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The fundamental data requirements for the authorization of plant protection products and the inclusion of active ingredients in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC are described in the Annexes II and III of this Directive. Definite instructions with regard to preconditions and for implementation and methodology (guidelines) concerning investigations with terrestrial plants are deficient. In the following, the scientific data requirements are explained for assessing the effects of plant protection products on terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

EU Directive 91/414/EEC describes the authorization procedure for plant protection products. According to annex VI of this directive, the EU member states have to ensure that a plant protection product does not have unacceptable effects on the environment. The data requirements and the function of laboratory and field tests in the assessment procedure are discussed for the terrestrial compartment.  相似文献   

Field screening methods for the analysis of explosives (for which commercial test kits are generally available) are reviewed. These techniques include immunoassays, photometric methods, bio and chemical sensors as well as thin layer chromatography. Basic aspects of these techniques are discussed, their validation is presented and their application to water and soil samples from hazardous ammunition waste is described. An evaluation of field studies with commercial test kits demonstrates that these techniques can be applied successfully for both the exploration of suspected contaminated sites and their sanitation. These methods are used on-site. In general, they allow short analysis times and a high sample throughput, thus leading to a significant reduction of the number of samples to be analysed in the laboratory and the costs.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

The information value of microbiologicalecotoxicological investigations of pesticides in soil increases if reference compounds with known biocidal effects are included. But those reference compounds used until now often are of remarkable environmental and human toxicity and therefore are difficult to handle. Inorganic neutral salts sometimes were discussed as alternatives, but their suitability needs to be tested before.


For laboratory experiments some microbial activities in soil were selected whose effects had been proved in several microbiological-ecotoxicological investigations. They include the mineralization of carbon and nitrogen (+ nitrification) as well as the biomass-related parameters dehydrogenase activity and substrate-induced short-term respiration. Several agricultural soils were used to confirm the results.  相似文献   

Wastes from three different types of waste treatment facilities were examined with bioassays to determine their hazard potential to waters (→Part I). All examined wastes showed toxic effects and have to be classified as hazardous to waters according to section 19g of the German Federal Water Management Act. The toxicity is probably caused by heavy metals in the leachates, especially copper. An evaluation pattern to classify wastes in the German system of Water Hazard Classes is presented. According to this proposal, a classification of the examined wastes into Water Hazard Class 1 seems to be appropriate. This classification does not describe the hazards resulting from the regular disposal on a landfill or from the utilisation of the treated wastes.  相似文献   

Wastes from three different types of waste treatment facilities (slag from a municipal waste incineration plant, slag granules from a pilot plant combining carbonization and incineration, mechanical and biological treated wastes) were examined to determine their hazard potential to different waters sites. The process temperature is seen to be the main difference between the three treatment processes. The wastes were extracted with water according to the German standard DIN 38414 S 4 and additionally at a constant pH value of 4. The leachates were investigated in a battery of aquatic bioassays and characterised physically and chemically. Every leachate revealed in a toxic effect at least in one test. The toxicity of the leachates prepared at a pH of 4 was significantly higher than the toxicity of the leachates prepared by extraction with water without pH adjustment. The leachates of the slag granules showed the lowest toxicity. On the basis of these experimental results, a scheme to derive Water Hazard Classes of wastes, which is presented in part II of this publication, was developed.  相似文献   

The PCB and DDT contamination is described in the immediate vicinity of a transformer house (Odenwald, Germany). Samples were taken inside and outside the house and analyzed. For a toxicological assessment the measured values (according toBallschmiter PCB 77 and PCB 126) are converted into toxic equivalents.  相似文献   

By sending a questionnaire to all companies of the pulp and paper, textile finishing and leather industries in Germany a study ascertained wastewater data concerning the general situation, treatment processes and specific amounts. With these data standard figures used in the EU for the assessment of chemical substances were checked. The volume flows of the industrial sewage treatment were determined for the facilities of all three branches which discharge their wastewater directly to the receiving waters. The 10 percentile score of these facilities amounted to only a quarter of the EU standard figure of 2,000 m3/d. This value is related to a standardised waste water treatment plant within the EU, which treated the wastewater of 200 l/d from 10,000 inhabitants. The analyses of the entire branch in each case yield dilution factors of 20–70% of the EU standard value of 10. Only the full tanning leather companies yielded a dilution factor of 10. The volume flows of the sewage treatment plants of the facilities discharging to the sewer system exceeds 2,000 m3/d in call cases.  相似文献   

The testing procedure for the effects of pesticides on carabid beetles is described and examples are given for important factors, e.g. temperature, type of soil, testing method and physiology of the test animal, which can influence the results of such tests. Risk assessment for pesticides, therefore, has to be carried out by experts. Additionally, a monitoring of effects should be carried out after the registration process in certain cases.  相似文献   

Background and aim Despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s, fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River (Germany). In order to assess 1) possible links between molecular/biochemical responses and ecologically relevant effects, and 2) if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catches in the upper Danube river, sediment samples and fish were collected at different locations and analyzed using a weight-of-evidence (WOE) approach with several lines of evidence. The objective of the presentation is to introduce the conceptual framework and to review results of the ongoing study. As previously addressed by Chapman and Hollert (2006) a variety of lines of evidence can be used in WOE studies. Briefly, 1) a comprehensive battery of acute and mechanism-specific bioassays was used to characterize the ecotoxicological hazard potential. 2) Histopathological investigations and the micronucleus assay with erythrocytes were applied, analyzing in situ parameters. 3) Diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish as well as 4) persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disrupting substances, limnochemical parameters and the concentration of heavy metals were recorded. To identify organic contaminants a spotential causes of sediment toxicity assays, 5) effect directed analysis was applied.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

Details about the ecological function of lake shores as ecotones between land and lakes are not well-known. These ecotones are also heavily exploited and, in part, considerably changed. Whereas anthropogenic nutrient loading is decreasing, structural changes are increasing. Unfortunately, there is a deficit in methods of evaluation and decision processes.

Main Focus

Even the EU-water framework directive was no remedy for this deficit, as lake shores were included only implicitly. In this article several evaluation methods and their conceptual groundwork are presented. However, these methods were not developed for lake shore research. Therefore, criteria are proposed which could fulfill the specific demands of lake shore assessments. The management of lakes shores should consider structural and biological parameters, and be agreeable to local residents.

Results and Conclusions

In addition to conventional biodiversity methods, the ecology of lake shores could also be represented by a functional food net, for example in benthic invertebrates. But even quantification of biodiversity alone creates many problems. A simple biodiversity index cannot meet all the demands placed on a method of evaluation in complex situations, especially when coupled with additional information on structure, practicability, costs, etc. For these reasons, assessments for future management cannot be based on such an index.


A possible approach to include this complexity in assessments is to apply mathematical models and theoretical order concepts.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope and Background

Worldwide energy requirements are constantly increasing. Rising prices and the necessity to secure the future energy supply have led the decision-makers in politics and economy to focus on the more intensive use of their own resources. Before the background of possible climatic effects caused by the use of fossil energies, the use of renewable resources as primary energies, with its narrow C-circulation, have gained in importance, particularly in terms of economic aspects. The production of biogas is of specific interest here. It is a sensible ecological investment and a solid source of income for our agriculture.

Material and Methods

The operator uses a complex biological system in a plant with high investment costs. An economic operation is only possible if the process parameters are optimized and the properties of the substrates and the co-ferments are known. For the important determination of the blogas potential, we present an efficient and robust system, which is easy to handle and low cost, that has been developed by the LHL and LLH at the Eichhof. This procedure enables one to make statements on the implementation dynamics and is also suited to judge the fermentation process depending on the size of particles, as the co-ferments are used in a practice-oriented consistency.


With the described fermentation apparatus you can not only assess the potential development of biogas and methane, but also the process of fermentation. The sum-graphs determined allow one to make conclusions on the implementation dynamics and, thus, on the optimization of the process. The advanced equipment makes it possible to determine the process of fermentation and the gas yield under different retention times and digester loads. The determination of the potential of the biogas and also the evaluation of the continuous fermentation are related to a specific correction factor won from the standard.


A prerequisite for economic process management is the knowledge of the attainable gas yield and the fermentation process of substrates and co-ferments. A precise calibration is the quality basis for the results achieved with this method, as is the case with other fermentation tests as well. For the tests, a highly homogeneous substrate, which guarantees a continuous biological activity in the digesters, ought to be used. The possibility of determining optimum retention times and digester loads with this equipment makes costly tests with a full scale reactor unnecessary.


All tests run demonstrated that the fermentation apparatus originally developed to determine the biogas yield is absolutely suited to also assess the impact of different digester loads and retention times.


The problem of the suitability and the potential of different materials, the optimum reactor performance and the combination of different processes of energy generation from renewable but also conventional resources will increaseingly become the focus of laboratory tests. The following subjects have to be taken into account:
  • - Testing different materials on their suitability
  • - Evaluation security of common and new co-ferments
  • - Guidelines for mixtures to optimize reactor performance
  • - Mixtures of different substrates and co-ferments available to a particular operator (also with the help of simulation models)
  • - Processing changing quantity proportions of plants won from a rotation of crops altered for energy generation
  • - Other parameters like pre-fermentation, particle size and fer mentation supplements.
  • Perspective

    These tests with a high practical relevance are supposed to contribute to a reliable method of producing biogas, in order to optimize the yield of gas production, but also to find a calibration of less costly procedures like those involving Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).  相似文献   


    Goal and Scope

    Blast-furnace sludge is a waste originating from pig-iron production and contains contaminants such as lead, zinc, fluoride and cyanide assumably contaminating the groundwater by leaching.


    We investigated the chemical composition of 27 samples of landfilled blast-furnace sludge in pore waters which were obtained by the centrifugation of fresh material and elution with water according to DIN 38414 part 4 (S 4).


    The pore waters as well as the eluates were neutral to alkaline (pH 7.3 to 10.7) and were dominated by alkali and alkaline-earth metals as well as sulphate and nitrate. The concentrations of all elements and compounds investigated were mostly clearly larger in the pore waters than in the eluates. The average concentrations of environmentally relevant constituents such as lead (0,18 mg?1), zinc (1,5 mg l?1), fluoride (10,6 mg l?1), and total cyanide (1.8 mg l?1) in the pore waters were distinctly larger than the inspection value of the German Federal soil Protection Ordinance for the pathway soil-groundwater. Lead, zinc, and total cyanide concentrations in the pore waters were largely underestimated by the eluates, as these concentrations were 70 to 90% lower in the eluates compared to the pore waters.


    In the case of landfilled blast-furnace sludge, eluates according to DIN 38414 part 4 (S 4) provide low concentrations which are unrealistic to forecast concentrations in the seepage water.  相似文献   

    To include consequences emanating from former military sites on the drinking water supply, a catalog of criteria has been developed which permits the determination and assessment of the hazards in general and their impact on human health in particular. The assessment criteria correspond to the special requirements and standards for drinking water hygiene and protection in Germany. The criterion catalog is a completion module to the usual praxis and existing conceptions, and has proved its practical value in the initial assessment of military sites in the new federal states of Germany. The scheme is a control instrument suitable for obtaining an assessment concerning the extent to which drinking-water resources are and will be affected by former waste disposal and other contaminated sites at the present and in the future.  相似文献   


    Goal, Scope, and Background

    According to European legislation, an environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals for dung beetles is required if the substance is a parasiticide for the treatment of pasture animals. However, the demonstration of the environmental safety of those substances for dung beetles is strongly hampered by the fact that no standardized test system is available so far. Therefore, starting with recommendations from the SETAC advisory group DOTTS (Dung Organism Toxicity Test Standardization), a test system using the widespread temperate dung beetle species Aphodius constans was developed.


    Using experiences gained at the University of Montpellier (e.g. in field studies) and in other terrestrial tests, details of culturing and testing of A. constans were investigated in a project sponsored by the German Environment Protection Agency (UBA). Basically, the survival of young larvae of A. constans exposed to the test substance spiked into formulated (i.e. dried, grounded and re-wetted) or fresh dung is measured over a period of three weeks. Using the model substance dimethoate (an insecticide required as positive control in tests with the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer) the suitability of the new test was checked. Afterwards, the new test method was used to determine the toxicity of four common veterinary pharmaceuticals (ivermectin, dicyclanil, moxidectin, praziquantel) in formulated and fresh dung. Finally, the effects of ivermectin on the dung beetles were determined in a test using fresh dung from treated cattle.

    Results and Conclusions

    For Dmethoate LC50-values were found in a range of 1–3 mg a.s./kg dung (dew.), depending on the dung type. Praziquantel did not show eirecis in the tested concentration range (i.e. up to 1000 mg a.s./kg Dung (DW). The LC50-values of the other three pharmaceuticals were very low (<6 mg a.s./kg dung (DW)). With the exception of Dicyclanil no differences between formulated and fresh dung were identified. In the case of ivermectin the LC50-value were even lower: about 0.5 mg a.s./kg dung (DW). No differences between the results of test in which the substance was spiked into dung and those tests which were performed with dung from treated cattle were found. These results prove the sensitivity as well as the robustness of this test method.

    Recommendations and Perspectives

    Based on the experiences reported here, it is recommended to standardize this test in an international ring test so that it can be incorporated in the risk assessment process for veterinary pharmaceuticals as described in the currently developed international registration guidelines.  相似文献   

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