the environmental impacts of dietary shifts.  相似文献   

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