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中压加氢裂化装置危险和可操作性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中压加氢裂化生产过程存在很大的火灾、爆炸、毒害等危险性的特点,以加氢裂化反应器出口至冷高压分离器进口之间管线为分析节点,对工艺参数流量可能发生的各种偏差进行了危险和可操作性研究,找出了偏差发生的原因及可能导致的后果,提出了相应的控制措施,对提高装置的安全可靠性,预防和减少事故发生具有重要作用。  相似文献   

介绍了危险与运行性分析的基本方法,提出计算机辅助危险与运行性分析的框架。最后给出一个在工程中的应用实例。  相似文献   

危险有害因素辨识、危险等级评定与安全对策措施的提出是安全评价的主要任务,是发现危险源头的重要手段.生产过程危险有害因素的辨识工作是一项系统工程,作为安全评价工作的重中之重,辨识的全面与否和深度直接影响评价结果的好坏和措施的针对性.根据危险有害因素存在的特点,从危险源分析人手,同时考虑工艺条件、操作环境、危险故障状态等因素,提出危险辨识的基本要素和流程,从而使辨识人员避免在危险辨识过程中由于操作不规范而发生遗漏的现象发生.  相似文献   

Objective: Considering the high annual number of fatal driving accidents in Iran, any approach for reducing the number or severity of driving accidents is a positive step toward decreasing accident-related losses. Accidents can often be avoided by a timely reaction of the driver. One of the steps before reacting to a hazard is perception. Some driver characteristics may affect road hazard perception. In this research, it was assumed that various driver characteristics, including demographic characteristics and cognitive characteristics, have an impact on driver perception.

Methods: The driving simulator used in this research provides various scenarios; for example, passing a pedestrian or animal across the road or placing fixed objects in a 2-lane separated rural road for 2 groups of experienced and inexperienced drivers under day and night lighting conditions. The go/no-go test was carried out in order to assess drivers’ attention to driving tasks and inhibitory control. A structural equation model (SEM) was used to estimate the relation between driver characteristics and sensitivity to road hazard perception. A new hazard perception index was proposed based on the time intervals in the hazard vulnerability.

Results: The results show that the most effective variables in the analysis of sensitivity to hazard perception are driving experience (in kilometers) during the last 3 years and road lighting conditions. Moreover, hazard perception sensitivity was improved by better inhibitory control, selective attention, and decision making, more carefulness, the average amount of daily sleep, and marital status.

Conclusion: The results of this research may be useful in educating and advertising programs. It also could enhance sensitivity to perception of hazards such as pedestrians, animals, and fixed obstacles among young and novice drivers.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于事故后果的重大危险源安全规划方法。该方法详细阐述了“最坏”事故情景选择、事故后果阈值确定及后果伤害范围划分的方法,以危险源周边人群作为主要脆弱性目标,通过分析事故后果伤害范围和目标的脆弱性级别确定危险源与周边环境的兼容性。另外,以危险品仓储区为例,利用该方法对仓储区可能发生的事故后果影响范围进行计算,对仓储区选址的可行性进行分析。本文提出的重大危险源安全规划方法可为城市土地使用及危险源的安全规划提供参考。  相似文献   

化学品事故应急响应中危害距离的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了不同国家、机构确定的毒性物质、易燃易爆物质紧急暴露限值和化学品事故中危害距离的确定方法,并以液氯钢瓶泄漏事故说明毒性危害距离的确定,以天然气管线泄漏火灾、爆炸事故说明火灾爆炸事故危害距离的确定。  相似文献   

The medium scale test method currently operated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a means of assessing the fire hazard of flammable solids is described. The technique has been applied to a range of materials and the results, although specific to the apparatus, have proved useful in ranking relative fire performance  相似文献   

A mathematical model for predicting thermal hazard data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A systematic procedure and mathematical model for predicting thermal behavior is proposed. This model has been verified by experimental data. The results show that the model will predict thermal hazard behavior precisely. A procedure for predicting thermal hazard data is also developed. Some examples of predicting real behavior are simulated.  相似文献   

Delphi法职业危害风险评估模型及案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学合理地进行建设项目职业病危害风险分类,基于系统工程及风险评估的基本原理,采用Delphi法分析和确定了影响职业病危害风险程度的因素,通过构建风险评估指标体系,建立了职业病危害影响因子赋值法(OHFA)定量化风险评估模型。根据对作业场所的危害源、本质及附加防护设施水平、人员接触机会、职业病防治管理等因子的综合分析,预测分析了研究对象的职业病危害的风险程度,为职业病危害风险辨识、风险评估、防治管理及防护设施设计等提供参考。并以某石化行业硫磺回收项目为实例进行应用与验证,得出了该项目的总体职业病危害风险度值为12,风险等级为Ⅰ级,各职业病危害因素的风险度由高到底排序为硫化氢、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、硫磺、高温,其风险分类的关键决定因素为硫化氢。实践表明该方法与专家评估结果及工程实际吻合较好,应用于职业病危害风险评估中可给出定量化的风险分类结果。  相似文献   

浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)运行过程中易导致火灾爆炸等事故的发生,为有效评估FSRU作业过程火灾爆炸危险性,采用火灾爆炸危险指数评估法,对运用FSRU的某浮式LNG接收终端进行危险性评估;选取LNG运输船与FSRU装料作业等9个单元,研究确定了一般工艺危险性系数、特殊工艺危险性系数、安全措施补偿系数等参数,得出了补偿前后的火灾爆炸危险性指数,有效评估了FSRU作业过程火灾爆炸危险性,并基于研究结果提出了保障FSRU作业安全的对策措施与建议。研究结果表明,安全措施补偿前,缘于LNG/NG本身的火灾危险性和数量较大,能量高度集中,LNG运输船与FSRU装料作业等单元的火灾爆炸危险等级均达到了“非常大”;在采取了一系列的安全措施补偿后,火灾爆炸危险指数降低了3/5左右。这对系统深入地研究FSRU作业安全具有较重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

经统计职业危害因素申报系统、职业病网络直报系统等相关数据,发现四川省职业危害涉及面广,接触危害因素人数众多,职业健康投入不足,职业病发病人数多并主要为尘肺病。省安全监管局在职业健康监管方面开展了多项切实有效的工作,然而在职业病防治中仍存在诸多现实问题。针对这一情况,提出了强化职业健康防治意识,增强工作自觉性和主动性;完善法律法规体系,形成良好法治环境;完善制度、机制,落实企业主体责任;突出重点,深入开展职业危害治理等提高职业病危害防治效果。  相似文献   

Complex systems often experience a long period of incubation before accidents occur. Therefore, a proactive risk assessment is essential for process safety. The conventional job hazard analysis (JHA) method has been an effective tool to conduct a process risk assessment in the high-risk industrial field. However, the conventional JHA is inadequate for the proactive risk assessment since it is usually conducted during and before one specific operation process. Operations such as startup and maintenance are performed repeatedly on the lifecycle of a plant. Therefore, the risk reduction measures for the industrial process should include not only preventive actions obtained from the conventional JHA but also recovery ones. Resilience engineering (RE) has proven to be helpful for the recovery analysis of a complex system. The objective of this paper is to propose a proactive and comprehensive process risk assessment approach based on JHA and RE. The mechanism of applying RE to address operation process risk is illustrated. The integrated approach can provide guidelines to establish proactive risk reduction measures as well as maintain a low-risk level. Finally, a gas transmission startup process risk assessment case is presented to demonstrate its applicability.  相似文献   

支线机场安全动态预警技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提升支线机场安全管理能力是中国支线机场未来发展面临的一个重大问题,为提高我国支线机场安全管理水平,本文基于系统动态的风险管理思想,针对支线机场安全风险发生随机、动态和系统的特点,结合支线机场安全管理实践,构建了支线机场三维风险识别图,以时间维为主线,空间维为基础,逻辑维为依据,多层次地识别支线机场面临的风险,以提高支线机场风险识别结果的客观性和全面性;将风险概率、风险损失、风险可预测性、风险可控制性纳入了支线机场安全风险分析过程,构建了支线机场安全多维风险评价函数,从而能更系统、全面地对支线机场面临的各种风险因素进行评价;通过上述支线机场风险管理技术的应用,可提高对支线机场安全风险的辨别、分析和控制能力,达到对支线机场安全风险进行实时、动态监控的预警目标,进而减少支线机场安全风险的潜在损失。  相似文献   

为了研究资源整合后矿区水害探测及防治技术,从山西省矿区设置问题入手,借鉴国内外同类研究进展情况,提出了本文研究对象—一个具有相对独立补给、径流、排泄条件的水文地质单元内所有矿区,提出了六项需要解决的关键技术问题即:引进煤层底板突水预测预报的新方法 -"脆弱性指数法";建立底板突水评价的脆弱性指数模型;煤层顶板突水灾害预测预报的新方法—三图双预测法;采掘前方断层小构造预测预报技术方法;矿井涌(突)水水源快速判别及预测预报;整合后矿区采空区探测问题,并针对以上问题论证了其可行性,提出新的研究思路和新的技术方法。  相似文献   

Process hazard analysis (PHA) studies (e.g. HAZOP) identify hazard scenarios and each scenario is examined individually to decide whether risk reduction measures are needed. However, much more can be done to benefit from the contents of studies.PHA studies contain so much data that a manual review is precluded from yielding insights into their results. Fortunately, valuable information can be extracted using metrics and analytics that consider all the contents of a PHA study. The management of safety, operability, reliability, utilization, and loss prevention can all be improved.Metrics evaluate the contents of PHA studies to provide insights into the safety of processes and the quality of studies. Measures of process safety and study quality can be compared with norms to identify possible departures that may need to be addressed.Rather than focusing decision making on the risks of individual hazard scenarios, as is common practice, analytics enable a deeper analysis of the entire set of scenarios for a process. This enables better decisions to be made on where and how risk reduction resources should be allocated. Analytics can also be used to prioritize maintenance, training, and other activities.Various analytics and metrics for PHA studies are described together with examples that illustrate their use.  相似文献   

企业职业危害综合评价和风险分级系统及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
我国企业职业危害形势依然十分严峻,2007年共诊断各类职业病14296例,较2006年增加了24.11%。由于国家在一段时期内不太可能大幅度增加监管人员数量,因此,实施企业职业危害分级监管成为职业危害监管工作的一个紧迫需求。本文从提高企业监管信息化水平角度出发,开发企业职业危害综合评价和风险分级系统。系统即可为政府实施职业危害分级监管提供强有力的技术支撑,也可应用在企业的作业场所职业危害管理工作中,从而提高政府和企业职业危害管理工作技术水平和效率。  相似文献   

输油气站危害控制技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
风险分析和控制是HSE体系的核心内容,针对油气管道企业的实际生产运营特点,阐述了风险管理的基本思路,就目前国内外常用危害因素的识别评判方法进行了归纳分析,给出了适合输油气站队的风险控制的管理方法和措施,为生产基层单位HSE体系深入推广提供了参考.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years of HAZOPs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The HAZOP or hazard and operability study was developed by ICI over 25 years ago and is in wide use today throughout the world. The technique is intended to review, in a formalized manner, the design of a system such as a chemical process production plant to detect potential problems in the operation of the system. The system has been extended for use on all types of production, storage and distribution units. Experience in the use of hazard studies has lead to the development of a phased approach with three distinct design phases.  相似文献   

粮食烘干过程的噪声危害必须引起人们的重视,通过对噪声产生的根源及给作业人员健康带来的损害进行分析,结合生产实际,提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

随着民航事业的迅速发展和空中交通流量的不断增长.为有效地避免空管不安全事件的发生,辨识出空管运行中潜在危险源至关重要.目前空管单位缺乏对危险源的有效分类,对危险源的触发机制要素界定不够清晰.利用危险三角形对危险进行描述,并用M-SHEL模型对空管运行中首类危险源——管制"错误、遗忘、疏漏"的触发机制进行分类辨识与分析.构建了管制"错误、遗忘、疏漏"危险源辨识指标体系,一级指标5个,二级指标20个;运用灰色关联分析法计算出各类触发机制之间的关联系数和关联度.结果表明,人的因素是导致管制"错误、遗忘、疏漏"发生的最主要因素,而其中最主要的触发机制要素是个人能力问题.  相似文献   

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