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危险品道路运输风险评价与优化选线的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
危险品道路运输的风险评价与优化选线是对其进行安全管理与科学化决策的基础和重要依据,也是减少危险品运输事故概率与降低运输沿线影响人员风险的重要措施.通过对国内外危险品道路运输风险评价与优化选线研究以及相关技术与软件的发展状况进行详细评述,总结了常用的风险评价模型、选线标准以及优化选线方法,并给出了一些国家的个人风险和单位运输距离(通常为1 km)社会风险的可接受标准.最后,对我国的危险品道路运输安全管理提出了对策与建议.  相似文献   

基于风险分析的危险品道路运输多目标Pareto最优选线   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于危险品道路运输风险分析辨识最优的运输路径,以道路运输事故率、影响人数、影响人员风险、环境风险、运输距离和运输时间6个指标,确定具体起点-终点之间危险品运输的有效路径。采用带目标权重系数的Pareto-最优路线算法寻找多个满足要求的有效解,近似评估Pareto前沿,以比例法标准化选线指标,转化为无量纲的目标评价函数值,合理优化多个选线标准选择可行的最小运输风险路线。带权重系数Pareto-优化选线可有效降低运输路线的影响人员风险,平衡选线目标之间冲突的,为政府监管部门和危险品运输企业提供优化选线决策技术。  相似文献   

危险品道路安全运输路径优化方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
危险品道路运输量逐年增加,对人类安全健康的危害的风险正在扩大和加深,一旦发生事故,其后果极为严重。笔者从人-机-环境角度分析了危险品道路运输系统的组成要素,基于对运输网、运输风险源、后果影响区域3个层次辨识,分析运输过程中的风险影响因素,提出危险品道路运输路径优化选择的一般方法;并给出危险品道路运输线风险源的可接受个人风险和社会风险标准;探讨了危险品运输约束最优化选线模型。路径优化选择可减少运输沿线影响人员风险和事故概率,优化影响人员风险与运输效率冲突问题,为政府监管部门与危险品运输企业提供了安全管理的基本决策依据。  相似文献   

为控制危险品运输对环境和居民造成的影响,基于不同运输决策者的路径选择要求,建立有关静态单点多目标约束条件下危险品道路运输路径优化的多个模型。分析危险品事故率影响范围、人口暴露、环境破坏和综合后果风险,并以距离、成本及风险最小化为目标,设计运输路径优化算法,运用灰色关联分析法(GRA)选出与"绝对最优路线"关联度最大的次优路线;最后以国内某公司的苯乙烯运输为例,验证模型和算法。结果表明,模型和算法适于求解危险品运输路径的优化问题,能得到运输时间较短、成本较低、对人和环境危害较小的最优路径。  相似文献   

危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
危险品道路运输是一个复杂的系统,风险管理涉及危险品运输规划和事故应急响应。本文介绍了现有的危险品运输风险管理模式和基本管理原则,基于运输风险评估、运输路径优化、应急单位优化选址和选线、人员疏散管理以及事件决策管理等构建了危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系,阐述了系统基本要素之间的相互关系。危险品道路运输过程风险管理是一个持续改进的结构化过程风险管理体系,有助于减少危险品运输事故概率和降低运输沿线影响人员风险,为政府监管部门和危险品生产经营单位的运输安全管理、优化选线以及应急救援等工作提供技术依据,合理规划危险品运输系统。  相似文献   

危险品道路运输风险分级指数法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
危险品道路运输过程风险影响因素多,随机性和不确定性大,定量风险评价比较复杂,至今没有统一的风险评估模型.为了有效预防危险品运输事故和进行快速风险评估,基于运输危险品本身特性和相关的风险影响因素探讨了运输危险品现实风险分级指数法.该方法由危险品风险分级指数、路线影响因素和安全措施补偿因子3部分构成.危险品风险分级指数由危险品加权平均风险等级和运输危险品量、泄漏点与居民区距离以及危险品扩散因子等级确定.危险品加权平均风险等级涉及其健康危害性、可燃性、化学反应活性以及特殊危险性(氧化性和与水反应性)等级的确定.路线影响因素包含运输道路特征、气象条件、交通状况和影响人员分布4类.安全措施补偿因子为车辆、设备、容器、包装因子,人员素质因子和安全管理因子3类.该方法可对运输危险品的潜在风险进行快速分级,有利于采取有效的安全预防和控制措施,降低运输事故概率和沿线影响人员风险.  相似文献   

区域危险品道路运输网络双层反馈规划模型及算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为通过运输网络规划方式降低区域路网危险品运输风险,根据危险品道路运输网络规划中存在监管者路网规划和运输者路线选择的双层约束特征,在假设监管者网络规划目的为总运输风险最小,运输者选线目的为总运输成本最小的基础上,建立区域危险品道路运输网络双层规划模型。进一步提出能求解得到稳定运输网络的双层反馈式算法,即在传统模型算法中增加稳定性检验和反馈调整算法,进而保证运输者在监管者规划路网中所选路线运输成本最小的同时运输风险也尽可能小。最后,通过实例分析检验模型和算法的有效性。计算结果显示,反馈式算法求得的运输网络更稳定,总运输风险值也比传统模式和算法的低。  相似文献   

危险品道路运输路线优化研究及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合考虑运输路线风险和运输成本,提出了危险品道路运输路线优化指标体系,使用Topsis法计算道路的评价值.把危险品运输路网抽象成无向加权图,将每条道路的评价值作为图中相应边的属性.采用矩阵算法,使用VC 开发危险品道路运输路线优化程序.优化实例计算表明,风险评价指标体系合理,适用于工程应用.  相似文献   

为明确危险品道路运输事故的特点及其成因,收集1 721起危险品公路运输事故的详细资料,对数据进行清洗,在剔除无效、丢失的事故记录后,提取出6个直接风险因素及其包含的18个子因素,并将每个风险因素变量的属性值编码。利用基于Apriori算法的关联规则挖掘技术,量化风险因素之间的相关程度。经过归纳分析,找出35条有价值的关联规则,从中探究不同风险因素组合对危险品运输事故的影响特征。结果表明:24%的危险品运输事故发生在运载有24~39 t易燃液体的危险品货车上,13%的危险品运输事故涉及腐蚀性物质且事故后果为泄漏。对于事故类型,34%的危险品运输事故的事故类型为单辆危险品货车的翻车事故,且道路等级越低,翻车事故发生的可能性越大。在低等级公路的危险品运输事故中,有38%发生在夜晚,原因主要是低等级道路平纵线形复杂,交通安全设施不完善,驾驶员的反应能力和视线等条件均受到制约。  相似文献   

为合理选择公路运输危险品路线,保障运输安全,将用于求解静态路径规划问题的Diikstra标号法进行推广和改进,提出指标累积值标号法,运用该方法并依据危险品罐车运输事故统计数据,建立了时变条件下以路段泄漏事故率、路侧人口密度及路段运输费用为指标的危险品罐车公路运输路线选择模型.并给出待选路线对比原则.实例应用表明,该模型充分考虑了事故概率、事故后果及运输成本3大危险品运输路线选择影响因素,使用方便且受主观因素影响小,具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

Risk-based hazmat transportation route evaluation involves risk calculations taking into consideration the probability of collision related accident occurrence and detailed consequence analysis of various event scenarios. Probabilistic hazmat transportation risk assessment mainly depends on three important factors i.e. accident rate, Average Daily Traffic and population density besides route length which has a definite bearing on it. An effort has been made to estimate the route segment specific (location-specific) accident rate instead of aggregate National or State average values in order to bring specificity into the issue of decision making to avoid routes with higher accident rates. Instead of using default accident rate for different highway types developed with the US data, which are not well-comparable when used in Indian situations; the author used site-specific truck accident data. Subsequently, Loss of Containment (LOC) probabilities and spillage probabilities for different route segments have been computed and compared. Finally, route segment-wise total risk is estimated which is a convenient measure of the average number of persons likely to be exposed from all the possible consequence event scenarios resulting from releases of different hazmats being transported along the studied routes. The present study highlights the route evaluation carried out based on total risk computation, without going through detailed event based consequence analysis on two State Highway routes and one major urban road passing through important industrial corridors of Surat District in western India, to enable routing decisions by local authorities and also for planning emergency mitigation purposes.  相似文献   

级联失效特性下的危险品运输路径选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于复杂网络的级联失效特性,构建危险品运输网络的级联失效模型,提出用路段重要度来度量某条路段上发生危险品事故后引起网络其他路段失效的规模。以路径风险最小化和路径总重要度最小化为目标,建立危险品运输路径的多目标决策模型,并利用标号法进行求解。算例结果表明,危险品运输网络确实存在级联失效现象。选择危险品运输路径时,应尽量避开重要度高的路段,以降低危险品事故对普通道路网络的不良交通影响。  相似文献   

IntroductionIn this paper, a literature study on risk analysis systems for the transport of hazardous materials was conducted.ResultsThe insights that resulted from this literature review have led to the development of a refined approach to map the risk of hazmat transport in Flanders based on historical accident data. The proposed framework allows setting up an overall risk map for hazmat transport by different transport modes. Additionally, a methodology to calculate a local accident risk, which takes local infrastructure parameters and accident data into account, is being introduced. In the presented framework one of the general principles is that the risk of a catastrophic hazmat incident can be divided into two parts, which can both be validated on the basis of accident data: (a) the calculation of the general probability of the occurrence of an accident based on international accident data of transport of hazardous materials – this is the basis for the global risk map, and (b) the calculation of the local probability of the occurrence of an accident based on accident data and infrastructure parameters of the complete available freight transport in Flanders – this is the basis for the local risk map. The ratio between these two results in a locality parameter, which represents the local specific circumstances that can lead to an accident.ConclusionsThis evaluation framework makes it possible to estimate the risks of hazmat transport along a specific route for transport by road, rail, inland navigation and even pipelines.  相似文献   

Introduction: Cargo Tank Trucks (CTTs) are a primary surface transportation carrier of hazardous materials (hazmat) in the United States and CTT rollover crashes are the leading cause of injuries and fatalities from hazmat transportation incidents. CTTs are susceptible to rollover crashes because of their size, distribution of weight, a higher center of gravity, and the surging and sloshing of liquid cargo during transportation. This study identified and quantified the effects of various factors on the probability of rollover and release of hazmat in traffic crashes where a CTT was involved. Method: Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)-based logistic regression models were estimated with rollover and hazmat release as the binary response variables, and crash, truck, roadway, environment, and driver characteristics as the explanatory variables. 2010–2016 police-reported CTT-involved crash data from Nebraska and Kansas was utilized. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves confirmed appropriateness of the modeling approach for inference and prediction on the crash dataset. Results: CTTs are more likely to rollover in crashes while turning and changing lanes relative to going straight; side impacts (side collisions) and severe crosswinds increased the likelihood of rollovers; tractor and semi-trailer body style decreased the probability of rollover, while truck tractors are more prone to rollovers; collisions with fixed objects and higher posted speeds increased the rollover probability; rollovers and intersection crash locations increased the likelihood of hazmat release. Conclusions: The findings can assist stakeholders (policy-makers, private shippers, and CTT drivers) in restricting CTTs’ operations for safety; scheduling, routing, and fleet planning; and low-level decision-making (e.g., emergency stopping or local routing). Practical Applications: This study identified and quantified the effects of different factors on the conditional probability of rollover and release of hazmat in CTT-involved crashes. The findings may assist stakeholders in decision-making towards safe operations of CTTs for transportation of hazmat.  相似文献   

In the case of determining routes and locations for constructing distribution centers on hazardous materials (Hazmat) transportation, risk and cost are considered as the main attributes for developing mathematical models. Since, Hazmat transport risk may be defined as a chaotic factor, using dynamic risk changes the selected routes and optimized locations for constructing distribution centers.In the present paper, an iterative procedure has been proposed to determine the best routes and optimized locations of distribution centers for transporting hazardous materials based on the concept of chaos theory in which hazmat transport risk is defined as a dynamic variable. A mathematical model has been developed for solving Hazmat routing and locating problems, simultaneously. Daily transport risk, defined as a chaotic variable, is iteratively updated using one-dimensional logistic map equation over the time period (year). An experimental road network, consists of eighty nine nodes and one hundred and three two-way edges, has been selected for analytical process and model validation. Results revealed that although different amounts of risk and cost priorities change optimized locations of distribution centers and their associated supplies, but the most frequent set of optimized centers remains independent. Therefore, the proposed procedure is capable to determine the best routes and optimized locations for distributing hazardous materials. While risk is iteratively updated over a specific time period, results show that the main property of chaos theory known as dependency upon initial condition would not be a serious concern for decision makers who are dealing with Hazmat management.  相似文献   

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