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IntroductionLandscapeboundaries,ortransitionalzones ecotonesamongdifferentlandscapes,haveoftenbeenignoredorreducedtolinesonamapwhenecologistsstudied .Howeverlandscapeboundariesareinherentfeaturesoflandscapesandplayimportantrolesinecosystemsdynamics.Fora…  相似文献   

Boundaries between different forest types in Changbai Mountain Eatern China are results from complex interactions between forest ecosystems,topogrphy,and geomorphology.Detecting and quantifying the transitional zones are highly important since high environmental beterogeneity and biodiversity are ofter found within these zpmes.In this study,we used GIS and multivariate statistics techniques(PCA and MSWA) to analyze data from Landsat TM satellite imageries and quantitatively determined the positions and widths of the landscape boundary betweeen mountain birch and evergreen coniferous forests in the northern slope of Changbai Mountain.The results showed that the widths of the landscape boundary ranges from 30-50 m while using the MWW A or/and PC method.Such detected widths are consistent with field transect data that suggest a 50m tranistional zone width.The results further suggest that TM data can be used in combination with GIS and statistical techniques in determining forest landscape boundaries.MSWA is more reliable than PCA,while PCA can also be used to determine the landscape boundary when transects are properly located.  相似文献   

植物N/P与土壤pH值对湿地植物物种丰富度的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过人工控制模拟试验,研究了植物中全氮与全磷之比(植物N/P)和土壤pH值与湿地植物物种丰富度的关系.结果表明,湿地物种丰富度与植物N/P之间呈单峰变化关系,当2.09.5时,氮、磷供应平衡系统可能被破坏,湿地物种逐渐减少.物种丰富度与土壤pH值表现为显著的正相关关系(R2=0.526),当pH值为5.6~6.8时,物种丰富度随着土壤pH值增加而增加.通过方差分析,土壤pH值和植物N/P对物种丰富度的影响分别为37.96%和15.29%.  相似文献   

长白山毛赤杨和白桦/沼泽交错带植物多样性分布格局   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用样带网格调查方法和香农-威纳多样性指数分析方法,研究长白山毛赤杨、白桦/沼泽交错带和干扰白桦/沼泽交错带植物多样性水平分布和垂直分布格局。结果表明:①毛赤杨、白桦/沼泽交错群落植物多样性随着交错区环境梯度变化呈现出凸型水平分布格局,其植物多样性指数为相应地段森林群落的1.5倍,沼泽群落的2~3倍。干扰白桦/沼泽交错群落植物多样性随着交错区环境梯度变化呈现出凹型水平分布格局,其植物多样性指数仅相当于相应地段沼泽群落或森林群落的80%左右,仅为毛赤杨、白桦/沼泽交错群落的70%;②毛赤杨、白桦/沼泽交错群落植物多样性呈现“金字塔型”垂直分布格局,其垂直分布格局是草本层(5):灌木层(3):乔木层(1)。而干扰白桦/沼泽交错群落植物多样性垂直分布格局为草本层(5):灌木层(0.4):乔木层(1),并未呈现典型“金字塔型”分布。因此,人为经营活动不仅降低了森林/沼泽交错带植物多样性水平,也改变了其分布格局。  相似文献   

峨眉山冷杉衰亡与土壤铝活化的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱晓帆  卢红  金燕 《环境科学》1997,18(4):25-28
通过模拟酸雨对峨眉山土壤中活性铝的溶出试验,考察了铝离子溶出量及Ca/Al比值,并研究其与冷杉生长的关系,研究结果表明,峨眉山土壤中铝离子活化严重,Ca/Al比值远远小于1,铝中毒是峨眉山酸沉降危害冷杉的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

希夏邦马峰北坡地区夏末降水化学特征探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1 997年 8— 9月野外工作期间 ,在希夏邦马峰北坡达索普冰川高海拔区 ( 2 8°33′N ,85°44′E)采集到一批大气降水样品 .样品化学分析结果表明 ,达索普冰川高海拔区夏末降水化学成分中NO3- 浓度最高 ,Mg2 浓度最低 .海盐离子浓度在海洋性气团降水中高于局地大陆性气团降水 .同全球其它偏远地区比较 ,本区夏末降水的主要离子浓度较低 ,与南极和格陵兰冰盖内陆地区雪冰相当 ,表明希夏邦马峰北坡地区夏末大气环境相当“洁净” ,可代表全球偏远地区大气降水的本底状况 .达索普冰川区夏末降水的 pH值 (平均值为 6.0 )和主要离子浓度表明 ,本区夏末大气降水受人类排放污染物的影响很小 ,同时降水的电导率较低而且变化较小 .  相似文献   

Tree species and temperature change arising from seasonal variation or global warming are two important factors influencing N2O and NO emissions from forest soils. However, few studies have examined the effects of temperatures(5–35℃) on the emissions of forest soil N2O and NO in typical subtropical region. A short-term laboratory experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of temperature changes(5–35℃) on soil N2O and NO emissions under aerobic conditions in two contrasting(broad-leaved and coniferous) subtropical acidic forest types in China. The results showed that the temporal pattern of N2O and NO emissions between the three lower temperatures(5℃, 15℃, and 25℃) and 35℃ was significantly different for both broad-leaved and coniferous forest soils. The effects of temperature on soil N2O and NO emission rates varied between broad-leaved and coniferous forest soils. Both N2O and NO emissions increased exponentially with an increase in temperature in the broad-leaved forest soil. However, N2O and NO emissions in the coniferous forest soil were not sensitive to temperature change between 5℃ and 25℃. N2O and NO emission rates were significantly higher in the broad-leaved forest soil as compared with the coniferous forest soil at all incubation temperatures except 5℃. These results suggest that the broad-leaved forest could contribute more N2O and NO emissions than the coniferous forest for most of the year in the subtropical region of China.  相似文献   

本文对大青山高土地带阴坡三种不同水土保持林与农地,撩荒地比较,将枯落物持水性、土壤含水量及土壤性质、分散度、导水率进行了分析,阐明了大青山中高山地带阴坡三种不同林分有极强的哟水性、可拦蓄大量的径流;林地土壤含水量高、结构良好、渗透降水能力强,土本难以破坏。可有交地防治山地水土流失的发生。  相似文献   

长白山自然保护区森林生态系统间接经济价值评估   总被引:165,自引:1,他引:165  
使用市场价值法、影子工程法、机会成本法和替代花费法等对长白山自然保护区森林牛态系统的功能价值进行了经济评估评价结果表明,保护区总的生态功能价值为176465.94万元,其中活立木生产量价值10777.43万元,涵养水源价值69741.2万元,保护土壤减少侵蚀的价值2307.02万元,固碳以减缓温室效应的价值87716.6万元,林分持留N、P、K分价值4338.88万元,降解SO2和防治病虫害价值1584.73万元  相似文献   

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